Streets of Rage 4 new character

>this tumblr oc donutsteal is who we get instead of max or skate

and dropped

Attached: cherry.png (1368x775, 1.89M)

Other urls found in this thread:

shame, I was thinking of buying it.


Wait, Skate’s not in it?

Big SOR fan here and this character looks like garbage. At least Shiva is back though. Hopefully he kills her in the scene that is shown.

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>Cherry Hunter
So wait, she rapes virgins?

Skate was black you fucking dipshit

Face doesn't look like it fits with the rest of the game's artstyle, like her design was shoddily made by an intern who frequents a certain "video game" forum.

Porn when?

What about adam and skate? She a fucking tumblr tier dyke with a fucking guitar you dumb faggot.

>wow wow wow wow wow, am i see it right? is... is that REALLY..... a FUCKING NIGGER???

You guys are as pathetic as the sjws. You can post the pic with the man in the mask doesn't change the truth that you are LITERALLY the same shit.

>Wanting porn of black people

Lmao, keep seething incel. Make a Bleeding Fool article about it.


that's a drop from me

streets of rage 4 is officialy not canon

the problem is the design, not the fact that she's a nigger


I'm calling right now, this is actually skate after cutting his dick off

Skate is her uncle, Adam is her father

Adam was black you dumb fuck

she looks fine

are you retarded? skate and adam are both black and nobody dislikes them. why? because they weren't made with an political agenda in mind

this ugly tranny is such obvious catering to ResetEra

Bro, I'm laughing so hard right now.

>Replacing Adam or Skate with a woman

Wasn't Adam one of the last good cops?


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the devs noticed the hype is not great as they thought and now played the diversity card for free SJW advertisement

The art suddenly got a lot worst.

preorder cancelled
i'll get ninja warriors instead

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But most of us want Adam or Skate who were both black. She looks looks dumb.

My boy Skate as a cool break dancing adult would have been much better

they can't even draw a statue right
shitty art
will not purchase

Probably took the virginity of the developer and all his friends.


kys trannie go play fortnight

>brown musclegirl with an electric guitar
I like it.

Then again I never played the other games, so I've got no attachment to or predisposition for certain characters. I just wanna play a good modern beat-em-up.

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>a black man as a good cop enjoying his job

no we can't have that, fuck the police, we need some nigress with purple hair, make her as ugly as possible and also genderfluid. this is progressive.

So the series can only have two black characters? more than that is pushing muh political agenda?
Get a clue, realize you are getting triggered by colored hair.

>surely WE will be the ones to make SJW pandering work

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Does it matter? It's a indiegame. Have sex already.

>And you wonder why people ask if a game has SJW pandering before they play it

welp, you can see this is a western studio, they didn't even care about art consistency holy shit

I really can't tell how many layers of irony you guys are on

What did he mean by this ?

I'm more concerned about whether or not she attacks with the guitar. Giving a character a big disjointed hitbox in a game like this would make using anyone else a waste of time in comparison.


He is, but he changed his name from Sammy to Samantha "Cherry" Hunter.
It's a very clever nickname, for you see.. despite identifying as a girl he still wants to pop cherries. thus "Cherry Hunter".

I like how your very existence is driven by ordering people to do something you never did and paid thousands to never be able to do yourself, ever.

and just like that they lost like 50% of sales kek

how the fuck do you even fuck up so bad as an indie dev? SoR4 needs every sale it can get,

>"do we make a cute girl to get the money from waifufags? do we add skate and adam to cater more to nostalgiafags"
>no we should add an ugly female nigger nobody cares about instead"

just why?

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Her move set looks fun

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Already wasn't interested, but this pretty much settles it. fuck this SJW faggotry.

that's so out of the theme for the game, what the hell, is this a patreon choice winner or some other bullshit?

The incredible drop in art quality for this character is the most jarring part

they are desperate

faggotera hyped shittier stuff in their degenerate era

just let me play as shiva god damn it

So what happens when you run and press light attack? The hitbox seems pretty big from what I can tell so it seems like a move you can spam.

They were so close too.
>having that french porn artist animate the opening
BUT THEN THEY FUCKED IT UP. Still buying it personally. But i know lots of people wont now

Wow I hate it

Ugly aside, the guitar is some dumb shit.

they want to add the SJW work to their resumes

trying to land a job in ubi or other progressive bug company

does have skate's grapple attack


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>samsho adds black character
>Yea Forums: .........
>tekken adds a black character
>Yea Forums:..........
>GG adds black character
>Yea Forums:..........
>western studio adds a black character

>Cherry Hunter
D-do they know what they’re implying?

Using it for combo finishers and the special moves probably.

>Should we add Adam back?
>Nah fuck that add his tumblr daughter

Sounds good to me!

it's like they never had a guitar or musical instrument in their lives
dumbest shit ever

>tumblr artstyle
>tumblr shading
>tumblr animations
basically everything about this screams >tumblr

She looks like shit

Why do western devs never make attractive black chicks, do they hate black women or something ?

Looks great to me.

>implying the average person lives with reset era in their head rent free

i hate you anglos

they are afraid of offending the black chicks


>implying anyone else cares about games

looks like shit
go back to faggotera


>implying you wouldn't use the fucking robot silhouette in the background instead

bro they just ditched adam and skate who either retired from being vigilantes or died. For this one. Chill

> Bring back old dusty franchise with repetitive gameplay
> Give it to some western trannies
> Don't even bring back the guy that made the soundtrack, the only thing anybody playing this game ever cared about

>Hating on honest hard working cops and their brothers

Eat my ass, gaylord.

SoR had a black character from day one, she’s just ugly

I mean sure, Yea Forums would go apeshit either way, but that doesn’t shield this ugly ass design from criticism

Doesn't look as shit as OPs splash. But that might be because the art style in general is kinda cartoony

>because they weren't made with an political agenda in mind

Get the fuck out, /pol/.

And if you think that a character you don't like is enough not to buy the game, you're a faggot and not much of a SoR fan anyway.

I couldn't care less about her since I'm not into brown muscle girls but I'm buying the fuck out of this game still.

Black girls are naturally ugly. That's why BLACKED is a thing

how do you even fuck up making a cute brown girl? even the indivisible faggots managed to do it

either the artists are talentless hacks, but why would blaze look this good then, or they really are pandering to progressive leftists

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I'm back baby!

