Is this an incel bait or pro woman propaganda?
Is this an incel bait or pro woman propaganda?
user the buzzwords have rotted your brain.
I think it's just a game
An overpriced beat em up with no online made by a mediocre dev that weebs like.
>mediocre dev that weebs like.
If the director's twitter is any indication, this should be pretty pozzed, but maybe he can hold back his fucktarded politics enough to release one game without ruining it.
>incel bait
Well, Game Grumps are somehow involved with it so probably.
oh I see
I hate their flash game tier shit
It’s a video game
It's worse, it's liked by people who enjoy avatar the last airbender. 4kids fans are not weebs.
>they have boyfriends
Hard pass.
I was thinking about it earlier today after accidentally running into the topic. What the fuck is wrong with these people, both sides of the argument are dumb as fuck.
It's just a game about cute girls kicking ass, pure waifubait.
Twelfth post best post
It's a game.
pick one.
Why do none of these devs of shitty indie pixel games put online coop in their games? It should be mandatory for a 2019 beat em up to be coop and online.
I'll play better Kuniokun clone
>It's just a game about cute girls kicking ass, pure waifubait.
EgoRaptor and the sōy director might indicate otherwise.
Not saying it's definitely going to be sjw shit, I'm just saying the signs point to caution.
If only things were that simple.
It's been proven over and over again that outrage marketing is the best marketing there is.
Look at the current trend people are shocked/angry about (which is the concept of a "incel" at the moment) and then act as of your game/magazine/artwork is being targeted by them.
It's free marketing.
Just like this thread.
This thread wasn't made to discuss the gameplay, the plot or the backstory, it was made to either garner (you)s or market the game.
>pure waifubait
this game is 100% soi, what the fuck you on?