Why aren’t you playing the best FPS out right know user?

Why aren’t you playing the best FPS out right know user?

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Other urls found in this thread:


you think the average c*mbrain shitter here has the nuts to play a hardcore, high risk-high reward tactical shooter where the wrong step at the wrong time will result in loss of couple hours worth of gear?
they're too busy jerking off to anime girls, BING BING WAHOOing and throwing nintendo vs sony shit at each other

More bugs in it than your average gay guy.

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tarkov fucking sucks

Because it's atrocious. I fell for the "tactical" meme hoping gunfights would indeed be "tactical", what i had was the contrary. In summary, you just go in prone and spray your weapon in a very flat pattern until the target goes down. You don't even actually aim down the sights.

Look videos up, gunfights at somewhat close range are all about big armors and spamming in hip fire. Fucking atrocious.

That's wrong though. Hip fire is a meme in Tarkov, it's ineffective and is the equivalent of the 360 no scope

very fun gameplay indeed

I'm not falling for Russian meme game

From what I understood last time I looked into this game, I felt like it was just battle royale with a twist and on a small scale.
Pass, but I would have given it a try right when PUBG started going into decline (couple years ago I think).

it's not a br


Attached: Escape From Tarkov Screenshot 2019.08.11 - (1920x1080, 3.29M)

I am pretty bad at it and quit as soon as i get into a tiny setback


Attached: irapefaggots.png (1920x1080, 1.12M)

Oh god I laughed loud enough that my co-worker in the next cubicle asked what was so funny

I cant wait to play my hardcore, high risk-high reward tactical shooter where the wrong step at the wrong time will result in loss of a couple hours of gear

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Post source, for reasons....

But I *am* playing it.

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>the wrong step at the wrong time will result in loss of a couple hours of gear
I'm surprised this is an issue for some people. Do the people who claim this point as to why they don't like this game also hate playing minecraft? Because the same shit happens.

>feeling superior because you downloaded a program
And this is why single player will always be the better choice. No retards that go on a power trip because they jerked off a script kiddie for MUH 1337 H4X0RZ


>buggy mess
>devs DMCA critics
>gunplay feels off
I'll pass

Might as well play Pubg or Fortnite

I'm waiting for .12. Not much point playing this late in a patch.

i play it all the time

its not wrong, tarkov literally has automatic recoil control and with the right mods, you could make a laser rifle.

i heard that it's a realistic shooty game where you can lose your stuff if you die and instantly stopped caring

You have a mental illness.

>best FPS
It would be best if it was STALKER like sp game but it's not.

based big-brained master race that manage to build his PC that c*mbrainer can only dream of

this is what it should be lads I hope Yea Forums have more people like this gentlesir than casul that are encroaching our board

Tarkov is casuals first "hardcore" game, it makes them act like retards as they have no care for game balance while ignoring meme mechanicus like automatic recoil control and bosses. Only good thing about Tarkov is in depth gun customization, which is wasted due to meta building.

But I am

Attached: tf2.webm (960x540, 1.16M)

you one of the retards who dismisses people wanting to make the game less shit by implimenting features from Arma you consider too casual ?

automatic recoil control makes sense
it takes away the "skill" of moving your mouse down and makes everyone have to rely on positioning and movement more

>a game where recoil control is so overtuned that full auto fire is more accurate than semi auto

your 3% survival rate is showing

delusional. it makes people walk and spray on full auto constantly, theres nothing realistic nor "tactical" in it.

But I do! Well, kinda took a break this Wipe sooner than expected. Played the shit out of last one but waiting eagerly for .12

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Post your guns.

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what a loser

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I don't understand cheating in competitive games. Just to lie about your rank?
Even less non competitive games. Look at your stash and feel good?


it was, is and always will be the epitome of beeing a cunt.

Attached: 2018-11-09[01-55]_-110.4, 1.7, 8.3_0.0, -0.5, 0.0, -0.9 (0).png (1920x1080, 2.76M)

okay dude

He's a sad, lonely kid that has nothing in his life apart from angrily typing things in allcaps on Yea Forums. Just ignore him and be glad that you aren't a favela-dwelling fucktard who'll probably kill himself once he gets banned.