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to be honest no black girl would have this hair

And here is this fat landwhale from tumblr.

stupid gimmick. at least if you gave her a guitar then give her an amplifier as well. or better remove guitar, this looks stupid. i don't really give a fuck tho, not gonna play it

>I don't want to listen to your arguments, SO THIS IS THEM I INVENTED THEM AND DEFEATED THEM ALONE YOU LOSE

We’ll have to agree to disagree
Honestly it’s not a race or gender bias, it’s a fat bias. She ugly, and not in a cool way. I have a hard time believing she could honestly walk across a conveyer belt without getting winded

They made Blaze even hotter than before. I think they just wanted a black girl too because France, although I'm not a big fan of her face. Also, her design perpetuates this weird thing DotEmu seems to like doing where they just give a character unnatural pink hair and assume that improves character design. Regular black dreads would've been better on this character.

There's one more character to show and the silhouette implies they have some sort of robotic arm. Hopefully they look cool.

They should have let Balak draw more.

Looks like a remix version of skate, judging the end of the trailer, there's going to be a 4th character reveal at some point?

way to use the most white washed example

I'm currently just as excited about this as I was of Double Dragon 4.

Tell that to Lisa Hamilton or sheva alomar . Even if what you say is true video games are not subjected to realism .

i think the devs are french, probably the country that make the lewdest 2D cartoons after japan, what the fuck happened?

Here's the black girl that fights with a guitar that way forward made for the new river city game.

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>A single character with an botched design is now a political statement and a reason not to buy a game

Reminder Yea Forums is literally just as fucking retarded as Faggotera. This is still a dream game that modern Sega couldn't hope to fucking pull.

shitting on 90s franchises should be a crime

The French have the capacity and desire to draw extremely sexy women, hence how Blaze looks. This Cherry Hunter looks like she does on purpose, whatever their thought process was.

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The thing that doesn't get mentioned enough in these threads is the dev is guard crush games, whose only other game is streets of fury ex. Take a look if you really want to throw away all hope for sor4.

you're such a faggot holy shit

it is

no sane person would want this crap on an important project

it's called pandering


They got cucked :

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what is that baboon from wolfenstein the new colossus doing in a streets of rage game?

Wow she's somehow worse than cherry.

Did Yea Forums also throw a temper tantrum bitch fit when Wild Guns remake added the Fat Momma Grenade Bitch or this is just another case of JAPAN GOOD/WESTERN BAD?

>Pink doll hair
>donutsteel OC
>Related to the original character (shoehorning)

fuck this game, i'm gonna play my Bare Knuckle III cart.

I thought Lizardcube was developing it?

wild guns is shit

streets of rage is (was) special in everyone's hearts

not even close to compare

The entire design would be saved if you redesigned her just from the neck up. Give her different eyes, tone down her mouth, have her dreads be a fucking natural color instead of pink. Boom, good character design.

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>wild guns is shit

i don't think i like her face

>Introduce any female OC
>Think there has to absolutely be an agenda behind it


SoR4 is LizardCube & DotEmu, both French studios. They're also making Windjammers 2 which looks quite good but also shows that the art team there really fucking likes pink hair, and not just on girls.

If I just saw that pic without context Streets of Rage would be the last thing I'd guess it's from.
Such a faithful and fitting design.

What makes her worse? She looks a lot better to me.

>wild guns is shit

Get the fuck out.

how much s o y do you even have to consume to come up with a design like this?

Damn they couldn't have brought back Skate?

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Meh, I'd rather have the delicious brown snake bitch as a playable character if we're going original characters.

>If it's pink hair, it's MUH TUMBLR AGENDA

You fuckers seriously need to get out more. Your perspectives have been fucked by internet shitflinging.

first time I ever heard about wild guns desu
it's a snes game
yeah it's shit

just remove her and give me a prince inspired older Skate who is given a call to action and has to get back to his old shit.

Did they just give up half way? Way Forward is trash.

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The guard crush twitter claims they are involved at least.

There's definitely people on Yea Forums that got mad because fat girl OC in a remake of a 90s game but I actually played WG Reloaded and she's a lot of fun. Charging up huge volleys of explosives is a fun way to change up the regular shooting of the other characters. People are more receptive to The Ninja Warriors Once Again's new characters because they're a giant mecha and a shortstack with extendo-arms and fat tits.

>wild guns is shit
Fuck you. It's not amazing but it's a good game and the remake vastly improves it by improving the visuals and adding more content,

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the absolute stage of Yea Forums

What did Yea Forums mean by this?

>different needs to be current diversity agenda
you SJW retards have no creativity holy shit
please consider killing youself and changing your hobby
thank you

so because is new is better ? that's character looks like shit being old or new doesnt change that fact

you need to stop samefagging and go dilate tranny

The game looks like an HD emulator skin on top of the old Streets of Rage games.

Show me all this new and different stuff they're doing.

samsho had a black character before darli and fuck you for using samsho for shitposting bait you miserable faggot

nobody asked for that shit, they didn't even try to fit the artstyle of the original.

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Some people are getting irrationally mad just because it's a black girl like they always do, but Cherry's design is also generally pretty bad, at least her face and hair. SoR has had black characters in pretty much every game before with fine designs and Cherry's just isn't as good. It's not even as good as the other designs in the same game; Blaze looks phenomenal by comparison.

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>cookie cutter snowflake black girl
>new or different

>people think it's about color
>not the fact that Adam hasn't been playable since SoR1 and we have his fucking daughter
>not the fact that her design is mediocre and guitar as a weapon is dumb
And yes, Doctor Whatshisface in SoR3 was also dumb.

And Blaze is her mom, so progressive!

Becosue is fucking horrible ffs try and use your brain for once

>Blaze looks phenomenal by comparison.

Blaze is a fucking miracle she looks as good as she does. Cherry has the disantantage of looking genuinely out of place in the game while being black which is attracts retards on Yea Forums like stink to shit.

Hope the 4th guy is a cool variation of Dr. Gilbert.

>wild guns is shit

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game is ruined

fuck this studio

it's not new or different
it's the exact same shit those people do all the time

People do think it's about color, user. No one actually is complaining the totally valid reasons you're stating. Gotta stop overestimating Yea Forums.

