What do you still want in CTR

So with a lot of fan favorites officially confirmed (Brio, Nina, Moe) and other datamined (Pasadena, Von Clutch, Chick/Stew), what else do you want to see in CTR now?

Aside from wanting Yaya Panda and The Hog I'm pretty annoyed we haven't gotten any Black and White paint yet, and I'm hoping we'll get that soon. I'm tired of using Megumi white on Digital Tropy.

Also a quick reminder that you can use the official feedback page to ask for things or to report bugs and other issues with the game

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Other urls found in this thread:


Oh and, I'm really hoping we'll get Sir Daniel Fortesque for the Halloween GP

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Already a thread

I made the thread first nigger

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Other one 404ed anyway

I want some kind of lobby system that lets anyone who knows the code in
I don't want to waste time adding people
I also don't want to add people

Activision apologists got really mad when I implied Activision are kikes so I'm gonna do it again:

>Activision makes GP items temporary and lists them as "coming back soon!"
>they don't actually bring them back until way later
>players pressured into grinding for the shit they want sooner than later because otherwise they'll miss it for a long time
>players get tired of grinding
>buy wumpa coins so they don't have to
>Activision makes more money

Mods hate furbait threads, it was pretty obvious it wasn't gonna last with that OP image

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We got nuked for whatever reason. Thanks mods.

I'm going to disagree with people's claim that items need bugging after get screwed over hard by them. Getting downgraded from 1st to 6th due to people ganging up on you with bombs and beakers with you unable to do anything due to the stagger or getting clocked or robes right as I get USF is really infuriating.

Mods hate CTR in general, they'll look for any reason to delete us.

I mean it's sound logic, noticed anons got real heated over a hypothetical.

I hope you'll shut up for good if the motorsport GP items comes back with the start of the next GP the same way as the summer items came back with the start of this GP

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>items need buffing*
>getting clocked or orbed*
Phoneposting can be infuriating too.

I might be really miserable enough when one of my most wanted racers is Rusty Warlus

Even knowing it won't happen

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How about you stop being a bitch and fuck off?
All you're going to do is getting anons to drop the game through being burned out due to your fearmongering.

Bring on mods already.

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We had a thread similar to this 2 days ago that reached 550 replies. Just have an actual real subject people can discuss and avoid using a big tiddy bandicoots OP image.

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Don't care. I'm already burnt out on it.

>All you're going to do is getting anons to drop the game through being burned out due to your fearmongering.
that's probably his exact intention tho, wouldn't surprise me if he's actually a butthurt TSR autist jealous of how good this game is

>The Hog
You mean the one from Crash 1?

I just got the game a day ago and I'm kinda annoyed I can't get the Trophy Girls and Biker Crash, what the fuck? Timed shops and events are one of the worst mechanics ever made. The only time it really works is an MMO and even then it's fucking annoying. The Dinosaur dude is cool, but fuck the babies, where are my big bouncy bandicoot titties?

I don't give a fuck if there's microtransactions if I can just autistically grind for days, but locking everything to a 24hr window is cancer.

I would be more than happy to. I missed a couple skins in the first GP.

Honestly user, I would have fucked off if you hadn't lashed out like a baby.

>I would have fucked off
>says in the same breath he engages in conversation with someone else
At least be honest.

Just play it less

Yes, he's got no real name as far as I can recall. Wild hog, Yaya Panda, Obj_Motherfucker and Sir Daniel Fortesque are my top picks for characters I'd want added aside from the ones already confirmed.

Land Shark too, but I think he infringes too much on Nash and that his game probably never got made for a reason.

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It's dreadful but that's how it is.
We don't know when they'll be back, general thought seems to be next month, but who knows?

Main Man obj_motherfucker is a must.
Alternate colours for the "legendary" skins would be nice for added variety.
Tires that are actually pure black instead of grey or black with a secondary colour.
Buff turning and balanced. Fix online. Etc. etc.

