
Will you give it another chance?

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>pay to win MMO

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Isn’t this the third time they tried to relaunch this shit show?

t-third time's a charm...

what is going on? are thay making new fresh servers?

I'm sure we are going home bros...
this time they will fix the game and we can have our comfy sandbox trading game back without the pay2win crap

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I'm waiting to see what will they do. I'm currently playing on RU servers and surprisingly the game is better since they removed labor potions and added new equipment. Of course people can still buy gold and equipment but you can't fix that, but you can grind some pretty good gear and gold is easier to get.

if its free sure
if its a subscription-based server they can suck my nuts

Yep pretty much how I feel about this as well

can anyone redpill me on what is happening
never played the game because i always thought i was too much of a casual to achieve anything in it, but now that the timer shows only 3 more remaining hours i'm interested in what's happening

You guys are the reason this game went to shit in the first place. A paywall keeps the ptw and shitters out so I hope you all can't play.

Nobody knows, but based on the quotes below the countdown, they might be relaunching the game without the p2w.

I just want to build my comfy farm and house close by sea, but fuckers buy it all before i have money to get anything.

Gamigo bought Trion a while ago and gutted their offices of most employees.
Archeage has had less P2W in recent updates but at the same time the game is built around it so it's impossible to get rid of entirely.
Gamigo has some mission statement about reducing micro-transactions and removing P2W in their games.
Countdown started and it's probably Archeage Unchained, possibly Uncharted.
Everyone thinks another fresh start server with p2w removed and possibly subscription only.

the game used to be a good sandbox MMO but the pay2win got so bad over time along with a shitty system called labor points that literally killed the game and the company got sold and the game got the axe
now they are redoing it with quotes about no more pay2win and reworked labor point with a countdown timer so everyone is waiting to see what the new "reborn" game is

Yeah because it went so well for BDO

paying then they scam you again, yea

>trusting Trion

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BDO is not even MMO
you are playing a singleplayer game with other retards

>Re-launching the game, days before WoW Classic.
Isn't this a terrible idea?

Trion exists in name only nowadays.

Why? Archeage is a good game unlike WoW Classic.

subscription, aka paying for something even when you're not using it, no thanks.
If you purchased game time and it counted down only when you played, maybe.

Are you one of those people who feels like if you pay 10-15 bucks a month you need to play it 24 hours a day to somehow get your money back?
I stand by expecting an hour per dollar for a game and if I'm playing a game over 15 hours a month then the subscription is a moot point in my mind as long as there's not further costs that are creeping in like P2W. Which is why I'm cautiously optimistic about this Archeage announcement, I'd rather pay monthly and have that be it then if it means the store is much less intrusive.

Yes If I have a subscription I feel like I'm wasting money every time I'm doing something else. Guess I'm jew like that.
I'd rather just buy a game and play as much as I want, then If they release new content pay for it.

subscription is also kinda forces you to play

Fuck you, nigger. I would never, ever touch a f2p MMORPG.

Not more than paying for any other game, if you subscribed for 4 months at $15 and put more time into it than a new $60 game how is that bad? If it's something that has content updates you like and you enjoy playing to the point of not buying other games then I don't see the big deal.
If you don't feel like playing then just cancel your subscription.

says the fag that has spend 5000 bucks over the years for WoW and FF, and netflix, and hulu, and amazon prime.

subscription is alright if they take out the pay2win trash otherwise they can fuck off

>tfw playign with the bros back when it first came out
>use harpoon to fire down into the water and launch you sky high
>Use harpoon to travel slowly across land while the three of you play music on the instruments
I cant even remember the game outside of that

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Your point is....? That I pay for quality games that don't rape my ass with p2w items? Should I feel bad about it?

>Pay money
>Enjoy product
Holy shit how fucking terrible. Everything should be free.

I prefer subs because its ALWAYS the god damn brs and Russians that start bitching about them whenever they're brought up.

Nobody will pay a subscription for a game this old and that relaunched like 2 times already.
If they trully remove the p2w, expect lots of cosmetics.

that you're stupid enough to think you get your money worth

Plenty of people who have been burned by archeage before have fond memories but hate the p2w and if the stipulation was "its sub only but we gutted the cash shop" they'd find an audience.
who are you to determine the value of money to someone?

>falling for it again

come the fuck on lads.


korean MMOs will always be p2w shit. ALWAYS.

Trion doesn't exist anymore, they were bought out. It's just the name leftover.

It was great before it officially launched, so maybe.

I played in open beta and the first month of official release, it was a magical time.

>Traveling across the continent
>Using a boss capture net to make one of the roaming bosses my pet with the help of 50+ other players
>Sailing the ocean to retrieve trade packs that fell to the ocean floor after enemy players ganked me
>was also building up a secret trade network across the home continent

The gameplay was alright, but because my rig was crappy I swore I'd only do combat if I even upgraded it. Then the Aurora island expansion came out, and I... simply tuned out. Said my goodbyes to every friend I made there and let my account disappear into the ether.

I am the poorfag

>trion worlds
arent they ultra pozzed with P2W aids?


freeloading asshat*

>tfw no bros to do stupid shit with

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we are all gonna make it lad

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I was hyped about the announcement and it made me play on ArcheRage pserver.
It's fun and you get free patron so I guess I'll just stay there instead.

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Personally I just don't like investing time into private servers.
Call it autism.

>falling for it

they are going to release it again, theres going to be 3-4 different packages you can buy and with a promise that the cash shop will be toned down.
and then 3ish months after launch, the cash shop will get a few updates and in another 2-3 months it will be back where it started.
they have done this now (successfully) 5+ times

All I remember about this game is
>Lads are fucking HYPED about the game but I'm too busy
>For an entire fucking month they keep dropping stories about how much fun they're having, and about their new house and other shit.
>"Alright, I guess I'll try it now that I have time."
>Lads aren't playing anymore
>Trion released a lootbox that can drop a rare resource and crashed the markets into the ground so they stopped playing

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Then I'll have fun for a few months. This is the best chance for Archeage to reinvent itself under a new management team so it's worth it to see what happens at least.

regardless what you think about wow classic, its still a bad time to launch the game

I mean this could just be an announcement and nothing to do with a near release date.
I don't think there's a huge overlap here besides "MMORPG". WoW is a casual themepark, Archeage is a PvP sandbox.

If it was a proper sub-based server that would be good so they can stop trying to monetize paw to win shit.
When have you ever seen a free to play game where you don't have to pay for important shit?

