Dev of DARQ doesn't accept the Epic Store Exclusivity Deal

>Expects Steam drones to buy his game


Expecting Steam drones to have principles is like expecting your dog to drive you to the hospital when you have a heart attack: Nice thought, but they're not intelligent enough

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>this thread again
Fuck off and kys bot

kys China bot

Added it to my wishlist, will probably grab it during the next sale.

How convenient of you to make another cunny thread for me.
Enjoy lads, this one's on China.

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why would i give a shit about some atmospheric puzzle game that's going to last me 2 hours tops?

Do you get paid by the post, or by the number of replies in your thread? Legitimately curious.

Cry more, Steam drones

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so you're just going to do this all day huh?

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op is a god

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Steamdrones are also jizzbrains, who woulda thought, atleast Based Tim's storefront doesn't allow these types of content

ITT steaming pcbros spamming lolishit in protest

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It's gaben, ignore him. He will go away


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>Steamdrones are confirmed pedophiles.

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SeeGaben cocksuker.

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cry more redditor

maybe if epic had a good enough store to actually let him in without an exclusive deal

Unlike Steam, Epic can actually curate its store. DARQ is only on Steam because they paid $100

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>Literally Steamdrons Jizzbrain cope. Ahahahaha

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Daily reminder steam drones are ill :) they are finally losing it, keep the good work up epicchad

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>seething over drawings

epic is already interested in darq though. why didn't they let him in? i thought epic wanted competition

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Wtfuck is even going on here.


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>Steam drones are mentally ill
It's true lmao

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Why did Epic want it in the first place if no one was going to play it?

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Steam drones is finally losing it

Based low iq steamdrone unable to read the thread

Based cunnybro dabbing on bugmen shills.

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we just had this thread a while ago.

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