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Fair enough. If we get the motorsport items next GP then all is well with the world, if not then we have reason to panic.

I think people were more upset that you insisted it would be exactly a year from now with zero reason or exploration besides "it's Activision" which really doesn't justify such a specific rerelease date.

Why would they even do that anyway? How does that benefit them?

I am playing it less. In fact, I'm not playing it at all.

Sir Daniel would be cute to get but that seems a bit random. Activision has no ownership over the IP, do they?

Well hopefully you will get over your burnout soon then.

Clearly you still have some interest in the game I'd you are still participating in the threads

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Nothing wrong with taking a break, no point in forcing oneself to play.

I said before I even got the game that this shit would be the biggest flaw with the Pitstop beyond any potential microtransactions. Fuck them for designing it this way. It's not Fortnite or Overwatch. Limited items is one thing but you are limiting CHARACTERS this way.

The only thing salvaging this thus far is that N. Trance and a few summer bundle items came back this month when they were gone for the Nitro Tour GP, but that may not always be the case.

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Maybe it's your winning smile and welcoming attitude that draws them in.

What are some Spyro related skins and karts you want to see from the Prix?

Stuff other than characters or stages

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>want to main fake crash
>balanced is so fucking bad I'd honestly be better off maining turning
Why? Why can't I just main my nigga without being the worst class in the game by a mile and being at a significant disadvantage?

Not that I know of, but Crash, Spyro and Sir Daniel Fortesque all have in common that they're remakes of iconic PS1 series. I also think MediEvil's theme might fit in well with the Halloween GP, and would probably not look extremely out of place considering how cartoony he's designed.

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Why can't you do like everyone else who mains him and git gud?

I want a Baby Dragon Baby T skin

Maybe releasing the summer pack contents after a month was a way to show that that should be the period of time we should expect for items to be re-added, I'm not holding my breath but adding them out of the blue like that was pretty random.

I'm pretty sure even without MTX no one was happy about the whole shop system, it's annoying, and I can't imagine how much worse it is if you don't have a subscription.

Balanced is much better than Turning, user. Have you actually tried them?

Why would you disadvantage yourself like that?

>Why can't you do like everyone else who mains him and git gud?
I can't really git gud when a speed character can be faster than me with USF when he has neither SF or USF. That happened last night and it was the straw that broke the camels back for me. I consistently get on the podium as him but if I can't even catch up to a speed character without USF with USF then what is the point? It's like I'm racing with no legs.

I feel that. Balanced feels as slippery as speed while being as slow as turning.

>in about a year or two
>exactly a year
Come on, man.

Balanced is the worst class in the game by a mile. You have no idea what you're talking about. Some stages actually benefit turning, none benefit balanced.

I realize I'm gimping myself playing balanced but I just have to play my precious failed abortion boy.

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Turning's drifting angle is dreadful, user. At least with Balanced you can triple boost on straights. The heavy turning makes them very awkward to use.

I've beaten lobbies of Speed chars with Balanced, it can't be that bad.

>Balanced is much better than Turning
The only (actual) 'advantage' All-Around has over Turning is wider drift angle in straights. Top speed difference is nonexistent.

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How is that any better? It's still incredibly specific considering nobody has any idea when they will be back

Rate my ride

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It's pretty clearly a hyperbole, made obvious with context.

How about play the characters you love without being such a tryhard? Turning is a shit class but I love playing as gentleman Ripper Roo

Not Unga enough/10

Not that guy but all classes are viable in online play. I've DNF'd people with handling, but I just can't get a grip with balanced characters because of how their drifts feel.
They both still deserve a buff to their speed stats at least.

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Why put quotes over advantage? The tighter turning angle is of no benefit at all given the techniques available for tighter cornering. The ability to build reserves on straights is much more valuable.

How am I being a tryhard when all I want is to feel like I'm not at a significant disadvantage compared to the alternatives?