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Dunno man, nowadays a good pserver is more likely to survive than a P2W game with a terrible publisher.

never played it so gonna try it it better not be shit you cunts

You missed out big time lad.
You'll experience exploring the sea and secret islands or going to war with the bros on a big ass galleon as one of the first guilds.

I guess after today's announcement we will see.

>paw to win
fucking die, phoneposter

a lot of f2p are cosmetics only

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>paw to win
yiff in hell

>added flying

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Don't the dragon mounts already exist and do that?

I dunno I never played it. I don't like Flying and neither should anyone.

its a glider

>have a mechanic where people can buy land and use it to do farming/whatever
>allow robots and jews to buy everything up
>everything else is p2w as fuck
>"wow why do people hate our game?"

I don't think Trion gave a shit what people thought about their game as long as money flowed in.
Here's hoping gamigo sort of cares.

The will for a month or two then who knows.

This company bought out trion and told XL games (the korean devs) that if they dont let them restructure it for western markets, they would drop supporting it.
could be the same old shit though.

>global pvp
no thanks

Age of Conan's open world FFA PvP should be the standard.

it a sandbox though. You're supposed to want to would you can do you so much you could do anything.

I'll be playing classic.

Besides, end game is too much pay to win garbage for my liking. I'm happy with sniping the server's first castle from all the big guilds though from the first time round.

Ihope they mean being reasonable, not "waiting for a few months before you force the P2W strapon in" activision style

2h left....

I hope its not announcement of another announcement

>You're supposed to want to would you can do you so much you could do anything.

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If the news are good, how about we start a general over at /vg/? There seems to be enough people interested in this thread only.

Let's just make sure to tone the drama down this time around.

How do you guys not have one? Even Tree of
Savior has one.

>tfw frens group are a bunch of NEET poorfags
>tfw none of them would play a pay2play game unless I bought it for them.

No thanks. I already switched to FFXIV

>Trion Worlds

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at least read the thread before shitposting


Fucking Maplestory 2 of all things has a general, population is definitely not a concern.

I doubt anyone cares about it anymore and it will die in a month.

in a month we already got WoW classic

I just can't wait to start playing this with my best friend who is expert in trading
I hope it will be good

They managed to ruin the game from Alpha -> Beta.
These retards can't be trusted.

I tried downloading this game through Steam and also through their website. When I try to launch it through Glyph it doesn't start. Anyone else have this issue?

Try again in 47 minutes.

>I tried downloading this game through Steam
Don't do that.

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i just want to drive a bote again
please devs don't fuck this up

i love this dude

I'll do a fresh install when I get home.
Yeah I know that Steam doesn't download the full game, but I was having issues with the website download as well

Damn was it really fucking fun. Last memory before the game went instance dead.
Me and my boys were black listed from all deep sea fishing raids because we'd smash our galleon through the encirclement and steal a few boats with their catch.

Never played Archeage before, give tips for a total beginner anons

Really hard to say, ask in 30 minutes brother when we know what we're working with.

>be on the other faction's port, which has neutral guards
>put my cart right on the trading pack npc and wait
>some moron comes with a cart loaded with packs and accidentally clicks on mine, attacking it
>guards react by killing him and destroying the cart
>me and some nearby dudes quckly grab the packs and sell them to the npc while laughing at the poor sod
Fun times

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>30 Minutes away

I guess?

redpill me on this game

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Give it to a different publisher and maybe I'll give it another shot.

>start dancing in the middle of nowhere
>come back to a fucking rave
One of the only good memory I have from the beta/early launch days

It is a different publisher. Trion has fuck all to do with RIFT/ArcheAge and that one Minecraft game anymore.

>that guy that was always on trial for pk'ing
>"They were all bots I swear!"
>"yeah yeah let's get this over with"

I want to go back.

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>bunch of guys ask if we can join forces for a trade run
>not sure if we can trust them
>not sure if they can trust us
>things seem to go well but everyone in my guild sounds tense
>port in sight
>everyone starts murdering each other

>12348 minutes of jail time
My fucking sides. Imagine if the game was subscription based.

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can you escape jail at least?

Yes, is kind of encouraged actually.

>an hour per dollar
This ... this works really well actually, shit.

That is why you go pirate, static jail time per death.

You get a debuff that doesn't allow you to craft, farm and other stuff.

It is possible to escape, but you get instantly turned into a Pirate, which every faction is hostile towards.

5 minutes!

I stopped trusting Trionfags a long time ago.
To be specific, a bit late, though.
It was at the time when they ruined Trove

2 Minutes 30 Seconds :)

Trion isn't handling ArcheAge anymore. XLGames founder got pissed at them and forced them to contract it out to Gamigo who is handling the relaunch



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Is that so?
Well, I'm willing to keep an eye out at the very least, but I'm not optimistic





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In ArcheAge: Unchained there is no longer a subscription model. With a onetime purchase, you can enjoy the content as often as you want. You will be able to purchase vanity items via Credits and we will implement seasonal ArchePasses. We are focusing on fairer gameplay which is why we decided to change a few monetization features for ArcheAge: Unchained. There’ll be more information in the next couple of weeks so stay tuned!

ArcheAge: Unchained will not have a subscription model. Purchase once and play often.
ArcheAge: Unchained: It’s a level playing field for everyone where only your skills and talent matter.
On ArcheAge: Unchained, you can’t directly purchase Labor, Apex, Lockboxes, etc.
Introduction of a new skillset, Swiftblade, along with a revamp of the siege system, a new naval arena and loads more.
There will be seasonal passes and you will be able to purchase vanity items via Credits.
Yes, both versions of ArcheAge (ArcheAge and ArcheAge: Unchained) will co-exist. New content and updates are coming in the Fall.
You won’t be able to transfer items or Credits between both versions.
More information will be released in the next few weeks about cost and launch date.

wow, an mmo that has some mmo elements and isnt just a glorified singleplayer game with the occasional co-op that isnt named eve?

I will never touch a Korean MMO again

So basically FFXIV mog station for vanity shit only? but without the subscription also?


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>preorder this fall
Ayy lmao

>In ArcheAge: Unchained there is no longer a subscription model. With a onetime purchase, you can enjoy the content as often as you want. You will be able to purchase vanity items via Credits and we will implement seasonal ArchePasses.

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>Do I still have to get Patron Subscription?

