Minecraft is saved
Minecraft is saved
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I don't need an RTX card for SEUS.
Souless vs Souless
There are mods that do that exact thing adding realistic lighting without needing RTX
Why does it look worse than the SEUS shaders
That's a pretty gay hallway
I don't understand modern Minecraft graphics obsession. All the textures are 8x8 pixel art, while the lighting and the reflections are cutting edge in terms of performance and technology. Something is very off about this.
Because you're poor and can't afford it
Autism, you'd probably like it
Feels good to be Nvidia chad
>literally a fucking blur filter
Graphicsfags actually like this shit.
>1200 bucks
>1080p 30fps
Needs the bedrock edition
The secret is that lighting and reflections perform better with simple shapes and graphics, and don't look as uncanny, that's why the RTX showcases are Quake and Minecraft and not some actually good looking games.
Good, java already has seus and it runs like shit
What I don't understand is why anyone would care about graphics when Minecraft vanilla is so fucking boring and no amount of bloom and shiny reflective surfaces will fix it.
>Not getting consistently high FPS on java without shaders
What kind of shitty computer do you have?
Shaders look better
Doesn't matter what PC you have Java runs like shit and doesn't have the same draw distance as bedrock edition
looks pretty good
and comfy
uuuh it looks really dingey....
The mod community has made better looking stuff
What shader is that? The ones I tried always makes water look as see through as glass.
>Java runs like shit
Your computer is just shit, user. It runs flawlessly for me.
Dayyyyum, Minecraft looks like that???
Doesn't Minetest blow both away?
>individual pixels highlighted and bumpmapped
That looks disgusting
Fuck off rooster teeth faggot
Set chunk draw distance to 72 and tell me how much your PC shits itself.
>Still no colored lighting
Into the trash it goes.
U take that back Minecraft vanilla has hundreds hours of fun way more than any other game can bring
They did all this amazing shit with the lighting, but the textures still look like fucking ass.
Why the fuck does that wool-like texture reflect light up to the roof?
There's ultra detail texture mod packs, however if they're going to go this far autism with the lighting then they really need some advanced official texture benchmark thing.
*dabs on minecraft*
Thank fucking god, Java would run like shit with RTX enabled
Is that supposed to look good?
don't you need to pay for this mod?
So what happened to that 4k Super Graphics Pack thing they talked about a few E3s ago? Is this it or did I just completely miss it?
Mojang gonna freak
>Still runs perfectly
Nice potato you got there, retard.
I think there's just versions that are exclusive to patreons for a week or something.
If not there's sites to get around the paywall because there's nothing like having to pirate mods
your mums pussy looks disgusting you rapevictim faggot
I'm hype to see where he goes with it.
recently confirmed cancelled, likely because of this
You should always ignore ignorant faggots
Ray tracing and path tracing is the way forward and in 10 years it will be the standard just like unified shaders became the standard 10 years ago with the 8800 GTX
Looks like trash
Literally psx tier
Miku saved Minecraft.
Cool, post a screenshot faggot.
Java runs fine on any modern PC, you're not special user, but it doesn't mean it's as well optimized as bedrock edition which is written in C++, you fucking retard.
I will cope with a fact that you are retarded.
I've played so many modpacks that I'm incapable of enjoying the base game.
Not a fan of the filter/dithering the but the fact that everything doesn't look like its made of legos will make it standout from the rest. I'm curious how much you mold the landscape.
>gets proven wrong
>keeps crying about it
Stay mad, retard.
I understand what they're trying to do with the effect, but it ends up looking so hazy and blurry it just hurts my eyes.
>people think this is Minecraft 2
This is Notch's Dorf clone. It's also never coming out.
>Run a fucking high end PC for fucking Minecraft
Why the FUCK would you want "realistic" lighting in minecraft of al things?
>no download link to the mod
>Consider supporting Sonic Ether if you enjoy this mod
>can't download the mod without paying his patreon
this is a 30 min long ad, disgusting
Because I'm not an AMD poorfag.
Why not?
learn to google you brainlet
reminds me of that shitty minecraft clone on the 360 like 10 years back
How do I get RTX for Minecraft? Download or can you just activate it ingame?
google is what led me to understand that this mod is paywalled you retard
>this mod is paywalled
I will say it again, learn to google you dumb brainlet
the fact you can pirate the mod doesn't make it ok faggot
It's not out yet.
