Dying Light 2 & cawadooty show off the pseudofeature
RTX Gamescom Edition
Honestly it is gonna end up being one of these techs that is kind of tacked on unless the game is built with it specifically in mind.
I never did use a flashlight on a red generator so: Is this how global illumination would look like? Unironic question.
>properly adjust contrast/brightness
>no longer need this gimmick
Isn't that just gamma correction?
Call me when it doesn't hit framerate as hard as it does now. I'm not sacrificing 1440p or 144hz for a feature that slightly makes a handful of games look better.
Looks like shit, we'll get em next time
How is adjusting brightness magically going to trace accurate light bounce from the objects in the room?
It's amazing how many PC gamers are suddenly afraid of their hardware being outdated after years of whining about consoles holding games back.
Looks like it. Though it could be like one of those weird "HDR" comparisons that looks like shit in a pic but great in person.
>of their hardware being outdated
how is it being outdated? nextgen console will not be using raytracing and will still run at sub 30fps
Next gen consoles will both have ray tracing hardware.
Look here look listen, buy it goyim
>It's amazing how many PC gamers are suddenly afraid of their hardware being outdated
RTX is shite in 99% of the games it's in, and 99% of games don't support it. My 1080ti isn't outdated at all. Losing fps/resolution for slightly better reflections or the two games with better lighting is actually very console focused imo, trading performance for graphics. Let me know when Nvidia aren't jews and make RTX affordable and not a performance killer.
it's global illumination. when you shine a flashlight in a pitch black room, it lights up the whole room
>da jooz
Always the same autist
There's nothing gimmicky about ray tracing, it's just that the hardware to run it isn't affordable yet.
In 10 years or so it will be the standard.
RTX is going to be mandatory in major AAA releases by 2023. It's DX11 all over again. In 2013 you had Crysis 3 and COD Ghosts which mandated a DX11 GPU. Ray tracing is literally the only viable path forward for graphics. Rasterization looks like shit.
Found the kike
>PC gamers are suddenly afraid of their hardware being outdated
>buy overpriced RTX card
>game barely runs at 60fps
>keep my old """outdated""" card
>game runs 120fps or more fine
last of us had that same light scattering effect onto nearby surfaces, but it was just smoke and mirrors, obviously prebaked but if the outcome is looking the same why bother?
Raytracing doesn't equal RTX
RTX is a gimmick indeed. And since next gen consoles use AMD it'll die in a few years.
Because it's a mandatory purchase, stop asking questions goyim
You know you can do this all via rasterized techniques, right?
Fucking TLOU did exactly this on tech from 2006.
Meanwhile in Nintendoland:
Holy shit d00d it's the era of bloom all over again.
Sec, running to the bank now to withdraw $1400 to buy a 2080 Ti. I can't miss this new frontier where creative art direction gets butchered for a few years and everybody pretends it's an 'advancement'.
Hope you like a lot more puddles of water on the floor and shiny floors in your games, njewia's gotta eat and those RTX cards ain't selling themselves.
It always looks either worse, or hardly noticeable.
Glad I didn't fall for the RTX meme, there are better places to spend your money.
> Buttery smooth
> 60fps
> 16ms inherent display lag
> On top of all the other lag sources on top
The absolute state of Nintencels
Consoles have held back games for decades you deluded retard.
I'll buy it in 5 years once all the rich fags have properly beta tested it.
No, TLOU doesn't handle moving objects and doesn't handle large scale light sources. It was a trick akin to standard realtime GI as seen in Crysis 3 PC the same year.
There is no substitute for simulating light rays. Period.
>need to highlight the area for people to see the difference
desu it looks more distinct in a more well lit scenes, still the difference not worth the performance impact
Pretty nice for the switch
Ayy lmao
>mfw smoothbrained gamers can't appreciate raytracing
Why yes, I did purchase a 5700XT instead of an RTX card. How could you tell?
>showing off raytracing with static screenshots
>It was a trick akin to standard realtime GI as seen in Crysis 3 PC the same year.
And it looks just as good as the OP outside of the additional shadowing.
I'd be all for raytracing if the performance was there, but it's not, and it won't be for at least another 5 years.
Fuck, if you really want to go back, we can go back to the original Mirror's Edge and IT'S GI implementation.
Which was done on early UE3 in 2008.
Well they only use ray tracing for shadows
>simulating light rays
this is what videogames are about now? cant substitute gameplay, thats for sure
>da jooz are at fault i have a small dick and have hair loss
but jews have small dicks and often exhibit male pattern baldness
I think you are projecting bro
>n-no u
Lift weights, get a job, hit the gym, have sex and do something against your hairloss instead of blaming the jews
>male pattern baldness
Damn, imagine knowing the medical word for it because you totally don't have it lmao.
you could say the same thing about tessellation, or normal maps, or bump maps, or texture maps, or the ability to draw triangles, or smooth scrolling etc.
games have always pushed real time visuals forwards and will continue to.