There will be no subscription in ArcheAge: Unchained. No one can simply purchase an advantage over others. Everyone will have the same amount of Labor regeneration and a cap of 5,000 Labor Points. Housing will be available for everyone.

aaaand dropped

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This, its the only thing that made Ascension WoW fun

Good fucking change, a one time purchase blocks out the BRs and chinese, and no pay 2 win is great, looking forward to it


>paying for an mmo
no one is going to buy this piece of shit you need players to make mmo's fun and you can only get players by making it f2p

>not f2p
enjoy your dead "mmo"

>we will implement seasonal ArchePasses
I wonder at which season they will start introducing p2w shit because the money from cosmetics is not enough?


>pay wall good, fuck poorfags.

t.russian poorfag

Probably a couple of months in.

they didnt say anything about land or if they going to change pack system back :(

I just want archlogistics back

I meant that legitimately. I fucked up the quote.

so, basically ArcheRage but with less people and b2p


will they ever learn? this will be a dead game in 2 months because of shit like this. jesus fuck just charge like 5$ per months

buy2play just like Guild Wars 2 and Elder Scrolls Online, respectively #2/#3 in the MMO genre?


what did they do to the pack system

They'll announce it right after the first one

Elder Scrolls is a big franchise
Guild Wars 2 is f2p

This but unironically

>seasonal ArchePasses

can someone expalins what is this? is it like GW2 expansions?

You should just play another good f2p MMO...
Oh right, such thing doesn't exist.

I think you pay like 30 bucks and you get bunch of exclusive cosmetic shit that wont be aviable in the other season pack

Probably a system similar to Fortnite's battlepasses where you complete the challenges in the pass and get vanity items/ currency

But ESO and GW2 are garbage games, and AA is legitimately great sans the p2w garbage (which is now removed).

>Buy a video game
>Look like a peasant unless you buy barbie doll horse armor for $25.95
Glad I didn't get my hopes up for this.

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I mean this is literally the rift prime model, is anyone shocked? I'm not interested and it'll die because of that, but hopefully it does alright for a little bit. A little mad I can't use my apex though, I've got like 80 just sitting on my characters on kyrios from launch when I got a thunderstruck somehow.

Probably copying Zoomernite passes, but with P2W lootboxes after the first one ends and they drop the mask.

made only 3 places to turn in, made it so you couldn't store on bungelos, made it so there they dissapear after 5 days even if rotated packs, added quality timers so they lose value if you dont deliver in 6 hours, made turn in ratio slower

basically ruined them

>retards caring about cosmetics this much
Yea Forums is dead

>buying glowy shit
Good thing I don't want particle effects on my mounts and I'm happy getting a fast, white horse which comes by default in every game ever.

>pay to play with f2p business model

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>sailing the high seas
>see a speck on the horizon

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well i gave it a go and its shit.
so generic and korean it hrts

as a casual, will i be able to get my own house in this new version?

I'll give it a chance, fuck y'all wow subscription hostages

>Wanting to bring any of that cash shop garbage over onto unchained
You are why we can't have nice things. I still remember having a fuckton of fun in the beta. Quit a few months after release since the game truned into such a pos with p2w elements almost immediately after launch.

>buy to play

So... is it P2W or not? are we going to pay one time for the game and still pay for shit like BDO?

>>see a speck on the horizon
Did they change the draw distance at sea? Because as far as I remember boats would just pop a couple of meters in front of you.

>small deers do more damage than a sword warrior
>look at basic low level armor in general store
>no stats on them
>50 gold each
>barely scraped 12 silver

you pay once and every other crap is cosmetic only

>with cash shop
>with paid season passes

For now, no. Doesn't mean Gamigo won't change it a month or so after release. They are claiming it is completely p2w-less.

can you fucking read?

There will be no subscription in ArcheAge: Unchained. No one can simply purchase an advantage over others. Everyone will have the same amount of Labor regeneration and a cap of 5,000 Labor Points. Housing will be available for everyone.

So far, no.
Long term we'll see but this is their last chance. ArcheAge Unlimited or whatever fresh start servers started not p2w but became p2w as they reintroduced the shit that made people quit the first time

But that was Trion and this isn't done by Trion

Only if you can grab one of the 50 available plot of land before everyone else.

I'm sold, see you guys in the seas

>walk in to town
>see guys wearing high level plate armor with glowing auras
>riding mythological winged horses found in some enchanted forest after a 50 hour long questline
>blades that were fought for in grueling battles in forgotten dungeons 1,000 miles away
>lmfao nvm they just bought it all for $20 a pop and you're wearing rags and riding on a mangy donkey despite being level 99 and doing all that shit
>remember you paid $40 for this delightful experience

>everyone itt

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If it's strictly cosmetic I see no problem, but that was supposed to be the original plan before they started adding P2W after P2W starting a week before launch when promising 0 P2W for months.

B2P is still better than subscription and keeps the bot flood down, original Trion didn't even do anything about them.

No tricks, no traps, friend!

>Because as far as I remember boats would just pop a couple of meters in front of you.
That was mostly thanks to the shitty servers forcing them too use culling to make sure that everything didn't immediately crash and burn. It cleared up once the game started dying and would come back periodically during ''comeback'' events, that is what my friend told me atleast since I have not played the game since release.

I'm literally begging for a sub with no cash shop, dumb retard.

if gameplay is good i couldn't give less of a fuck.

I'm not a fan either but I don't really care since I like the grounded aesthetic of vanilla gear. Same thing applies to Elder Scrolls Online, I see people riding around on glowing mounts with particle effects and I just like the armor and horses that you can buy with gold.

Sucks for muh immersion though

>If it's strictly cosmetic I see no problem
>inb4 faster mounts/boats/etc are considered cosmetic

>Not wanting to be dingy rag man
Get your gay glowshit outta here.

>no relase day
>no price

give me some info

>ok, not gonna play it now but it's fine
>we will implement seasonal ArchePasses
Haha, fuck you.

go sub to wow, and eso,

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>splitting an already dead game
what, on top of that it's a b2p game, who the fuck will be playing it

>Having to re-purchase the game
It better not be expensive for a game that already came out years ago.

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Original Trion fucked that up even harder by "normalizing" all the gliders and mounts, but they "forgot" to normalize skillsets so the best gliders and mounts were cash shop only.

>Tfw meeting up with 3 randoms and using Duels and that bubble spell + the jump back shadowplay spell to climb mountains.

I miss it.


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Im going home bros, no more archeage needed

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I will be able to experience a fresh start with my 4channeler bros, I can't wait for the first guilds to pop up and go around the seas sinking ships with my bros... yep I'm thinking we are all gonna make it.

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CP810 here. Fuck ESO's monetization. Cash shop monetizes literally anything and everything they can in addition to a optional monthly sub in addition to yearly expansion packs and quarterly DLCs


wow classic is more trash than guild wars 2

Might try it out. Most MMOs out there are terrible anyway.