And if you don't like Doctor Gilbert...well, the 4th character looks like he has a robot arm so get ready for Sci Fi shit.

chill with he racist language

>cherry hunter
does she fuck young boys

That's a big bag of nope right there.

No, she fucks young girls. because she's a proud stronk lesbian woman who dun need no man!!

the red rasta theme doesn't work with the guitar. Either she should be full Bowie-punk, or stoner.

friendly reminder that they have a person in resetera shilling the progressiveness trying to build some hype for the game

>The Daughter of Adam Hunter
>Looks like an SJW tranny instead of a Tomboyish fighting girl
This is the worst FUCKING character design you could come up with.

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Because you have no taste.

you will never be a women lmao

Stop samefagging for once in your life.

Someone needs to draw Adam's defeated, disappointed look on his face while looking at his daugther playing a concert.

What's wrong with her design?

go see a psychiatrist

Calm your tits down.

By the silhouette shown in the end of the video it's almost guaranteed you'll have your generic Cyber Giganigga.

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regardless of whether you're sh*tposting or not, there is some truth to your post.

are you ok user?

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Yeah is definitely racism it has nothing to do with cherry being extremely ugly , but whatever.

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Never liked that guy, but at least he fits thematically in SoR3, the game where Mr X has a cyborg doppelganger and he himself is a computer while Axel is being framed by robotic double. What's her excuse for using a fucking guitar? Main enemy has a band and uses music as a weapon? Fucking hell, if you revive a series after 20+ years of hiatus you should be obligated to at least bring the main crew back. SF4 did it, MK9 did it, all was good in life.

>no max

fuck this gay earth, fuck the devs, fuck sjws and fuck niggers

i cant believe im rosterfagging for streets of rage but please just bring adam hunter back already so he can kick ass with his family. show at least some love for the sor1 original

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The 2.5d beat em up genre is actual trash. Only second to dynasty warriors style button mashers.

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i got triggered by the pink hair


>imagine how they needed to decide between this shit and a trannie character and bet which one would hurt the game more

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Yes, people have daughters.


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She seems fine, you're just a bitter faggot. One of her attacks is a reference to Skate which is fine, and there's clearly more space because they're gonna reveal more characters.

>Black woman
>Red hair
Worst combination.

She looks normal as fuck.

>that one triggered resetera tranny in this thread lmao

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nobody would have complained if they added a Poison clone, it fits the universe

We dont

>make attractive brown girl
It's quite telling, really.

I hate ugly uncool niggers.

>no max, no skate, no adam
so we lost 3 badass niggas for 1 tumblr approved embarrassment. What the fuck where they thinking?

We already have Electra. Even playable in SoRR.

This actually looks worse.

Is normal for black woman to be ugly.
And don't you dare post "attractive" black women in an attempt to prove me wrong. It won't work, especially not the one with the high cut leotard.

You know that he will work on the soundtrack right?

Except that sillhouete is probably fucking Zan you idiot.
>Adam Hunter
>Generic Giganigga
Fuck you.

Attached: Streets of Rage Zan.jpg (659x1213, 69K)

This is so dumb. The character is clearly not a tranny lesbian sjw, and you would hate it if she was, but deep down you kinda want her to be just so you can have a reason to get mad at. I don't get why you do this, actively looking and pushing for things to get you upset.

>this guy is from the studio
>say something nice to him

hey dude, this character sucks and you lost sales because of your agenda

>electric power
o nonono

>Think Axel being fat is cool
>Think Cherry being fat is horrible
I can’t figure out if I’m sexist or just hate this design in particular

Not that user but here your black chick bro

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I don't think Max is black.

Try again sweety, and I'm gonna double dip. :^)

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I won't dare ;)

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my apologies
you are the dumb resetera trannie
the other is the studio guy

At least it doesn't have SJW germs showing.

>Instead of having a 30-year old man styling on street trash with his 2x2 wheel skates we get a shitty colored hair punk-rocker who uses an AWESOME guitar XD
Wait we can't point out terrible designs if they're 'diverse'!


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It does.

>implying we need the sales from Yea Forums biggots

The overall response to the character has been very positive, suck my dick, faggot.

Yea Forums‘s a /pol/-infested shithole but it’s still the only place I feel like I can complain about this ugly design without having my ass torn off so I keep coming back

it's a hate crime and wrong thinking

>no aged up Skate
>no old and grizzled Adam

what the FUCK

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Guard crush Inc will do the gameplay lizardcube the design

do you think the twitter SJW retards will buy your game?


You idiots really think this is the final roster even with the blatantly obvious silhouettes?

Cherry Hunter... isn't that virgin hunter?

But at least it's cuter.

>implying skate isn't a tumblr pc donutsteel

It almost looks like racism was not the problem.

You can’t actually think this

who the fuck cares about outdated games like this or the river city sluts?
it's not the 90s anymore, grow up


have fun selling fifty copies instead of thousands

No, it looks like low budget 4kids trash like everything else wayforward does.

This game is so ugly.

Still pretty shitty timing considering we've seen two returning characters already, why not continue to show returning characters?

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Imagine living in California and having your perception of normality that distorted.

I’m still trying to figure out if that was intentional or not

Ultimate cucks you mean. Not alpha males like Yea Forums

Where the fuck is Adam? Why are SEGA so racist? They remove Adam after SOR1.


FUCK you, Ember (elfquest) was my first and only waifu.

>Zoomer tells adults to grow up

Honestly this makes more sense than that, save some hype reveal for last. Cherry’s downright horrid but it makes more sense to announce her now than not

I second the porn. When will it deliver?

Every true fan of SOR and beat em ups.

i'd let her hunt my cherry if you know what i mean

You don't notice the trend/ narrative of injecting sassy black queer girls into everything, even if it doesn't fit?

is there a list of games with agenda pushing so we don't give money to retards?

>why? because they were made before I let identity politics live rent free in my vacant head space
FTFY you election babby

She hunts incels to give them a good spanking for talking shit about ladies online.
Why do you think Yea Forums feels threatened?

Who will hunt the virgin hunters?
>it's Adam's kid instead of just Adam himself or even Skate
Fuck, I hope Skate is still playable somehow.

where , on twitter ? Lmao yeah i wonder why.

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I'm a fan of streets of rage and will probably buy after one year and 80% discount

shitty studio don't deserve success desu

And why isn't she hunting ME RIGHT FUCKING NOW?