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Which dot signifies where the bullet will hit?

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Because it has the single worst game mode of all time. Honest to god I cannot find or think of a worse game mode.

Most games operate on the basis of high risk/high reward. Tarkov is the only shooter I know which is the complete opposite. There is NO reason to go in with gear. Ever.

You go in with a single shot rifle, a scope, and you just kill groups from miles away and loot everything. If you die it doesnt matter you barely lose anything, and when you escape you make 5x more than going in geared.

Its absolutely fucking moronic.

take a look at the Zeroing Number on the Bottom right for starters

I play it from time to time. Just now at Operation Aquarius pt 2.

>Playing a game designed for consoles on PC

Attached: bretty_dusg.jpg (1920x1080, 366K)

My FX-8350 doesn't run it very well. I get lots of random stutters and it fucks me up.

I toggle in TF2 against snipers specifically, because I feel like that class ruins that game for everyone else and I'd rather my team have fun not worrying about instantly getting headshot than letting them have free reign.

Hopefully offraid healing fixes or at least helps with that. should at least hurt hatchet and pistol runners.
Clearly you haven't played Titanfall

Attached: 2019-02-08[18-54] (0).jpg (500x262, 16K)

Let me see let me see...

>cancer community
>"tactical" gunplay

Need i go on?

>emulation for console games on PC
lol, what fags amirite?

I do low gear loot runs and geared quest runs.

The TTK ultra low trash because controllers can't sustain aim on a fast moving target. This makes the gameplay trash on PC because doing any fun movement just makes you vulnerable. Mechs have high health because they barely move.
Clearly I have played Titanfall and stopped, because it was like I said, designed around controllers. It's trash.

>Posting image links on an image board

because it's shit
devs decided it was a good idea to cater to shitstreamers and re**it
now it's a CoD loot shooter with a bit more realism

no tactical shooter left, at least for now, devs might wake up and continue making it into a realistic tactical shooter but it has so many bugs and spaghetti code i have no idea if they can pull it off

tho the game shines in a high gear squad vs squad engagements, it is the most fun i had playing vidya but those are so far in between and most of my friends stopped playing, including myself

I have hopes for .12 but not too much

Attached: EscapeFromTarkov_2019-04-05_00-52-57.png (553x1066, 651K)

Random stutters are partly a general problem. Patch .12 will update the game to Unity Engine 2018 which is promising to give Performance boosts and less stutters in general.

he's a redditor, what do you think?

Wow, just like real life.

It's partly the game, and partly my system. It does it in some other games, but Tarkov it is very present.

Rangebanned. Not gonnapay a jewjap for a pass
Well looks like your "fun" movement is too fucking slow so you get killed.
universal problem. Doesn't matter how good your PC is the game stutters like hell. I believe it is because the code is shit and there are huge amounts of variables in the match going on that the game shits itself

thats kind of what i wanted to say. so maybe you can play it better after the update

don't want to pay for something that i'm not sure I would like

Attached: scared.jpg (709x915, 89K)

That game is for people who take pictures of themselves wearing thigh socks and post them on /r9k/ and Discord.

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Attached: EscapeFromTarkov_2019-04-27_22-02-28.png (612x619, 653K)

so realistic

On one of the worst engines ever made

>noBrain: enabled
oh i see

imagine unironically using 9mm instead of man killer rounds

Attached: EscapeFromTarkov_2019-04-24_19-23-29.png (2560x1440, 1.48M)

guy with the mpx is just a retard

>if you're looking for a streamer who is not cancer

lol they are all bullets why do you care if it's 9mm or 9000mm?


