Ion Fury Thread (Formerly Maiden)

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Other urls found in this thread:

What are your favorite 3 Build Engine levels?

1. Death Row
2. The Overlooked Hotel
3. Dark Side

I've only played Ion Fury once so the levels are kind of hard to pick apart right now, but I will say that IR is probably the most consistent of all the build engine games.

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why did the mod delete the last thread?

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They work for the mercenary.

>thread about a new video game with predominantly vidya discussion and a few shitposters
>Mods delete the entire thread instead of just banning the shitposters
Tranny jannies

The masked man?

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Delicious voxels
My mouth is watering

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Is there a Bane reference anywhere?

>On dark knight rises reference in Ion Fury
Why even live


hollywood holocaust

We need Shelly lewds

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Dude Burger

Mods are retarded faggots what else is new

Hollywood Holocaust and Red Light District are the quintessential ones. I think I like Death Row slightly more, though, but the other two have more charm and character to them.

HBomb when?

I actually got stuck in the power plant level last night where you have to stop the 3 spinning rings to make a door into the blue key card.

I had a pretty narrow gap for a door (they weren't all lined up perfectly), but it let me in to get the blue key card. Game auto-saves when I pick up the card and apparently Shelly's turn of breast and curve of buttock is too big to let me back out again. I tried all sorts of strafing and weird movement. I tried blowing myself up to reload but the auto-save just puts me back in the blue key chamber. Last hard save was 2 hours ago at the beginning of the outdoors chapter.

Thank god for 2 seconds of noclip. Sorry Shelly, but it had to be done.

Lost interest when they caved into bullshit pressure to change the name of the game. Any developer who doesn't have the balls to not stand up to trademark bullying will make shit games.

That level sucked, to be honest with you familia. That fucking using mirror to shrink yourself filtered me so hard, I had to use a guide to get through it, completely ruined my experience. Plus it is also poorly communicated how you get into the joint.

It's one of those high concept levels that should be good, but I got zero enjoyment out of it.

Now Shop-n-Bag that is a high concept level from Episode 4 done right, comfy as fuck level.

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We wouldn't have seen the game until 2022 if that were the case.

I just like how it's revealed that they use dogs for meat

Out side of Dark Side, episode 2 is a waste

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>Blaming the developers on America's fucked up legal system
are you retarded? Do you think it was worth fighting this when they were bullied into it and would have lost millions and years of time? Blame the fucking retarded country not the developers. It would have been a ginormous waste of resources to fight that suit.

These threads are great besides the usual shitposting. Kinda surprised considering we're in Yea Forums

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I'll admit, I did like that part.

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you some kind of special retard?

Okay, I've been complaining about that insignificant pixel scaling that 2% of players are going to notice -that the devs seem to be amateurs who have no idea what they're doing, but now there's even fake voxels? Build Engine voxels are matrices of vertices and there's a colored billboarded square rendered at each vertex. They're NOT objects made of cubes. That's just a 3d mesh, not a voxel object. Why would you create 3d models that are supposed to kinda look like voxel objects when the engine supports actual voxel objects? Are the devs just literally incompetent?

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Yea Forums is for Nintendo cocksucking only.

Those shelves of milk ooze of soul.

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- hollywood holocaust
- that boat level in duke caribbean
- lunar reactor for the music alone (even though it's not that great, just like many E2 levels)

Played SW and blood a long time ago so I don't remember much about them. I really liked the mall and the tower levels in IF.

They're voxels. There's a difference between software and hardware rendered voxels.

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Fuck off
This game has much bigger problems than a couple of pixels one but you cares about

That plane level from SW, i don't even remember if it was good i was just so impressed by it.
The overlooked hotel
Phantom Express

Just beat it on max fury, Jesus Christ the final boss a slog mostly because of the godawful performance a couple of times my PC just completely locked up for 20+ seconds some other areas weren't great either performance wise
Not what you would expect from old tech like this you can do hoards etc in the other games so I dunno what the deal is

Is climbing ladders fucked for anyone else? Also having a hard time with some platforming for secrets


Imagine being THIS fucking retarded.
You can't, only a retard of this magnitude can even imagine that.

Okay my bad. I still think those hardware voxels look kinda crap. A pixel is not a 3d object, so volumetric pixels should just be pixels in a volume, not cubes.

They are voxels and I don't think the sprites are aligned in the shooters compared to pixelshit platformers

Any time there was a large amount of enemies or projectiles on screen, performance would tank. What hardware are you running?
Software performance was shit too.

How much memory does it up? I'm having some odd issue with memory and CPU usage at the moment. I tried this out quickly last night and it was at 400K of memory and slowly climbing higher.

I've yet to play Shadow Warrior because of how bad the mouse movement felt in Redux. Is it worth it? It's the only one of the big Build Engine games I haven't played now.

Seriously though, the game feels awful. Duke with eduke32 is perfect, Blood with either nblood or bloodgdx feels perfect, Ion Fury feels perfect. But Shadow Warrior feels like a janky game, the mouse skips around like mad and it drives me crazy, I can't enjoy the game.

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I haven't played SW for the same reason. Every other game has had mouse movement fixed except for that one. Really odd that even in the rerelease it wasn't fixed. It seems like a good game but I can't deal with it constantly feeling like shit every time I'm moving the mouse.

I see. I prefer the 3d voxels to be honest. I think the software ones look really cool in game because it looks even more like a crazy cheat to make it all work, but the warping view makes me sick.

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Is it just me or does Shelly move faster than the other build protags? I haven't played Douk or Blood in a while, but playing IF it feels like Shelly is a distant cousin of Sonic the Hedgehog. Maybe I'm just getting old.

Try disabling vsync and some other options, redux is kind of fucky, force vsync through your grafics card. I remember having to do this for both megaton edition and SW

The default field of view in this game is wider than in other Build games. That always creates an impression of faster movement.

It bums me out because I want to play it. I really can't force myself with how the game feels now though.
I wanna say I tried this at some point, I've tried with v-sync off and on and it did nothing. I've tried all kinds of different mouse settings but nothing makes it feel good.

What is the default fov in the other build engine games? I thought it was 90. I never change the fov in build games to be honest, the default always felt perfect.
I played Duke pretty recently and to me Shelly doesn't feel faster, feels about the same.