We can start making one now. Metal gear goes on the list.

>REEEE she doesn't make my peepee hard and she might turn me down if I ever grew the nuts to talk to a woman

yes, grow up you fucking manchildren stuck in your teens

Shut up retard

which metal gear and what exactly it does?

>He doesn't like brown musclegirls
I didn't think this board could be any more of a gay shithole
Her hair looks really dumb but she looks fun to play with those guitar moves
I'd still prefer Skate to come back all grown up
There's going to be twitterfags going YASS KWEEN despite the existence of Blaze, Adam and Skate and Autists Screeching despite the existence of Blaze, Adam and Skate
Her reveal art looks pretty bad and out of place compared to the others but other than that it's just autistic outrage farming

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Didn’t see anyone saying that for the gym leaders in the new pokemon games or for the black chick in shamshow. Just make the girls hot and Yea Forums won’t give a shit who you add

Every TRUE fan

from her bio

>Cherry Hunter is the daughter of Adam Hunter from the original Streets of Rage. Her interest in following in her father’s footsteps and becoming a cop soon faded out, replaced by her love of music. Nowadays, she plays with her progressive rock band.

>"no dad i can't become a cop like you, cops are all evil NAZIS"

no this game definitely has no hidden agenda, no sir

All this white roastie seething. We can thank tumblr for telling white women to be outraged, and /pol/ for putting them on a pedestal where they think they're superior to other women and thus deserves anons full obedience and attention.

lmao you're the dude fromt he studio

you don't know shit

Dont you have stuff to do in your fortine game ?

I saw this coming from miles away when they made axel a bearmode Boomer and fucked the artstyle to be some celshaded french shit
wonder boy is a different game with a different aesthetic

Jesus Christ, what a clueless boomer post. Why do electionpedes take such pride in ignorance?

I think she looks fun as fuck to play with, reminds me of dmc3 nevan.

Looks like she'll play similar to Skate based on several of the moves in that trailer. I don't mind the way she looks or the theme, but damaging guys with ROCKING SOLOS!!!! is a bit silly even for this series.

Every metal gear is nuclear war bad.
Also every game where the villain wants to dominate the world goes on the list, imperialism bad.

First Monster World and now this.
Why Sega allow these fuckers to shit on their franchises?

I hope you are not talking about one of my favorite characters ever

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What 'arguments'?
>lmao nigger
>lmao tumblr
>lmao ugly dyke

I honestly cant tell if this is trolling or if "I only listen to anime and game music" Yea Forums genuinely doesn't know that prog rock is a legit genre and along with jazz fusion one of the most influential styles for game music.

This is what it must have been like for the people who fought in WWII, they fought long and hard and watched many people die. only to then see the world embrace filthy hippies who widely spread STDs all across the land.

>Yea Forums boomer
>grows up in culture where strong men with big weapons are cool
>blowing up shit is the solution to everything
>video games become awesome and lets me walk around and beat up niggers and spics
>world changes
>new hippies add their lesbian negress to my game
>faaaaaaaaaace it old timer, you're a relic
>the world is all about getting your dirrrrrrrty cock chopped off and replaced with a beautiful new vagiiiiiiiina.

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>retards like this are reading into a game where you literally harness elemental powers to fight street thugs
>muh hidden agenda
You can't make this shit up.

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Yeah because say something negative about this type of character on most platforms if you don’t wanna be hung by the neck until socially dead, so I come shitpost here instead

>doesn't know what prog rock is
I want to call this post bait but I also don't want to get swerved and learn that they really meant "progressive" and not prog.

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Are you legit retarded? People want Adam, Max and Eddie. Two of those guys are black.

Sega of Japan pushed this.

>you're the dude fromt he studio

i never thought you guys were such fucking idiots really

She looks so fucking bad

Nah we're busy playing sorr faggot

ok we can have that list too

let's first focus on the trannie characters for no reason and other SJW shit

>So the series can only have two black characters?

Literally no one said that

they really need to clarify what they mean by "progressive" rock band

>Nuclear war bad
Wow what a stunning and hot take coming from a Japanese writer. These things aren't the same, retard.

>Yea Forums is one person
go back to faggotera

It's boomers who listen to progrock tho

Literally anyone who is into music knows what progressive rock is, fuck's sake maybe re-education camps for gamers aren't a bad idea.

could've been Skate's cooler rollerblading big sister that bullies him and teases him by grabbing his tiny dick.

dis bitch be lookin like dem bitches you see at a antifa rally

hopefully it flops and these french fags lose their jobs

Do we count SoR3?

Attached: sor3-7[1].gif (136x184, 19K)

Doesn't surprise me that you're okay with a game with both a literal homosexual and furry bait playable characters.

They can't teach me anything. I am a master soldier, a strateg, a plumber, a racer, a pilot etc because my education is video games. I have mastered everything

yes, look at
Also agenda pushing is agenda pushing. Sonic goes on the list as well with all that environmentalist propaganda.

Bare Knuckle 3 you mean, based SoR removed that trash and made the game less casual

For fucks sake, to think I was actually going to get this game

Attached: disgusting.jpg (640x640, 33K)

that's hardly agenda pushing in the 90s

more like japanese humour and a take on urban dangerous setting

Why on earth are you being triggered over this?

That is a... Terrible fucking design. Hype for the game must be in the toilet for whatever demo they're TRYING to appeal to...

Why SEGA hates Adam so much the they never made him a playable character anymore after the first game?

Not the greatest design but maybe Cherry Boy Hunter is fun to play. Not a big deal when there's still Blaze and it still looks better than Battletoads.

Attached: 19665.gif (500x274, 757K)

Clearly its because its a person of color.

>And if you think that a character you don't like is enough not to buy the game, you're a faggot and not much of a SoR fan anyway.
if you don't like something in a product, the smartest thing is to not buy it, no matter how dumb the reason of not liking it may be

>your generic Cyber Giganigga.
>not zan


Tumblr of Rage

unironically full of cute characters

>environmentalist propaganda
that's not SJW shit

SJWs will pander to that trying to be the good guys

Attached: faggot.jpg (500x500, 76K)

>implying anyone gives a shit about triggered teenagers on Yea Forums

I only give a fuck if Yuzo Koshiro doing the OST.

