Cyberpunk 2077 is fucking finished

Cyberpunk 2077 is fucking finished

Attached: Ghostrunner.jpg (1920x1080, 1017K)

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how creative

>literally ripping off Morpheus from Deus Ex

>doom but cyberpunk sword

No, as a matter of fact Cyberpunk 2077 won't be finished until well into next year.

>Dishonored, but cyberpunk
Might be cool.

The duality of a man

Holy fuck, it's like the just said can "we reskin dishonored". Not a bad thing imo, love Dishonored so hope this is good. Though, Dishonored also had a great world building and story, not just gameplay.

Oh look, it’s YHVH

>retard sees superficial similarities
>retard calls it out, namedropping [GOOD GAME]
>retard thinks he's smart for making said observation
>retard doesn't know "AI with a face" has been in virtually any science fiction media ever
>retard accompanies post by meme that has been sucked dry

>first person melee
That's a nope for me.

>first person

looks like crap

Wow, that unironically looks much better than Cybertranny. Thanks for the heads up, OP.

Attached: file.png (500x627, 399K)

not even close, it's a runner game in which all you do is you run, with some killing on the way

>That's a nope for me.
Because you have shitty taste in games?

Attached: Dark Messiah combat 1.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

RUINER is still peak cyberpunk vidya.

looks... dare i say this word on Yea Forums... fun

It looks fun but I'm not really sure why it would be compared to 2077 since it's not an rpg
Well neither is 2077 but it is at least pretending to be while this is not, they can't be compared


Ever heard of a little game called dark messiah of might and magic

game looks like it was made with UE4 Asset Store.

Is this a leaked gamescon announcement? an unlisted trailer is unusual


You don't actually think this or cyberpunk is gonna play anything like DM, do you?

a man can hope

it's better to keep your hopes low, then if the game's good you get a pleasant surprise

What the fuck is up with all these people shitting out cyberpunk games lately?
Has there been an increase in interest for the setting or what?

Attached: 1550608769549.jpg (3840x2160, 1.79M)

>Has there been an increase in interest for the setting or what?
Well our own reality is becoming increasingly cyberpunk so possibly
As western governments became more oppressive books for teenagers started to focus on fighting oppressive governments so I would not be surprised if the same thing happens with cyberpunk

Is that Sseth?

>One More Level studio

literally who

Polish studio by the looks of it

>Has there been an increase in interest for the setting or what?
Have you been living under a rock? Cyberpunk 2077 was the biggest thing in pop culture for a month and the game is not even out yet.

Speaking of cyberpunk action games here's a chink pixelshit one

I can't believe Cyberpunk 2077 is fucking dead!

>poorfag only able to choose one
Whats wrong user? Autismbux running out?

>it's also an SCP fangame
why do the chinese do cool stuff with the setting while the west makes OC's and Secret Laboratory tier trash?

Atmosphere is on point but the gameplay is basically a platformer with not much else. Skip.

Is this PS4 exclusive or what

at least theres actual running in this one

There's more to Dishonored than swinging a sword around. I've yet to be convinced that they'll have open-ended levels and interacting systems.

My guess is it'll be a stylish linear cyberpunk first-person slasher with nice graphics and janky gameplay that'll gain a small cult following, like Hard Reset. It won't even compete with CP2077.

it's made with Unity so no it isn't

Cool, two good games!

You fail to figure out what duality of man is child.
Duality of man is about the choices we make good or bad. polarity of man is what you are looking for.

Oh that's the 2018 trailer, I didn't even know it had one and thought the 2019 trailer was the announcement
this is the one I meant to post


Hahaha this game has already shown more exciting gameplay than Cybertranny 2077.

Poles are finished

Not quite, this is a Polish game too.

>Poles are finished
This game is polish as well
tripfags once again proving themselves to be retarded

Nerd! lmao

>it's some super speed action teleportation boogaloo game
Not for me, I'll just keep waiting for 2077

It’s over.

levels look super linear. this game looks like shit

This looks fucking terrible holy shit what's your point?

>narrator sounds like Crowfather's VA
>starts talking about Death
now i want to replay Darksiders 2

Attached: Darksiders_Death.jpg (1557x1920, 180K)

>haha look at me I am going to shit on what is perhaps Yea Forums's most universally loved game

dark messiah? that's the hill you're gonna die on? that game was shit

The world looks ok but gameplay was not enough for me. FPS parkour with a sword is overused, it needs to show more. Besides I prefer my cyberpunk more down to earth.

tl;dr: be more like Bladerunner if you name your game similarly