Plane level is crazy (you even get on the roof of the plane for an access card) but kinda tedious and frustrating. There are many moments when enemies are shooting you behind curtains and you can't see them, it's just annoying.

>A square isn't a 3d object, so volumetric squares should be just squares in a volume, not cubes

Just get it from gog and use dosbox it is the full game and both expansions
also free
Default is I never change fov for these games or doom its just not right

Yeah I’m sure that one has better mouse support. Not to mention performance and resolution.

>What is the default fov in the other build engine games? I thought it was 90.
I compared Blood to 3d shooters that have 90° default and Blood's FOV is definitely lower. Probably 85°.

imagine giving a shit
just play the fucking game

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>stop discussing things i don't like
It's related to the game so there isn't a problem.

I don't understand modern game design, why everything becomes so streamlined? I just started to play Ion Fury (I'm in mid-1st episode) and I can notice that modern game design doesn't allow freedom of approach in 90% of cases, but here, levels are so huge, you'll almost always approach it differently in every playthrough.
It's fun and it gives you the feel of freedom. This game has soul.
For me it's +9/10
If not for such shitty weapon and enemy variety, I would give it 10/10.

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Fuck this guy
Broken glitchy fuck

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Save your Chaingun for him. You never encounter enough to run dry on ammo for it, and always have a chance to restock between fights with them.

You may want to try Grezzo 2.

>why everything becomes so streamlined?
Appeals to more casuals.

Yea Forums is modded by Besada.

But then if they make the game open world and give you freedom to fuck around, people complain about it and demand a more closed down experience. There's no winning with you faggots.

reading that RPS review made me sad, because it made me realize that the casualization of games have gone so far now that people don't even long for the old days of well designed levels that actually forced you to pay attention. That review was some zoomer literally complaining that the game was too hard for his little fucking brain.

I guess running down a straight corridor WITH objective markers is more engaging huh.

Both extremes are bad. You can have multiple approaches for encounters without going full Ubisoft.

>someone did suit edit i was suggesting
skin rendering and cameltoe could be improved, but otherwise it's great

It's topic about video game instead controversy, celebs and ecelebs, literally who on social media or some other shitpost.

Try Halo, the sandbox FPS experience supreme

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co-op MP and no-bullshit mapping when?

Fuck that, I come here for the drama, I don't even play videogames.


What's the current status of the sequel, anyway?

Gosh, I wanna smell her poo and farts

>no-bullshit mapping

Halo's just as linear as the rest.

As in, no editing the .grp store to insert maps and using the broken DN3D editor to make them.

Halo is open world compared to other FPS games

But the world is barren and uninteresting.

Maybe the second level of the first game, but the rest of them are all barren hallways. You're also punished hard if you dare to forgo a plasma weapon.

OpenGL or Classic?

It's okay when you put it like that, but we're talking build engine games here, this isnt open world it's the next planet over

Beat it last night. Fantastisc game but the final boss fight was a bit underwhelming

OpenGL unless you wanna get motion sickness from the warped view.

Played with software render and I didn't notice any warping

Like what?

Try looking up and down, if you don't notice it you might be blind.

I play on classic because my pc cannot handle this game in opengl

Actually is it ok to like halo now?
I mean it's 18 years old

That doesn't mean it's no longer casual.

Halo is pretty hard on legendary

No rocket launcher

Not really. Just noob combo everything while popping in and out of cover. Halo 2 is the only "hard" one because it has one-hit kill hitscanners and bloated enemy health.

You haven't actually played the game, user, not on legendary.
The real way to do it is race past every non essential fire fight, because unlike the pc games of the past, you aren't locked in areas 85% of the time.

I've beaten every Halo on legendary. Are you implying that running past encounters makes it harder?
>because unlike the pc games of the past, you aren't locked in areas 85% of the time.
You've never played a game before Halo released.

>but here, levels are so huge, you'll almost always approach it differently in every playthrough.
But that is provably wrong.
There are different "approaches", but at the end, only a handful actually work to achieve your goal, and maybe 3 are efficient.
Being able to waste time making the game harder for yourself because "muh freedom" is asinine and proves you want style over substance and did not play enough of the old pc shooters to see their faults.

>Build Engine voxels
Polymost (the hardware renderer this and any other build game port uses) was written by Ken Silverman and that's how he implemented voxels, as 3D cubes.

Fuck off, you autist

>You've never played a game before Halo released.
Are you actually implying that the majority of pc shooters did not find ways to lock you into areas via keys/cards that needed to be located, whereas in Halo, almost every battle can be walked past with no repercussion to the player?

Well that's just like, your opinion, man.

Doesn't it come with mapster? What's wrong with it?

>don't need to find anything on the map
>can skip entire encounters for free
>this is somehow not casual

I think the software voxels were a cool idea but also look like crap.

See There are parts where you can see pixels through other pixels that you aren't supposed to see, because they're all just flat squares with no depth. There's no reason to be hamstrung by that shit in a real 3D renderer so with cubes the programmer went.

Halo is built around the combat, not opening doors. It's a different approach.

Almost every battle can be walked past in most 90s shooters too.

How I know you've never played that game in your life.

Elites take way too much damage to bother with anything but a plasma pistol, and you should have a headshot weapon anyway since they instakill no matter what.

>can skip entire encounters for free
Not for free, the areas are designed to force you into encounters. So you're probably going to have a bad time trying to run past them.
See, it helps when you've played the game in question before you open your mouth.

I guess the stadium's ground does sink? That's all I've got.

>go find this key to open the door to go forward
>must walk back and forth past the enemies you skipped to backtrack to open the door at the beginning of the level
>he thinks hardcore is finding keycards
It's kinda sad, user.
You are under 25, aren't you?
Halo CE was universally praised by all parties for having one of the best designed settings in shooters to date.
You can talk shit about a lot, the art and sound design will never be one of them, and it immediately marks you out as a shit eater.

So what's the future of this game? Mods? Sequels?

And you can complete Doom without firing a single shot.

Wow cool cyborg body there Heskel soldiers! You all look great! Totally sci-fi and shit!

Now.... Put these dirty old brown rag ponchos on.

