
Hi, I'm the overlooked savior of the eighth gen that you all crucified so that you could go tongue the anus of the golden calf that is the PS4.

You also made the final days of my creator's life miserable by calling for him to be fired right before he died because he couldn't match the "hype" of an episodic remake of a 1997 JRPG that would take 5 years to release its first episode.

Attached: Wii_U_Console_and_Gamepad.png (2900x1400, 950K)

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But you were a bad console and an overall failure compared to your predecessor and successor.

Reminder that Metroid fans were the final straw that pushed Iwata to his death with their bitching and complaining about Federation Force.

You were an overrated peripheral that didn't need a console. You could've just been a Wii accessory but you had to cost extra for basically the same hardware. I'm glad you're forgotten.

>basically the same hardware
Wii U was on 360/PS3 level HD graphics, Wii was a Gamecube with waggle.

>We’ve got this amazing idea for a console/handheld hybrid where you could play it on the go and then when you get home carry on your game on the big screen tv!
>Plus the games will be full sized console games you can take anywhere with you!!
>The technology isn’t quite there yet though so what should we do for this generations console?


but did it print money?

Bought one of these used recently and opened it up to clean it. How fucking lazy can Nintendo be to use stickers as covers for the screws on the case? I guess plastic covers are very expensive.

If you ask me all Nintendo hardware is behind but they haven't advertised it being good since the console wars back when SEGA was a thing. Hardware isn't why people like Nintendo, people like them because they're a fun company and they have some decent IPs for all ages. That being said, the Wii U was pointless and I never got one for a reason.

>Wii U apologists

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The Wii U had some great games on it, I pity you if you never got to experience asymmetrical multiplayer in it's prime.

You realize that's entirely subjective, right? All I saw on it was Smash and BOTW, both of which are on the Switch now.

Fair enough, you're allowed to have shallow, shit taste.

consolefag here.
I have ps4/switch at home, is it worth it to buy an homebrewed wii U ?
70$ the console, 40$ for the homebrew.

or is it better that I start saving for a Pc who can handle cemu ?

>40$ for the homebrew.
Nigger just softmod it yourself, it's easy if you can read and follow basic instructions.


I only keep you around because of Xenoblade X when I get an urge to explore shit. Otherwise no. I don't like you, your Pro controller though I like that.

There's literally, literally nothing the Wii U can offer you that you can't find on your Switch or on CEMU.
The only thing I might understand buying a Wii U is turning it into you Nintendo emulation station when it comes to backwards compatibility, and even then a PC would still be better, the only thing the Wii U offers you is having all of pre Wii U stuff in a single place.

>There's literally, literally nothing the Wii U can offer you that you can't find on your Switch or on CEMU.
Why are you shilling this hard against the Wii U when you clearly don't know shit about it?

It had a few really good games. But other than that it was a bad console with hardware outdated already before its release and a gimmick no one asked for used for nothing except a glorified menu screen.

Let's hear it then, what's a Wii U so good for?

OP is unironically correct. Wii U was top tier, ps4 is a port machine pile of shit and the xbone may as well not exist.

Unironically some of the most fun ive had with splitscreen

I loved the wii u. I used it as a tablet, I used it as a draw program. I used it to play mario maker and bayo 2. I can see why people wouldn't like it, but it helped me go toward more artistic pursuits. I wonder how many kids it turned into artists.

I'm just mad Nintendo abandoned tons of actually good ideas from the Wii U.
Like a good internet browser, having a decent menu with FOLDERS, bring able to play dual-screen with the gamepad and your TV (Which the Switch could totally do), etc.
They really threw those of us who bought the Wii U under the bus.

>there are people unironically nostalgic for this gimmicky piece of shit

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>weak console
>shit games
not fine
I don’t see what’s so difficult to understand

The Switch can’t do that retard the dock is just an hdmi out.

I still play my Wii U daily and I don't know if I'll ever even get a Switch.

Why does OP start a thread attacking the PS4 when it’s a Wii U thread? It makes people like me who enjoy both consoles not want have any part on it.
Enjoy the console wars kiddos.

Is there a reliable way to get a Wii U Pro pad anymore? It seems like everything out there is now Chinese knockoffs

Attached: 452707-nintendo-wii-u-pro-controller.jpg (333x245, 10K)

Yes, buy it for 120$.