Does Aion still exist?


dont take this away from me user. I want to believe. I have to believe

Aion was never good desu.

Imagine paying for this scam

I played archeage for a while. I seem to remember people could pay for cash shop items and then sell them on the normal gold marketplace.
So you could basically just buy gold with real currency and then use that gold to buy anything else you wanted like high end gear.
That's super P2W.

I think free private servers might have changed that though. I never got back into it.

>Sucks for muh immersion though
This is exactly why I fucking hate it. You can't just ignore it, it turns the game into a cheap mess of retarded flashy bullshit mixed in with people who in contrast look like dreary noobs because they didn't pay more. For f2p it's fine but I'm not paying up front for that experience any more.

>Old trion is deado
>reset, fresh start
>another chance to avoid thunderstruck tree fiasco.
Good enough for me, I'm not a poor fag.

I will. Archeage has always been a good game, The problem was the p2w.

I don't mean to get credits, I mean I wish I could use the apex to buy unchained. no one's going to play the original mode so I won't be able to do shit but maybe try to sell them for $2 a pop.

>no sub
>no p2w
>actually good game
yep, I'm.

>with no cash shop

its even worse on most private servers

they're even bigger jews than trion

I remember this shit, you could buy mass amounts of land for real world currency and own pretty much the entire server

Fuck that.

you're talking like you already know what they're gonna sell, please tell me the next winning lotto numbers

>The problem was the p2w.
>>>we will implement seasonal ArchePasses
Good luck if you think that will change.

Fuck Trion for desperately clinging to their worst IPs. They shut down Atlas Reactor, which was pretty cool to play with your buddies.


>If it's strictly cosmetic I see no problem, but that was supposed to be the original plan before they started adding P2W after P2W starting a week before launch when promising 0 P2W for months.
Exactly and how many times have they promised that they will fix it now? 2-3 times atleast. This slope is so slippery that they will be at the bottom of it before this shit even releases.

>B2P is still better than subscription and keeps the bot flood down, original Trion didn't even do anything about them.
That is probably the 2nd thing that killed AA, ZERO anti-cheat/bot protection and the entire time Trion was just going ''Can't do nothing about it bub :^) Blame those damn chinks! We never wanted to openly shit on our community/game we pinky swear! Now buy this new cash-shop item goy!''.

you mean when they basically made it so you could buy thunderstrucks with real money and skip the RNG?


Because I've seen the model 100+ times before and every single one did the same shit. They are directly incentivized to make it so, they wouldn't make money otherwise.

>have your own little seaside property, farming goose feathers to sell on the AH
>portrait of hitler inside which you only show to your close friends
>your own sloop you take out to explore the seas
>being in and out of jail
>ganking people in the wilderness
>that absolutely scary feeling when you're going too close to the north continent and see the kraken in the distance

user you know it's not out yet right?

Never played Archeage, how's ArcheRage, the server?

That's how it died in under a week.

this game was actually pretty fun when i played it before release, shame what happened to it

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>get prime comfy house spot by the river in marianople or villanelle

Really good.

Absolutely NOT.

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I miss my house by the sea in mahadevi, even had a secondary spot just in front of it with some cherry trees
I miss all the comfy bros

thats literally when i quit too

pretty sure at least half the populace if not more bailed after that stunt

The game was born with two of the most shitty types of terminal cancer a game can have:
>Korean devteam
>Western publishers
The only thing that could have made it worse is if it had been published by tencent instead of trion.

nothing will ever beat the headstart archeage days. you were in a qeue for hours, knowing that its going to be fun

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Archeage western launch was so god damn fun. Shame trion killed it in a few weeks.

>gliding around
>finds a secret thunderstruck (the most expensive wood at time) farm
>trees still growing, ETA in 4 hours
>puts an alarm and go to sleep
>wakes up at 4 AM and sack the entire farm
>turns out that belonged to some rival guild and my own GM asks me to apologize to them while we laugh our asses off

Fun times. Shame id did not last

the beta was where it was truly good

Season passes for what theyve already said is vanity only items? Its just fortnites dumb vanity business model user. Don't be stupid

yeah but sailing and fishing with Yea Forumsros

>t. poor peruvian

the 7 days before the release were the best, because it improved on the beta, but they ruined the game right on release.

The /vg/ guild died within 3 days of those rumbling trees being released. I slowly watched as everything fell apart. We were even there for inochs first kraken kill and it all still fell apart. Truly depressing.

what is your guess on how much the base game will cost?

inb4 "it´s not trion now" shills

$30 probably

Check out Black Desert if you're looking for a fishing and sea monster hunting game with bros, it's bretty good if you're not a pvp sperg and don't need to care about gear.

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>tfw archeum pack
I was there, senpai

It went to shit when trion smuggled a P2W cash shop days before launch when they already had collected money from alpha/beta passes.
Plus that fucking thunder trees once Auroria launched.
Fuck you.

do you think it's playable if you're from EU instead of murrica?

the truth is that the game was already utter shit by the time the thunderstruck fiasco rolled in, it was just the last nail on the coffin
trino managed to kill a good game in less than a week

I call it pragmatism. A lot of the ones I've played on for various games would eventually do a wipe of everyone's characters, "to preserve the economy". Didn't happen all the time, but it happened enough that there's no way in fuck I'm going to put in the kind of dedication that I would for retail. Any private server I play on is going to be treated like a girl I picked up at a bar, fucked, and then snuck out on before dawn the next morning.

I am in EU and it's absolutely fine. I strongly suggest it over Live.

Harmony guy? (Shatigon/EU)

so if I paid for the archeum pack back i the day I will have to pay again in order to play
already with the money grabbing shit

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The other version still exists, you can play that if you really want your stuff.

best song

>uwu lyrics

good luck releasing this piece of shit along with Lost Ark RU lmao

Sure, why not. When's the release date?

Fuck yes we're goin home.

Get fucked, enjoy your wasted money.

>shitters getting mad at one-time purchase
Can't wait, f2p shitters will be gone and WoW streamers already have a monopoly on the retard mmo mobs. Ready for the best mmo experience yet.

I'll play. Let the whales congregate on their legacy servers where they can jack each other off with the thousands they dump on worthless pixels.


Never trust p2w, never trust furfaggotry
Archeage deserves to die

>on a boat chillin with the bois one night
>someone falls off the boat on some random spot in the middle of nowhere
>we stop and jump too
>tfw there are some big ass ruins in the depths of the sea
also treasure hunting was top comfy before trino fucked it

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I'm not trusting them. I'll instead give them a month or two to see how it goes. I'll play Classic meanwhile.

