>mfw didn't go to work because i wanna watch the gamescon and play Dragon Quest V.
What are you playing right now Yea Forums?
Did you went to job like a good goy?
>mfw didn't go to work because i wanna watch the gamescon and play Dragon Quest V.
What are you playing right now Yea Forums?
Did you went to job like a good goy?
Dragon Quest III
How the fuck are you going to get paid if you skip work?
gamescon is tomorrow
Cry, goy.
I don't even care.
Well, more DQV then.
This, how are you going to pay your mortgage, your loans and alimony for your wife's kids OP?
Not even memeing I didn't show up and won't go back, I have enough money so fuck them.
Based as fuck.
I skipped work because I slept weird and my back hurts like a motherfucker
I just turned 30 for fuck's sake, I guess it's not a meme that your body just fucking starts decaying immediately after
That sucks, man.
I'm 5 months away to reach 30 as well.
off today because I work at a wagecuckmart
i have work and school so i kinda forgot about gamescon
>Strauss buys himself a yacht while you live in your basement
Don't have a job, just applied for a Carpentry apprenticeship though.
>Did you went to job like a good goy?
I did
tfw work walmart overnight shift
Don't work today and if I did, I would show my boss the Doctor's Note
>get to office
>get call from parks guy about muh internet not working
>email from garage manager that his PC tried to update and is DEAD
>check the latter's uptime: 10 minutes
>figure out it must be a monitor issue
>go to park office
>internet is fine so I leave
>go to garage
>get message that parks is back down
>currently diagnosing graphics card issues
>What are sick days
>want to live the long-term NEET life
>don't have rich parents
>can't qualify for any gubmint benefits
Skipped today's lecture in uni, not even for gamescom, I'm just a tired fuck. Watched the ninty indie livestream though.
>user doesn't live in Norway
>the country that pays you for looking for a job
>blew a tendon in Mt wrist two weeks ago
>haven't worked a day since
>getting paid anyways because workers comp or w/e
I've just been playing vidya for weeks lol
Men må du ikke si ok til å plukke soppel og sånn skit også?
>be swedenfag
>have been "sick" with mental health stuff for almost 2 years now
>get lots of gibs
>living like a neet king
it has honestly gotten to the point where i want to get a job again soon because i've grown bored of the neet life
Don't you mean wife's boyfriend's kids?
hahah, brilliant meme, thanks friend
>About to quit my job at 7/11
>About to drop out of college
>About to pay off half of my $6k student loans and then set up a payment plan for the remainder
>About to budget out the next 12 months of my life around this and bills
>About to jump into trade school and start an actually good career for myself
How am I doing, bros?
Also, I'm not playing any games, I'm studying Game Maker so I can make my game.
>mfw neet
Just gonna go quickly work out and be back by the time Gamescom starts.
what is a good trade to go for that's not welding?
I don't wanna work at walmart anymore and I don't to go spend 6 years of my life in school and be 30k in debt
sounds like a good plan. is college even worth it anymore? i'm not american but from what i've heard colleges are basically scams these days while a lot of trades are screaming for new people
>being a /fit/ neet
>crippling migraines every single week for months
>can't afford diagnostic tests to see if I have a tumor or someshit
>coworkers hate me, bosses want to fire me
I want to die every single day
HVAC isn’t bad if you can handle working in the hot stuffy enclosed spaces for hours.
uk does that to but only if you have below a certain amount of savings
Personally, I'm going for HVAC. It's not the best paying trade but it's the one I'm most interested in, and I'd rather be happy doing my job then miserable making money I only get two free days a week to use.
I also need a physical job to do because I got a blood clot when I was younger, and ever since I've had a huge phobia of getting one again. Getting a physical job forcing me off my ass directly counters how they form.
All of these can take less than a year to get your certificate. Most schools even pay for your classes, but they require you to work minimum wage inbetween classes.
It really isnt, at least not a 4 year degree because all 4 year schools are expensive. I got a two year degree at community college for cheap, and now I do cushy low level data management/processing jobs.
Egentlig ikke, utrolig mange arbeidslose pakistanere og muslimer får jævlig mye stotte hver
måned som er lik en gjennomsnittlig månedslonn for midelklassen.
Det er ikke særlig mange norske eller ost europeere som benytter seg av det systemet,
hovedsaklig fordi de er smarte nok til å minst opprettholde en kassejobb.
In my opinion college is only worth it if you're going in to be a doctor. Otherwise, literally everything they offer can be better taught independently or through a trade school.
Warning you right now about HVAC. Nobody talks about it, but you have to be okay with always having fiberglass in your skin and on your clothes. You just have to deal with it and you get better at ignoring it over time.
Are there any long term health hazards to having it in your skin? Because I'm pretty used to always being injured.
>what are credentials
If you're considering a career in anything but health or trades you're retarded to begin with.
bUT thE CoNneCTiOnS
increasingly worthless in the digital age
Unironically just quit, I have an actually decent job aside from being paid less than I should and I want to die.
Hope things get better for you bro
Also see if your country has a medication available called Rizamelt (Rizatriptan) I get migraines too but this stuff is a lifesaver. Almost no side effects too driving afterwards is fine and you don't even feel spacey unless you have paracetamol/ibuprofen with it
>What are you playing right now Yea Forums?
>Did you went to job like a good goy?
I'd say go to college just cause all those asshats with useless degrees are going to chimp out eventually and make it so that you need a useless art degree to get employed at all
Irritation and dry skin, but it's purely physical and it gets back to normal pretty quickly if you just stop handling fiberglass every day. It's just glass particles, and glass is super neutral. This is NOT anything remotely similar to asbestos.
Wear your mask tho, lungs don't heal and you can't get fiberglass out of there.
Oh right, make sure you're not cutting into asbestos when you work on older buildings and houses.
Useful info. Thank you user.
my skin is too important to me for something so rough, damn
>mfw dont work but still have my own place
Skin grows back, and it's only your hands, maybe your knees if you wear shorts a lot. It's bad at first then the skin gets all thick and calloused.
Are you kidding? I'm constantly getting cuts and burns at my job as is. Glass stuck in it is nothing.
why is your skin so important to you exactly? minor superficial wounds won't kill you
any workout tips as a neet that always never leaves home? (aside from groceries of courses)
Gamescon? Link?
a few days before when i was supposed to start they told me they didn't need and so i'm unemployed
I know no one is gonna talk about it, but I can't fucking believe Revolution dropped a sequel to Beneath a Steel Sky out of fucking no where