Do you play switch on the toilet?

do you play switch on the toilet?

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that is the only time i play it in handheld mode

everytime i shit!

but i had to stop because i was developing cysts from sitting on the toilet for too long

I'm on the toilet right now, but I don't own the switch. I have bad trapped gas.


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>i have pretty games
who on earth buys a game for its graphics, let alone a switch game?

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>Snoynyggers strawman are all just about graphics not a single one about gameplay

>can't tear yourself away from bing bing wahoo for 30 seconds to take a shit
Toilet is reflection time

That would be shower

Shitendies can't do that.

how do you cope with the loneliness?

nintendo players dont go to the toilet though. They just shit themself like we always see at smash tournaments

why am I not surprised

why do you need to do anything on the toilet? Am i the only one who shits their entire load down the loo in under 2 minutes?

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if you've got enough time to play a game on the toilet change your fucking diet you fat fuck.

if you are just sitting there for extended periods of time instead of wiping your ass and getting the fuck out of there, enjoy your hemorrhoids!

doing anything on the toilet is the dumbest shit evet

takes me at least 30 minutes to strain it all out

no because I don't have 3 hands

I've played it during sex before. Long story.

you should try not being so fat

you can stream ps4 to win10 (and sony smartphones)
that's how I play in bed

most people have a really shitty diet and spend half their day on the toilet

Switch belongs in the toilet

i hope you wipe thoroughly

i've found that...unless my asshole bleeds, then there's still some poop to clear from my butt.

I see faggots talking about how they play their switch on the toilet but do people really do that? Why does it take you so long to shit that you can play a video game while doing it? At most it should only be like 1 minute. Also it’s fucking disgusting to use electronics while taking a shit.

>tfw have great diet but spend long time on the shitter anyway because intestinal problems
A-at least it makes it less likely I'll get hemorrhoids

is that self diagnosed? because then your diet might not be as great as you think
and spending a long time on the toilet is the #1 reason for hemorrhoids

Hey guys its me again, It wasn't trapped gas at all. It was horrendous diarrhea and I'm currently shitting out shit water.

Eat more fibre, lose weight

now post the original

>loses connection

shit some in a glass and taste it

Gooseneck tablet holder, while lying on your back, is the only correct way to play the Switch.

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It's a sonyfag thing.

I flushed the toilet after taking a switch

I only shit once a week (had that problem since I was 5 or so and tried everything to fix it) so I often sit on the toilet for more than an hour.

There's something uniquely pathetic and unsettling about this.

I eat a lot of fiber, veggies and quality grains.
It's just that I always had runny shits, from childhood when I ate like a pig, through late teen /fit/ard phase, till now that I'm finally eating more greens than animal proteins.

Do you have your PS4 in the toilet?

Keep playing at your desk then. Enjoy your hunchback posture and nerd neck, incel.

Would it be better if it was a ps4?

I get it, but it somehow feels defeatist to not have to get out of bed even if it's only for something as simple as video games.

Yes. PLaying a game and not stopping to go to the shitter is max comfy

If you actually cared about graphics you'd get a PC

You have a shit taste in games user.

That's what the gym is for. In any case, since I started playing that way my back pain has reduced greatly.

>nd spending a long time on the toilet is the #1 reason for hemorrhoids
Why do you make up bullshit?

its the holes in the bed frame
that and he can't be bothered to lay on his belly

hell yeah, i do.

Why do people ignore that the psp performed all the functions and features of the switch better than the switch did? Was it just that sony didn't even mention all the features? When sony steals nintendos wagglan its unbelievable when the switch is just nintendo stealing snoy ideas for gamecube tech its so innovative and amazing.

Or just lie in bed and hold the thing like a normal person

>Using electronics on the toilet
What is it with Nintendies and taking every chance they can to prove they're subhumans?

Because it didn't do any of them better, retard.

That still bends your back, and it's not as comfortable.

It takes me 30 seconds

PSP wasn't the first handheld with video out. The Switch is the first handheld with a software mode for TV out.

You can't play bing bing wahoo though so it doesn't make my mouth into the big mouth. Yeah, it does have almost the entirety of the switch's library since it is 90% indies, but that doesn't matter because it doesn't have asscreed with a zeldor skin.

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you must have a really loose bum. Too much rough fun from daddy?

Why not get a proper arm?