For the faggots that think the Java version will ever rival the C++ version in performance.
Just kill yourselves already.
The c++ compilers generate native OP codes for the target platform, the java comiler generates byte code that is "compiled" to the target platform at run time. For all intents and purposes, java runs on a virtal machine.
And yes, it adds a shit load of overhead.
If you have a "good" computer, you might not notice it, but tgat doesn't mean java usnt waating away computing power just to make the programmers job slightly easier.
>buy RTX 2080
>Yea Forums: "Hurr enjoy your overpriced meme card"
>mfw RTX in dev for loads of games
Nobody was even talking about this, nor was anyone aiming to start a shitstorm. So why even start, you tremendous faggot?
Just setting it up to 32 and I can notice huge stutters on my 9700k 2080ti build. It's funny because this would not happen if minecraft was coded in c++
Don't try to explain this to retarded Yea Forums posters.
>source: my ass
I wish Microsoft weren't so fucking Jewish with Windows 10 Edition's mod support. It would be superior to Java Edition in every way if it supported mods
>this would not happen if minecraft was coded in c++
Too bad notch is a hack who can't even properly code in Java.
Imagine if he rewrote the whole game in c++ before selling it to $soft. Now there is no way in hell it ever happens because they don't want the java version to be better than the micro transaction shit that is bedrock
At least it fits with Minecraft's aesthetic, unlike shitty HD texture packs like this
robert dean wuz here
Source my computer systems engineering degree, you massive brainlet.
Do your fucking research, braincel.
Holy shit, their chief tech offer is a literal retard.Which explains why their 4K pack got trashed after two years. Minecraft dev team is nothing but trannies and retards now.
>not waiting for a 3080
Thanks for beta testing fag, enjoy your 50% framerate loss
I was amazed when I first tried the bedrock Minecraft, even at high settings and with max draw distance it runs without stuttering or frame drops.
It's a shame no one gives a shit about the Win10 Minecraft so it just sits there with no mods and a very few texture packs.
It's brainlet, newfag
>Not staying on perfect 1080
You retard
Imagine not being a poorfag, oh wait I'm sorry user.
it's looks worse than fucking mod
>Tfw you don't live in a parallel universe where Notc didn't make Minecraft on Java
Looks kinda better actually.
the very definition of soulless
the video is bullshit too, you can do specular highlights, screenspace reflections, normal mapping, god rays, etc. on a non-RTX card too. I've yet to see a single video of RTX that seemed worth the performance hit.
>tfw have amd gpu
>tfw shaders look like ass
h-how do i fix guys?
Desaturate everything
The mod is irrelevant now since the base game is getting hardware accelerated ray tracing support
It's realistic, haven't you been outside?
Wrong. Where the fuck colour mixing.
>game actually goes down to 20fps whenever I enter a jungle and back to 60 in any other biome
I love dithering so much
by getting an nivdia card.
this is coming from someone who owned AMD cards for over 10 years
im a europoor, i cant afford buying new cards every month, just got this one after having a 550ti for over 4 years
looks comfy.
Redemption arc of Notch starting?
He does not need redemption
he does, he made minecraft
you still need at least gtx 1080ti user
>imagine having to lie about your hardware
>Redemption arc of Notch
he's a twitter faggot now
he can't be redeemed
does any programmer actually know why the java version runs so much worse than the c++ version
i find it hard to believe that java itself is so poor that it causes massive performance issues, seems more likely that notch forwent optimizations that they did for the c++ version, or took shortcuts they didn't
This user already explained why.
holy fuck does this look good, if this pic is just a screen cap im buying it off this pic alone if i see it again
it still seems weird that the game would run 3 times worse on Java, even with that in mind. i mean, you have a development environment like Unity which relies on C# (which also uses a virtual machine) so it seems pretty crazy that any game made in Unity would have 3 times better the performance to something like a game made on Unreal 4 (even though games in Unreal 4 tend to run like total shit)
does this additional overhead only affect the CPU's workload? because that's something that would make this make sense, considering most games don't require that much CPU power so the difference would be negligible most of the time
yeah but when
Console fags can't compete
PS5 will have rtx and PC still will not have a single exclusive, pc pleb :)
keep dreaming retard
notchs true redemption is that he literally hates his money so the game will have a cool card trading mechanic, combined with that overworld but no pay mechanics
why would you pay almost 1k for some shitty tech that will never ever be used in any mainstream game
because you will be a poor if you dont, obviously
What are the differences between RTX and shaders like seus for example?
