Post a screenshot of what you're currently playing Yea Forums

Post a screenshot of what you're currently playing Yea Forums

Attached: screen006.png (1280x800, 73K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Got some backlog crisis
>Up to AC: Last Raven after playing through all the previous ones
>Also want to play through all the Panzer Dragoon games but feel like a secondary if I don't 1cc them
>Also want to check out some other Saturn games like Dragon Force
>Radiant Silvergun is meant to be amazing but requires a ton of time to learn it seems
>Not to mention I want to read some VNs

>feel like a secondary if I don't 1cc them
I'm sorry user but the autism, it's terminal

I hate how everyone who tries to remake Xcom focuses purely on the first one and ignores Terror From the Deep.

I would love a TFTD inspired XCOM 3 from Firaxis

>The ending of XCOM 2 literally teases Terror from the Deep
>They don't do anything at all with it

Okay cool thanks firaxis

This. I would love to see a proper remake of that game. I personally hate Terror from the Deep because of how the AI was improved to hide more, making small missions annoying as fuck to do sometimes.

>Looking around the map to find the last alien
>He somehow managed to get behind the group
>Throws a grenade and kills a couple of my guys

Attached: dan collapses.jpg (492x412, 103K)

Attached: 2019. (1920x1076, 1.47M)

Based, I love the underwater setting

>tfw no TFTD mod for Subnautica.

>tfw no TFTD Yea Forums playthrough

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There have been several of those. Make one yourself.

I wouldn't play old games on a console no one bought if I wasn't autistic user

Rate my forest

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I'm way too terrible at XCOM and Ironman would wipe the floor with me. However I enjoy these threads, when someone decides to make them.

My city is range banned and i cant post images. I just want to post game screenshots :(

Attached: IMG_0255.jpg (2732x2048, 892K)

and i dont have internet funny money


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Backlog user here, I decided to play Last Raven.
Once I finish it, should I play the 360 ACs?

no birds in sight/10

No, play a better series instead

But AC is good

Haven't finished it yet but it's cute.

Attached: shinobi spirit.png (1920x1080, 2.5M)

config loaded
bottom text

Fuck this miniboss, holy shit.

Attached: Untitled.png (801x596, 612K)

Can you post on Yea Forums directly from a hacked switch like you can a Vita yet?

How far am I in Parasite Eve if I killed a big crab in a warehouse?

Conan Exiles, it's great fun in co-op but I wish tethering was less restrictive.

Attached: RCTPl5M.jpg (2560x1440, 443K)

Edgy Zelda.

Attached: nrr.jpg (1280x720, 247K)

It is, and it is on sale for under 4e right now on steam. Remembered the name wrong, it is caller ISLANDERS. I bought it yesterday and played for 6 hours already so I can say it was worth the price.

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I fucking love the deception franchise.

Attached: deception.jpg (1862x1038, 534K)

Can you play it on PC?

Only via emulation, I'm afraid. If your system can't handle emulating Nightmare Princess via RPCS3 I'd highly recommend at least giving Trapt a try via PS2 emulation.