>he thinks hardcore is walking past enemies and never having to see them again
>Halo CE was universally praised by all parties for having one of the best designed settings in shooters to date.
Is that so?

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It's the texture work that is the most incredible thing about this game. Really shows how much more can be done so much ,more efficiently with today's computing power.

>must walk back and forth past the enemies you skipped to backtrack to open the door at the beginning of the level
A lot of 90s shooters have infighting so by the time you get back a lot of the enemies will have killed each other.

Look kid, you obviously haven't played a classic shooter in your life. You maybe watched a couple on youtube so you think you know what they're like.

The Dev said that the guy just kept making more and more and more tiles. He said he got addicted to making more. So they're excited for user maps because the tileset is absolutely massive and varied and you should be able to make completely unique and stand out areas compared to things like Duke 3D or Quake where lots of maps will look very similar

>You are still missing 1 secret in this area

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>You are under 25, aren't you?

>turn level over upside down
>pretty sure I've found everything
>You are still missing 6 secrets in this area

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wtf, that's the Crysis suit

Would there be any reason for someone to "remake" Duke Nukem with Ion Fury's tools? Or would it pretty much be the same.

Bro. You forgot to turn them sideways.

i think that's already been done with eduke

So how similar is this game to System Shock? That's pretty much the oldest shooter I've played.

maybe it is by design or maybe i am blind but enemies seem to blend too much in the background, the fact that they can snipe you from any part of the map doesn't help.
great game btw

>20 bucks for a literally 90mb game from 1990s

And? If someone made a Planescape Torment sequel with the same engine people would buy that shit too.

>No nudity
>General censorship on other things
>Tame as fuck gore
>literal who developer, still has over 1500 reviews on launch day (clear proof of paid reviews by 3DR)
"PC gaming" in a nutshell

Is that scooby?

>tfw bgm saves a badly designed level

Classic is for people who are too poor to own a mouse.

>>General censorship on other things
Elaborate user.

Rave 2 Da Grave

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Really great game. I hope they'll make some more episodes and stuff to play with for this thing.

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But nearly all usermade Quake maps nowadays make extensive use of non vanilla textures. The sky is literally the limit.

Bad End rape fanart when?

that cyberdemon ain't gonna shoot itself.

Was there some controversy about trannies with this game?

>you are still missing 10 secrets in this area

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soon brother

Nah, just the usual "We have a strong girl character, we are so fucking WOKE and PROGRESSIVE" spiel.

Someone wanna tell me why the game devs are getting shit on right now?

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>that pic


>from 1990s
A computer from the 90's would shit itself trying to run this thing, try again.

use twitter screencap if you want the thread to stay up.

>>No nudity
How many fucking games even have nudity in them, dipshit? Do you even play videogames?
What possesses you retards to visit Yea Forums and shitpost without the most basic knowledge of the subject at hand?
They need to brief you better on this sort of shit. You are subhuman garbage.

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Literally never happened outside of your head.

>no one noticed the t-word joke they made

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>we won't get ion fury 2 because of spergs like this
feels bad man

I know you fucking retard, the joke is to get him to believe it.

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muh protag is not slutty, shit game

It's selling well, it will either get a sequel or they'll make a different game.

Based and DEVILISH

Achievements are being added and they're tracked ingame currently so they'll unlock

>enemies are cyborgs
>explode into bloodchunks and skulls

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Learn to pronounce
noun: cyborg; plural noun: cyborgs

a fictional or hypothetical person whose physical abilities are extended beyond normal human limitations by mechanical elements built into the body.

Levels are not made entirely out of squares, enemies don't respawn when you turn around and look the other way, the crosshair is in the center of the screen, controls were not designed by a madman and you never click things on the screen to do something. In other words it's a functional game using a tried and true formula instead of a failed experiment done before there were standards.

That art is so bad...

Resetgender trannies got mad at one of the devs for possessing the opinion that forcing kids trans before they've hit puberty was fucked up.

You'd think a bunch of trannies would actually agree with this considering its championing the cause for people to choose their own identities free of any societal pressure. But I guess the great irony in being offended by literally everything is that you don't really have any convictions and can easily turn into the very thing you were fighting against. And so we have a bunch of trannies that ironically want to force a bunch of kids to adopt their ideological view of what gender should be, regardless of how the kids themselves feel.

Nah, save your chain gun ammo for those fast jumpers.
3-4 fully charged bowling bombs ooof this dickless man hard.

>literal who developer

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Can someone who isn't a shill tell me if this is fun or not?

I loved DUSK earlier in the year and I absolutely adored it, I also played the Blood remaster and I absolutely HATED it.

did they found their artist on deviantart

What didn't you like about Blood?

Hit scanning enemies, boring weapons, boring levels. Didn't feel as fluid as other boomer shooters

The Lost Souls will.
I keep distance and just fire 4-5 crossbow bolts into its head. That always does the trick.

Hm well I think you'd like Ion. If not 2 hours is plenty time to find out and refund. The levels are pretty sprawling

>Hit scanning enemies
That's Build engine for you, so this is much of the same.
>boring weapons
If you think Blood weapons are boring, you won't like IFs.
>boring levels
I personally think level design is IFs strong point, but if you think Blood had boring levels compared to Dusk, then I'm not sure what you will think of IF.

Do you think the gameplay is worse than Redneck Rampage? I agree with the parts about boring shit but I think Blood clearly plays better

That's definitely not what blue light special means.
Quit giving that shitty website attention.

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IF has hit scanners but not as much as blood. It's more like Doom

A cyborg is part human, idiot. They're not androids.

Pirate it first to see if you like it, buy it afterward. That's what I did.

No, it isn't.
>You'd think a bunch of trannies would actually agree with this
They did on twitter, resetera is just collectively crazy.

Not him, but all the enemies in the original RR are evadable (vixens are evadable through circling around them - which they try to counter by teleporting outside the circle).

How is system shock a failed experiment? Pretty much every new thing it did is now a given for shooters today

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>Why yes, Mall of the Dead is my favorite build engine map. How could you tell?

