How do we save the horror genre?
How do we save the horror genre?
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She looks pretty hot.
you can't
fucking hell my sides
What is this? -- Barry Burton
From what I've seen of Evil Within they look like pretty good games. Bought them a while ago, should take them off my backlog.
This isn't Yea Forums. Horror doesn't need to be saved in our medium.
fewer cheap jumpscares
That looks like AOC.
The girl on the right is pretty cute too
Fuck off. Horror is based.
Reply to this post within the next 10 minutes and you will get a lgf.
Miss the 10 minute window and your future gf will be a 35 year old single mother.
pls gib
When you see it
what's a lgf
I don't see it
me in the back
Dead body in river
60% high
10% right
Kojima here. Can confirm
Keighley here. Can confirm.
loli girl friend, I'm assuming.
I don't get it.
What does that mean? are you describing the image as a euclidian plane where 0 is the bottom left corner?
Nothing ruins horror more than familiarity. Everything loses it's edge once you become desensitized. A jump scare gets you once, but within a few triggers it'll stop getting a reaction.
Some of the more recent horror games to really put me on edge were Alien Isolation and Resident Evil 2 remake, and for the same reason: An unpredictable enemy. In Alien, you don't know when the alien is going to show up, and when it does you have no idea how it's going to act. Same thing with Mr. X. He can show up anywhere at anytime. It took me a long time to finish those games because i was genuinely afraid of these enemies (before the flamethrower anyway). Eventually, I stopped fearing them as i became more familiar with them and learned what exactly they can and can't do.
Now imagine this. We take the design direction of the alien and Mr. X and we take it to the next level. We make them truly able to learn and adapt to the player. An enemy that evolves as the player does. The player never gets familiar because the enemy is ever-changing. You shoot it? It brings a shield. You run? it gets faster or starts laying traps. You hide? it starts searching hiding spots. That, I think, would make for a great horror game.
TL;DR - Just make the spooky thing smarter.
Play Darkwood best modern horror game with 0 jump scares, it gets you with pure atmosphere and sound design
Cute little girls can save any genre.
Dead cute girls!
How about a game where you play as a little girl being chased around a mansion by a dead little girl who wants to kiss you?
Gotcha covered
Real fear is drawn from the potential for real consequences. Too bad you run into some ethical issues when it comes to delivering real consequences.
I'm 34 so this is actually highly possible. Fuck.
Such is life, boomerbro. If you're not married by now, you're doomed to a life as a disrespected step-dad.
prolly bait but eh
You cant.
Video games need a win state. You cant have horror if you know you're going to win.
cute cunny
I've been milling this idea for a horror game that takes place in a lab of sorts, where all doors are voice activated (as in, you actually speak your name into the mic to open a door). There would be a monstrous specimen running amok in the lab, and it would hear you when you talked to open the locks if it was close enough. And every time it does, it would of course come running, but it would also learn to mimic you a little. With enough times, it would learn to mimic you and gain the ability to open doors with a stilted repetition of your words.
Go here degenerate Stop sexualizing real children and go fap to the loli thread instead.
>you do X then it does Y
people would figure that out almost instantly.
the whole "same thing doesn't work twice" aspect has been done before by other games.
all it means is that you use items in a specific order and save the good ones for pinches.
you think you are the first guy to have this idea for a "learning ai"?
jokes on you,I want a mommy gf
theres no cunnies ther you soicuck
I'm okay, I'm 31 and I don't live in america where single mothers are retarded
Single mothers are retarded no matter where they are.
what's that
Pedospeak for little girlfriend.
loli gf
is this a honeypot thread?
>mfw replying late gives you a milf and her little daughter at the same time
It was your plan all along was it?
Yes there is. Post them. It helps get the thread deleted too. Hell there was even porn posted in that thread earlier.
I need more spooky girl from tv porn
Me on the left
I was just giving some simple examples. Point is, a learning ai would be great for horror. Not a hard coded "you do X it does Y" But more of a "you do X then it could do A, B, or C, depending on the circumstances with perhaps a bit of random number generation" and it wouldn't just immediately forget about it's previous adaptations either. Eventually it might, but you'd have to work to "teach" the AI to unlearn that stuff.
a focus on body horror rather than jump scares