So when's the revival?

So when's the revival?

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just a model overhaul would be able to revive it
even for a bit

>just cs with a gits skin

hopefully never

just enjoy the soundtrack and join a game when they out out the APB on the steam group

but the leaning and class separation were great back then

Dystopia was the superior multiplayer cyberpunk mod.

Source is a bit iffy as far as shooters that demand accurate netcode go but this one has a really outdated and busted one.
After that they need to fix the gunplay with better aiming and feedback. Being a heavy or even an assault and trying to deal with bhopping lights with something like a shotgun or semi-auto and having no clue where your shots are landing is a frustration the game can do without.
Then you just need to give every map a new lick of paint and touch up like how CSGO did old maps with new layouts.

In terms of both map design and aesthetic, fuck no.
The gameplay of Cyberpunk wasn't that smooth but it did make NT look pretty janky by comparison.
Both games need an update from their creators. Dystopia 2 was teased forever ago and then it got turned into a new IP and we still heard fuck all since. Even the first game got nothing but a patch that BROKE MAPS.


Orange Box 2

>Check NT devs
>Lead coder didn't want to make it open source
>Everyone else got into the industry including one working on RS6:Siege
Nice, we traded this IP for more AAA garbage


holy shit
ed just put out a new neotokyo album today?
thats good shit

it's not neotokyo related, like the last one

oh really?
had me going with the tgr fuel logo i guess
first track is pretty great so far though

holy shit the Fuse track is a fucking banger and a half

holy fuck yes it is

There's a track named Neotokyo labs

we have to make a successor ourselves, but also refine the gameplay and add a story/campaign mode or something like deus ex, things dont survive on multiplayer alone you know

Cyberpunk adding a little story mode for a tutorial cost way more than you think, best to just spend that energy making a technical document explaining how you make and add content to the game e.g. maps
Things do survive on multiplayer, you just don't stick to the inferior and retarded matchmaking and microtransaction based model everyone is going for. Far too much downtime, no sense of cohesion and community, no wonder the games die off.

>things do survive on multiplayer
yeah tell that to the arena shooter genre

>Neotokyo revamp = dead
Live why

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This. Community maps, gamemodes, and other content can keep a game alive indefinetely.

The game that died because the technical foundation hadn't been updated since the late 90s and with no developer guiding its development, lead to a fuckload of community fragmentation over time that eventually led to the development of VIRTUALLY EVERY SHOOTER EVER MADE AFTERWARD?
That's one hell of a way to die desu.
Not to mention what does a genre nobody is making any games in have to do with multiplayer only shooters?

Arena shooters died because letting a tiny hardcore contingent of turbo autists systematically dominate everyone else is bad for long-term viability. Turns out that 99% of the population, when presented with the option to either "git gud" or just play something else, tend to just play something else.

What does a genre thats multiplayer only and died when people moved on to the next FOTM have to do with multiplayer only shooters

Not him and not disagreeing with you, but there were casual modes that were popular e.g. CTF
The problem is failing to follow through those game modes with developer support, usually because the developers got so far on their own and didn't really have any ideas or plans to go any further with those modes specifically. e.g. TF2 has absolutely terrible Valve stock configs that servers and players both could fix on their own ends (which Meet your Match helped fuck up royally by shoving a matchmaker in deep). Players would take that environment from the developer and work on it if they were able.
So for example with TF2, CTF would be more enjoyable if we could do changes we realised would probably help a lot like allowing returning the flag on touch, as well as some map design ideas you can't get from fucking ctf_turbine/2fort.
These community changes may embrace the hardcore features of the game in such modes e.g. bhopping, or they may try to mitigate them somewhat to enable the casual nature of the mode, but eventually with enough time and effort, you tend to see these modes become games in their own right.

Multiplayer only games are a FOTM? What's the current FOTM? Simulation games?
You realise how retarded you sound right?
Tell you what, try rereading everything, because nowhere did I say everyone should be making battle royale games or games that exclusively work through a matchmaker (e.g. QC)

>things dont survive on multiplayer alone you know
>battle royales don't exist

>Multiplayer only games are a FOTM?
yes, and they always have been as soon as CS came around everyone hopped onto it and dropped quake/UT like a baby

yeah thats different, those multiplayer games are for fags and actual children, their player count are in the millions, a small game like neotokyo wont survive that long with ironic weebs and tryhard faggots making the majority of players

>yeah thats different, those multiplayer games are for fags and actual children, their player count are in the millions, a small game like neotokyo wont survive that long with ironic weebs and tryhard faggots making the majority of players
just make it a battle royale then
>those multiplayer games are for fags and actual children
stop being a boomer its bad for your health

this is why this place is beyond the grave

wasn't even shitposting
a cyberpunk br would be pretty nice actually

how could you even make it stand out amongst the rest of the shitty BR games? find augmentations/cybernetics around the map and add hacking?

The shooting in this game sucked.

The only good thing was the art direction and music (which wasn't even used in the fucking game).

Attached: pimppack23.jpg (640x480, 113K)

yeah plus the setting of a cyberpunk mega city
add drones and shit, have everyone be robots so you can do crazy customization

by the time anyone even attempts to make a cyberpunk BR the fad will be over

Hopefully never. It was literally jsut CS, but worse.

Eternal Silence was better

>other 2 classses are useless
>scout can bunnyhop right into your spawn completely invisible at the first few seconds of the game
it sucked, what we REALLY need is a zombie master standalone game

Bladenet is already out though

wow that looks like a shitty UE4 asset flip, interesting premise, worst execution