Silly nogunz

Attached: wouldyoulookatthat.jpg (1000x826, 118K)

smoke is unironically based
no idea how is he so good while being casual and roleplaying at the same time

it's easy to build immunity to pistol caliber rounds
I started with .22, shot myself with it for 2 months before moving up and up
now I am almost immune to 9mm, hoping full immunity in the next few weeks

there is a difference between a 300m/s pistol caliber and a 900m/s armour piercing rifle cartridge

Whats your playstyle in this game?

I like to play solo and sneaky, flanking teams, following gunshots, Mid Range. But super cautious. Never avoid a good gunfight tho. Then most of the time I get shot in the back of my head by an Scav, meters away from the Extract ::)

>Well looks like your "fun" movement is too fucking slow so you get killed.
Posting this proves you're a bad player if you think moving fast is how your avoid dying.

easy, he uses a private hack suite

Sneaky, quick in and out but still taking time to kill people if I can pull it off.

>doesn't actually show the damage stats screen
Probably 790 damage across like 4 scavs lmao, maybe don't spray legs and arms and actually learn how to aim shitter

solo is aids desu, don't enjoy it
squad of 3 is my pref playstyle, moving slowly and getting into ambush spots
anything more than that and it becomes a clustefuck

the 100% boss spawn even on customs was the most fun i had playing this game
moving to 2 story dorms, setting up ambush and spotting spots
waiting for other squads to come or flanking others if we are late

yuop, also Stopping Power of Bullets, going for flesh vs. armor pen etc. pp.

Seriously Tarkov makes you understand the fundamentals of these topics like no Shooter I played ever did before. Games with laughable Gunstats like COD

Your movement is shit

>Hip fire is a meme in Tarkov,
Hip fire doesn't exist in Tarkov, all guns are shouldered and have the same accuracy/recoil as when you ADS with them. If you've never fucking played the game before why even post about it?

Because I don't trust russians to do anything at all correctly.

I run up to people and spray them with my MP5.
It's worked out so far.

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>thinks he's actually raping anyone
Its literally the program you downloaded doing it for you because you cant do it yourself, enjoy getting cucked by some script lmao

I like Pestily

>Find unlooted PMC body
>Dogtag says killed by scav
>with SVDS

Attached: scared.jpg (421x500, 24K)

>solo is aids desu, don't enjoy it

Playing Duo is the max i do, with 3 people its alreay a huge clusterfuck.
I like how playing Solo can give you an advantage over Big teams because you just rely on yourself and can make decisions and moves real fast. Flanking them DayZ style and picking them off one by one. Almost makes the game feel like a Metal Gear Solid game.

I see you what you mean, beeing pro active can save your ass more sometimes than beeing overly cautious. Also there is still alot peekers advantage it feels like

Because it's PVP and a sprinkle of PVE instead of massive PVE with co-op.
Barely a story.
Nothing to do except hunt for gear and hope you didn't just spend a whole day basically hoarding bullshit just to be killed by some hacker who has nothing better to do than literally ruin other peoples fun.
It's basically DayZ but with a better weapon system and no buggy zombies.
Completely. Fucking. Pointless.

It feels and play comepletly different than DayZ tho. DayZ at NWAF with enough players there at the same time can feel like Tarkov.

>filled to the brim with hackers
>objectively one of the worst progression systems that ever graced vidya
>filled with completely useless mechanics/stuff that doesn't matter
>shit-tier level-design
>overly clunky movement that is designed to be as clunky as possible because "muh realism" even tho, every mechanic in the game is unrealistic as fuck

the gameplay is good as long as you don't meet a cheater or think that armor actually protects you tho

>all body shots
>doesn't show the fucking stats screen to confirm the title of the video
>probably using shit-tier ammo

yuop, it's kind of something that happens to you in the first few raids. if you don't realize that the mistake is on you the next time it happens, you're def doing something wrong

>don't spray legs and arms
confirmed for lvl 5 shitter

you're supposed to shoot at limbs with a 9mm

>anything more than that and it becomes a clustefuck
fucking awesome when you have a 5 man squad covering one third of the whole map

>completely different than DayZ though
No fucking shit.
That's not even close to the argument I was making.

