Persona 5: The Royal coming exclusively to PlayStation 4 spring 2020

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imagine the one and only exclusive you can look forward too is a remake of a 3 year old game

ff7 is much older than that

Why would anyone buy this again?

I am looking forward to Last of Us part II and Ghost of Tsushima

I will. and I’m playing the game right now on my PS4 as we speak. Seethe

FF7 is getting pushed to PS5 my dude

It's not being bushed to PS5 my dude
Like every other ps4 game, thanks to sony finally pulling their heads out of their asses on backwards compatibility

I enjoyed the game so much that I don't mind throwing another 60 at it for the new ending arc.

switch port when?

Wait, isn't it coming in October?

this is the same as BOTW originally being for the Wii U and then getting shafted by the Switch's release, spitting in the face everyone who bought a Wii U

It'll get forward-ported to PS5, but PS5 wont be out till end of 2020 at the earliest

jp version

Japan is Oct 31st. West is sometime in Spring 2020 because Atlus US being Atlus US.

And I will happily re-buy it. You can shit on it all you want but I put a hundred hours into the initial release and if this can be the same game with additional shit i'll still get my 1 quid to 1 hour that I stick by. Just wish we didn't have to wait so much longer than the japs

I don't see the point
The game was already too long and all they're adding is new annoying OCs and lame fanservice

I wonder how much shit Arcsys had to put up with to make sure that Japan and the west got Arena at the same time.

Just bought a PS4 about a month ago, should I try the original persona 5 now or wait for this one? It looks pretty good but if this is just an upgrade I'll just wait for this

Just wait for the new one, it's likely going to be 90% the same story content with new features and expanded dungeons

you just love eating feces

You might as well wait. P5 is already around 80 to 100 hours for an initial run and Royal isn't going to let you import anything from your save.

fuck you atlus fuck fuck you fuck you

how we are going to avoid almost 7 months of no spoilers? fuck you again seriously how you never learn anything about your mistakes

also P3/P4 HD FUCKING WHEN? for Steam/PS4/Switch w.e ain't buying a 200 usd used vita for 1 game.

>Spoilers for a 3 year old game

Atlus US is incompetent and understaffed because Sega literally stole all of their experienced translators to work on their internal games like Yakuza.

It's going to be an issue of whether or not people like the story changes, most likely. And obviously you won't know that until the game releases, or I guess everyone spoils them selves on the Japanese version.

>exclusively to PlayStation 4

Paying twice for the same one school romance VN, fucking #based my man

I'm a switchfag but I hope you kys
Switch will have the superior Shin Megami Tensei V.
PV2 is so good, but it feels like it spoils too much.
It's hilarious that Atlus doesn't even consider Black Mask a spoiler anymore.

>he isn't going to play it in Japanese

The romance isn't even good this game, just a throwaway cutscene or two at the very end of the social link

Just stay off Yea Forums when the game drops overseas. You can survive without this shitty board for 7 months.

Also a vita can cost 100 dollars if you know where to look

Why not both?

Reminder that unless a game is specifically mentioned by the developer to be a Sony exclusive, it is a timed exclusive 100 percent of the time.

Having only the PlayStation logo in the games trailer with no "exclusively on PlayStation" means timed.

Pic related

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It damn sure isn't releasing on Xbox, and switch got cucked with the p5 musou. If base p5 didn't come to switch what makes you think p5r will

Not him nor I'd care for any port, but P5 barely came out on PS4 to begin with, it got delayed for, what, 3 years? It was supposed to be a PS3 only game even, so of course if any port were to be made it would involve the mandatory re-release scam instead of the base game

kinda hoping a switch port of it would be announced first so I could play it in portable mode.

I always find it weird how exclusives never seem to count on PS4. Remember judgement? No? You certainly will when a PC port ever comes and suddenly it will be the best game ever.

I assume you played Judgement? If so why act like it's the job of people that didn't to hype it and discuss it for you?

