Games like this ?

Games like this ?

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Mario + Rabbids.

Unironically Mario vs rabbids

mario and rabbids

Gold or not it still comes from an asshole and therefore it's full of shit. Disgusting.

Mario & Rabbids, it seems

I mean technically everything is made of shit

Even the elements are just the shit of dying stars

Definitely Mario and Rabbid

DOOM 2016

What if he put it in there after thoroughly cleansing with enemas and some sort of insertible brush?

The opposite would be more common
A jeweler of a certain religious ethnicity, no doubt giving someone a gold bar, but it's actually shit

Just clean it with alcohol.

Doom '16
Before the AMD gameplay everyone had given up on it

Doom 2016

>he put it in there
No, it formed in there obviously.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Definitely DOOM and 2016

Mirror's Edge back in the day

Until the leaked build the view was generally "this will be utter shit" about Deus ex:HR.

Mafia 2

Prey 2017

Wind Waker

U can just say kikes faggot

Dude, that amount of pure gold is worth a fortune, don't tell me you wouldn't grab it.

But he was clearly expecting food and he got gold instead, that's not a good result.

Doom 2016

No, Wind Waker is more like the waiter readying himself to shit on your plate, shitting out a gold bar, but then you realize it's just a turd warped in gold paper.

Not gold, but rather just pocket change: MGSurvive

Game was much better than expected but fuck konami for the retarded micro transactions

Gold is worth a lot of money, money can be exchanged for goods and services, including but not limited to food.



>it's dead now
Why did you have to remind me

Attached: me right now.webm (720x720, 497K)

Thought those were tittes.

Bloodstained Ritual of the Night.

FE 3Houses

Kingdom Come Deliverance

But I wanted a peanut.

I'd say Fire Emblem Three Houses
Before we got proper info about the timeskip and stuff the game seemed awful

it was a pretty bad game thoguh

With gold you can buy many peanuts



Someone post the version where he unwraps the gold and there's poo inside

The original Metroid Prime.
You think Metroid fans are whiny these days? The idea of a first-person Metroid was outright sacrilege back then, let alone the fact that Nintendo was trusting some literally-who studio with no track record to do it. People were unanimously calling for Retro Studios' heads on a platter before the game actually dropped.

why are asians so scary looking, bros

Dayum I wanted to say Doom and Deus Ex 3 but I was beaten to the punch.
The demo leak was the best thing that happened to that game.
Shame about the sequel.

>ew no i dont want that gold it has poopy on it
Have sex

Final Fantasy XV

Real answer = Watch Dogs 2. So many people shit on it before it came out buy aside from the typical watchdogs mediocre driving system it was a fun as fuck game and probably one of the best open world games of the decade

FE 3 Houses is a VN disguised as a game

Someone post the version where he unwraps the gold and there's poo inside, but then unwraps the poo and there's gold inside.

Titanfall 2
I wasnt expecting much given how barebones Titanfall 1 was, plus it seemed like it was copying some stuff from Overwatch which wasn't encouraging.
But then it turned out ot be my favorite FPS in a long while

Attached: no man's sky.png (782x1300, 426K)

Deus ex human revolution. While its seen as a decent game now, pre-release everyone was freaking out about it being terrible.

This. The marketing was one of the worst fucking shitshows I've seen for a game, and it ended up being one of the best games I've played.

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this works on so many games

3H is romance of the three kingdoms disguised as a fire emblem game disguised as a VN.

>games that require a heap of patches/DLC to become good

Disgusts me. Looking at your Stellaris

For me Witcher 3 for sure

Every pre release interview went on and on about being inspired by Skyrim’s open world and I thought “oh No”

What are some games that are the complete inverse of this feeling? Pic absolutely related.

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and then they made the open world 10x worse so what is your point?

>no man's sky

Rome 2 Total War

Deep bro.

>MMORPG setting
>Mute, amnesiac protagonist
>A good portion of the plot involves you and your buddy hacking and cheating so that you can get to the bottom of the big mystery the game sets up

>In spite of taking a bunch of bad cliches and mashing them all together, it's still a very good game

if by inverse you mean the guy anal voring your gold bar then basically every gacha ever

>what is Satisfactory?

>MGS V and Ground Zeros

>Mario + Rabbids in five consecutive answers in a row

The game was really being shat on simply for the fact that it had Rabbids involved. But it takes one smart man to realize Miyamoto involved would mean the game turning out to be reasonably great. That and Soliani being the leader on board over a passion project nailed it as a pretty solid concept with the amount of passion necessary to pull this concept off the ground. It still has some small flaws, but given the task of pulling off something not done before, it's pretty fucking understandable. Miyamoto made sure they wouldn't cross the line too much, even though you can still notice the Rabbids' presence heavily in the game.

It's one of those cases where I can't imagine Nintendo ever not taking advantage of its success by making either more collaborations with them or the game impacting the Mario franchise for the near future.

is it weird that I want a sequel with more characters

immortal redneck

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I remember all the seething at Metroid "becoming Halo".

For me, Metal Gear Survive

To ask why we fight is to ask why leaves fall

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This was every Capcom game for a while

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>if you have yellow poop that looks greasy and smells very bad, it may have too much fat.

Classic WoW

Prey 2017

Marvel vs Capcom Infinite


Driver San francisco

Human Revolution is the ur-example of this, though its reputation has gone down a few notches since 2011.

Some people feel this way about Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu/Eevee

Those people are retarded. Game Freak has produced nothing but turds since gen 6 onward.