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That's not really the problem. RR has some serious issues with player weapon hit registration on targets. Half the time your bullets just ignore targets for no reason, as if you're the NPC that's hitscanning ie. throwing dice to remove health from a target. And then there are the dogs which amplify that effect, as if their hitbox is one pixel. Every time you hear barking your best bet is to start tossing dynamite all over the place hoping that the splash damage takes the damn things out. Because bullets definitely won't.

>mfw he found my Dexter's Lab/Full House erotic crossover

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No, everything it did badly is now done correctly in shooters. It has functions you activate by clicking things on the screen, as if you don't have access to more than 100 buttons on your keyboard. In shooters since then you use the mouse to aim and that never changes because that should literally never change. And in SS you aim by dragging a crosshair across the screen. In good shooters your mouse makes you turn and look up and down, and the crosshair is always in the center.

Based retard

>boring weapons
But anyways, you definitely won't like this game then.

>tfw no Shelly mommy

Holy shit you’re right

>TFW the ion crossbow is literally the bowcaster from Jedi Knight on steroids
IF devs have good taste.

>don't stand up for copyright
>don't stand up against trannies

I hate you cunts so much, every fucking game and franchise

>not point blanking him with the scatter alt fire

Have you two idiots never looked at a picture of the human muscles?

>don't stand up for copyright
A prolonged lawsuit that would have killed the project, brilliant.



Musculature don’t usually look like pumped-out musclesuits

m o m m y

>Not being a motherfucker


Of course I have.
With Lord Zed.

Downsampling from 4K makes the game way more crisp and no shimmer on some edges. Any PC can do it

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Fuck are you talking about? The starting revolver offs the thin guy in 3 hits, the fat guy in 5 or 6, don't remember, and the dog in 10, like clockwork.

Also, by the way, while using it, you are supposed to be darting in and out the cover in between shots. The timings of shots make it clear it was meant to be used like that.

Yes. The devs are pretty unknown, and 3D realm is just the publisher (and pretty irrelevant today)

Also, shotgun unloads one barrel when you tap the fire button, and both when you jam it (if one barrel is already unloaded, jamming naturally only unloads the other one), so there is the most probable source of your "hit inconsistency".

I played about 9 hours and now I'm going into the last episode (considering it's only 3).
I am playing on the highest difficulty and at first I thought it was unbalanced, but after learning how to use the weapons and understanding the reaction of the enemies, I think the highest difficulty is the most recommended to play the game. There are whole areas that I managed to get through without dying and only a few parts make things really difficult and require several attempts. But these parts are usually quite difficult and require a lot of grind and trial and error.
This game is very good, I would say it is 8.5 / 10.

>mfw discovering what happens when you hold RMB too long with the bow

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Somehow i feel that 3dr and Voidpoint devs loved this art.

It makes shelly look like a mix of Swimsuit GITS Motoko and April O'Neal

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>Dominion Tank Police
Good taste user.

There's 7 zones.

>Dominion Tank Police
its GITS manga brainlet

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Man GITS manga is so good

Ion Sneed (Formerly Chuck)

I wanna read it but even the newest release still has a scene removed. Is it just accepted now?




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Just read the scans or ask /m/ about were to buy the unedited ones

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Absolutely broken against bosses

This is so evocative of the human muscles, I wonder why you even bothered with this pitiful attempt at saving face.

You mean this shitty recolor of fanart?

Everything you were told to blame your problems on in a single garbage wojak edit. So convenient.

Green skull.

Autism needs to be harvested

PSA: Shitposters in these threads are retards coming from resetera discord channel and forums, and common underage Yea Forums trolls trying to derail threads to force janitors to close it down.

so don't give them (you)'s and report them for instigating flamewars.

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Like opening a shaken soft drink can.
Or starting to laugh uncontrollably while drinking said softdrink.

Or when you have to fart super bad but you hold it in anyway.

>Formely Maiden

Shelly's design is so bland and boring that no girls are going on cosplay her...

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Girls can't play shooters anyway

Summer, When does it end?

kek based

Resetera is trying to edit the wiki article but they’re not having none of it.

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Literally 8ch for lefties

I'm not complaining. I'm just speaking the truth.

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>Use Clusterpuck secondary the first time

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>Thought it was a mine
>Threw it at my feet

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this is your brain on cum

>throw a weapon that is on the last slot at your feet.
not a good idea

>Bomb defusal expert
>wears armor and a helmet with a visor
>this is boring/bad

Fuck off. I for once think its neat that the costume actually reflects what the person is supposed to be and is sensible at the same time.
There's enough of her looking cool in other pictures/shots and there's her other look with a shave/plaited side and a bionic arm.

>Most fun weapon to use in build engine games is the rocket launcher
>They don't put one in ion fury

Because you have grenade launcher/bombs/puck.

Rocket launcher would be superflous in this lineup.

As a woman, she can't carry that many weapons...

works for iron maiden

Be my GF please

>Because you have grenade launcher/bombs/puck.
None of these replace the rocket launcher

But women have more hiding places than men

You get to use an asston of explosive weaponry in this game. Having a Rocket Launcher on top would have been redundant.

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okay, tranny

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No. the clusterpuck is redundant. I'd rather sacrifice the grenade launcher and the clusterpuck for a rocket launcher

Is because of this Asshole that this game was being flaked by the Trannytards, fuck the original bimbo design.
Im even loving the new cop design for her because of this nigger spamming the old one in pure spite.

Good, i simply hope that this end and all of those idiots gets punished for it.
Its a great game, and seeing it being attacked with faux claims, because of one autistic retard who would rather FAP to a bad copypaste of 90's Jenna Jameson and Kaitlynn Ashley than Play the game and have fun, Is Ridiculous.

Because you have a arsenal of bombs and a Rocket Launcher feels like a waste of Weapon Slot.

Also the Crossbow is damn powerful, and Loverboy alt fire is damn good.
and it feels inspired by Postal 2: Paradise Lost Peacemaker who has the same quirk

I wish the LB had a like meter on the gun for the special fire. I feel like it works after you get kills or has a cool down but I'm not sure

>band name steals an old uncommon torture-thing name
>sues you because even tho Ion does not equal to Iron
How can you possibly lose a lawsuit like this?

the crossbows alt-fire is insane. and if you're aiming for a few feet with a few bullets there's not much room for error. you're doing a lot of damage and taking a lot of damage. If you aim really really fast you're almost guaranteed to hit something. you're not guaranteed to hit something you've just missed and you're almost guaranteed to miss something you aren't aiming for. there's two very good things about this gun, its firing speed. And then there's the fact that it's very accurate. It's not a sniper rifle not only can you do something that would normally take you hours and hours, but it's more accurate and the fact that it's incredibly accurate. You're doing things you would normally only ever think of doing, and you're doing them with an incredibly high level of accuracy. In terms of the game, you're doing things and killing people at a fast rate that would actually be hard to accomplish if you're just playing an FPS or RTS.