6.3 ammo pens face shields in 2-3 rounds, which is less time than it takes to melt someones legs
Get good shitties, or just don't use 9mm this late into a wipe like a dipshit

>waaah im bad so the game is shit waaaah

>It's basically DayZ but with a better weapon system and no buggy zombies.

Talking about the PvE part; I recon it will become a stronger element once the game gets closer to what it was meant to be. Remember that ALL the quests that are in right now will be side-quests at best. There will be a different feel and pace to the game and PvE will play a different role.

Still lel about your comment

Pretty much purely scavenger. I try to move around gunfights then when the shooting stops move in to pick up leftovers. I go midrange gear most runs and when I do find good stuff I will just run factory and beat up low geared guys until I lose it.

I really like playing as a scav and wish scav on scav violence was changed to be more punishing. I'd be fine with scavs not being able to hurt other scavs but I doubt they'd ever add it.

>6.3 going through class 5 armour
Okay dude

Escape from Tarkov is just another Battle Royale game.
No better than PUBG or Fortnite.

I think getting rid of Friendly Fire for Scavs is not the solution at all. Killing Scavs as a Scav should make the Cooldown on your Scav longer or shit like that. Also would be cool if there are some Scav Sidemissions, leveling your Scav without making him to OP. Needs alot of balancing thoughts etc. tho and shouldnt be too high on the list for now.

Copy that.
I just see NO point in playing that game other than gear-hoarding, which I don't want to do.

Clearly show you never played the game and your IQ can't be higher than 75, 80 max

I'd be fine with that too. I'm just tired of it being so beneficial to walk up to a non-aggro'd AI scav, check what weapon/gear he has, then murder him for it. I hate it.

>all face shields are class 5
The only 5+ face shields are super easy to see from a distance so you can tell when you fucked up by not bringing a 40 recoil m4 with 60 rounders full of 995 like someone who actually wants to be competitive

If anyone ever wants to play on hardmode, just put on a pilgrim backpack.

yeah its kind of what you make it out to be at the moment. this wipe i also ran out of reasons to play much desu. in the end; in this state the games lifes from the dynamics that can happen, variations of factors like player numbers, teams, their gear, their movement, their goal etc..
To maintain this feel it needs more maps for me tho. I also hate how things become meta in this game. Like the beginning of Labs was the shit! It was the first new map I played when it came out and it was a blast to play it without strict 'rules' dictated by meta faggots.

I think adding dynamic loot destribution over the map and random events will help the game alot.

Authentic first person dayz is way more fun for me

Neither games are even close to perfect but after learning all the mechanics for dayz it feels very good when things are going smooth

I liked how 'good' Scavs were early in the wipe. If there were three around you and you were doing that without armor, chances were quite high that they blast your ass.

Problem is mostly streamers and Redditors bitching about getting raped by to good AI.

I agree with you on both counts, however:
1. I've never played the game because the genre is garbage and I'd rather not contribute to its extended life.
2. Despite being a low-IQ, low-functioning autist, I'm an acceptably successful electrical engineer designing high precision measuring systems for inductive measuring applications requiring non-contact displacement measurements at sub-nanometer resolution.

Dynamic loot cannot come soon enough. For a start it will cut down on hatchet runners by 90% or more. Most importantly it will mean exploration and being observant/inquisitive will be more rewarding. You can disregard 95% of any of the maps right now because you know nothing of value spawns there and that's sad. The maps are so beautifully detailed.

Game would be much better if you nerfed loose loot spawns by like half, increased the sale value for dogtags, and fucking implemented the armor plate hitboxes already so you could bring the ammo pen/dmg values down to an actual realistic level

Almost everyone I meet in DayZ plays EFT aswell. I think the Games extend each other perfectly and I love them both to death.

Seriously the best (online) games that came out the last 10 years in terms of innovation and replayabilty.