Saying something this dumb when we had skate for years. Hell the face that Skate isn't even in this is a sin against nature.

Something people don't get it is that comebacks should be a praising of the classic games, and the things it did right. Bringing back the core roster is the first obvious thing, Let the "innovation" for the sequel. At this point even SOR Remake was a better praise to the classics.

Also, this new character is pathetic looking. I wonder who the fuck draw this and tought "wew, this looks worthy for the game".

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Just a question to mods, why can we say faggot but not nigger? Niggers have done far worse to the world than faggots ever have and they arguably have gotten much more hate thrown at them than filthy fucking niggers. Ban me if you want, I just want an answer.

Also Skate and Adam are dope and they should be in the game.

skate was cool and having another character was unnecessary

that's the defense force only argument.

>people are now so entrenched that they think prog rock is sjw shit just because of the word 'progressive'
I fucking hate this planet because of mongs like you.

I'm pirating it now lol

He means he's an under aged piece of shit who's never played streets of rage.

black cutie coming through

Attached: RE5TribalSheva.jpg (418x432, 30K)

>shitty generic moeblob poster who knows nothing about art
>gosh how could anyone draw this?!?
Checks out.

Is she sassy or queer though? I see colored hair at the worst but even that could be handwaved as 80's shit.

>being an ugly drawing doesn't count!
>being unfit for the game style doesn' count!
>being there at all when 3 fan favorites are missing doesn't countr!
>fuck your arguments, I said you are racist, so you MUST be!
Listen, sweaty, people wanted Max, Adam, and Skate, not some fucking clown with a guitar. You never played that game? Fine, not everyboy is above 25, but it doesn't give you the single right to tell people what they like or hate. This power trip has to stop.

>Game is made by a french developer, AKA one of the most cucked countries in the world
>Expecting no SJW bullshit on it
You are a literal retard if you tought this would not happen. The final boss will problably be some parody version of Trump.

you can say
we are free here to say anything ;-)

but when a black boy reports you selecting the racism outside of Yea Forums rule then they often do something

ask to remove the rule and add the rule to trannie posting outsite of /my little trannie/ be banable

Go out and talk to these vets if you're so concerned for them

Faggot wasn't used to mean "gays" much if at all from around the mid 90's onward. Nigger can only mean one thing. That's it, that's why. You know it too.

>I want a good modern beat em up
>Has never played Streets of Rage 1/2/3

What the fuck. How and why do you want a new beat em up if you haven't even played the classics

Well that's a shame, I was hyped.

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Reminder that all the salt in this thread is coming from white women that feel threatened by a 2D black girl that isn't a facescanner abomination

He will be involved in some way

>the artstyle sucks, the music sucks and the combat got worse

Because we are all racists don't mention anything about how bad cherry looks

Attached: Lisa.jpg (210x240, 7K)

These Nustreets of rage threads are always loaded with faggot marketers and shills. You don't need to defend your reason for not buying a game, that's not how this works, you aren't entitled to my money because you named some overweight bara faggot axel and conveniently named your game Streets of Rage

The end splash screen obviously leaves space for another unannounced character.

What kind of PoC will they cram in next?
>Indian guy

>Proven to be wrong and a hysterical bitch
>Doubles down on it

Attached: raw[1].png (492x342, 121K)

you will never be a woman dumb trannie
you can be SJW all day long on twitter to defend minorities and at the end of the day it's a man going to sleep crying without makeup and photoshop

Old man with robot arm


>Blaze was one of many video game girl that I fap to back then when internet doesnt exist yet.
I was not the only one, r-right?

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Hopefully a cute Asian i'm also ok with trannies so long is good looking .

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I think she looks fine, has a silhouette that differs her from the other cast, and her moveset looks cool.


Fuck off already. If Cherry didn't have neon-colored dreads y'all would be all over this bitch.

A Giant, Asian Schoolgirl Wrestler that plays like Max Thunder from SoR2.

Everyone wanted Blaze's pussy user.

>Yuzo Koshiro and Yoko Shimomura working together
>Music sucks
Kys zoomer

you could see her pantyhose for a reason

Yup that's what imagine my next 80's character. tumblr

>these blatant false flags
Is there a Kotaku writer in this thread, shitting it up just to write about MUH RACISM in videogames? We want skate and Adam, you mongoloid

Back then we BEAT UP homosexuals, and furfags didn't exist back then so we just played as a badass boxing kangaroo you worthless tranny faggot.

A character in a beat n' up, just like a character in a fighting game, is first and foremost a stereotype, because like you or not people choose a character first based on how he looks, and only later on how he plays.

>white guy
>black guy

This alone takes 80% of the players, the retarded share of those who just want self inserts, the subhumans. What you should do next is make characters that are cool looking and original, like Zan, or Faust from Guilty Gear, or BabyHead/Hoover from Captain Commando. This is where the devs show that they have creativity and cool concepts, this is where they show the game can be original.

But what do hacks do, since they have absolutely not a single shed of originality? They shove more self inserts, they try to fill the whole roster with only self inserts:

>asian guy

And so on and so forth, trying to use identity politics as a shield for their hackery, because they have no idea on how to make an original cast. No wonder their games are so bland.

>waaah muh anime reaction, muh moeblob
Animes are not video games, you don't choose a "favorite character" based on design. The design in most of them is just trying to be an indication of the character's personality, to show they belong in a certain charater archetype. Using the same standards to both only shows you understand stuff as little as the SOR4 devs.

>waaah racist
Yes, and?

Attached: 1505175064891.jpg (318x315, 21K)

>If she didn't have a shitty nu-male minority pandering design you would like it

Well, yeah.

Great for you buddy you get to fully enjoy the game

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I always preferred business suit Sheva

We already see a robot arm, so it's probably Dr. Zan Jr. to fit the new generation shit-tier trope they are doing here already.


I don't like the burger cartoon aesthetic

Attached: 1545999609774.gif (400x594, 81K)

A stereotypical FAGGOT that was a joke. We all laughed at the FAGGOT for being a fucking FAGGOT

fuck off reddit

>cherry hunter
Watchout Yea Forumsirgins. She comin for that fresh boi pucci

>if her design wasn't bad, you wouldn't be shitting on her design
Yeah, that's pretty much it.

don't act surprised we are way post election user.