Lawsuits don't go that fast. They didn't wsnt to delay the game so they changed the name

It's just a bunch of (((lawyers))) trying to make money

I think Shelly is cute. Would hold hands

spending exponentially more time secret hunting this first level than i did clearing it

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I know that a lot of girls love to wear slutty costumes but I do really think that this time it isn't exaggerated at all, and it fits with the character perfectly.
Also, it's quite realistic

>wants bootleg female douk
>attempt to destroy devs to deliver
Only a true autist could come to this conclusion.
Current Shelly isn't the best but is good as it is.
Also she's in the best Build game to date.

Attached: disgust_01.png (1600x1551, 1.96M)

I'm new to this game. I heard of the resetera stuff but what's this about a shelly change?


Is Shelly the sanest protag of all Build Engine game?

>Made a strong, independent and badass female main character who isn't just a slut who can fight like the original character concept in DN Forever
>SJW and trannies still are trying to boycott the game
They got what they want yet they still are doing this.
This is further evidence to show that they are fucking sick idiots and dumbasses. They don't even play this kind of game yet they still are complaining about it

I'd say so, but she's still relatively unhinged just like every other woman

Out of the big three Build engine games she is, but that's not saying much. She's still nutty, but not as much as Lo "I like nuclear weapons!" Wang and Caleb "ehHAHAHAHAHA!" Bloodguy.

damn it mother fucker stole my joke

This is so much better than the fps that come out now it isn't even funny and I only ever played Duke Nukem on N64 for like a few hours.

You ought to play Duke/Blood/ShadowWarrior if you like it that much

Attached: Fury Screenshot 2019.08.18 - (1920x1080, 535K)

Blood is the best one btw

And then play the Death Wish mod for Blood, that shit is a blast.

>fire nuclear rocket
>"just like Hiroshima"
>"just like Nagasaki"
how the FUCK did they got away with it?

No, I am the one responsible!

Attached: images.png (218x231, 9K)

It's not only that you're poorly educated and stupid as fuck, it's that you fight tooth and nail to stay that way. What the fuck do you think the crysis suit is designed around? How old are you?

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Would Duke get along with Shelly?

By means of attrition. Either pay for lawyers for years, delaying/cancelling the release of your game and most likely tanking the company, or just change the title by editing a few files.

She's locked to auto-run the whole game. You can force her to slow down by holding Shift, but there's no actual On/Off switch like most FPS games have.

They'd probably fuck like rabbits, like halo and metroid if they met.

le robot spider shootan game

Douk and SW RL isn't fun (aside from the Nuke). Those games have much more entertaining guns, like the ripper/grenade launcher/shrinker/expander/freezethrower/railgun/guardian head/devastators.

Gaming journo wasn't as rabid as today.
People (at that time) doesn't like SW because guns kinda suck compared to DN3D.

Never really played Duke. Is he a nice guy or one of those asshole chads?

How the hell did Iron Maiden even sue them, being from another country? What, were they going to send in Interpol?

Canon is Shelly is one of dukes many, many, many offspring.

are you retarded? obviously they have copyrights in every country that sells their shit

Captain obvious

no me :DDDD

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Shelly hates Duke.

Would Lo Wang get along with Shelly ?

>holding company for a world wide famous band wants to fuck with a sma dev studio
>either pay massive ammounts of money to fight in court
>or just change the name of the game

more like gimmick guns to show off build's capabilities.

Attached: f5wNByz.gif (506x506, 348K)

They probably just sent a C&D that had no chance of materializing as a court case, but that would force the Ion Fury guys to spend money anyway.
In the end the name "Ion Fury" seems to me better and the case served as free marketing for the game.

Why Duke is front off doings formed when own behind evidence

Gimmick doesn't mean not fun.

Fun is a buzzword.

Could you repeat that in English?

Fun is the feeling I get using those guns.

Shelly is Fat!

You don't play these games for boss fights, you moron.

I hope the devs don't let the game's bugs linger for very long.

stuck on this level.
Some maps are too big for its own good

Attached: fury_2019_08_19_18_24_22_395.jpg (2560x1440, 910K)

If you're close to a wall you can stick it on.

Not the same guy, you are full of shit and most likely never played it Legendary.
I tried to play it using traditional FPS game approach and it just didn't work, I only started to progress when I realized and admitted that this game has to be approached differently.

Fat as in fat or phat

>Me only want big bloated shit games

Shut up, faggot

The music reminds me of timesplitters a bit sometimes

It wasn't so bad for me
I think the worst map in term of poor map flow is The Washington Institution (first map of chapter 3)

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What is phat?

>You have a arsenal of bombs and a Rocket Launcher feels like a waste of Weapon Slot
Not really.
I would love to switch puck bombs or ion bow for proper rocket launcher, or make it function as one, because they are overlapping other weapons so much, is not funny.

Feelings are for women.

Sneed Fury(formerly Ion Fury(formerly Maiden))

>dev team are a bunch of angry incels
Yeah, no thanks.

>Get on a scale
>Forgot to remove all her gear
>is a 200lbs gorilla

I beat them all on Legendary, but okay. Halo's a console shooter it's really not that complicated.

Attached: file.png (1261x488, 713K)

>implying I'm not a little girl

hahahahaha this never gets old!
never gets old!

I can also find images on google.

Okay, then find that one faggot.

Is this that toxic behavior I've been hearing about?

Hes not wrong though. Noob combo is strong enough to carry you through most engagements if you stick to cover. Its halo dude. Even if worst comes to worst you can just checkpoint grind until you get by.

No need to brag about being poor third worlders

So, whats the difference between GDF and EDF from Duke? Logo its exactly the same except for one letter, its just one reference? Or are they based in the same universe?