Archeage was shit and also

>Lost Ark
dead on arrival

>misses on all the prime housing spots

oh no, its retarded

but they said it will be available for everybody

>play before release
>get a nice cozy spot
>release happens
>takes hours to get into the server
>every fucking inch of the world is already taken
>this continues for weeks

holy shit those times were amazing, you could flip land for absurd money

Its not fucking trion you dumb gook nigger faggot retard. Read nigger read.

>out with the guild on privateering adventures
>go way the FUCK out into the ocean
>go afk for a minute
>come back, somehow fell off the boat
>swimming around alone in the middle of the ocean fuck fuck fuck
>see a giant, a fucking GIANT ass sea monster off in the distance
>its coming right for me
>cant swim away
the Leviathan truly is a terrifying beast.

>People keep arguing it isn't a shill
>Yet it gets posted roughly the same time every day like clockwork

Fuck off, shill. Private servers have existed and made vast improvements to the game for years. Trion had their chance, and even with a different puppeteer up their asses, I still don't trust them.

same thing happened to me
>land flipping
thought only russian (((bots))) could do that reasonably

Either it means it's "available" to everyone in the sense that everyone has the ability to get them now that apex is gone, or that the people who are late to the party will get welfare instanced housing.

I played on the big private server for a while right when it came out, and giving everyone easy access to p2w items was a bad idea. Completely broke the balance of the game, removing them altogether was what they should've done.

no you could just fly around and look for someone with overdue rent and wait out the grace time, the russian hack thing was just attempting to buy it faster than you (it wasn't finding overdue plots on its own), but you can spam the buyout yourself. sometimes I saw a few people also camping plots, but it wasn't that many people that did it.

no lmao

5th already

have they at least got rid of the tranny CM?
that thing ruined the game for lots of people

So what's stopping people from buying multiple accounts for extra labor and land hoarding?

General WHEN?

Going off of recent Yea Forums trends the general will just stay here.

Nothing has been said yet, but the devs have said they're working on ways to prevent alts, whatever the fuck that means.

The fact Trion literally raped y'all and you're coming crawling back because they swear they'll be different this time around is no better than some pathetic bitch with Stockholmes Syndrome. If it weren't Trion, I would have given this a second chance with these changes, but I refuse to enable these faggots, new owners or otherwise.

what's stopping people from buying gold?

>From CM iArches on Discord

>You can have multiple accounts but you will not be able to play them at the same time.

>We are working on methods to limit the impact of multi-client and botting accounts.


I used to leave my pc in the queue and remote from work to see how its going along, once I was id just put macro to run forward so it doesnt boot me.
Truck simming was awesome.

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it will literally be the same game but buy2play instead of subscription. das it

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oh man, it will be the botting and hacking inferno all over again

Depending on the price I might get it considering the first month or two will be incredible.

Kinda concerned on how it will play out, really low view count on youtube for a MMO... Ik it might not mean much but part of the reason people got so hyped for it was because of how much people started talking about it, when the official trailer has less than 10k views...yikes...

>the curse of the CM strikes again
Seriously, where the fuck did this job even come from in the last decade? They're almost universally catastrophic for PR, due to either knowing fuck-all about the game they're supposedly there to represent, getting hostile the instant players call out the company on legit bullshit, or being some kind of mental patient. It's like the vidya dev version of some useless bastard who can't hold a real job getting a pity position from their uncle, where they sit at a desk but don't do anything substantive(and fuck things up if they try to).

fuck off, I just want to have a house by the river in marianople and a boat

>released an hour ago
>your average american loser is at work right now, no time to peek or else boss will fuck you in the butt

It's not trion anymore retard, read the fucking thread.

read his fucking post lmao

11th desu

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It's not the same people running the game either.

I didn't even mean youtubers I was focusing on the trailer but k, I get how to the start of the sentence might have been misleading

So what you're saying is EU servers are fucked, in other words my point still stands, the US is not the whole world, get your head out of your oil filled ass

Would you pay full price for a no P2W experience that lasts 6 months?
Doesn't sound that bad tbqh

Yeah you type like an ESL retard, fuck off no one gives a shit.

lmao euroniggers are getting tucked in bed right now to wageslave for tomorrow

Will they eliminate the BR menace?

Why does everyone still mention trion for the gamigo release?

Well it's pay to play so most likely.

>Every thread is the same retards talking about they did this and that in 2014.
>Every thread people that is not playing lastest patch talking about how the game is p2w.


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user did you think it was out yet and you downloaded the old version?

had the brs even a high population on archeage?
it wasn't the case on my server, the only br guild fractured and joined english speaking guilds
I think there was a server that all the brs joined tho

Why would you fly into Trion's arm when the Archerage private server exists? Granted at this point it's as bad as live ever was and the people running it couldn't be more incompetent if they tried.

>XIVfags banter WoW kiddies
>WoW kiddies proceed to go shit up every other MMO
I got news for you guys. No one wanted WoWfags when you were running to ESO and failing the most basic dungeon runs. Or when you went to GW2 and felt the need to let everyone in every zone know you're from WoW without anyone asking. No one wanted you to waste their time in BDO knowing you were going to get asspained and quit as soon as you got raped 1v1 and no one wants your carebear ass now.
literally the lingering fart of MMO players.

When I was playing there were like 3 fuckhuge guilds and 1 of them was pure BR.

Are guys who are legit thinking about playing this shit again mentally retarded?

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falseflagging is their drug, spending time reading this thread is like having cancer.

read the thread

was it on the kyrios (or something like that) server


what was the meaning behind this cryptic post

He thought he was posting in the gamescom thread.
We're going home

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>Multiple accounts
>Housing available to everyone
We know exactly how this is really going to go down. Multiple accounts, whales buy cosmetics from the cash shop, sell them on the market for gold, use their labor exclusively for tax certifications, buy gilda blueprints from people for the gold, then swoop in and snag every good plot of land to sell at a jacked up price without every really being hurt by the higher tax requirements. It happened on live and in Archerage.

>whales buy cosmetics from the cash shop, sell them on the market for gold
You're already wrong. This won't be an option. RMT might be an issue though.

what if cashshop stuff is bound?

