When you think about it this is actually more realistic.
A woman trained in martial arts could take two untrained men. Go to your local gym and spar with a girl to find out.
based post
based quads
>Nathan Drake
>Main protagonist of 4 games
>Fights heavily armored mercs for fun
>Series all about some meme treasure hunter that can take out dozens of armed goons, blow up helicopters, outrun trains, and other superhuman feats when he realistically shouldn't have survived the first few fights in the first game
>But a black woman who can give him trouble in a fistfight is breaking my immersion
Nathan Drake is trained.
Alright, still not as trained as Nadine. What's your point
are you implying I couldn't wrestle a girl with less than half my strength down to the ground and choke her out, the girl would have be be my size and an Olympic or national champion, even then she would probably lose
lol, internet tough guy
>it's ok if it's a white dude doing unrealistic stuff in my vidya gaems
>not as trained as Nadine.
where are you getting this lore? cause it sure as shit isn't in the game.
Unironically yes
The way the mechanics of a firefight and nathans stealth works are more believable than a skinny woman beating up the same guy in question
>even then she would probably lose
t. defender of imaginary women
This is even more stupid if you miss the QTE during the fight, she punches Nathan once and he somehow instantly dies.
>Animation still forces and magnetically draws you to the enemy, with Sam even getting teleported their
Unsharted babbies should kill themselves.
have you ever played a sport or wrestled with a girl or a guy weaker than you
I played with kids who were significantly smaller and plated American football with them every day, I could pick them up and do whatever I wanted to them, they were atheletic, now imagine that being a girl with significantly less muscle mass, and consider the fact I'm a full grown man now
have you ever played a sport in your life
I finally got around to playing UC4 and I thought it was mostly boring and not even close to being as good as 2
Should I even bother with The Lost Legacy?
>where are you getting this lore? cause it sure as shit isn't in the game.
It's kind of obvious, isn't it? From the fact that she handily beats him?
Yes you ignoramus
lmao best quads around
>Should I even bother with The Lost Legacy?
Yes, it's a little more dynamic gameplay-wise. There's a better sense of exploration than "just climb bruh"
I have thinner arms than my last gf, im a straight up skelly, and she actually exercised and she. Didn't stop me from pinning her down with ease when we wrestled and when entreating her to throw her punches at my stomach as hard as she can just to see, it felt like being smacked with small pillows. I dont know what to say, bone density and natural steroids (testosterone) go a hell of a mile
This is bait
>game actually breaks if you don't let the YAAS QUEEN beat the patriarchy out of you
bravo cuckmann
You are retarded if you think a 120 pound woman could overpower a 200 pound man
Strength and mass >>>>>>>>> technique