They're originally based in the same universe

Library is fun though.

I think that they can't use EDF

Are there strippers and naked women like in Duke Nukem 3D?

They used to share the universe, but then gearbox throw a bitch fit so they don't.

Gearbox didn't do anything. It's called not stirring the pot.

Fuck off Randy

No at all

There's a million reasons to shit on Randy for, you really don't need to make up things that didn't happen.

well fuck


Well fuck that shit then.

In her bio its stated she hades blond hair, sunglasses and bubblegum.

Luckily, he's all out of gum.

And Shelly's all out of cum.

And doesn't wear sunglasses in Duke 1 or 2

>2 hours to complete the first level
>6/31 secrets
i feel like a retard

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And porn! Don't forget porn!

jezes those red flying fuckers with rockets are fucking awful

Is the sound the zombies make when they're set on fire a reference to Chex Quest?

No need to brag about having suffered severe cranial trauma.

Their explosion penetrate wall sometimes (probably due to Build Engine fuckery)

Yeah, fuck off. You don't deserve it anyway.

I have a 4k screen and now I want to see if the game actually works with VSR.

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If you charge the bow shot and hit well, you destroy them in one hit.

>another Hellraiser reference

I saw in one video you can make quick shots with the bow, but I dont know how. only secondary shot with 5 rounds and the usual 1 by 1. is there any other way of shooting?

You gotta keep em separate

Keep holding the alt fire longer.

The right click with the revolver only takes 2 shots to kill them
Using the revolver is literally cheating

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If you charge the shot for a long time, the bow goes crazy and starts shooting nonstop.

shoot them twice with revolver alt-fire

Hold the alt. fire button until it automatically fires.

Some assembly required.

Domo arigato Mr. Roboto

Attached: 1550974851575.png (1440x1145, 1.13M)

thanks anons, never tried that

what does sneed mean again

I love how almost everyone is having none of that resetera bullshit.

You're welcome, Gman


feed and seed

shelly is for __________


Protecting the Neo D.C. and enforce permanent martial law.

Finally someone acknowledges their Yea Forums fanbase.


Why did they pick a female protaganist?

Why not?

Yee, I too hoped I could fap to Bigdude McHugelarge #9001.

To contrast the game with duke.

Because almost every game and movie is that now.

so it won't be sausage fest

Bombshell predated the whole "MUH FEMALE PROTAGONIST" trend, being a concept of a Duke Nukem ally character before 3D Realms lost Duke and tried to make her into her own property (and failed).

so SJW wont complain about another alpha male character

The gameplay in Ion Maiden is sound, but the level design and enemy variety is meh. Also, not a big fan of the guns so far. Shotgun/grenade launcher is a neat idea, but lacks oomph. Gunshots sound dull and muted.

I like Rage 2's sound design for guns. Everything sounds crisp and powerful

Except its not in your face and she is a decent character? I see no reason to make a fuss over it, she's a great protagonist that just happens to be a woman, that's all there is to it. Her supposed relation to Duke has never been officialy realised, but she still has origin in that so that's why she is a female.

Ion Maiden's level deign is peak Build quality.

Level DETAIL, sure, it's goddamn amazing. Level DESIGN, not sure about that one.

They are just pandering to the social justice mobs, if it's not in your face why did they need to follow the norm at all?

What's wrong with it? Everything flowed really nicely, shit was simple nor too complex, I almost never got lost, enemies didn't feel like they were cheaply or lazily placed in a level, I didn't feel starved or flooded with items/ammo. Everyone and every review I've seen has been praising the level design.

Even if that were true, it would be like an album that's 85% filler with a classic cocooned inside, but it's not - Spaceport, Fusion Station and Tiberius Station are fine levels, and Lunar Reactor is a godlike lead-up to Dark Side.

>shit wasn't too simple

Literally me.

>The right click with the revolver only takes 2 shots to kill them
Yeah, in easy mode.

They edited shades in for modern re-releases.

So where am I supposed to find the piano melody?

So you haven't touched the game and are desperately making up shit to see what sticks. Got it.

>The first concepts of Shelly were drawn in 1997, and had a heavy emphasis on sexualization, which was not uncomon the mid-nineties, although a bit embarrasing looking back with 2018 glasses;

You're not wearing those gay glasses are Yea Forums?

Fuck off, shitposter.

Attached: 1.png (254x107, 30K)

How exactly is this alright again?

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So in 25 hours you missed the intricate level design. How could this be happening to you?

I found the level design very good (I'm about halfway through the game). The only problem I see is that the amount of detail causes some parts to become overlowhelmed which makes the visual identification of enemies difficult (but not impossible).
But the level design itself is pretty decent, the action goes well and there are always multiple approaches to each location. Open areas worked perfectly for me, contrary to what Gmanlives said, it is possible to face hordes of enemies playing aggressively even in the highest difficulty.

Who is Dick?

Too bad SJW's are trying to review bomb the game anyways.


What the fuck are you talking about? I'm the one saying the level design is stellar. I was correcting a mistake in my post.

tl;dr, fuck off, retard. Talk about the game or start your own thread.

Dick kickem

As someone who never touched a game like this what makes it fun? How is if in comparison to say System Shock or Douche Ex?

Well, it's not an immersive sim like deus ex or system shock. It's a straight up FPS focused on combat and finding keys.

Why do you ask this question every single thread? Just got play it.

Hope you fags didnt buy the game because they caved.

Kill yourself.

Attached: kefka.png (1920x1080, 2.96M)

Lmao they're removing content from the game. Why does every studio but the one from Kingdom Come end up bending for them.

Anyway this shit is from Duke modders right? Why was the internet so surprised at the type of humor?

Jokes on you I pirated it

Good thing I pirated it just like every game. No matter how BASED the devs are, it wont change.

Those dudes with the glowing head are fucking kino

I didn't. If you want to buy a game due to a controversy you always wait for their statement. Buying shit due to controversies are stupid too. Stop that.