>some decent IPs
Literally millions of developers would kill their entire family to have the Mario, Zelda and Pokemon IPs, user.

It can either emulate or natively play every single mainline Nintendo console and handheld that came before it (minus the 3DS). That alone makes it worth it in my opinion. As the other user said though, just do it yourself and save $40

Stop being a sensitive little bitch it’s not good for you

What is this? Souljagame handheld?

>we live in a time line where the xbone and ps4 greatly outsold the wii u while having no memorable exclusives because dumb fuck zoomers and their little brothers only wanted to play fifa, minecraft, gtav, or fortnite

Reminder the Wii U has the best 8th gen library, backwards compatibility, free online, and the best controller of 8th gen.

Iwata is why Nintendo is known as a kid console now. He wouldn't let any development on games aimed at anyone over 12. Fuck him.

Reggie is why any game with any semblance of depth was never released in the west. He kept Mother 3 from ever being translated, he locked out The Last Story. Fuck him too.

But hey, they were MEMES and that's just so much more important, right? You idiots fed into the myopic mess those two created and now get defensive because even you can't deny it. You rush to praise BotW as if it's anything but a 2003 open world with climbing. You act like Smash is relevant when nobody off this Nintendo dick riding board even gives a shit. You wait to lap up Metroid Prime 4 when Nintendo was so mismanaged they had to scrap the entire thing and start over.

The Wii U was the truest Nintendo console because it was treated like a piece of gooey shit and that's what the whole company is.

>Saviour of the 8th gen

As someone who actually bought a Wii U you are cordially invited to choke to death on my cock OP you big dumb bi-curious retard. The Wii U is without a doubt the shittiest system I have ever bought and rightfully deserves a place on the hobbling wheel for it's host of flaws;

>Almost non-existant 3rd party support
>Incredibly barebones online infrastructure
>Plus all your online purchases are going to become vapourware (as per usual) in a year or two now because of the aforementioned barebones online infrastructure
>No price advantage due to the gamepad gimmick
>Which also meant that you had a glorious 3 hours of battery life for your HOME CONSOLE
>Limited releases from Nintendo, all of which have since been ported to Switch anyway
>This includes such classics as: the worst Starfox game, NintendoLand, NSMBU2, a much delayed Zelda game, the worst mario party game and a mediocre sequel to Xenoblade
>Casuals didn't know it was a new console, "hardcore gamers" had literally no reason to buy it

This is literally what happened

Absolutely seething. The truth hurts.

>those non gay faggots who only see a console for one game like Smash or Pokemon
You people are scum and need to broaden your tastes.

Lads, I recently was given a Wii U by somebody that just wanted to get rid of it. I hear it's a good system for playing emulators on. Is this true or should I not bother?

Bloodborne, The Last Guardian, God of War and Horizon are all more memorable than whatever low effort game Nintendo shitted out on the Wii U, cope.

It's true. I play Sega CD and Turbografx CD on it.

Wii U has native Gamecube support it just can’t read it’s disc so you need to hack it, it’s not emulatiob.

That means Wii U can natively play Gamecube, Wii and Wii U games, plus all past Nintendo consoles and handhelds except the 3DS.

Gameboy Advance games look particulary great on it.

>souls but rushed and broken
>god of onions: the film
>last guardian, aka the game that ended team ico
>horizon, sony's boring take on Breath of the Wild

>no mention. Of Godzilla or Gravity Rush,


Gravity Rush is trash and you have shit taste

If we complain about Prime 4 can we convince Miyamoto to fuck off and die too?

The Wii U had an amazing library!

Attached: wii u reccs.jpg (2900x5800, 3.76M)


>Nintendo sold out the people who supported them through the GameCube and N64 days with the Wii by marketing to the people who never played games
>By 2011, Wii sales were drying up fast
>Chose to double down on an even shittier gimmick and forced games to use said shitty gimmick
You people are worse than Dreamcast apologists.

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Wii U basically turned out to be the GameCube 2. A number of great first party games, a few unique third party ones, a bunch of ports that nobody remembers, and the worst selling console Nintendo saw up to that point. It has some good games but everything about the system, from the presentation to the marketing to even providing the product at first, was a disaster.

I'd love a completely legal money printer as well. Shame I'm unimaginative and I find programming dull.

