I dare you to find me a crossover weirder than this


I dare you to find me a crossover weirder than this

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>indie crossover
I don't know how this makes less sense than Marvel vs Capcom


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What do i win?

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>Isaac is anime now

thanos in fortnite is still fucking bizarre

>sony copies nintendo
How is that weird? It's the most obvious thing sony could do.

I wonder how Shovel Knight and Isaac devs reacted to half naked knight princess chick.

No, that was just fucking hilarious.

Man, half the fun of Code of Princess is to see the rest of the party maintain a straight face while Solange runs around in the medieval fantasy equivalent of The Black Tape Project

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>SEXY Kawase
>so even sexier than regular Kawase
I don't know if I can handle this.

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Cool game and stuff but whatever the fuck happened to it. I own the physical and still have no idea.

You play it with friends I guess? How does it handle by the way? And where does it stand in this arguably oversaturated market of traditional 2D fighters?

that game unironically fucking sucks major ass

Is this your first crossover game? Check out Warriors All-Stars, or Playstation All-Stars, or Project X Zone, or Super Robot Wars, or any of the other dozens of crossover games that are out there. Hell, Mario Kart has turned into a crossover, with Link go-karting with Bowser and the Animal Crossing cast.


>No best girl

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>Danica Patrick
>Wreck it Ralph
Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed

>That Isaac
He angry

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Firstly, I believe it's fair to say that I never played nor labbed enough with it to truly supply an informed opinion. I'm admittedly also on the casual side of things, so I can't give you the real "nitty-gritty" that other fighting game players could. I'll still say what I can, however.
To begin the actual movement within fights feels disgustingly slow. While truly it just means players need to adapt to this new style, I personally found it rather unappealing to get behind. It took me a long while to get used to it. Another con, though not necessarily about the gameplay, is the complete lack of English dialogue for fights. No Eng dub nor subs, which is a shame since there are unique interactions and whatnot. There's also not really much to do, single-player content wise, if you're into that.
One of the pros I would say is easily the cast. Outside of Helen and Lina (the former of the two apparently getting her own title at some point), there's a plethora of indie characters that you're probably rather acquainted with at this point. Everyone also has a cool, unique moveset that I would say is well inspired by their home games. At least from those I've played. Honestly I can't really say much else. I don't even know the last time the devs bothered to update or advertise the game. As much as I hate to say it, you're probably better off with another game, like an ArcSys/ArcSys-affiliated fighter, or a title like Street Fighter. This is coming from someone that was genuinely really excited for this title when it was in development. Apologies for my rather diminutive post... at least in regards to what can be said about the game.

Solange Blanchefleur DeLux


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Thanks m8, I'd actually been thinking on this game for some time as well, and my Switch sort of needs a traditional 2D Fighter to round its library out. I'm not too concerned about the proper competitive end but if it isn't fun to play then I don't want my friends to have to sit through it.

Wait, I just now notice. Is it the artist of Zero Escape?

then where is the new Crash and Spyro game?

good eye

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> Pixel's property was whored out left right and center

It hurts every time I think of it.

It's American Isaac.

I dropped Code of Princess after a couple hours.
It looked horrible (I know it's a upscaled 3DS game, but still looked awful; meanwhile Vita ports look fine on a big screen), It was way, way too rigid for a beat-em-up and the enemies became unfun enemy sponges.

bump because my actual reply will take too long to type.

Who is the pink girl?

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Super Robot Wars X-Omega

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No, I still genuinely believe Blade Strangers is even weirder just because of Isaac.

>Megaman, Godzilla and Zyuranger, along with the other typical robots

Yeah, this one is still weird. I swear, Banpresto really should do another small guys Wars game. Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Megaman, Metroid, Guyver. Would be amazing

>I swear, Banpresto really should do another small guys Wars game. Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Megaman, Metroid, Guyver. Would be amazing

They did somethling like that with Super Heroine Chronicles but the cast list was weak due to having a bunch of crappy harems, instead of shows that has strong women that don't suddenly fall for a dense piece of shit.

At least all the IS girls trying to get into Tachibana Hibiki's pants was funny as fuck

As I was trying to say before the thread archived... I'm a Switch player myself (well PS4/PC/Switch, but mainly the last one), and let me tell you, the console has a great supply of fighting games to choose from. Many that I would argue are better choices over BS, a rather unfortunate, but ultimately fitting acronym.
>Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers
>Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection
>BlazBlue: Central Fiction Special Edition
>BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle
>Guilty Gear (Original)
>Guilty Gear XX: Accent Core Plus R
>Dragon Ball FighterZ
>Smash Ultimate obviously
>a whole slew of NeoGeo stuff and whatever else on the eShop
>Samurai Shodown/Samurai Spirits VI (Releasing Late 2019)
>Under Night in-Birth: Exe: Late[cl-r] (Releasing 2020)
I remember ArcSys saying they really wanted to support the Switch with releases, and they did not disappoint!
Also, while I know you're specifically looking for 2D, I would not recommend glossing over ARMS, Pokken Tournament DX, nor Kill la Kill: IF. All three are very fun, and I would also say well made 3D Fighting Games. They would also be excellent for casual play with friends.
Going back to Blade Strangers though... despite all that I have said earlier, it's not a total shitshow. If you can grab the digital on sale or the physical at a reduced price, I would go for it. For the purposes of playing around with friends and family, you could all have some fairly enjoyable rounds, especially with the very easy, Smash Brothers-esque inputs. Hope I could help!

What the Hell they added three new characters. Since when.

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yes, this is real and official

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All the girls from different franchises i employ in my cm3d2 hotel.

>Indie Crossoever
>Most of them just generic Anime characters
Says a lot about the indie industry

Blade Strangers isn't a game I would buy but if you put it in front of me I'd play the fuck out of Shovel Knight. Love his game and them turning him into a big body grappler is 10/10

Code of Princess also had Nishimura art. Weird how this obscure game got such high-quality key art.

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All the indies in it are Japanese except Shovel Knight & Isaac. Code of Princess, Umihara Kawase, Cave Story, & Gunvolt are all from Japan.

What's your opinion on Blade Arcus from Shining?

>not on evo main roster
not a good fightan then, lol

>obscure game

Code of princess was one of the best selling 3ds games on release and singlehandedly convinced nintendo to turn around on their censorship policy.

It's actually a "nicalis" crossover.

You know, I've seen/heard that name plenty of times, especially when in discussion about Blade Strangers, but I never actually looked into it.

BladebStranger's greatest weakness is that it is not popular.
It's a rock solid game when you get dudes to play it with, but it doesn't have the WOW factor of Arc Systems, nor the Seniority of Capcom games. It's fine, but that's not enough to get people to play a game (See, Lethal League, Rivals of Aether, Slap City and other solid games that are largely ignored).