I'm a fan of this type of games and play Doom regularly for over 20 years. What I think makes these games fun is the kind of challenge it provides.
You have a limited amount of enemies that act very predictably (poor AI). Your arsenal is also limited and with very distinct functions. These things make you have well-established "rules", you know how the monsters will act, you know how your guns will work, it's up to you to overcome the challenges to the best of your ability.
If the level design is good (like Ion Fury), playing these games is one of the best experiences video games can provide, in my opinion.
Oh, and since these games are pure gameplay, you must take into account that difficulty is an important part of the experience. So I think it's always good to play on a difficulty that seems too "hard" at first. It is this extra difficulty that makes the experience really good because you will have to stay focused, play well and be creative when dealing with challenges.

>we are also patching Ion Fury ASAP to remove all unacceptable language
>employees and contractors will undergo mandatory sensitivity training

Fucking what? I don't want a neutered release.

Attached: radiation testing.jpg (562x702, 50K)

damn. gamer out for blood.

So all the reviewbombs will be rescinded and the boycotters will buy the game in droves as they said thru originally would right?

I assume this will run on potatoes?

So what, they're just going to replace a few graphics?

This is the fault of the autist from here who was manipulating the Resetera's retards. He decided to crusade against the game because the developers changed the look of Shelly.

>fucking bowling alley in heskels mansion

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I already pirated it lol

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Why don't you fags understand that 99 times out of 100 companies will cave? They don't want controversy and the PR headache the media will give them. If they didn't cave, they are staring down weeks of articles written about them from places like Kotaku and Polygon about how horrible they are. As much as you all don't want to admit it, places like Kotaku. Polygon, and even ResetERA still have substantial pull.

You can't change the look of a character who never had a defined appearance.

Shelly porn when?

Mostly because unlike Doom, Blood, Duke 3D, etc, enemies don't follow you accurately per-shot but instead just sorta spray with a slight delay to your position. They may hitscan, but they're Action Movie avoidable hitscans.

Bland, can't believe someone liked that gimmick.

So what is the purpose of this switch in the mech area of the GDF academy?

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Fuck off

I love Duke and Blood, but I'm finding this a bit boring desu, it's just not as satisfying shooting grey cyborgs and robots as it is pig-cops, cultists, zombies etc

No I didn't!!

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I wonder what would happen if a company just full on ignores a controversy. No comments, no tweets, no reactions. Nothing. Just business as usual.

Does this game have coop?

After playing halfway through the game I decided the game places below DN3D and Blood. It's still one of the best Build games, it's just very weak in terms of enemies. You fight the same predictable enemies over and over again, most of the enemies are functionally the same grunts. I don't feel the same magic I felt playing Dusk or Amid Evil.

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It would be funny if sales start to tank after this apology. Telling devs to stfu is one thing but censoring things already in game? Fuck off with that shit.

too fucking bad.
I'm going to refund the game now and will make sure to pirate every future thing by 3D Realms.
fuck these spineless cowards

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>Changing in-game stuff
That's a yikes from me dog

They donated 400 game copies worth of dollars to trannies

I hope paypigs are proud of themselves

I was considering it, but 20 dollars seemed excessive. Guess now I can pirate without guilt.

This is the kind of OST I could listen on the bus.

Aww, now I'm sad
I'm going to buy 4 of this game now

Because a lot of encounters in Ion Fury can be summed up as "hide behind a safe door or corner and then safely headshot enemies one by one". Often you're given a safe space which enemies can't reliably encroach upon while you're spamming Bowling Bombs around the corner or taking potshots. The problem is that this approach makes most encounters seem indistinguishable from eachother because you're often always applying the same solution, when being able to bottleneck all enemies completely nullifies the enemy placement that would make said encounter unique.

While you can say "then don't play like a bitch and get out there", the onus shouldn't be on the player to pretend they can't just hang back and safely shoot everything, it should be on the level to force you outside your comfort zone by putting you in sticky situations with no clear and safe way out. These do exist in Ion Fury, they're just in the minority.

One way they could've accomplished this is by adding in higher-tier time-restrictive enemies like the leaping Fiends or grenadiers more often. They are the type of enemies that you want to prioritize because they pose an immediate high-level threat to you. It's why you want to kill a Pain Elemental or Archvile ASAP because they'll pose a bigger threat in the long term if you don't take care of them immediately by getting out of your hidey hole. However, IF only gets any daring with them way too late into the game.

My brother by suicide

Nigga even games developed using Yea Forums as their test users take care not to call people niggers or fags. Normal people don't want to support that sort of thing, and like it or not, most gamers are normalfags.

>too expensive for the fucking FILE SIZE
this is a level of retarded you could only find here, holy fuck

Ion Maiden was a terrible name anyway

I do wonder how much of this is 3d realms forcing the devs rather than them saying this. The donation is a bit much too.

Look at what James did after making his Ghostbuster 2016 video. The media went at him hard, but he ignored them and continued living his live as usual. And what happened? They moved on and James was ultimately proven right.

Glad I pirated it.

The game is 95% positive on Steam after SJWs attempting to review bomb the game, the only people who gave a shit were here and TrannyEra, and the industry should really know by now that SJW types are a vocal minority and don't care about games anyway.

>If they didn't cave
If they'd just ignored the "controversy" nothing would happen. Kotaku might've made one article that would've preached to choir and the 95% of people that liked the game would shrug and continue to not give a single fuck.

Talk shit, get hit, I guess

Literally just era gave a shit about this. And yes the journalists who reported this shit are erafags too.

Can you refund the game on Steam even after 2 gameplay hours?

He's easy.

Era ain't small. I'm gonna be honest, I didn't know anything about this controversy until I read that article, so I'm willing to accept that it's a small controversy. But still, nobody wants to admit they don't believe in tranny rights unless they have Notch-tier fuckyou money.

It'd be based if it switches to overwhelmingly negative now.

>Moving forward, Voidpoint will institute a zero-tolerance policy for this type of language and all employees and contractors will undergo mandatory sensitivity training


>mandatory sensivity training
lmao, reeducation camps for not bowing down to the big gay soon

okay this is based

You can but it wont be automatic. you'd need the right support person and not have too much over it along with a legit reason.

We could've had dyke nukem
Why vros why

I thought you made this up but it's real. Lmao.

>dyke nukem

Okay, I actually read the Discord posts now, and most of 'em are just hating on SJWs. There are a couple of probably-transphobic comments, but desu they still have plausible deniability in them. I bet people are up in arms because the devs have clearly aligned themselves against SJWs in the culture war more than anything else.

