Support this game you fucks!

Go buy this game!
Go play this game!
Go write a raving review about this game!
Go tweet about how good this game is!

And most importantly

Go to the comment section of every clickbait article looking to trash this game because of a couple of big-mouthed devs.

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No. The dollar went to shit in my cunt.

Good thing its only 100mb. Very quick to pirate

Already bought it, also based boomers need Amid Evil in their life

no thanks, wake me up when notQuake1 is out.

> SJW game that censored the main character for being too sexy.
Nah, I'm good.

>motion sickness the videogame

>supporting transphobic devs

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I already bought it
it's pretty good

Looks like this game has been specifically designed to target boomer nostalgia, no thanks

that's pretty desperate dude

Can someone give me a quick rundown of why the devs are based and redpilled?

Dusk dev threw them under the bus

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Sorry, I don't pay for Duke3D WADs.

I have much more fun with project brutality on even Doom 1 map
I appreciate the effort and it's still an ok game but holy fuck they should tried to break new ground as an old school shooter, instead it's mostly just a Build engine tech demo
Still wishing the best for the devs.


DUSK is for trannies, confirmed.

because you shill the game im gonna pirate the shit out of it just to spite you and to be contrarian asshole

What a fucking VULTURE. Holy shit, imagine trying to make inroads on gamedev now. Fuck that entire fucking sphere.

I beat it yesterday. Liked it. Was a fun game. Really liked the soundtrack too. Hopefully it does well so they make a sequel.

>playing $20 for a doom wad

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Aren't the Dusk devs antifa-fags and trannies?

>He hasnt bought it early access for like 12buckos
Oof and yikes

You culture war retards are so cringey. FFS just enjoy the game don’t make a crusade out of it you’re only going to tarnish the name of the game and devs by having it associated with your shit

They ooze more test than the whole rest of the faggot industry actually

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And Pat is secretly based and redpilled and not a huge faggot

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that might suck on the surface level but i consider it a blessing a blessing.

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pirated it, played for an hour
it's ok but nothing special


yeah i can pirate it
no need to waste money

retarded bitch


what game?

I've bought the game, left a negative review and immediately got a refund.

Eat shit transphobes

wasn't she just a genderswapped duke from the start? i'd play as pamela anderson shooting aliens any day

Fuck off Frederik.

gaben sure looks a lot like chrischan in that image, there

really makes you think

You mean Dusk?

Maybe for $10.

What's your favorite pop culture reference in it, sis and bros?

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Always the same with these fake retro games.

All fatties look the same.

But user I already did

I get motion sickness just looking at gameplay footage on Youtube.

>support a Duke Nukem mod

No, thanks.

Are there strippers or naked women like in Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior? If so, I might buy it.

Don't copy that floppy.......