Show me where they said the cosmetics will be character / account bound. Just saying you can't directly buy an advantage over others (IE Patron, labor potions, etc) doesn't cover that.
If the cosmetics are bound then that would be preferable but I really don't see them having the foresight to do this, especially not when reselling the items for gold incentivizes more purchases.

pretty cool but playing for video games is for losers, maybe next time

New server only problems will be:
>Multi accounts
Because people are used to do this in the normal version, so they will go an extra mile to be able to play like that again VMachine/2nd pc/VPN
>Gold sellers
RMT to retards trying to get ahead, it includes hackers that fly and go beyond map borders to exploit areas not launched, teleporting packs and land grabs.

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>Season passes for an mmo

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Nyanners is that you?
It's me, your old guild leader

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It'll only be cosmetics, fortnite style.

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nah, I tried to download it once and it wouldn't run

I don't play mmos with enthusiasm ever since Rift tanked. Storm Legion was fun as hell for PvP and made choices half interesting, then it went "F2P." I couldn't trust Trion after the whales came then and I won't trust a company's strung-up corpse now.


>Company communicating to the customers via Discord

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>old guild leader
you are old.

The whole CM thing is a terrible idea

As opposed to what? Twitter? Get with the times old man, discord is the biggest chatroom program out there right now, even if you only know it for trannies and furries.

While I hope you're right I really do think you're underestimating their capacity to screw this up. I do wonder though if the multiple accounts could be limited to Hardware ID though, similar to how some permanent bans are handed out in some games.

I can't wait to explore a world allowing unlimited freedem
they're not even hiding this chik mmo scheme, why would I ever give a fuck ?

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man this happened to me and it took like hours of bullshit to get it to run I had to restart my pc and then once the launcher itself would open I had to download it onto my OS harddrive because it wouldnt run otherwise

its time to go to bed grandpa


They can use discord if they want but info like this needs to be front and center on the website or accessible to anyone via a community forum after a quick search.

Fuck off with your p2w trash dumb shills.

Read the thread.

read the thread you dumb tinfoil faggot


hmm that doesnt sound too bad. I might come back.

i don't wanna read the thread, so is this game not p2w anymore, and something about a fortnite season pasS?

p2w gone
season passes for cosmetic stuff
apex gone
trion gone

will combat not suck?

dont think combat is the focus for this

It will suck if you did not like the original combat.

Probably unchanged from the current game.

There is going to be a new class, thats about it.
If you didn't like it before you won't like it now.

Also, they are apparently at least going to try to make a token effort to oppose multiboxing. Definitely not gonna work, but they might make it a bit harder to multibox.

It's had like 4 chances already. For Christ's sake Yea Forums we do this almost EVERY year. Some new MMO comes along, or some older one gets a relaunch and we have thread after thread touting it as some kind of savior. Archeage, Black Desert, Bless Online, Revelation Online etc. Every. Single. Time. You get burned. Stop doing this to yourself. We both know this is going to start out nice and then very quickly go down the drain.

its almost impossible to remove RMT and multiboxing without harming the playerbase, most games just try to do their best, but players need to realize that it wont go away, as long as retards keep buying from RMT

Just read at reddit from players that play the game not a troll thread on 4channel.

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But all those are terrible to the core compared to archeage, which always had the skeleton of a perfect MMO surrounded by the fat of Trion and the monetization model.

Reminder that Gamigo is a p2w game company. All they buy is p2w cash cows.

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and B2P changes nothing, people will abuse all the shit the game suffers right now, stupid move.
They just want people to start over again by buying the game.

I agree, but they havent done anything like this for their past games i think, so maybe they want to try something different considering most of the games they had were shit.

And Arcehage will remain that same skeleton. Why do you think this time will be any different just because the new company says it will be? The Russians running Archerage promised a P2W free experience and it very much became exactly the same as live but with a few extra conveniences.

Every other game Gamigo runs is very heavily monetized and as much as Bless Online failed, when Neowiz and Gamigo had a temporary partnership, Gamigo wanted to ship it even sooner. DO NOT trust them at their word.

but thats p2w user, are you afraid the new servers are gonna be fun and you'll have wasted all the money you invested in archerage? i mean if the gamigo server flops well thats ok, the game is already dead but i think its worth checking it out in a few months.

>The Russians running Archerage promised a P2W free experience and it very much became exactly the same as live but with a few extra conveniences.
It should've been obvious this was a lie the minute you even had the option to pay for advantages. We'll see when the game launches. If there are p2w options then its p2w, if not then it's not. It's really that simple.

You know that you can hold land in the game with Apex active, right? "new version" has no apex to cut you off the land if you want to quit, new mechanics allow you to pre-pay land taxes for almost 3 months, you can hoard land forever.
and all the other shit you can read in the thread about, multiclient and gold sellers... flop.
Only retards that rush every new server will buy and play this shit for the pvp rush and zerg.

As I recall, originally the cash shop was going to be cosmetic only, just like Gamigo is promissing. That quickly changed though and even though there were cosmetics, you could sell them for large amounts of gold. Artificial scarcity for desired costumes was created by very rarely rotating them into and then quickly out of the cash shop.

>playing on a p2w 3rd world private server with no pop

Attached: ew.png (798x613, 721K)

Multiboxing and all that trash isnt so hard to stop. Its what the Chinese do to your server after you stop them that fucks everything up.

What will your build be, Archebros?

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I did play that private server and its p2w too. Im not paying for p2w on a slav knock off. lmao

please stop adding unchained to the title

Multiple accounts are allowed but you're only "allowed" to play on one at a time. Good fucking luck enforcing that. This relaunch is dead right out of the gate.

Either daggerspell or abolisher probably. Daggerspell is fun but after getting fucked by darkrunners enough I feel forced to play abolisher.

>2013 screenshot

Wasnt talking about housing, but yeah, just stay in archerage friend, you can laugh at the gamigo server when it fails or maybe it doesnt but it wont matter anyway, since you would have to start over.

Age of Conan did it with their relaunch so now everyone else has to do it too.


Feels good having sold my account and all my gold before that version died. Wonder if I could just retrieve my account?

did you skip lines? wrote there about what the server will be about in the last line friendo.

oh then im retarded friend i just read that properly, i agree that its gonna be a problem if they dont put up a new system to control housing, since everyone will have free patron. i'll show myself out since i cant read properly.

ah i remember these try hards and their sperg lord leader. good times.

years later I found Oran'Thul on a WoW private server. Nekrage seems to bring his entire guild to any game he plays. The dude must be rich or something.

That's missing an entire skill tree and isnt even accurate anymore. How dare you make me remember telekinesis being in occultism. it's fucking gone now.