>"Moving forward, Voidpoint will institute a zero-tolerance policy for this type of language and all employees and contractors will undergo mandatory sensitivity training. As part of our efforts to contribute to the work that must be done to further support these communities, we are donating $10,000 from Ion Fury's release day proceeds to The Trevor Project. We are also patching Ion Fury ASAP to remove all unacceptable language."

They're even giving trannies money to keep them quiet holy fucking shit what a bunch of fags

>a dev saying kids can't decide to be trans
>the same as filling your game with NIGGER FAG NIGGER FAG NIGGER FAG
Come on. Normal people might be turned off by the latter, but even if you show the tranny kid comment and say "this guy worked on this product" right into a normie's face they wouldn't care anywhere near as much.

read , I hadn't read the posts yet and foolishly took the article at face value.

holy based

I'm so disappointed in them.
Once again, these people win. You tell me to be quiet and ignore all this shit and this is what happens. Every single time people who choose to not speak up against it are ultimately screwed over and suffer from it.

Attached: compromise.png (593x202, 34K)

No, but multiplayer is planned.


Attached: jkj.jpg (880x676, 142K)

>be an edgy sperg
>go on and on about how you're fighting the good fight against the SJWs
>the SJWs don't like that
>instantly say you're sorry and give them ten thousand (10,000) burgerbucks
fucking based, spineless edgelords blown the fuck out

Ion Cucked (Formerly Fury)

The devs started it desu
That's what makes this so spineless. They started shit and keeled over the moment things went badly for them.

>we gamers are winning the culture war!!!
>amount of devs that didn't bow down to SJWs: 1 (KCD)

Theirs was the most reasonable one, too. They just didn't want to make their game historically innacurate. All the dumb shit like jumping on the back of trans rights movements got slapped down.

I bought this shit for the raunchiness not to have it taken out fuck these limp wristed sissy faggots

what scene was removed?

>mandatory sensivity training
absolute insanity. they are enabling, cowtowing and supporting mental illness

I encourage everyone who hasn't decided whether to buy this game or not to just pirate it. Fuck this loony shit.

Attached: sensitivity training for not wanting children to be abused.jpg (630x270, 17K)

i've greatly progressed in swapping all the voices in chapter 1 and almost all the random taunts of shelly by duke

i also deciphered how the code works so i was able to increase the frequency of one liners

If they can bitch to have content removed. Why cant we bitch to have it not removed?

AFAIK they just removed an easter egg which called someone a faglord

>Era ain't small
They couldn't pull enough onto their butthurt train to successfully review bomb a game with only 1600 total reviews. Recent reviews are still 94% positive. I'd be amazed if they had more active users than shitposters here. They make up a tiny fraction of any kind of audience the game could even hope to target.

kowtowing you ignorant anus

probably referring to the graphic and random black guys gangraping a woman that had no plot context or anything, just sorta happens for the sake of the author throwing in porn because he does porn. that or the lesbian threesome between Motoko and two others, but i'm gonna assume the former.

Guess I dodged a bullet by not buying it. The apology is bad enough but altering/removing content from the release version is some bullshit, no matter how minor or insignificant it might be. How hard is it to just ignore these fucking retards? Nothing is going to happen if they don't get their apology.

Attached: 1383279762321.jpg (640x480, 36K)

Yes I am this man's dad and he did not cheat

Because we are bigots and our bitching has no value whatsoever.

>mandatory sensitivity training
>we are donating $10,000 from Ion Fury's release day proceeds to The Tranny Project
>patching Ion Fury ASAP to remove all unacceptable language
wew lad, here's the gog release

Attached: 1517924747291.jpg (280x560, 47K)

People are frightened to disturb the viper's nest, user. These people will destroy you.

spineless cowards
where is link to pirated version?

>These people will destroy you
>implying Yea Forums hasn't ruined lives before


go tell it to resetera you spineless coward.

The autistic guy from the anti-Ion Fury crusade is from Yea Forums and he was determined to "destroy" the game because the devs made decisions that displeased him.
He tried to convince everyone at Yea Forums that it was an SJW game but no one gave a damn.
He then tried to convince the ResetEra guys that the game is anti-SJW and the retarded trannies bought his version.
The company now wants to donate money to the lobby that wants to normalize child genital mutilation.
If I ask for a refund, Yea Forums's autistic guy will have won.
What to do?

>finish area 1
>only 3/31 secrets found
who /brainlet/ here

Attached: 1554965576423.png (889x526, 141K)

Who cares dude? Good people get played all the time. Just try to get your money back before it goes to sickos if it hasn't already.


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the problem isn't resetera but that journalism is run by soibois, so they have 2 options:
1 the apologize
2 every game reviews site gives them 0/10 scores for being sexist cis scum

never because the guy that makes hdoom hasnt done shit for ages

refund, retardera boycott was pathetic and the "controversy" wasn't gaining traction
they caved in for no reason, fuck em, my money is not going to fund some tranny mutilitation lobby

dude sounds fucking based

I made that image but the user is right. The larger your resolution, the less the incorrectly scaled pixels will show up. A 2x2 pixel showing up as 2x1 is a huge difference compared to 16x16 showing up as 16x15.

What caused ResetEra to go up in arms anyway?

there is a 2nd one on the other side

I deleted the game since I can't refund it, but I'm never buying anything from that pathetic assholes

I'm pro-tranny but I'm pirating anyway because I'm Jewish

Deleting the game won't change anything if you can't refund it, just play it with silent protagonist on to skip the cringy lines

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>all employees and contractors will undergo mandatory sensitivity training
I love modern society!

Attached: whoo.gif (123x136, 87K)

Theyre only taking out the OGAY shit they got called on

Ghostbusters reference?

I don't even want to play it now, don't want anything to do with them. I mean FUNDING the child mutilation program. Wew. gg retards

did 3Drealms really decide to donate?


Are they gonna get rid of that line now as well?

They committed the ultimate sin, they voiced an unfavorable opinion on their discord server. There were also a few minor jokes/easter eggs that they had a problem with.

According to the PCGaymer article, yeah. 10k of the money they earned from release.