No more abominations like Baby pls, that and half the cast of Battle Circuit just fucking suck dick because it's WOAH SO ZANY gimmicks over cool likeable designs.

What about the drawing is actually ugly? I don't like the hair colour but I'm not going to cry myself to sleep over it.
How is a character who uses a guitar to attack, any different from someone who uses skates to attack?
Not every character has been announced, be mad when the game releases.
Oh and Max and Adam were both in one (1) game, and their designs are as such:
>axel but white
>a big guy
Woah so this is what passes for a fan favourite...

"I don't wanna be a cop anymore because BLACK LIVES MATTER, I'm joining a rock band. I already know 3 chords!"

okay Yea Forums tell me one thing. who is this character trying to appeal to?

>There are people who actually shitpost about Yuzo in this thread
Yea Forums is dead

Attached: 1234821151897.png (400x400, 26K)

Journalists who don't play video games.

they had a meeting in the studio and decided for diversity as an important factor

it happened before with bigger studios

>furfags didn't exist back then
That's just wrong you spastic.

>no Skate because he's in his mid-30s/40's now and a grown ass man rolling around in skates is just sad


Can someone explain this to me. What's the problem with having an LGBT token character? We used to have token black character because they were trying to push the agenda that black people are alright, now people accept that and they have moved on to make fags seem alright.
Literally what's the big deal?

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Leave the board, user. Not as an elitist thing but has a genuine life advice. You need to get off the internet. Go live your life.

>retarded nothing about characters in fighting games being stereotypes
Okay sure zoomer who's never played anything other than capcomshit
>Retarded nothing about how hacks only use black females
She looks straight out of the 80s, you're being triggered over nothing
>Blahblah they're hacks and you're calling me racist.
Said nothing of the sort, but keep making longwinded nothings about how your subjective opinion is fact. Its not like this game was going to be popular not will stop coming out because you're triggered over one character.

Attached: 1349954017333.jpg (272x333, 41K)

Blacks are cool
Trannys are mental

please end your life dumbass

Queer? Explain

>another retard clueless about progressive rock

You're seriously arguing in bad faith if you think furries were even remotely as huge as they are now. The kangaroo was just a cool boxing kangaroo, not some Duncan Roo shit

They didn't exist because they knew they'd get hanged if they admitted to it, thus they didn't exist.
just like how there were no homosexuals during the 1940s.

What you are is a fucking bitchboi nigga.
Fuck you!

The people that use the term "people of colour" and put pronouns in their social media bios

Can someone fucking explain to me what's all the buzz about trannies and queers? What did i miss here?

Your faggot narrative won't work this time.

Twitter and journos.
diversity ? there's blacks and chicks already how is this character going to make Street of Rage cast more "diverse"

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>that fucking run animation
Why does she run like a retarded?

I hate her design but her gameplay looks decent. She has the punk enemies slide and a guitar blast attack. She might be cool.

To this day, I still don't know why /pol/ shitposting isn't immediately banned. They'll just vomit anything, no matter how fucking retarded it is, to make their "voices heard".

>t-they weren't as popular as they are now
Yeah that's why furry conventions weren't a thing before streets of rage even existed. Mong.

>being this much of a newfag
go back

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Shiva looking great still make have hope in this game, for now


"Ok guys, listen up. We need more diversity in this series that has 2 black characters, 2 Asian characters a Hispanic guy and a kangaroo"

the diverstity is not her skin color user

>if a group of people doesn't make their presence public, they literally don't exist
How the hell does that work? I get that being a furry was (luckily) not as popular as it is now, but really?

If a character is female, black and has unnatural hair, they're automatically the LGBT representative.

>like a retarded?

Humanity will NEVER truly accept LGBTQXYZ people user.
we're currently living in a bubble, created by a couple of samefagging twitter feminists who have used the concept of fake news to make the world believe that there are more trannies/fags than we think there are, and thus the current debacle about giving them more rights than they deserve.
eventually people will wisen up and the true horror of human nature will emerge, and all those pink bearded software developers and their lesbian purple haired twitter bffs will be the first to hang.
if only these lgbtqetc people had chosen a less war like way of gaining acceptance, than the coming tranny/gay massacre might have been avoided.

I feel like most of the people in this thread don't realize what a fucking dream team they got the 4's OST. Yuzo & the guy he worked with on SoR back when (I forget his name), Yoko Shimomura, Hideki Naganuma, and the dude who did the first NES Ninja Gaiden's OST.

One bad character design isn't going to stop all the 10/10 music this game is going to spawn.

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I'm going to get this game, but I've only played 2. 1 and 3 don't interest me in terms of looks. I also have all 3 of the soundtracks, and while I can't interpret the soul of 1 and 3's since I haven't actually played them, I think 2's soundtrack beats the shit out of the others. I might just be really nostalgic for 2 though.

Ok so there's an outline for Robo dude.

But there's also a vague outline at the top

Attached: Screenshot_20190819-161321.jpg (1920x1080, 1.04M)

Its like a bright and colorful 90's aesthetic in a neon city and you're complaining that the underground rockstar has pink hair?

>still no release date

Okay guys, without any buzzwords, what makes this character “tumblr”? For real?

Nothing. Have a poison.

Attached: Poison-SFV-HUD.png (420x346, 53K)

more like
>ok guys. we need more progressive characters. people are tired of the white man's menace and this white slut also shouldn't be in the spotlight.
queer dev shouts with screeching fake voice
>a transwoman like me fit really well! we constantly fight in our everyday lives to be accepted and this game about feuding agaisnt the capitalism and the last boss being a trump parody is the perfect time to advertise trans rights! let's also include the flag!

looks incredibly fucking gay

Yeah, I have to agree. It was bad enough Adam didn't appear in the sequels. It seems the west loves to push black women instead of black men for brownie points and you know full well the designer wanted to make a point whether they admit to it or not

t. black guy who was already not buying the game due to the questionable visual style. This isn't doing them any favors. Even River City Girls seems to have some consistency and competence.

Honestly talking. She looks so out of the game when you see the poster with the 2 main characters. It's really as if some tumblrina drew it your OC character in the poster and say "see this, director? put her in the game."

Okay so its just retards jumping into conclusion

Took her mothers name, I see.

Sega of Japan is good at making those.
The problem is that this isn't Sega of Japan.