Fucking Nekrage. Didn't that guy go to the RP server at launch because he was too chicken shit to go to the PvP Server? Then he AND his body guards got their ass kicked by roleplayers and he eventually just up and left the game after his cult gave him shit loads of gold and gear? Good times.

Why is this name so familiar to me? I shuddered in response to it but cannot remember why I feel such a response.

>Endless arrows in shadowplay
>3rd defense passive is a 50% chance to block arrows
>Songcraft 5th skill healed mana

He was a narcissistic streamer with a huge guild following. He talked a lot of shit but wasn't particularly good at the game. He just excelled at bullying noobies and ganking people with huge zergs. He wanted to be the strongest on the server and run the place but ended up getting chased out by RPers.

Artistry is the best skill, debate me atheists.


ala saus por favor

No way, I remember the grind I went through to stay competitively geared in Archeage, I just dont have the motivation to grow through that again. I miss this game a lot, it had the best world PvP and a real feeling of having something at stake when you engaged in PVP but I cant go through the grind and RNG to get a divine delph weapon again

>Raid leader screaming on comms
>Me playing sonic theme with my maxed artistry and not shooting the cannon


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>I cant go through the grind and RNG to get a divine delph weapon again
Try harder to shitpost correctly
These can feign being retarded

Not anymore.

Since when did darkrunners fuck up daggerspells? Bat/shad/aura has no defense against witchcraft CCs.

Regrading to divine was a pain. Regrading to epic or above was enough to make you want to quit the game.


You mean archeblade?

looks like nekrage is going to play classic wow. i have new shitpost fuel for those "home" threads now

yea basically. he rolled on the easiest server he could. He's also really bad at the game so he always has people that protect him.

everyone hated the dude and his zerg guild. you probably remember getting zerg ganked by them or heard how much people hate him and his guild.

It's really all about who gets the drop on who. If the darkrunner trips the daggerspell they're fucked.

fool me once

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shitposters can't even search the meta classes before shitposting

Sub with no microtransactions is the best business model.
Prove me wrong.

>all the streaming cancer going to wow
In the end, "Home" was just an euphemism for "containment facility", haha

This was years and years ago.

Muse I love you

I can't prove you wrong, but literally no MMO does that nowadays.

b2p with no micros and no sub


makes it f2p with shop lol dumb tranny game

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Are you retarded?

are you a tranny?

Yea Forums would be a much better place if everyone who showed up here after 2011 disappeared.

I think this is the thing people need to pay attention to - Gamigo is so shit that when they were going to handle the western release of Bless even NEOWIZ looked at it and said that it was so bad they had to take it back and do it themselves.

this place is fucking garbage

>a literal who company who's never put out anything besides trash and has a poor reputation is handling the game now
>goes b2p with a fucking seasonpass for outfits
>still keeping the old servers for some reason
>third time this shitshow has been relaunched
>it's literally doing everything that killed pic related
just play a fucking private server anons

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it's b2p

There is only one real "public" private server and its as bad as the legitimate version now. That said Archeage is dead. People just need to accept that and move on.

does marking "not interested" on this fuckers spam in my recommendations do anything?

Re-Installing. Again. This is probably the 5th time so far. This year.

What these Koreans don't understand is that they lost the respect of their playerbase the first time. You're going to have less players on your second launch and even less on the third. But my guess all they're doing is trying to milk this game with every last drop like wringing a towel by relaunching it multiple times.

>second launch
when that happened?

When they released the 2 new races and new servers. It was supposed to revitalize the game after the old servers had died


>people complaining about glowy shit in store
You realize Archeage is one of the few MMOs where you can force generic models on everyone right? It shuts off all cosmetics.
This is one of the best outcomes possible for the game.

>You realize Archeage is one of the few MMOs where you can force generic models on everyone right?
power ranger mode is for large scale pvp or toasters, everyone wants to look at their dresses and mounts.

You can turn it on for yourself and ignore their dresses and mounts. That's my point, I wish to god I could turn off everyone elses abominations in ESO/GW2/XIV/WoW.

>wow babbies shitting up this thread
regardless, I look forward to this re-launch of AA and they are taking all the right steps. I'm not certain they wont shit it up 3 or 6 months down the line with p2w being re-injected back into the game, but for now I am optimistic and look forward to starting fresh.
There might be a different launch client for these servers since they are treating it as a different game.

There is absolutely nothing this game can do to make me come back. It's P2W garbage that had plenty of teleporting farming bots ruining the game. Instead of wasting time with this shit go play a real mans MMO like Classic WoW in 1 week.

Attached: Themostdangerousfap.gif (300x274, 210K)

I can't wait for classic wow to come out and people to still shill it 24/7 because the game is a boring slog and they are alt tabbing while autoattacking mobs to shitpost about how great it is.

Read the thread.

No, not particularly but I'm convinced youre fucking dumb because youre posting asmongold and you lack basic reading comprehension so I'm not actually sure why I asked you if you were in the first place.

>a real mmo
>the mmo that killed mmos
lol no

reminder that only poorfags along with brazilians and russians want f2p and they are upset they have to spend money
I'm glad these filthy retards are getting blocked out and archage can't get any better without them

never post this faggot here again

WoW is not an MMO.

I gave it way too many chances, luckily I was able to cash out by selling gold to South American whales so I have no qualms about the time I spent playing.
Truly the biggest disappointment of an MMO I've ever played, so much potential and content due to the nature of the sandbox.
There will never be anything else like it.

Dude I'd be mad too if no one wanted to play my F2P P2W game.

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>not being excited by the announcement news
legacy players btfo
p2w whales btfo
I would've been fine with strictly subscription but this is acceptable.

Shut the fuck up and play the re-launch. The new company is trying to unfuck the game, its not like you have anything to lose by giving them a chance except maybe $25.

Gamigo has fucked every other game they ever managed and almost fucked Bless Online more than it already was. Why do you trust them? Why are you willing to pay money when you're 90% certain to get burned again?

It disturbs me greatly you watch Asmongold and think your opinion matters, zoomie

>its not like you have anything to lose by giving them a chance except maybe $25
This is the Archeage playerbase in a nut shell. Better fork over some $$ to RNG boost my gear to be the best in slot.

stfu you worthless specimen

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What's the point of posting in this thread if you don't read anything about what's going on?

It disturbs me greatly that newfags like you post your eceleb garbage idols and lack coherent braincells to rub together to read sentences. The whole point of the thread is that it's not going to be free to play, or pay to win anymore you dumbfuck. take baldmongolds cock out of your throat and ass and pick up some literature.

>he doesnt like what i like

stfu tranny

You literally cannot do that in Unchained. READ THE FUCKING THREAD


Why would i read before shitposting?