Wow guys, this guy has a job, lets all get on our knees and suck his dick
Go back to whatever reddit board they made for electrical engineers and circlejerk over working at a 'sub-nanometer resolution' like whatever poor prostitute has to actually find your dick and put it inside her so you can say you're not a virgin

Waiting for the next update

>trash optimalization
>trash netcode
>trash state of the game despite 3 years of development
( x ) doubt

(Guy you were talking to here)
Im sorry.
Maybe you shouldn't talk shit about sth you have no insight in tho.

The whole athmo of the game reeks of intelligent and very artistic design. It makes me sad that the game doesn't get more praise but then it will just bring in more fking meta kids (like during times Shroud streams it).

Look at the new COD, the devs clearly played the shit out of EFT and it already confirms that Tarkov is already an underground classic.

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You seem upset. Are you out of a job in this economy? Need to kill time to distract yourself from your hellish and directionless existence, so you select the most banal and repetitive genre that gives you a sense of pride and accomplishment collecting pans and body armor for 20 minutes every round before gameplay starts?

Same, lots of ppl are playing both. Many are playing dayz while waiting for eft update. I just can't stop playing some of these more hardcore dayz servers where you actually have to survive since the loot is scarce. There's too many servers where you get geared up super fast, and it just becomes a pvp fest where everyone has military gear. Working your way up on servers like underground feels so much more satisfying and replayable

>he said while bragging about his job on Yea Forums
You're the one trying to flex on an anonymous imageboard lmao, is your middle school bully working for you yet while you end up getting the girl you always dreamed of like mommy said?
No? Guess you better go find some other people to brag about your stem job to, that will make you feel better

but Squad is a much better tacticool game

Dynamic loot AND dynamic scavs please. More random spawns instead of changing hot zones and scav patrols moving between points of interest.

With you on that. The game is much more fun to me when its first person only and hardcore.
Have you seen the big base at Cherno on Underground? Would love get geared to raid the shit out of it!

Well one things for sure, you are definitely an autist.

Interchange and labs are beautifully made. Interchange looks perfectly like an abandoned mall, everything is amazing. Labs also looks so real, like people were there and operating it maybe just a day before. Whoever makes their maps is extremely talented.

Completely different Playstyle. See EFT more like a immersive online Version of Stalker.

I think all the maps are beautiful. Loved playing Shoreline when I started to play the game (deep into the .9 wipe). With respect for the Resort, knowing its where death is almost certain. Fuck I love this game

Is DayZ actually good yet? My main reason I stopped playing was because the zombies were an annoyance at best and besides the airfield (which got stale) there weren't really any end-game areas to go for loot. 90% of the map seemed pointless so you just went to the same locations every single time.

Why is talking about a job such a triggering subject for Yea Forums NEETs? I suppose the answer is in the question.
Is there a list of acceptable ethos-building anecdote topics available somewhere? Maybe there should be a sticky. Unfortunately, I don't have much going for me aside from my job and video game experience. At least the fact that I don't play Battle Royale games lets me sleep at night.

Yeah the game on these servers is very good now

Haven't been to cherno recently but have been seeing a bunch of bases all over the map, currently up by berezino, managed to find a shotgun and some other supplies. Was thinking to make my way up to nwaf


Attached: shoreline_dusk.jpg (1920x1080, 191K)

People say it's in the best state it's ever been.
It runs very stable and there are lot's of good servers with mods making the experience better than Vanilla (Gore, Weapons).

Game is still what you make out of it combined with 'luck' running into something interesting. Following shots is almost a guarantee for encounters. I almost like the gameplay more before you get super geared out tho. Easier to make friends

x9999 turbo maximum oversharpen

I was taking a break until the next wipe

Is the netcode still fucked to the point where there is half a second of peeker's advantage that leads to the game being played like Call of Duty?

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think he just used Painkillers

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The game is way better now but I am only playing on first person lower loot servers. Feels more authentic and satisfying when you find that good loot. Zombies are somewhat of a pain still but they are easy to kill or get away from. You can also trap them in buildings. The airfield is also way bigger now. They added more areas to the map and improved on existing areas. New update is adding vaulting. Game is very solid, but I recommend the hardcore servers, as the others looting becomes tedious since you can get geared up with everything so easily. Having to actually survive in the beginning is good fun

I assume pic is unrelated to the OP, cuz in no world is wannabe milsim "muh reelism" garbage a good FPS game.

