RIP Baldur's Gate 3

The lead writer of #baldursgate3 is ex #rockpapershotgun, he joined
only last year, take that how you will. RIP
Pink haired trans-attack helicopter him/her/xers scolding your about white fragility shoved down your throats, yay

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i hope not, but only time will tell.

The lead writer of "Straight males must be aborted, and here's why that's a good thing." is heading up your favorite game, I'm sure it's going to end up fantastic.

Larian writing can't get any worse, so whatever.

This, the fact that Larian is touching BG means that it's going to be shit.

>complaining about moddable PC games

We fix everything anyway. Who the fuck even plays RPGs vanilla?

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For how much you guys talk about having a thick skin, you sure get your panties in a bunch over the smallest things.

Yeah, it's called white fragility, it's pathetic.


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Jesus, you're such a fucking snowflake, nothing happened and you're already crying like a little bitch

I judge someone's ability by what they create, not what color their hair is or what their pronouns are. You smooth-brained fucking troglodyte.

>lead writer of #baldursgate3 is ex #rockpapershotgun, he joined
>only last year
I mean, Larian's BG3 is likely to suck massive cock even without this development, but please, pass the source user
If you need unofficial mods to make a game good, then you shouldn't have paid for the game in the first place. Nice copepost.
Also, good luck fixing the official, original story.

We just want games to be left alone is all.

lmao, this.

then leave
you're the problem

pc niggers always say this bug Im yet to see a single worthwhile mod for any kind of game. Excluding graphic overhauls obviously

So BG3 will be a turn based low-mid fantasy adventure with Dark Souls 3 level forced references written by sjw's? Can't wait!

>The lead writer of #baldursgate3 is ex #rockpapershotgun, he joined
Which ex Rockpaper Shotgun? Because the guy who wrote Butchering of Pathologic for RPS was genuinelly one of the best reviewers in the industry. Rock Paper Shotgun did not used to be awful, it was pretty damn good, until it started bleeding talent like crazy.

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The raid never ends


This. It was alredy going to be shit might as well throw it to the dykes.

I don't care if someone I don't like/agree with is the creator of my entertainment, however I have zero faith in the good taste of people like this to stop themselves from personalizing the game with their favourite radical progressive agenda.

Larian's senior writer is Adam Smith, formerly of Rock Paper Shotgun

What's the problem? If it's a D&D game worth its salt, it will let you kill any and all NPCs you find annoying.

You people are so guillible

wrpgs have always been about woke western politics. what else is new? jrpgs will always be better.

Really, nigger?

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This guy.

We're here to stay, if you have a problem with that make a thread about it on our place.

lol j/k we know you're only here because you're banned :)

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>wrpgs have always been about woke western politics. what else is new? jrpgs will always be better.

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>"The very obvious one would be that you tend to miss a lot when you roll the dice, which is fine when you’re playing on the tabletop, but it’s not so cool when you’re playing a video game,”

>Dungeons and Dragons’ leveling system is too slow for Baldur’s Gate 3

>"have talked about how spell slots might not be the most intuitive thing. One of the things with Dungeons and Dragons, which I think is very important, is the method by which we do things is not as important for tabletop players as the actual effect on the table.”"

>There are some things on the chopping block, however. It's an interpretation of D&D, specifically 5th Edition, because porting the core rules, which Larian tried to do, doesn't work. Or it works, Vincke clarifies, but it's no fun at all. One of the culprits is missing when you're trying to hit an enemy, and while the combat system has yet to be revealed, you can at least look forward to being able to smack people more consistently.

>"You miss a lot in D&D—if the dice are bad, you miss," he says. "That doesn't work well in a videogame. If I do that, you're going to review it and say it's shit. Our approach has been implementing it as pure as we can, and then just seeing what works and what doesn't. Stuff that doesn't work, we start adapting until it does."

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>missing an attack doesn't work in a videogame
What the fuck

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oh no no no no

All RNG mechanics are fucking garbage. His judgement is misplaced, but he is right.

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Oh boy, here comes retard swinging Skyrim players.

>Miss 3 hits in a row
>Enemy gets two crits
>Reload until you get a more even RNG
It's a shit mechanic for videogames. Even for tabletop can get ridiculous but it's a different context.

>It's real
>For example, the trailer demonstrates ceremorphosis, the process in which a parasite converts a host into a Mind Flayer. This transformation exists in the lore already, but has never been described. For Baldur’s Gate 3, Larian’s senior writer Adam Smith has been able to write, in horrifying detail, what happens during each day of the process.
Yet another RPG filled with SJWs writing it. Good shit, west.