Attached: ronaldmickdoneld.jpg (780x1012, 136K)

he is obviously non native english speaker

>Returning characters look awesome and properly hot
>New brown villain looks hot and properly spunky
>Literally a posse of acclaimed Sega composers, who are SoR veterans, working on the OST including main man Yuzo Koshiro, Motohiro Kawashima (SoR 2/3), Yoko Shimomura (Street Fighter 2), Keiji Yamagishi (Ninja Gaiden and fucking Hideki Naganuma (Jet Set Radio)
>Gameplay looks up to par

>But a original black character with pink hair is enough for Yea Forums to shit its pants and start shitposting about agendas and politics

If Yea Forums does get nuked as a shooting scapegoats, we honestly deserve it. You stupid dumbshits fuckers don't care about videos games at all. This fucking place is pathetic.

I'm still definitely getting this game, but damn, Cherry looks so fucking out of place.

>Those faggot-ass haircuts on Kunio and RIki.

She looks like a monkey, literally a homage to Skate.
Why the fuck are people complaining?

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 23K)

I'm talking about the new character you cum guzzling fucking retard.

so we all agree that any other studio would do a better job

Yes, but Wayforward at least TRIES to keep a Japanese inspired style.

It's the aesthetics. I don't want to play a game which makes me think of ugly schreeching tumblrinas. It's simply not appealing.

I haven't got a problem with it, I'm just reading what some of the brainlets here are complaining about, because God forbid a game isn't a 100% tuned to their tastes.

Honestly i had forgotten about the website.

You can see a ponytail thing on the robo guy.

So a like South American Aztec guy? Or Asian?

2 is the better game
but give 1 a try
3 is not really good

Next to Axel & Blaze, she almost looks like she's in a different art style. Her head and face have too many simple shapes and her shading is somewhat different.

Do you often think about what trannies think?

They obviously used another artist for Cherry and she really stands out in a bad way,

go back to faggotera and stay there

>Some new OC bitch
>Not Skate
Oh fuck off.

Is this the resetera false flagging squad? What's with that spacing?

>can't even last a post without resetera getting in their head, rent free
I hope you find a better way to live.

user, you say this because you are the 80% of subhumans who only want self inserts. If they shoved *literally you* in the game you would just play with him even if he was the worst character in the game.

Original looking characters, with cool gimmicks that are made specifically making use of their specific design is the true patrician tier of both beat n' up, AND fighting games.

Racially ambigious mutt look, dumpy body shape. Not conventionally attractive with a "alternative" style.

I honestly wish this thread was talking about the games and not gay shit. Thanks for the short reply, faggot.

If she was white id be fine with it. Fuck niggers (except Adam)

>inb4 it is skate
he was trans all along.

They stole it from Redline. Probably just thought it sounded cool and missed the subtext.

And they fuck Adam over yet again.

I'm sticking with SoR:Remake

The Rihanna nig villain is shit too

That's cherry boy hunter though

weak bait
>it literally happened before in bigger studios
will not even scroll up to quote because you suck trannie retard

>dyed hair
>a fucking guitar

omg, this

the black tranny character look photoshopped in. like she doesn't even belong on that pic. what the fuck?

SoR1 Blaze was the only good design she had.

she just has that generic 2010 calarts style

I actually feel like crying. This game looks like fucking SHIT.

Look at the new Tumblr army enemies too. New punk dykes, brown muyai Thai dykes and obese brown biker dykes with fucking dyed hair

Attached: Screenshot_20190819-162659.jpg (1920x1080, 769K)

You're fucking retarded.

looks like a flash game

iphone seems to be the base platform

games lost their soul when mobile took over

>game lets you beat the shit out of fat neon dykes
>"i-i'm gonna cry!"
jesus pal, take a break from the internet

I like doing that kinda spacing because it triggers people like you.

Her art and or design doesn't look good compared to axel and blaze.

it's just not realistic and it is there for inclusion
for what?
for nothing of value
dangerous bikers should be fit

I don't care that you can beat the up. The game looks like fucking SHIT.

WHY why couldn't they have just did it like Sonic Mania and just made it actual pixel sprites?

Attached: ZomboDroid 19082019163338.jpg (3567x1920, 517K)

I like the neon dreads, I hate the fat

>since she is black, she needs big tiddies and hips
>the awful bush hair, and the overused 90's kid "I wanna be a rockstar" shit must go
Done in 30 seconds, would make me happy

>it is just the artstyle, I can take that
>it is just the music, I can take that
>it is just a new character straight from a shitty CalArts cartoon, I can take that
When will you finally give up?

Attached: img007.png (589x759, 499K)

Yeah they dropped the 'boy'.

holy shit what shitty artists this studio hired

why does every western cartoon or cartoon inspired videogame look like steven universe, gravity falls and all those other faggy Yea Forums shows?

the french made some based comics shit in the 80s, what the fuck happened

Attached: 0f4a5765f7b536e7d9de9608810bc20d.jpg (500x667, 81K)

game is officially finished lmao
something was off about this game from the beginning, now we know

Affirmative Action happened.

Hahahahaa that fat biker lady, this is literally what some dilating tumblr tranny wanted when they first laid their eyes on SOR2.

>these bikers should be more feminine
>these characters need more transgender represenation!
>lemme just make Axel old with a beard and a gut, its okay cuz a lot of time has passed so he'd be older.
>Blaze can stay beautiful, women don't age. that's why I'm gonna be a woman myself some day.

Not surprised, France is so cucked nowadays.

are there any dominatrix enemies?

Attached: D8ctR-DXsAIi01N.jpg (1120x1920, 296K)

made me keek with the last sentence

not a cent for these fuckers
gonna pirate it maybe

Attached: 1553122883511.png (633x874, 64K)

People who observed cartoons happened.
People who observed people and life drew things like your picture.

>The third enemy is actually just straight from SoR3

That said, i have a feeling pic related is going to show up.

Attached: streets-of-rage-3-ash.jpg (780x440, 74K)

They've been in since SOR1

Attached: Noralrg.png (172x236, 942)

Attached: 34312.png (816x432, 15K)

CalArts is a cancer, a cancer that first killed western animation, is on the process of killing western comics, and will soon kill western 2D videogames.

I'm glad I'm a weeb.