>Faq says no paying advantage over others

The pass aside, there's no reason to ever trust MMO devs but retards will still fall for it EVERY FUCKING TIME.


>still lacking in basic reading comprehension
I never once said that, I know youre used to having people put things in your mouth but that doesnt mean you can get curious and try to put words in others.

One post closer to the garbage bin. It's ok to act like an abused girlfriend and give this game a third try if you want. Just don't expect everyone else to be masochist like you.

Fuck off. Literally all p2p are as p2w as f2p games.
So in the end why would i want to be extra jewed? At least give me free access if youre selling me your overpriced garbage

The pass is for COSMETICS ONLY.


>ArchePass is cosmetic only
>retards like you think how other players look is "advantage over others"
based retard

t. subhuman posting subhumans

Battle Passes are the new hit fad since Lootboxes are now under fire.
It's still a net win because grinding with the option of paying to skip is better than complete RNG.

>MMO devs

Is this the new Apex?

What P2P games are as P2W as something like AA or BDO?

No. It's literally just a pass for monthly cosmetics.

mom i posted twice!

No it's like a fortnite battlepass.

How does this game compare to BDO?

The real question is whether or not those cosmetics can be resold to other players for gold.

can't you buy WoW maxed characters? can't you buy mounts?

How are lootboxes not RNG cancer?

If I bury my head in the sand far enough then the third release of Archeage wont be riddled with RNG this time. Are all Archeage players this desperate for players to return to their dead game?

probably not.

Theres not going to be any fucking lootboxes you god damn troglodyte.

>New "Server" without cashshop
>B-but my shitposting bruh lootboxes RNG

Buying a max level boost is shitty but is not the equivalent of buying BiS gear or having to pay $500 to be competitive in PvP.
Mounts are cosmetic in WoW so a paid mount holds nothing over ingame mounts. If you want to argue you can buy gold via tokens to buy gear off the AH or pay for carries that'd be one thing but games like Archeage and BDO.
Fucking retards I said the new battlepass idea is at least BETTER than lootboxes.

>Archeage thread actually reaching near 500 replies
What the fuck? I miss it, but there was so much wrong with it, i'd never think it would gain anywhere near the interest again. I refuse to believe Trion pulled their heads outta their asses

So it's a timed exclusive that forces players to pay for the good cosmetics instead of earning them. Forces you to engage in the game way more than you'd want to in order to grind out the Archepass. Damn you guys like being abused. Archeage was already a grind heavy MMO but I guess that wasn't enough grind for you guys.

>doing everything that killed Bless
Archeage was at least a functional game at one point unlike Bless you retard

I'd rather be pressured to just play the game for cosmetics over having to always pay for them or having to pay for a CHANCE at them.

Read the thread user. You're entirely right but Trion lost the game, its not theirs anymore.

What patch is the game even on now?
Last time I played they added in Erenor weapons to try and balance out the T7 Obsidian gear.

Don't forget to buy the consumable that reduces the chance of your item downgrading.

>grind out the archepass
Cash shop is cosmetic only. Archepass will give monthly cosmetics as part of paying. Thats ALL IT IS. You cant GRIND for cash shop cosmetics.
You are so fucking stupid god dammit.

And you. Fucking read the thread. Trion exists in name only.

You mean the thing that wont exist whatsoever in unchained? How would I go about doing that?

quick rundown? I only played AA for like a day but I'm hyped for this.

tranny mad

Attached: 9.png (331x197, 128K)

Is the game worth playing as somebody whos never touched it? Like can i play the free to play version and actually do things?

He was making a joke of how P2W AA and BDO are compared to something like WoW, not saying AA:Unchained is P2W.

My bad. I woke up today seeing this thread before i went off doing my stuff, and was simply shocked seeing the thread STILL alive and almost hitting bump limit. Hasn't followed the game in years, so i had no idea.

The F2P version is trash and about to be made obsolete.

How so, why would I wanna pay for a game thats been free for ages

>Archepass will give monthly cosmetics as part of paying.
So everyone who responded that the Archepass was a battlepass was wrong.
>You cant GRIND for cash shop cosmetics.
You can if you sell gold for $$ like all the bot farms did.

You'd have more fun if you went to a casino than to play this game. At least there you might get a complementary drink before you loose all your money to RNG.

Cosmetics won't be tradeable you sperg.
They called it a battlepass in that its a pass you pay for that gives you cosmetics, not that you grind it out.

The B2P version is the game with (hopefully) the P2W elements removed and will run concurrently to the F2P game.
There is no reason to subject yourself to the F2P variant with this announcement.

>148 IPs
shitposters working hard

Increasingly angry developer promises for the fourth of fifth time this decade that their new western publisher won't fuck up the relaunch of one of their biggest flagship titles. Archeage is in the hands of a new western company that promises no P2W and an even playing field but has also heavily monetized and ruined every other game they've ever managed.

People are hopeful, people don't want to be tricked again.

I thought they removed the P2W shit from the free to pay version?

Desperation is really quite sad. They should instead try an MMO that was actually good. Like Classic WoW which is coming out in just 1 week.

My greatest memory was being in the general on /vg/. They were filthy weebs in a gay guild while i was proud western chad due my friends getting me into it, not Yea Forums, but i still felt we had an amiable tone despite their faggy larping and erping, and the few times we met ingame they left me and the boys alone, so i respected that in kind. Still refused to ever visit the archeage general's "base" despite their promise of not just killing me for lulz though.

Can someone make a new thread for us to argue in please? I'd do it but I don't want to do it.


hell no its literally only gotten worse as years have passed.

I just wanted to let you fags know that I'm going to spend as much money as humanly possible in this, and then idle on the most populated city with my cosmetics all day long.

Remember glitching out of the world just to plant some trees?

>classic wow
>a good mmo
stop making me laugh. World of Warcraft murdered MMO's in cold blood.

>Can someone make a new thread for us to argue in please?
jannie will hear about this

based and whale pilled
russian poorfags on suicide watch

>Turn off your cosmetic preview on my client
>You look like everyone else
Archeage is based in this regard.

>WoW murdered MMO's by being the biggest and best one

>shit combat
>shit pvp
don't make me laugh

>Implying i was a filthy treefarmer
No user, i explored and stole those thunderstruck trees, i never planted anything besides some shit crops on my tiny ass farm plot

It's the WOWtards, they shit up every MMO thread that's not homegeneral.

>mmo that killed mmos
(you) are a nigger

I hope blizzard pays you at least.

too ez trolling trannys