What was the last one even titled and thumbnail?

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Last 2 I seen asked how was the gp coming along
One had an image of coco being surrounded by the big titty nitro squad
Other one was already deleted by the time the page loaded

That's exactly what a tryhard is

>wanting to be on an even playing field is being a tryhard

It's ok buddy, limit yourself to one set of characters if winning is that important to you.

Wanting an equal playing field is being a tryhard. Okay. Despite the fact that I exclusively play the shittiest classes online.

Not that user, but for starters since the coin payout difference is negligible the only reason to care about 1st place is a personal one/for a quest. Second, the masses don't play on the same level as WR enthusiasts, so there's plenty of times where you can play balanced and win through pure skill. That and when you do get paired with people with absolute skill that leaves you in the dust no matter how well you play balanced, there's practically no hassle to switch to a accel/speed character next race, you lose out on one race, hardly a big deal if you ask me.

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If you're not gunning for 1st every race then why bother playing online or trying at all? Just sit in 8th and spam items. You'll probably have the most fun doing that If your mindset is like that.

I saw from the archive just now. Fuck jannies.

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I can gun for first place without it bugging me if I don't get it, there's the difference. If you can't enjoy yourself without getting first all the time why even play online?

>Why put quotes over advantage?
Because Turning is more useful at utilizing the only strengths of All-Around. They can dodge hazards and change direction with ease. They can clear Papu's Pyramid climb with ease.

All at basically the same goddamn speed.

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I don't enjoy it if the difference between 2nd and 1st is just what class I picked. Accel and speed have such an advantage over the alternatives in the right hands it's completely unfair. Beenox are autistic cunts though that would rather keep the balance of a fucking ps1 game than make things fair.

Do you think we will see anything at Gamescom?

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To be honest I want to see some changes to the formula and not just new cosmetics or tracks, unless it does something that hasn't been done before.

I want to see CTR introduce an actual endurance track

I play Liz and i had a pretty rough day yesterday making podium often but hardly first and either losing from items or just the person being faster by proxy. It happens.

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>from the archive
How? Fireden doesn't archive/ v/ anymore.

>make remake of game
>people complain that it plays like game and demand it's changed instead
Online was a mistake.

All you can do is wait and see if they do change it dude, other people are managing and winning with them in the meantime, even if it isn't all the time.

When said game is fundamentally broken because certain classes are objectively better with almost no drawbacks compared to objectively worse classes with added drawbacks I think it's fair to say something is wrong.

>I don't enjoy it if the difference between 2nd and 1st is just what class I picked.
It literally never is. Items almost completely negate the speed difference unless you're playing Crash Cove/Coco Park/Inferno Island.

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From this arch.b4k.co/v/thread/474671515/#474671515

*and Assembly Lane
Fucking impossible track to pull ahead on with a Turning character, just because of the drifting.

>Sgt. Byrd Penta Penguin (missiles included)
>Skeleton Spyro (Skellos Badlands skin, glowing eyes, pretty cool looking)
>Magic Crafters Papu (pic related is his outfit)
>Moneybags Papu
>Agent 9 Crash/Pinstripe?

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It would probably be a framerate nightmare, but I'd love a track that had a freefall for part of the race like electron avenue but longer. In that free fall there would be item and wumpa boxes you could aim for and two paths to take.

I would also love a race where you just drive downhill for a while with the occasional ramp you could go for. There would be a blue flame ramp somewhere afterwards so that the descent goes even faster and intense if you keep it all the way back to the beginning. Basically I want thrill-seeker stages.

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Pentanigger wishes they were as big of a Chad as Byrd.

I just want new modes

something like Racing without getting hit
>Everyone with 3 stocks
>First place gets eliminated after 3 orbs in a row
>8th place won the race by elimination


or the classic of a lot of racing games, Elimination by Lap

I could see them announcing some Spyro GP shit, seeing as spyro is now a flagship franchise to activision.