Attached: negro.jpg (483x473, 77K)

>filled to the brim with hackers
BattlEye was implemented. Most hackers are gone now.
>objectively one of the worst progression systems that ever graced vidya
Explain. What do you think is wrong with the progression system?
>filled with completely useless mechanics/stuff that doesn't matter
Such as?
>shit-tier level-design
I heartily disagree.
>overly clunky movement
Because you are bad at utilizing a toolkit, does not mean the toolkit sucks.

>is your middle school bully working for you
You don't belong here


>>overly clunky movement
actually the best movement ever in a FPS.

Also people still don't seem to get that you can't compare every game that is played in first person with each other

Attached: 2018-11-12[15-45]_294.1, 2.6, -193.2_0.1, 0.3, 0.0, 1.0 (0).png (1920x1080, 3.6M)

>actually the best movement ever in a FPS.
You've actually got to be fucking kidding me

why? The accurate switching between movement speed combined with the loudness of your movements?

Dynamic switching of standing height?

Unique way you can move your weapon?

the average gamer shitter plays a condensed version of escape from tarkov called battle royale

it's too much fucking investment for no payoff, if I want action and to shoot people I'll pick battlefield or call of duty

I don't want to sit in one place for fucking 10 minutes because I can't lose something I just picked up

you never win in tarkov, it's just constant attrition for nothing

yes it is

Its about the moments you 'win' and git gud. Learning from your mistakes and to read the enemy. The moment you come out on top is more satisfying then any other FPS for me because you keep trophies from it (loot). Escaping always feels very rewarding compared to games where you just respawn or just can jump in the next round having nothing to loose when you die. The psychological factors of this game makes it much more interesting then any BR.

Sprint, walk, or run in 8 directions. Wow, such crazy advanced movement. This clearly deserves the title of best movement "ever" in an FPS. No other FPS game has done anything better.

it cant be because you dont need to fight anyone to 'win' the round. Finding something valuable or doing sth needed for a quest can be enough already to have an successful raid.

>I don't want to sit in one place for fucking 10 minutes because I can't lose something I just picked up
Losing shit in this game is not too detrimental. Grow a pair and start moving.

I would call this game looter shoter over Borderlands. So many interesting shit to loot unlike borderlands with color coded guns and their magrinal number upgrades


>moving the goalposts
>no counter-argument
You lost. Stop responding.


The scroll-to-crouch and scroll-to-determine-movespeed and scroll-to-lean feature is one of my favorites. I wish more games would implement it, instead of simply making all pieces of crouch-cover a certain size.

Alright you fags convinced me to get the game, but I don't buy early access bullshit. You'll have to wait until the game is officially released before i released the deathgrip I have on my wallet.

>Sprint, walk, or run in 8 directions. Wow, such crazy advanced movement. This clearly deserves the title of best movement "ever" in an FPS. No other FPS game has done anything better.



Let me guess, you think the best movement is some arenashit like Quake, right?

Its a game that will always be 'early access' because they will add stuff till its done with and abandoned. Do yourself a favor and play it before 'release' the amount of new content with every patch is like christmas. Alon the number of attachements added every patch is insane, let alone the feeling of getting a new map.....

lol you want to move like this in a Shooter that aims for realism and where one bad decision or one bullet can make you loose all your shit?

When will they learn?

Attached: tap.webm (1024x576, 2.1M)

Yeah because Quake actually has good movement mechanics aside from "walk around like its real life." Huge amounts of skill needed for that one, retard.

Sure thing dumb faggot enjoy your dead genre.

Now you're putting words in my mouth. All I'm doing is arguing the stated opinion that tarkov has the best movement "ever" in any FPS game. Very ignorant statement.

you don't need to fight to win in battle royale either

My statement before was that you cannot compare every FPS with each other. I do love the movement of Quake, or Ion Maiden for instance.

