Dragon Age 4 Lead Producer Exits


Dragon Age 4 is done for

Attached: da4.jpg (1280x720, 154K)

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oh no. its still gonna be good though, right? cant wait for anthem with dragons

Less scum in the barracks.

He is one of the ills that contributed to the rest of the shit games.

How you go from Origins to Dragon Age 4?

>shitty nu-Bioware staff member leaves
>this will affect quality

Attached: tsop.gif (500x347, 730K)

>DA:O was great back then but aged like milk
>DA2 was a massive disaster
>DA:I was remarkably boring
>some people somewhere somehow had hopes DA4 would be good

If the rats are leaving it means the ship is sinking,

I bet this has to do with EA wanting to hammer down game as a service into dragon age and lead devs wanting to dodge that careee staining bullet

Bioware sunk nearly a decade ago. You just didn't notice, because you're dumb.

>diversity hire people who can't code or do anything worth of value
>the actual coders end up doing 99.99% of the workload, the fake coders keep bugging the main ones how to do basic shit
>management chimes OMG why are we so behind
>diversity hires quit and they being hiring even more trannies

He worked on Origins now there's no one who made the only good DA left

I was tentatively interested because the story set up in Trespasser is actually halfway interesting

>Guy literally quit his job, he didnt even move to another studio
>All while a project is under way, a project that if it was good, would be an accolade on his portfolio
>He was so certain it would be shit he rather jump out of the boat into being unemployed than stay there

Another Anthem incoming lads


the truth

Just checking the first bioware dev who replied to him.
Jesus, the state of this company.

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I couldn't believe it when i first heard it, but apparently people liked DA:I and it sold decent numbers.

>Ask me about STALKER. Leftist. He/him.
I thought STALKER was based bros

its good that he left. bioware employs too many white males anyway.

retards will be retards, DA2 was the sign that it was over.

They just got lucky people were dying waiting for a new RPG and TW3 came one year later.

DAI was mediocre, but it was the best game of its year

Which says more about the year than DAI itself

It was a really shitty year

>pronouns in bio
>works in previously great gamestudio that now only produces trash
color me surprised

That was before The Witcher 3 made CDPR steal BioWare RPG meister thunder by a mile

EA made them scrap the single player DA4 they had going for some live service bullshit and it pissed off alot of people, it will be another Anthem.

It wasn't even close to the best game that year but you are right that 2014 was pretty shit for vidya releases

He had almost nothing to do with Origins. It was late in development by the time he joined Bioware. His first major role role was on DA2, which was dog shit, as was Inquisition. If anything, him leaving is a positive thing, though there's a 99.9% chance that DA4 will be fucking awful anyway.

Where are we going P-Papa EA?


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First thing you hear about a game, is not an announcement but that producers leaves the development. Fantastic.
EA should pull the plug on bioware. Let it die, it's inhumane to keep it as is.

Dragon Age 4 is gonna be another anthem, it'll be the final blow for Bioware.

>DAI was mediocre, but it was the best game of its year
Fuck off, shill. Dark Souls 2, Bayonetta 2, Alien Isolation, Mario Kart 8, Titanfall, Shadow of Mordor, Divinity, Wolfenstein TNO, Far Cry 4... all better than that pile of dogshit just for a start.

Attached: goblina.jpg (1024x576, 78K)

How the FUCK is BioWare still alive?

I want the list of EA murders to increase

Some day people will learn to stop selling their privately owned studios to EA

>thinking it sinks not knowing EA puts rainbow balloons on it and hire nu-devs
the only thing it keeping afloat is money user, and they are losing lots

Inquisition had good banter and some of the best voice actors I can remember on a videogame. The rest (gameplay, sidecontent, story) was indeed kinda bland but at least the whole thing didnt feel like an insult like DA2


The best part is EA is essentially immortal with its sports franchise phylactery. Nothing can surprise the archlich of surprise mechanics.

He worked on mass effect ASS.

If they were smart they would've sold themselves to Microsoft in the ME1 days instead they were still good back then when MS was publishing their games. Everyone had a feeling the EA deal would end badly and then DA2 came out and they've been shit since.

Literally only DA: O was good, and that was probably a fluke

RIP Bioware.

They had no choice in the matter.
Jade Empire tanked them and the holding company they were under was owned by the guy who became EA's CEO.

That wasn't a fluke they started it in 2002 before Kotor even dropped, it was all the Bioware OGs making it for 7 years.

>these are the people who play STALKER

>That is a person who wants you to ask him about STALKER.
See me after class.

This Shit Gonna Be Cancelled, Mark My Words, Yea Forums.
I Worked In Third-party studio who cooperate with EA and I'm sawed most of the outsource work.

2 was corridor simulator but it had some amazing moments, Merrill's backstory and clan genocide. Anders blowing up the mage gathering. The final battle with the Knight-Commander. Red lyrium.
Inquisition was awesome. Graphics were and still are amazing. the Story moments are fucking awesome. Hinterlands is shit. Open world was done poorly with fetch quests and the like. Relationships were good. People go crazy over the fact you can do gay romances, but guess what? You don't have to do them if you don't want to, and Cassandra wont go lesbian, because she is not a fucking faggot. So cool your jets people.

>it'll be the final blow for Bioware.

deja vu

they didnt have trannies and FIRST FULL GAY COMPANION tm.

Same way you go from a man to a tranny?

Origins was also dogshit if you remember, user. I don't know why babby's first CRPG got a pass and people thought the game only got bad when they made it a very shitty action RPG in 2 and a single player MMO in 3.

It wasnt a fluke
Pre-EA bioware was good
Post-EA is where shit was one consistent decline of quality, release after release

>live service

who cares?

They were done for ages ago.

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DAI won GOTY that year, which should tell you how shit the GOTY awards are.

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>Dragon Age 4 is done for
It will absolutely come out, it just won't be good. I just hope they let Morrigan out of it, her not being ruined last time was sheer luck

Now we just need to get rid of scum like John Epler.

He deleted like 200+ tweets praising antifa in the past.

Epler's worse than you're generic diversity hire

nobody even had hope for this game when it was announced

>DA:O was great back then but aged like milk

Aside from some gringe romance dialogue, most of DA:O writing and world building still holds up to this day and thats more than enough to enjoy an old-school RPG.

because it was tailored to appeal to "rpg fans" normies, the story is dumb but there's enough at stake to justify an adventure, there are a few choices with instant effect, the game is easy enough to just mindlessly steam through.
but most importantly, the artstyle is generic as hell, but the color palette is really good

>Graphics were and still are amazing. the Story moments are fucking awesome.
You disgust me.

>John Epler
So did Jennifer Hepler have a sex change because she was tired of being called hamburger helper?

Not that user but the environments were fucking beautiful. It's the character models that looked kinda greasy except for the few they put effort into
