The Switch is the greatest video game console of all time.
The Switch is the greatest video game console of all time
Tekken 7 is the best 3D party game for children of all time.
>console wars
Anyone who partakes in this shit is a corporate cock-sucking shill at best or a complete shitposting obsessed tranny at worst
I wouldn't go that far, but it does have a few quality games like Tetris 99.
Enjoying your censored games, Sonyfriend?
it's the only relevant console of the decade if you play non-fifa games
that's implying the switch has more than 1 exclusive
>Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.
C.S. Lewis
I'm not so destitute that I have to pick only one console to play, poorfag
It's barely more powerful than an Xbox 360 though. It's basically an Nvidia Shield with Nintendo slapped on it.
Are nincels actually this delusional?
Your pathetic outdated mobile spec BING BING tablet can hardly even considered a real console
Seems that way
why does the party game for children community always get triggered when a game is 3D, is more than 60FPS, has delay based netcode or uses dedicated servers for online play?
Awe, OP is retarded. That's cute.
This is the correct answer. Nothing will top the PS2.
The PS1 is better but the PS2 is still good.
Name 3 games I can't play on other consoles. No weeb shit. MM, BOTW, etc are all on Wii U without paying for the worst paid online ever.
I love the PS1, but the PS2 tops it for me with everything but JRPGs.
Silent Hill 2/3/4, Persona 3/4, MGS 2/3, RE:CV/4, Gran Turismo 3/4, SOCOM, GTA III/VC/SA, Max Payne, NFSU/U2, Tokyo Xtreme Racer 0/3, FFXII, Grimgrimoire, Oni just to name a few.
PS1 had better 2D action games and more experimental and interesting arcade style games like roll away, jumping flash and ghost in the shell. Those are still exclusive unlike almost everything you listed.
I have 30$ to spend on the e-shop.
Any recommandation ?
the switch may be the greatest video game console but it doesn't have the best games.
first 2 games are wii u ports
I will never buy a console that won't let me properly back up my savefiles
Of course it isn't, but I do like it as a piece of hardware quite a bit. The smooth transition between Handheld and Docked mode is really something nice and having a pro controller makes it one of the most comfy systems I've ever used.
I thought the hardware gimmick would be lame but I get loads of use out of it. If I'm playing on my TV and I have to go being able to take my game with me with no delay and play it on the go is super handy.
The thing that makes a game console great, though, is the library. For its first couple years I quite like all the games I have on Switch, but I also skipped the Wii U. If I were a Wii U owner I probably wouldn't be so thrilled at all the ports.
In 5 years of they cal pull a few more BotW and Odyssey's out of their hat, and drum up some great 3rd party support, it very well could be. Lord knows they're killing it with Indie games right now.
will buy a switch once SMT 5 is confirmed.
all it’s used for is ports of decades old games, so this is fine
Nice cope
You got absolutely BTFO of the water
Nobody bought the wii u so it's ok.
>Let's Go are in different tier despite being the same game
>Let's Go are outside of shit tier to begin with
>Three Houses only mid
Were you high when you made this user?
>The Switch is the greatest video game console of all time.
i feel bad for you kek
unhacked its a complete piece of shit but being able to easily play any co-op/VS 4th gen game on the go with a friend is great.
Look at all the snoy-trannies seething to the truth and fact OP posted
I counter your seethe with a cope
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
>greatest console of all time
>library filled with ports from the wiiu
>multiplat games are so atrocious compared to their counterparts in other games
>battery life still around 5 hours even after hardware revisions
>joycons break off from the screen
>joycons have drifting analogs
>joycons do not have dpads