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Great, this means I can now defend Deadfire (Long May It Reign) without Larianiggers bitching about SJWs. You no longer have any room to talk hahahaha.

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And here I thought Larian could sink no deeper, but then they made some vidya journo their head writer.
The fact that they don't have proven writers, just periodical rotations of SJWs shows they don't know what they're doing. Remember, even in gameplay, while they fixed/improved on some things, they screwed up some other.

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Around what year did Larian start fucking up the Divinity games? It wasn't like this at the start, was it?

The first game was a Diablo clone lol.

You say that like its a bad thing

The moment I met this guy I went from disliking their game to just flat out hate the company.

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Baldur's Gate is story driven. Perhaps not BG1 to the same extent but most certainly BG2 and ToB. If the writing is shit then the game will be shit because "modding" in this context would mean making an entirely new game.
That being said, I'll wait until it comes out before worrying.

I mean, God bless Pathfinder: Kingmaker, but user..



>can't show gameplay to avoid showing a skyrim clone

kingmaker is a broken piece of shit
whatever you were fighting probably had double AC it was supposed to

How the fuck would a CRPG be a Skyrim clone, Pedro?


war of attrition, motherfucker
that or hit the enemy with whatever he's susceptible to or soften up his defences.
then again, some mobs had properties they were not supposed to have, like wild cunts blinding you with lasers on every hit, no matter your fort save

As fucking expected.

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Game is dead, they're fucking with the system into an unrecognizable mess.

You are a low IQ retarded sub-human

Hitting and missing creates emotional highs and lows to the player, which both enhances the experiences.

Since the game isn't a fucking multiplayer esports title, rng is acceptable game design. Hit/miss should be in the game, less we create FUCKING PILLARS OF ETERNITY (SAD!)

>One of the major complaints about SoD, outside the bugs, was painfully obvious virtue signalling
>hire someone like this
Is it too early to ask WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!

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They don't think at all.
Both their functioning brain cells went into overload when they thought up hiring Larian instead of literally who Beamdog because zoomers dig D:OS2.

Reminder not to use repacks.

>instead of beamdog
Are you high?
Clearly hiring either of them would be flat out retarded. Nobody with braincells inside their skull would consider Beamdog after the PR disaster of SoD

Have we finally done it? Have we won?
Have we reached a point where SJW staff are considered bad publicity?

No. People who enjoy "SJW" content will never label it as such so it's only bad publicity for the target the product is not aimed at.

they wouldn't mention it because you'd get fired and blacklisted from the industry in a heartbeat, shit is so fucked.

Whatever, gamer.

The wasp in the jam is that people who enjoy SJW content tend to rarely vote with their wallets.
Walking simulators do well with that crowd, but everything else has to targeted at someone else and later co-opted, because otherwise they largely won't buy it.

stay cucked, thaco

It seems that they've managed to keep themselves afloat this long despite that.

>you live in a world where people aren't killed for ruining a series

>Clearly hiring either of them would be flat out retarded
That's the point.
The best idea these geniuses could come up with is to dig up a series with satisfactory closure, have literally who studio work on existing games with enhanced edition, after some years of Beamdog making concepts for BG3 they thought that studio which made that recently popular game would be good for making BG3, WotC must've been like "dude, kids talk a lot about that Divinity Sin 2 game, they're going to sell loads of that Baldur 3 video game we were going to have released".
When in reality both studios are equally unfit for the job. Not that there were a lot of suitable candidates to choose from, right now Owlcat would be the most suitable choice, but by the time they released fixed edition of their game, Larian has announced BG3, and they've been working on the game for years at that point.

Pillars of Eternity is a great game and has missing, so I don't know what you're talking about.

Enjoy your "what went wrong" threads for two years after the release.

>crying on Yea Forums about imagined events
At least wait for the game to come out before you get shitter shattered about the tranny boogeyman.
I'm sure you're going to be picking through every line of dialogue and categorizing every character's skin color looking for something to get angry at now.

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ok tranny
its already DoA for using 5e ruleset.

Then go play pathfinder or something.

>trans-attack helicopter
Boomers fuck off

>At least wait for the game to come out before you get shitter shattered about the tranny boogeyman.
There are a lot of signs pointing to BG3 being a cynical cashgrab attempt rather than a good sequel.
Gullible boomers who believe this game is going to resurrect their childhood are going to screech the loudest once it's released, leaving them wondering how could this happen for many years to come.
It's about managing expectations, and Larian can lie in the coffin they themselves made, by having to appease BG boomers, their usual zoomers and the "wider audience" they're likely to target with their new production.

you shouldn't expect anything less from anything D&D or really tabletop. that's the scene they've embraced in the last decade. just move on already.