wth my image didnt upload
I can basically mimmick this shit with ENB and my 1070 in most games
3x worse is actually pretty good for a VM. The JRE is the most optimized VM in the wild.
i'll rather stay poor then :)
pretty interesting
i've been doing amateur game dev in c# for the past 9 months or so but i think i'll pick up c++ later this year. learn all that arcane bullshit like what the heap and stack are and so on
>Vinny tries ray tracing
>Everything is dark
>In their video they have light from the sun hitting a diamond block
So have the fixed the touches yet?
Yeah remember pic related? It never came out.
Watch OP's video and you'll know the reason why.
PC needs something to brag about.
??? he wasn't claiming to be special, idiot.
>they actually hired that guy
Because they spent 3 years trying to implement a poorly made, bad-looking, badly-optimized version of minecraft shaders?
That doesn't matter, though. Win 10 is shit, and paid, highly restricted mods are shittier. Java is the only version of Minecraft that will ever be worth playing because Microsoft are turbojews.
It all makes sense now, it didn't click until now but it all makes fucking sense...
>Ceiling reflecting wool of all things
I'm unironically exited for this. It's not in big AAA-games where you can only manage effects here and there that ray tracing is exiting right now, it's simple games where you can apply ray tracing to ALL lights, like Quake 2 and Minecraft. It does absolute wonders to immersion and graphics since at the end of the day, how good something looks is very little about textures and very much about lighting.
In the video they say the planks are smooth, and that would make sense, but it still looks retarded
Lol literally a cs kid, knows nothing yet is arrogant, literally on the top of the dunning-kruger curve. Minecraft is slow because it uses the built in Math library which is slow as shit since its not optimized for games or estimations.
I already have a path tracing shader?
But shadows suck? I can't see what's there
Their head dude is a potato.
Whereas RTX cards are free.
Damn, it's so... real.
What's wrong with Nvidia putting out one garbage gimmicky RTX demo after the other?
They're just making raytracing look bad
you don't buy a graphics card just for better lighting in a single game, fucking moron
what's this called
wut game
>that fucking stutter when RTX is on
>in fucking MINECRAFT
this is so embarrassing. it can't even run at a stable framerate on the latest hardware. what a fucking meme.
this is pretty uncanny
Oh shit is that Thunder Brigade?
Minecraft has been the most soulful game in the market ever since they introduced the hunger system
Wurm has it
Fuck off already with your nigger cube game
>no mods
Vanilla minecraft is interesting for exactly one hour. I'll take the worse Java performance thanks.
what a pedo would know about anything?
so RTX just makes non-glowy shit glow? how is this good?
it looks fancy but until they design the in game light detection to match RTX (which will never happen) you'll get hostile mobs spawning in your fancy sunlit caves because the game doesn't see the ray of light as actual light
Try 10 minutes.
Just play Ark lol.
>dude epic grafics lmao on a game as fundamentally shitty looking as minecraft
why do zoomers do this?
Is this why they cancelled their graphics overhaul?
you don't need a single addon to enjoy minecraft.
Maybe if you have a single digit IQ
true, just need to be a zoomer
you dont have to make a thread for every retarded piece of shit that flies into that gaping hole inside your head
post your rtx minecraft ready rigs to dab on poorshits who shilled the idea ray tracing would never be implemented or optimized
>windows 10
>task bar on top
I don't even need to reverse image search and I know this is taken from reddit.
Weird. A zoomer would require flashy mods and pre built shit to entertain them.
Notch's new project. It looks nice on still images, but the dithering looks horrible when moving.
then why do zoomers love fortnite so much?
ran out of money for a fucking desk and has to bang his hand into the case every time he moves right LMAO
I assume they are attracted to the gay shit like skins, flashy weapons, etc.
Any footage?