>can't see half of the room with rtx off
this is bullshit
Jesus christ, white people are cringey as fuck.
Imagine getting this triggered because someone made a vaguely Jew-related joke.
name 2 (three) games that do raytracing right and/or benefit from it
Not having to rely on static lighting has big implications for gameplay though
>Now larps as someone else
>Always blaming the Jews (for AMDniggers it's Nvidia and Intel) = making fun of them
Ok subhuman.
If Midnight Club II won't support RTX, I don't see single reason to upgrade. It's the only game I'm still playing.
i don't care about games. i just want gamurs to subsidise hardware accelerated path tracing.
>Actually looks better turned off
Jesus Christ how will RTXfags ever recover?
So what Nvidia suggest devs to do is abandon traditional pretend shadows and reflections in favor of RTX ones, which barely look better but is way easier to implement for the devs. With most new games moving to RTX goyim will have to buy new green gpu if he wants to stay in the game
Holy shit gamers are ignorant. Light bounces on surfaces, and spread their color. It's more than just brightness.
>bought used 1070ti for cheap when rtx came out so nvidia didnt get anything from me
It only happened in few specific areas, and like you said, smoke and mirrors.
Yes, point a light into a blue wall and that color will bounce back spilling a lot of blue into the room
The tech isn't even standard yet, wait until the next generation and then we'll talk.
Who gives a fuck? We did not needed this until now. Graphicsfags are cancer.
You contrarians will like a pile of shit if it means RTX isn’t involved.
God I hate that shit. It's rarely used well and just makes everything blurry.
>jew calling anyone else subhuman
Why are you even in this thread then? Just go play retro or indie shit.
>Implying I'm a Jew
Most German and Austrian invetors are Jews, how can they be subhuman?
Stop posting this shit, the top is RTX on
They are too obsessed with the fact that raytracing and RTX are related to rationally think about these things.
point still stands, games need a more creative approach instead of a resource draining absolute monster of technology thats too big for its own good
This one feels weird since the on that says off does have the traditional errors fixed while the one saying on has the usual lighting errors (the bricks on the left still receiving direct light because of their normals, trash can fully illuminated without getting any shadows from the wall becoming just a prop receiving specific light conditions, the plants ignoring light source and just using the normals for shadowed side/iluminated side).
>most amazing graphics is what makes games good
>games are all only about graphics
spotted zoomer
>how can they be subhuman?
Because they're jews? Dumb retard
Thanks to this BASED jew for inventing (((gender))) and (((transsexuals)))
Or this BASED jew for helping to invent the Atomic bomb? So based!
k you too
Just tried it out with a green towel, that's some next level shit I never payed attention to.
Ironically, tessellation has been pretty much dropped in most modern games in favor of different techniques, and if it is included it's pretty much just for extremely round objects and ropes.
No, it’s not.
You can play Crysis maxed out. Remember when it came out how barely anyone could? Don't buy the graphics card then (I'm not), but don't be against the tech, if anything these games having the feature now is future proof, like most features in Crysis were.
Who are you quoting, retard? I’m saying that if you don’t care about graphics, then stop posting in a thread about graphics.
Doesn't change my point really. They still invented those things even if the tranny shit should've been banned.
Imagine buying 2060s when you can get a used 1080ti for less
retards be retards
>the video
>this is what white privilege
They are just AMD shitters. OP's pic is what I have wanted out of flashlights since I first saw one. I will have to upgrade eventually but I was gonna have to do that is a couple tears anyway.
I don't think anyone would have any issue with this RTX stuff if it didn't cut performance by upwards of 60% in some cases.
The extra graphics are nice, but not if it comes at such an insane performance penalty for such a small benefit.
is RTX enabling(or even forcing) developers to be lazy about the non-RTX graphics implementations?
>OP's pic is what I have wanted out of flashlights since I first saw one.
Then allow me to point you in the direction of Crysis, Crysis 2, Crysis 3, TLOU, and Mirror's Edge.
>to be lazy about the non-RTX graphics implementations?
No one will give a fuck about it anymore in five years, just like PhysX.
Its an edgy joke where do you think you are getting genuinely offended lmao.
Why do you ask? (inb4 Metro and Lost Light looked better)
Pre baked lighting
Dumbass. Raytracing is the next big step in photorealism just like PBR was for this gen. There's no way in hell devs will stop caring about it.