Persona 5 is a ps3/vita game. It has no reason to have a remaster this soon. It's just to squeeze more money out of weebs who are running out of games to play on their bloodborne machine.

>running out of games to play
>Oninaki in August
>Ys IX and Ryza in September
>Alliance Alive in October
>Shin Sakura Taisen in December
Yeah, no.

Ps4 exclusives sell like shit. For the amount of shipped consoles sony likes to brag about only like 7% of its user base buys exclusives. Meanwhile other consoles have a 40%+ purchase rate for exclusives.

All weeb shit, in any case that begs the question why the fuck is atlus doing some 'r' shit instead of persona 6. It's worse than GTAV because at least they have online.

That is because the PS4 is the most popular go to platform for gamers. If the situation was reversed with the xbox one and people would buy a PS4 just as a suplementary console to play their exclusives then the whole thing would be reversed.

I think I might import it. I don't really import games often but I want to play this and see the new scenes for myself so I'm not spoiled. Then I'm going to buy it again in English to understand it. I believe it's the best game ever made, and they are adding even more love to it which I didn't expect. I don't like some of the new Persona's though.

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I disagree, if Nintendo all of a sudden had 100 million sales and multiplats smash and Mario kart would still have a good chunk of sells. Look at the ratio of console sales and exclusive sales for each console. Take out the numbers and ps4 is still a travesty for exclusives. If 3 out of every 10 people who own the console buys exclusives maybe those exclusives suck.

Did you not read my post? That's because nintendo by design will never be the go to platform for gamers, they market themself as a suplementary console right out of the box. Why do you think we have the shitty meme about "switch + PC masterrace"?

Vita version when?

The Oninaki demo looked and played like shit.

Think it will get a special edition?

Did you not read mine? Why don't people who own Playstation buy Playstation exclusives. Here's an example halo 5 sold 5 million copies and God of War sold 10 million yet ps4 is outselling xbox more that 2:1

why not playstation 6?

Probably. Persona is the biggest title for Atlus US so they will obviously do a CE. The Japanese CE looks pretty nice.

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This IS the special edition.

Definitely play P5 now, the release looks far off and you’ll want to see the differences between the two.

Because that's not how shit works. How many people switched from xbox 360 to PS4 because microsoft fucked this generation up, with no attachment to former playstation exclusives? How do you now that if both consoles sold equally halo 5 would've sold more than 10 million copies? Why do you think god of war has the same brand recognition as halo? You are literally applying grade schooler mathematics to a multilayered problem and think that the result will somehow represent reality.

There's a low amount of software sales per PS4 in general. Normalniggers buy it as a blu-ray player/netflix/FIFA machine

You clearly have never played an atlus game before because you’re fucking retarded. They have done this many times where they add a ton of new content in less than 3 years.

It looked fine. Played like shit, sure, but it left me kinda interested in the story. I certainly won't get it day one, but may give it a try if I can get it for $20 or so.

This your first Atlus game?
Any game can sell, look at persona 5 lots of people's first persona game is that one. So brand recognition is shit, bloodborne, horizon, new franchise still sell like ass on Playstation.
This user has a point if people don't game on Playstation sure. But you have to face the fact that exclusives do worst on Playstation and companies should stop having Playstation exclusive titles.

You are fucking retarded. In the example you just brought up you said that gow sold twice as much as halo and now you're saying exclusive games on ps4 sell the worst. What is it now? Developers are paid per unit sold, not per attachrate. For a developer those 10 million means double the money. And usually multiplats sell the most on PS4 aswell.

>playing a 100+ hour game
>playing a 100+ hour game more than once
You have literal down syndrome don't you?

It's still sell more on xbox+pc+switch than it would on Playstation.
Also nice name calling :(
Go buy your gay ass weeb game, and have fun with censored shit on gaystation 4 and watch as Sony leaves your weeb ass for the fifa madden crowd.

PC + Nintendo is not a meme, it's truth

Did you actually make a post on a video games board, calling someone a retard for playing a video game?