Based Temmie

Based Temmie.

Attached: temmie.png (640x296, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>i support shipping people off to their deaths because lol communism

Because Yea Forums is retarded, i’m going to let everyone know right now: this is either fake or a joke, most likely fake, and it’s based on a statement made by one of the actors in the Mulan remake.

legitimate question. Is it the Undertale artist?

Most companies will support china over hong kong because money.


What's this meme of photoshopping random Twitter faggots to be supporting the Chinese crackdown against Hong Kong protestors? What is your endgame?

Attached: visible confusion.gif (280x302, 3.63M)

Twitter should be banned from Yea Forums

China is State-Capitalist you boomer

I love how "woke POC" living in the west support totalitarian facist shit in their homelands but cry about nazism because a white dude spread his legs too wide in the subway
Wakeup call for white liberals

>insectoids killing themselves
who cares

It’s a joke at the expense of that one Mulan actor and therefore also at the expense of Disney.

economics =/= ideology

>Hong Kong gets a 50 year special agreement where they have unrestricted democratic self-rule
>As agreed with the British upon the handover of Hong Kong to China
>Now the Chinese overlord mafia is making up some new shit where they can force Hong Kong government to "turn over" pro-democracy voices and other inconveniences to China
Uh no offence but the guy in the Twitter screencap is just a useful fucking idiot for sure


Have you ever considered that different people have different opinions, and your retarded generalizations extrapolated from random idiots on Twitter maybe aren't the best way to form a coherent worldview?

Or a shitposter.

I don't know about OP but fake tweets can be fun.
This one is real though.

Attached: trump.png (590x314, 64K)


It's a shop retard.
Regardless, people should have seen this coming after Xi Jinping basically made himself dictator for life.

Ban Twitter screencap threads.

Don't know who that is, but based.

Wtf I love Trump now

>inspect element

Can you explain how inspect element works? If not just so there's one less retard on Yea Forums.

lmao at these damage control shills

Would you a Temmie?

Attached: temmie___undertale_by_tartifondue-d9t3h1h.png (600x450, 161K)

M8 I used to work with refugees, I know what I'm talking about, minorities are only in favor of progressive politics because for them is sticking up to white people

Not that user, but like so.

Attached: 無題.png (1710x1043, 473K)

Why would you not support democracy

You open the console and try to select elements you wanna edit. Then edit them.

You're not at all convincing, sorry. Better luck next time.

I unironically hope China cleans house. Ship those fuckers to Taiwan.

I too support the Hong Kong police who have been portrayed by Jackie Chan countless times. If they're all right by Jackie then they're all right by me.

how many times have protesters been portrayed by Jackie Chan? oh that's right. zero

>mutt backed psyop
>muh democracy
Kill yourself, faggot.


Jesus fucking Christ user, close your tabs.

President Sears' methods were extreme, but his heart was in the right place.

Attached: 1566175063633.png (725x356, 144K)

ok reddit

Cause bad people who think wrong can vote

Why would you actually support democracy as it is in the west?It has been completely corrupted and failed the population

I'll support it soon as you show me where it exists

>wealthiest countries
>everyone wants to live here

Attached: 1474661195632.png (300x250, 19K)

Ancient Greece

>CGTN is funded in whole or in part by the Chinese Government

Attached: milkman.jpg (540x720, 50K)

What the actual fuck is going on there?

Attached: 1563967956485m.jpg (1024x576, 93K)

>All those DLSite tabs

Attached: eilene low and perverted.jpg (1380x747, 149K)

Democracy is great when people are not brainwash by each side of the politcal party to hate eachother without realize that they are hurting themselve (See the current state of US)
Dictatorship can be good if the leader ACTUALLY care about their people (see commie chink)

I'm not exactly a historyfag, but didn't they reject it, too?


Attached: 1503459936248.jpg (500x435, 59K)