That's like saying the invention of tractors enabled farmers to be lazy, raytracing just removes a lot of the smoke and mirror bullshit that goes into pretending current graphics technology is good.
yes yes mr minecraft lets play
you buy your 2000$ graphics card for your trash 4k reflections-gasm
and ill continue to play my comp games with 144fps
Only people who care about photorealism are GTA modders from brazil.
And people who are interested in seeing graphics tech be pushed.
>Remove standardized lighting
>Replace with RTX lighting nVidia pays you to support
>"Buy our overpriced shit or get the bad experience"
Late state capitalism, folks
RTX is one of those peak tech meme. Just like 3D TVs were back then and VR is now.
It brings minimal benefits over its "old an fake" predecessors(even with dedicated HW) but even those come at the cost of a hefty performance drop. And that is with current gen, if next gen pushes graphical standards further that drop is going to become even more significant.
It would be great if the average wage was 10000$/month with current pricing, but as it stands its an expensive addition that is often barely felt.
>lamp and cups still cast no shadow on the table
The rasterized lighting is present in that rtx off scene, retard. Post some examples of older games with rasterized light that has a scene with a flashlight in a dark room lighting the rest of the room in the same way as the RTX On scene.
the last of us had this without RTX and it worked on the ps3
Uncharted does this on the Playstation
What kind of wonder-material is that generator's paint made of, to be able to literally reflect light back like it's a red fucking floodlight, when it's caked in dirty crap while having this weird fucking plasticized "next-gen" texture so prevalent in this console generation?
Have any of these fuckers ever actually used a flashlight in a dark room?!
Metro Exodus only uses raytraced light, which is why objects in that scene do not have shadows. Conversely, CoDMW is only using raytraced shadows, which is why you probably won’t see a lot of special things done with light and reflections. Nvidia’s RTX is a partial implementation of raytracing.
Post example.
It is called color bleed
>let's just slap that shit here as an excuse to not make good ambient lights
technology is here just to make develloppers more and more lazy every day
Now that's bullcrap since that can be done without using rtx
Of course. And Nvidia most probably payed them to make it look worse without RTX
But Doom 3 managed to cast dynamic shadows from dynamic objects towards other dynamic objects
Uncharted 4’s flashlight is a cheat that doesn’t work the same way as raytracing. It puts a hidden light source behind the surface the light is cast on, making it look like light bounces. You can tell by watching this video, where the intensity of the light bounce never changes, no matter how close Drake’s flashlight is to the surface it’s pointed to.
RTX would been way better implemented if it affected gameplay and such. And if it was a technology shared with the rest of the manufacturers, including hardware for consoles. Still, it's just a minor visual detail that won't affect much and that it will never be properly used in a game.
As example, PhysX could have been used in lots of cool ways for gameplay purposes (like Havok and HL2) but since Nvidia owns it, it will never pass from "it only works to add additional detail"
Don’t confuse RTX with raytracing. RTX is Nvidia’s implementation of raytracing, not the technology itself. Someone will come along and do it better.
Isn't the game supposed to look like the top picture? Dark as shit? I remember the first being like that at night
>light source behind desk
>desk is completely illuminated
Hmmm, something tells me this isn't real ray tracing. What kind of kikery is Nvidia pulling here?
>Someone will come along and do it better.
*Sony will
Exactly, because RTX was not a thing so devs had to do it themselves. Now that there is RTX, they add it in and call it a day. Or do they? That's what I'm asking. Seems like it's kind of absurt if they do, considering only a small percentage of people have RTX cards
The bottom picture is simulating the light bounces of a flashlight hitting an object within an enclosed room like such. If this was an open air environment, it’d be much dimmer due to the lack of surfaces for the light to bounce off.
I'm talking about the fact that games right now have non-RTX implementations of the things that RTX does. Only a small percentage of people have RTX cards, so developers still have to implement non-RTX lighting etc. I'm asking if the existence of RTX worsens the quality of the non-RTX stuff
I wish someone implemented RTX in more old games like with Quake 2, I want Unreal Gold with RTX
No, Uncharted 4’s trick wouldn’t work in a variety of environments or in an environment with complex geometry with dynamic objects.
Yeah but they did it on static environments right? I thought the point of RTX is that it can be done to objects in any location in real time. Which makes posting still images of the effect pointless.
games look the fucking same
idk what the high specs of dying light 2 is about
>RTX on!
Oh wow now the lighting looks worse and it's a warmer color temp... Cool
So it turns down the shadows and turns up the brightness. No thanks games are already to bright now a days
what pisses me off is that these fuckers will intentionally gimp the game graphically to shill their new gay card
>halve your framerate for slightly better shadows
It's causing shadows to blur as they get further from the light source, not "turning up the brightness." Open your eyes.