Should have called it Baldurs Gate: 'something' instead of 3.

If the writing is SJeWish then fuck it anyway.

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>There are a lot of signs pointing to BG3 being a cynical cashgrab attempt rather than a good sequel.
Like the fact that it's called Baldur's Gate 3.
It's a game that alredy was revived and re-finished poorly with ToB. And Larian has its own franchise with its own lore. Even if they wanted to ditch their lore for a D&D game they wouldn't need to call it Baldur's Gate as, again, there's not much to revive since the plot was kill twice.

I can't wait to see what messages they put into the game that clearly reflect the era it's from and reflectively ages like milk.

Players make more challenging shit from my experiences with Neverwinter Nights. I doubt people bought NWN2 for the base game rather than the additional modules and player created campaigns.

can you not write or copy/paste this in such an insufferable fucking way

Also that's kind of a big deal. 5E is the most simplified instance of D&D yet and in a game that does all the mechanical shit for you when you attack, increase a base stat, or gain a new modifier it sounds like it might be one of the shallower BG titles.

I agree, except ToB is less tacked on as a sequel than BG2 if you think about it.

The writing can't be worse than Siege of Dragonspear.


I'll be optimistic. I'll see it as "they were smart enough to leave RPS."

Well, I'm not gonna lie. I'm the kind of person that started with BG2 and that if I played BG1 first I would've probably never bothered with 2 at all.

Can we play as the good guys in the game? I hope so.
Seriously though, their society and culture is truly interesting.

I played bg1 and bg2 but gave up at ToB. The writing quality nosedived, shit got stupid and weird, and it was obviously rushed.

Didn't they also hire the Numenera guys?

BG2 felt like those images Yea Forums likes to post about old Doom maps compared to modern shooters, when in comparison to BG1.

That's because Forgotten Realms is Mary Sue Fantasy and needs to fucking die, FUCK WHITE MEN.

I only had a sliver of hope for this game and oh look its gone now.

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This isn't an action game you mongo, enemies are allowed to dodge or have armour.


ToB is definetely the weakest part of Baldur's Gate. Tales of the Sword Coast at least added extra cool areas to explore, fight monsters, and get powerful loot. ToB is just a railroaded experience with not much exploration and you're hurried onto the next plotpoint. BG2 is a bit more streamlined than BG1 but at least you can choose which direction you want to go and which quest you want to start first, or if you want to quickly go to Spellhold, or do all the sidequests first.
ToB at least has Watcher's Keep which is a really cool dungeon.

Larian being cucks doesn't change Cuckfire being cuck shit

retarded mongoloid

>wah wah wah sjws ruining muh vidya wah wah wah
have sex, virgin

ToB is kinda different beast compared to TotSC.
ToB expands both story and content, TotSC just adds two/three dungeons, but don't change or add anything new to the story.
ToB was more ambitious in its scope, but indeed, it looks rushed, short and linear, and pioneered the Bioware's later trademark "complete these plot points in no particular order to get the story rolling in linear manner". It wasn't that blatant in SoA.

I follow the people behind Divinity Original Sin 2 on Twitter and they're all leftists, including the writer.

Stop being upset about everything Yea Forums

It's possible that he could be a good writer but just holds annoying opinions irl like tolkien

explains why OS2 was trash lol

kek seeething

It will be an action rpg. Screenshot this post. Multi-player and ai companions.

Yeah, this.

W-What? Did these people pley any of the IE? Or at least NWN? You miss a fuck ton when you're low level. It's how it works.

>expecting a modern game to be good
>in current year

I guess there's a first time for everything.

Aka we want the brand name of Baldur's Gate only, not anything else that goes with it.

lol no

Write better games tranny.

I love BG but I hate the roll system sometimes. It feels like it's always against you. Throw a finger of death with your level 40 god cleric on a goblin and he will 9 out of 10 of the time make a save roll. It feels like that with alot of spells. Why throw them when you know the enemy will just make a save roll anyways. Just do brain dead timestop + a couple horrid wiltings instead. But when you load up a casting time 9 spell that goblin archer will 9 out of 10 times hit and interrupt your spell 1 second before it fires on your -15 AC shield wearing cleric.