That's all the space his bull's girlfriend will let him have.
things minecraft also has?
things that are found in zoomie mods, yes.
doesn't vanilla minecraft have gay skins and weapons?
post picture
>turn on RTX on my Singleplayer world full of moving redstone parts, Mob farms and other fuckery
>Crash instantly
Reminder that it's literally not dithering, and real dithering looks better than this crap. What you think is dithering here is simply just the artifacts from the low res ray tracing he's doing.
RTX technology will be great in 15 years when more than 2 games are using it
>Legacy Console
What the fuck are they doing? Maintaining 3 different codebases for the same fucking game, no wonder it takes them 6 months to add a few mobs and a pointless new type of stone
so it's not just a fake filter for gay nostalgia, cool
It's microshit now, which means it has to be completely mismanaged and horrible. Even more than before.
>they could've done any other game with gaytracing
>they choose minecraft
y tho
>He said while picking out his favourite lazy town jpeg
This. Also reminder that the actual look still depends on artists but now it's a bit more intuitive in terms of what values to tweak to get things to look good. Still needs a good eye. The official RTX support for Minecraft looks bad because they didn't hire a competent artist, or any artist.
the original weapons in minecraft serve their purpose. but this is entirely unlike anything you would find in fortnite which, much like mods, designed to be flashy and attention grabbing. much like jingling keys in front of an infant
>bloom off
>bloom on
Hey gamers ;3
dude you are a nigga
It's the only one with more than 20 fps after gaytracing
Yet that appears to be what their entire marketing strategy is centered around, you unnecessarily irrate cunt.
And? It's an effective marketing strategy. You still don't buy a GPU just for that, retard.
>you don't buy a graphics card just for better lighting in a single game, fucking moron
then what do you buy it for if not to render graphics, you nigger? as an expensive paper weight?
>changed "just to play a single game with better lighting" to "render graphics"
dumb cunt, you're actually comparing buying a graphics card to buying a mod for one game
Convince me to shell out hundreds of pounds on one of these here fancy RTX gizmos then?
No global ilumination, and several videos add high quality textures and complex shaders.
You buy this card if you want the performance it gives you in games regardless of RTX, dumb faggot
>look at me, I'm swearing on 4channel!
But where is the 700+ pounds of performance coming from? What am I getting over a card that costs less than half that?
C++ SIMD support, manual memory handler allow use less memory (better packing data), no Garbage collector and control memory allocations.
Plus using native Directx 12 instead of old OpenGL version with overhead lib for Java.
More performance, retard
>look at me, I'm crying about being called a retard while being a retard on Yea Forums
i ignored that part because your statement that only one game supports rtx is blatantly false and bait-tier.
now answer the question nigger. do you buy GPUs to use as paperweights or rendering graphics?
no one said only one game supports rtx, read the argument before jumping into it you single digit IQ mongoloid
fyi. As long as you're on a modern cpu. Java performs on the same level as pure machine code. In some cases it can actually perform better as the JIT can use cpu specific optimizations that unless you're compiling the c++ source yourself won't have.
your argued why would someone buy a video card to "card just for better lighting in a single game" and i pointed out how stupid that was because GPUs are capable of rendering graphics in *any* game, you nigger.
your entire stance is extreme and asinine and you should be ashamed for sharing it on a public website, you coon.
You're an actual fucking retard who can't read, I replied to an user who said graphics cards cost money too in reply to a post about a mod costing money, as if a graphics card is bought only to run better lighting in one game (like the paid mod is). Learn to read before jumping into a random argument you worthless piece of shit.
>You're an actual fucking retard who can't read,
i'm just not retarded enough to understand the mental hoops and hurdles you took to understand your sense of logic in typing some stupid shit like that.
just to clarify sweetie, a modern rtx gpu is capable of playing and rendering multiple games. it's literally impossible outside of your willfully warped sense of reality to buy a gpu "just for better lighting in a single game", albeit some games may be better optimized to render better lighting with said gpu.
if you can't grasp that fact, you are hopelessly retarded.
Literal autism. Fucking kill yourself.
>a modern rtx gpu is capable of playing and rendering multiple games
That was literally my argument against the user who defended the paid mod which is only for one game, I'm not sure at this point if you're baiting me or if you actually failed this hard at reading comprehension.
Check your reading comprehensions my dude. You're both saying the same exact thing and somehow still arguing about it lmao.
Thank god, I don't have to install mods anymore. I'll take this, although I would've liked that graphics pack they cancelled.