But for what Tarkov tries to be, I think it has the perfect movement. And the level of complexity and functionality just feels good. There is no other Shooter that aims for realism that feels better imo. DayZ/Arma beeing close second.

But to win in a BR someone needs to die, whether or not they were killed by you. People dying on the map, scavs or players, has zero impact on you leaving the raid with your loot.

yeah but it doesn't leave you with a rewarding feeling compared to having finished a quest and/ or finding something valuable that stays with your character.

Seethe harder moron
That is a much different post than "actually the best movement ever in a FPS"
And Ion Maiden is a build engine game, it doesn't have good movement.

useless piece of trash weapon now that there is a mosin which is absolutely overpowerd and only at 10% the cost

Still looking for 1 or 2 buddies to play the next Patch with. Looking for dynamic non-meta gamplay, surviving is everything. Questing, PVPing etc.

Join the Looking for group channel and write 4, ill add you

You're the one seething, I'm having fun with a proper game with proper movement system.

I'm also having fun with a proper gamer with a better movement system!

You and the 3 other people who still play it.

Got enough people to play with every night and have a good ping so does the actual number really matter? I hope you enjoy queueing into random dev hosted servers with people you don't know and likely won't see ever again I guess. Can't expect a zoomer to know a good FPS experience, I guess.

I was!

Haven't played this wipe much due to moving around and shit, and man, it feels bad coming into a wipe this fucking late. Anyone know when the next wipe is?

Attached: tarkov.png (1920x1080, 2.31M)

>game encourages co-op
>literally nothing to let you know who your friends are
>constantly having to yell "IS THAT YOU IS THAT YOU"
Into the trash. I shouldn't have to second guess if the player in front of me is my friend or not.

>best FPS
as a EOD supporter it is pretty far from. they need to drastically reduce the effectiveness of armor and make everyone less tanky, i don't wanna play the fucking division anymore with these high level magdump fights. the worst i think is that they let EOD start with FORT, so every wipe it's really proliferated in an economy where nobody really has access to armor piercing ammunition; it's the only part of the whole package that honestly approaches P2W

git gud.
Talk about your loadout and other visual indicators. Use colored armbands. Stay close, know where your friend is before you have to ask.

In real war situations there is friendly fire aswell.

Attached: EFT the chunk.jpg (1774x918, 74K)

>all guns are shouldered and have the same accuracy/recoil as when you ADS with them.
Holy shit that can't be real, fucking no one would make a shooter like that, least of all one purporting to be "tactical".

>putting my gun infront of my eye stabilizes it better

Attached: EFT skeletronix.png (485x603, 361K)

Seems cool but the price is too high for a early access game full of hackers
is actually full of hackers ?


In real fucking war scenarios your friendlies look like your fucking friendlies: their face, their gait, their body language, etc. On top of that you're wearing the same exact outfit.

My friends and I don't look like CHEEKIBREEKICYKABLYAT #74893, fucking moron.

so fucking expensive in my country

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>Linking to Reddit
thanks user

>being this much of a no guns
"hip fire" is a made up video game thingy. All rifles are shoulder at all times. You are basically ADS at all times, just not shifting focus to dominate eye when not in combat as to have full range of sight. when the suck begins, you slightly shift focus to dom eye to have a more clear and, as the name suggests, dominate view of the sights fully aliened. you still see out of non dom eye, but the sight takes more of the vision up. you never give up either eye's sight.
some what the same with pistols, only you are aliening the sights up at all times unless turning corners and other things where having your hands sticking way out from you is not a good idea. point shooting with hand guns is a thing but that's more of a civ personal defense tactic. quick draw type of thing. if you are in the suck and using a handgun, things have gone from suck to utter fuck and throwing all the hail marys out to make it out

It's called the ready position, and realistically no you wouldn't carry your rifle at ready for the entirety that you're out and about. Tarkov intends to add a rest position, which would be holding your rifle in a way that you're not ready to fire. But as it stands right now Ready is the default stance.