Attached: ''''marvel is great''''.jpg (1630x1358, 379K)

that's is patriarchal and not a thing anymore

This game looks nothing like SU. Almost nothing does, because that show is aggressively ugly in a very unique way. Not only are the character designs and general art style bad, horrible storyboarding lead to the look of the show actually regressing over time to even worse places such as hilariously fucked character scaling & proportions. I cannot believe I have friends-of-friends who didn't just watch it but liked it.

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yea but are they in the new one?

because millennial hipster kids were cuddled so much that they couldn't learn real art.

>No playable Mr. X to show up and cap all of these SJW Tumblrinas

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I hate how they censored her right before release.

Attached: Image.png (637x476, 33K)

They were in the initial reveal trailer but haven't been seen since the past few months and new gameplay.

I'm pretty worried they've been completely replaced with
The 3rd enemy in this image.

I wouldn't be surprised if this tumblr faggot game thought stripper bitches was too PROBLEMATIC

Meh, I think the tights were sexier.

What an awful character design, suppose it’ll get (((critics))) off their back though.

Suspiciously absent from hands on previews and the new trailer

Instead we get morbidly obese brown bikers. Keep an eye out, Anons.

Attached: Screenshot_20190819-164946.jpg (1080x1920, 700K)


imagine the drag little boys seeing and falling for these dominatrix women and avoiding contact with the trannies

>You can beat the fuck out of people but showing some leg is a big nono.
Every fucking time.

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>meanwhile in 1999

That alone looks way better than whatever they're shitting out.

textbook exemple of over-compensating character designer syndrome.

>Axel's Son
>Skate all grown up
>Some wannabe Ninja THOT
>Some Barafag Bait

Eh, just as hit-or-miss as the current shit IMO.

If one post ever summed up the disaster which is SOR4 its that one.

typical japanese shit

Is that Mike Haggar SJW edition

This. Literally everyone can enjoy a nice set of tires, but you put a game character in a low cut top and faggot tranny devs make that fuckin I love Lucy face like you're the weirdo.

God, I miss 80’s/90’s anime aesthetic so bad and now I wish that game existed.

At least we got the fanmade SoR sequel if this one turns out to be another ugly calarts circlejerk.

if that was what they presented today you'd be laughing just as hard

not great tbhfamtasia

Much better

Attached: 11231904_413941475457201_3908835084204358609_n.jpg (960x540, 50K)

there is nothing SJW on any of those 4 characters
kys tranner

Looks like those french devs received some much needed (((consulting))).

No it's his Texan cousin.

Not even. There's a level of consistency that has yet to be shown with the actual game with the archtypes at least and the characters.

Big guy's just a mudskin Haggar with rainbow colored hair, would prob shout "take that BIGOT" during his blitz attacks lmao

>Play Adam in the first game and they replace him
>Play Max in the second game and they replace him
>Barely even want to play the third game because they now have a fucking robot and kangaroo over the characters I did want
At this point I should just stick with Axel because they insist on keeping that fucking shit kid in over the good characters

Attached: 1549471912643.jpg (639x437, 51K)

>Asian ninja waifu
I'll take this over a disgusting nigrress every day

I really, really hope this is just bait.

And this is a fucking proto no less, we could have had a beautiful SOR4 by the original developers back in 2000.
instead Sega sends a C&D to the Remake guys and then gives the license to a bunch of French SJW pandering faggots.
This world is evil I tell you, evil and it needs to be cleansed with fire.

Attached: streetofrage4proto11.jpg (1056x720, 288K)

what SoR is that?
those enemies weren't in 3

Not terrible but very bland and uninspired, especially for that era.

>Axel Jr. doesn't have a nu-male beard like his daddy does in 4
>But no Blaze

Attached: 1543833584981.jpg (1000x1500, 150K)

it's interpreted as a white big guy by most people
some will see it as tanned
but not really dark skinned because of that tone no

I'm not sure if you're aware but SOR4 has been attempted to be made like 5 times already but always runs into problems. That's just one of them.

Looks like an arab texan/ginger larper to me

>Fresh Prince Skate
>Ginger Haggar
>Little ninja girl instead of Blaze
Not amazing but I'll take it. I still like the current 4's Axel & Blaze though.

SOR Remake. It is a mix up, all the characters, all the stages, all the enemies.

Even the original content in it is better than SOR4 can ever hope to be.

the tiny ninja girl is retarded weeb shit
should have sticked with blaze or anything not ninja

Is that supposed to be a nephilim giant?

Yeah I remember, I've been around for a while.
I remember they tried to do a SOR1(?) remake like a decade ago, and there was also something wrong with it.
I think the trailer was in 3D, but googling streets of rage remake just nets me.. the remake.

the only thing that would really make me drop this is censorship and unfaithful remixes

if some tranny wants to identify with a stronk black woman it doesn't matter to me unless the character doesn't fit the game and they censor her tits/ass

Attached: supermetroidending2a.jpg (875x739, 63K)

>Axel clone
>Asian kid
>1990 MC Hammer

but censorship is a part of SoR's history and tradition! dum zoomer newfag

Attached: d64cgw4-4648bd42-806c-41e4-9cb6-7d0de1590949.png (257x465, 16K)

Sega should have hired the remake guys instead of these French faggots and their flash game.

I hope they don't change a thing so I can shit on you game hating faggots just like with mk11 when this games sells well just like ion fury. Her shirt needs more rips tho

There's a reason people hate SoR3

Asset flip has all the content? Imagine my shock

They also have original characters and stages, all better than anything showed in 4 until now.

Play the gaem, user. It is great.


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donutsteel Rudra is shit tho

Not him, but that I am going to look into. Hell, this shitshow here could inspire another compilation just like it. Sonic already has a shitload of hacks that change things up, why not Streets of Rage, too?

Bottom right looks sexier 2bh.

KYS Rudra is the best

Just another classic "Sega fucking up" moment.

Damn you losers manage to suck the fun outta everything, and the shit isn’t even out yet?

Is Rudra Shiva's big sister who has harnessed the power of the Bare Knuckle™ to surpass even her brother?!

Shit character is shit, you probably designed her.

Get woke go broke

>The overall response to the character has been very positive

A bunch of same fagging twitter trannies giving you likes does not equate to what the actual fans think.

why you projecting though?

Why can I imagine the developers reacting like pic related when somebody starts to call out their bullshit?

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