Yes but you had shit all for internal storage your multiplats looked as shitty if not more so than your 360/ps3 counterparts and you were expensive cause Nintendo don’t take no losses. Oh and your VC sucked compared too the Wii at least you had Axelay and final fight 3

I like the dual screen gimmick much more than the Switch's dual home-portable gimmick. I wish there were more JRPGs, because it's perfect in Tokyo Mirage Sessions.

The Switch is literally the same shit but with worse build quality and better marketing. Normalfags are a joke

Why spoonfeed you if by your own admission you were determined to hate it without even knowing anything about it? You'll just find more ignorant excuses to hate it even if people lay it out for you (provided you even listen to what they're saying). So fuck off, I'm not falling for it.

>Demon's Souls 5
>Ico 3
>God of War 4
>Uncharted 5

RehashStation 4, cope.

We both know you only bought a PS4 and you shove a Move controller up your ass daily, user :^)


Ah, you're British, that explains it. Go and neck yourself already, Yahtzee, no one's watched ZP since 2011.

try harder, nigress

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>Nintendo sold out the people who supported them through the GameCube and N64 days with the Wii by marketing to the people who never played games

No one bought a GameCube, y'all fuckers were tonguing the PS2's ass at that time. You betrayed Nintendo first and they had no obligation to cater to your ungrateful asses

Plus you only recognize GC in retrospect because of "elite gamer" Melee memes, so go fuck

Wii U is well worth the money now Sheerly for its emulation.

>the man who singlehandedly revived the video game industry

Who would you rather be in charge, snoyfag? Jack "Lollipop" Tretton?

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Nostalgic my ass, I was rooting for the Wii U to win even before Sony hypnotized everyone in E3 2013 with false hype for their generic piece of shit

Eighth gen turned out to be an utter tragedy

I mean that they could have easily designed it to be able to.
How much would that have cost? Perfect ports of all Wii U games, DS and 3DS games, any new games that might want to use that sort of feature.

Gamers said they hated two-screen gameplay, just like how they hated touchscreens, motion, and 3D

That's why the 2DS and Switch both became a thing and exist in the forms they are, because Nintendo told gamers "fine, you win, we'll make another PlayStation clone like Xbox is doing"

That's hardly a reason. A pc can emulate, so can any other system if you mod it.

Remember when this was announced and retards here thought it would be the best console ever made because MUH NINTENDO?


It ought to have been, you can thank EA for setting the precedent for third-parties to ignore it because Nintendo wouldn't let them dick them over with Origin

>all Nintendo entries barring DKC ranged from bad to terrible
>jackshit for 3rd party
>obtuse gimmick not even Nintendo itself tried to put to use
Literally only good for HDMI Wii mode, and even that was bad because Nintendo were big enough kikes to actually require you to use wiimotes instead of just letting you use the fucking brick as a classic controller.

Even if we're going for the emulation denial of facts, a Switch can do that and be portable. A PC can do that and be better. A 3DS can do that and be portable AND fit in your pocket. It's just not a good console, user.

Reminder that the Vita outlasted the Wii U.

I bought that fucking thing, I'm allowed to hate it.
Gamepad was comfy though.

As it should.

Every Sony console outlasted its Nintendo counterpart. Nintendo drops their consoles like a sack of shit as soon as the new thing comes out

Correct me if I’m wrong but accessing inventory on conventional system does the exact same thing, a pause menu takes away from action

Should i get this or a wii for hacked games
I dont have a job for now
Is the wii u worth the extra 50 or so dollars

3DS is still alive unlike the Vita

The 3DS has literally no games lined up for the rest of the year

I agree.

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One word: Seething.


>We wanted to make a system that's right for all of us
>But that could also be a perfect fit just for (You)
>In fact we put that pronoun right in the name
R-reggie please
>So today...
Reggie NO...
>Welcome to the world...
>of Wii (You)

Seething and proud of it. I get more enjoyment out of despising you cattle and fantasizing the Wii U timeline than I do the current game industry and its anticonsumer esports bullshit

Ps4 has actual games, ones that people here beg for ports. Switch is the port machine.

>anticonsumer esports bullshit
Current nintendo?

>Ps4 has actual games

Somewhat yeah, but considering the Switch takes after the PS4 in many ways you can see how