Regression of technology

>this is what a game looks like on Nintendo's latest platform in the year 2019

Attached: 1555391836939.jpg (1920x1080, 454K)

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an indie game. wow such graphics.

>indies can't afford textures

Attached: 76qdqq5f7c431.jpg (1322x1096, 85K)

>this is AAA on the nintendo platform in 2019

what does that have to do with nintendo?

not made by nintendo

>what does that have to do with nintendo?
>take a mobile chipset
>underclock it
>sell it as your premium platform
>can't even have steady 30fps at 720p

nice meme

If that's Skater XL, then it's a user-made custom made map and you're gay

it's literally an underclocked nvidia tegra x1, look it up brainlet fanboy

Just don't buy shovelware then, just because Steam has lots of shit on its store doesn't mean PC gaming is underpowered. Same with PSN and Black Tiger.

Attached: 1566222839365.png (766x788, 585K)


>barely upgrades graphics each generation
>falling further and further behind each generation
>sells more and more units
This is what the market wants...

What game is this??

>can't even have steady 30fps at 720p
you're full of shit brainlet fanboy

>2 platformer
>this is the benchmark for a 2019 platform

never played BOTW?

>not made by nintendo
>Owned partly by Nintendo
What did he mean by this?

nintendo doesn't do AAA, AA at best. And gamefreak, as a dev studio, is actually smaller than some of the studios presented in the nindies today. remember 143 people as a whole, that's 30 developers top

UV mapping is a gigantic pain in the ass.

not for those models. it's literally automatic

I don't feel like Nintendo games are for me, but at the same time, I hope we hit a graphical ceiling faster and go back to a focus on content rather than who can have the prettiest textures and particle effects.

And this is one of the most discussed PC games of 2019...

Attached: ss_fd32afb9cf1ce7b30b4e645d4485dc42ba14eb05.1920x1080-50c8.jpg (644x362, 65K)

ironically AAA games have told the public that "the little things" don't matter, it's all about putting 200 GB of mega textures and polygons. Modern shooters still don't have working mirrors, or water physics, or even destructible environment. They want good screenshots, that's it.

this, basically AAA means FUCKING MARKETING UP THE ASS

>being a graphics faggot
Only children care about graphics this hard. Also it's hilarious PS4 and XB1 faggots fight over graphics. Consoles in general hold back the progress of graphics while PC is forced to be stagnant because console kiddies will eat any shit on a plate, see ps4 exclusives for a great example of this.
Your checker boarded, low frame rate, low AA. dynamic resolution game is not 4k and is more like a mid tier PC from 2014. Disgusting. Not that I care though, I play games to have fun, not to sit there wall eyed while I play a walking simulator with """"good"""" graphics, as touted some 15 year old faggot from Brazil

Also sick

Gosh videogames are fun :)

Sh-shut up nincels!

And then this game became the top selling game of all time...

Attached: minecraft.png (800x450, 640K)

first time I hear of it, must be your safe echo chamber

and its still unironically runs like shit

I don't see the issue with smaller developers or Nintendo doing things with lesser graphics. Tools are for everybody, not just the latest Naughty Dog masterpiece of optimisation.

Hey now graphics don't matter when you have gameplay like this!

Attached: 1539524045504.gif (500x313, 2.96M)


I remember when that first came out. the possibilities felt endless at the time

indev was better

shit tier gameplay

At least looks more fun than a bunch of QTE games on PS4.

Looks okay

No that looks way better lol

This is your brain on snoy.

Imagine caring about console wars in current year

Attached: 1430807879404.jpg (500x500, 59K)


Games are an artform. The platform is simply the canvas. When you see an ugly statue you don't say "wow bronze is ugly!" you say "that is an ugly statue that happens to be made of bronze".

>60 fps
it's still underpowered

Yeah but in this case the canvas is a cave wall.

most people dont own 144hz monitors

Attached: 9bYNkAU8iAI8.jpg (859x1145, 452K)

most people play on underpowered rigs yes


Attached: nintendrones crying.jpg (700x913, 82K)

an indie game that can't even afford unity's standard lighting

>people love tony hawk's pro skater 3
>make a game that looks exactly like it
it's genius

>literally made from nothing BUT textures


Attached: 2ec.png (327x316, 208K)