This quest fucking blows.

>You must verify your identity by phone before you can send messages in this server
wew lad, not happening.

What if an enemy dressed up in the same gear as someone on your side that he just killed?

wtf, definitely new. lots of brainlets on this discord anyways. everyone whos cool come here in 'looking for group' and write 4. newer players also welcome! discord.gg/Ay5yyb

next patch is going to be gooood

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lol have you ever seen WWII uniforms?

just scav back in bro

not him, but
>BattlEye was implemented. Most hackers are gone now.
we will see how long hat will last, game still gives so much info to the client
>Explain. What do you think is wrong with the progression system?
it's dog shit, why is it even there? doing story quests i understand but grinding for levels and skills is retarded
and so are trader level lock, not as aids with flea market but still. better system would be, ur able to buy everything, but higher trader lvl items have a huge mark up, until you get enough rep with them
>>filled with completely useless mechanics/stuff that doesn't matter
>Such as?
hydration and energy is one, needing keys for literally everything etc
>>shit-tier level-design
>I heartily disagree.
visually they are great but only maps with good design are shoreline and interchange, rest of the maps are either too small or have too many chokepoints
>>overly clunky movement
>Because you are bad at utilizing a toolkit, does not mean the toolkit sucks.
movement, apart form scroll to do shit, fucking sucks. you will get stuck on random shit, you character will refuse to sprint and jump on random, bunny hopping, no momentum etc

I want to try it before buying it, but I can't

Kill yourself

Dumbest post on Yea Forums.

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Thats a strong statement, but I think it may be right

True that, but it was still a really good find and made me think back to the time when the SV-98 was hella expensive.

Literally Soon™

There are events during which trial codes are given away to existing players, usually around christmas. If there's a general up you can go ask there.

Not that user and also fairly new to the game
>grinding for levels and skills is retarded
Big agree. Skills seem like pointless fluff especially because you don't even get to choose the skills you upgrade. They just get better as you play the game which is the worst fucking way to do RPG mechanics. I honestly think they should just cut all of that shit out. But if they had to keep it in (which they are going to) at least have it be more meaningful and impactful on our characters. Something along the lines of every time we level up we get a skill point and we can spend it on something we actually want. I also agree with traders. The flea market feels like it was introduced as a band-aid to how annoying leveling up traders is. Sometimes items are cheaper when bought from traders but honestly I don't feel like the tradeoff is worth it when you have to invest so much in leveling them up in the first place.

>rest of the maps are either too small or have too many chokepoints
I think Factory despite being really small is a really well designed map. Whenever I get into a fight in that map I always feel like I have a backup option. I think the tunnels were a great way of tying the whole map together and to give you a good means of escape if you ever get pinned down up top. Customs is the only map where I think you have a point. Unless you have the factory exit key which most new players don't, that map feels way too limiting in how you can get around. I also think Woods needs a lot more work as it feels like the most pointless map due to there being hardly any loot compared to the other maps.

I think it feels decent but I think something NEEDS to be done about jumping. Either they need to sacrifice some realism and make you jump higher or they need to bite the bullet and add vaulting. Having to take multiple attempts to jump over a tiny barrier because your jump is so pathetic is unacceptable in a game like this.

Why is the next map a military base and not one of the base maps that's locked off on the in-game map? Seems like it would be smarter to focus on those.

I cba farming all the resort keys if there's a wipe next month

I'll go all out though

the memes are great

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>This quest fucking blows.
>this quest
the fucking quest system blows

hey deathbro

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>Skills seem like pointless fluff
they are not really, max lvl shit is just straight up broken
its been a time when you could farm skills
max and and max str you could full sprint on 1 and a half breaths to resort
max str also allowed you to bunny hop and get mach speed
max recoil control makes weapons into lazers

thats useless when you obviously have two items that need zeroing

Does it ever go on sale? $45 is a bit much for me.

wait till it is finished
in a decade or so