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You might be eating something that your stomach can't handle, as I'm getting older I get worse shits when eating beans and drinking milk, maybe you just don't notice and eat something hard to digest
It is, I had hemorrhoids before and my doctor told me the same, sitting a long time on the toilet is how you get hemorrhoids, unless you're a gay dude because then obviously there's a different cause

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>Why do people ignore that the psp performed all the functions and features of the switch better than the switch did
Because it didn't, remote play was horribly limited on top of the frequent connection loss. Then you had to buy the cable to connect to the TV separately and because it was proprietary it was expensive for an incredibly long time.
Even then it was incredibly awkward to play.

Seems like overkill.

I like to sit and relax and just let the shit come out on its own. No stress, just relaxing while I read a few pages of a book. Reading a page of 1001 Nights every time I take a dump now, Chanticleer is the wisest character.

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I emulate dr mario (nes) on my phone when I take a shit.
I do it on purpose to accelerate the process and build a neural path by associating "dr mario" with "shitting", thus allowing me to control the movement of my bowel, for instance to preemptively empty it before a long trip / flight and such.

I have other ROMs but I rarely to never play those.

lol who the fuck buys a PlayStation for graphics? Lmao

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based snoy

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Damn nice, would suck if you actually like dr. mario though and want to play it without taking a shit.

Reminds me of my going into games machine

Too bad GTAV will pretty much look like crap in motion no matter what, due to the lack of temporal AA.

>Halves the framerate
>Input lag


you said #1 you moron. shitting for a long time might be supporting it but its definitely not the #1 cause
>literal hemorrhoid ass
get rekt faggot


Uh no it has meme AA on the pc

>lol who the fuck buys a PlayStation for graphics?
Unfortunately almost everyone who bought a ps4.

It is the #1 reason, stop being a whiny bitch if you don't know what you're talking about

How you faggots play shit on the toilet?
I never take more than 5 minutes shitting, and thats when its those really dry shits

Eat more fibers you fucking americans

This is /v not /b

If you have a vita you can play PS4 on the toilet

The nice thing about using a hacked Vita to stream PC games is you can get rid of the input lag by disabling vsync, and then it will have the same input lag as the PS4 about. Plus you get 60 fps. Plus, gyro aiming.

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No one has a Vita

It's your reply

>Playstation 4 claiming it has games


Yeah, you can play the game of tossing your useless console in the toilet, which is just about the most fun you can have with a PS4.

Change the podium numbers to #2 and #3

No one owns a Vita. Plus that feature was just Sony stealing Innovatingâ„¢ from the Wii U anyway.

>for its graphics
literally the only reason you like nintendo games is because they are heavily polished and brightly colored, there are thousands of games with better gameplay than what nintendo puts out

I hope everything went ok for you user and you got out of the bathroom safe.

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It really isn't. It can be placed anywhere and doesn't wobble.

PC isn't even competing with consoles

>i have games
>i have pretty

>literally the only reason you like nintendo games is because they are heavily polished and brightly colored
Said no one ever. Hell there still isn't a platformer with mechanics like a modern Mario game.

It's an objectively better way to play videogames, or watch a screen in general. Strap some weights on your legs and do some exercise if it feels too much like slacking, but sitting at chair is guaranteed to be worse for your neck and back, and shoulders too unless you're playing with the split joycons.

>literally the only reason you like nintendo games is because they are heavily polished and brightly colored,
Actually I've been saying for years that Nintendo needs to go back to the kinds of atmospheres they had in games on the N64.
They used to have this really interesting juxtaposition of eerie realism merged with cartoony styles, lots of hard lighting with dark shadows too.

Their newer games feel too bright and clean, almost clinical. They used to be much more aesthetically interesting when it had that contrast between the characters and the environment.

Yeah right Nintendofag, n64 was just as babby tier as it is now. Go suck on your toddlerbottle.

I'm prone to constipation but it's rare that i spent more than 2 minutes shitting
Sometimes i just take my phone, open up Youtube but before i can play a video i've already finished my business.

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>those games
>that thumb
>owning a Vita

No, because I only take one huge shit right before I shower. So theres no point in playing right after I wake up and hop into the shower.

Silver will always be the best color for handhelds.

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Right sorry
Shit some in a glass and taste it, semenbrain

>these fucking unhealthy fags
If you don't shit in less then 10 seconds, you need to change your life style.

How do you get a clean wipe, Yea Forums?

It only takes me 20 minutes to finish pooping but it takes another 25-30 minutes to clean my ass, because there's always big bits of shit left on my ass after I'm finished.

>20 minutes


In your case just use a bidet or jump inside a bath and wash your ass that way

He wasn't talking about the Joycons

>being on the toilet more than 30 seconds
Lmao enjoy your hemmorrhoids

If you haven't invested in a bidet yet, you have no idea what you're missing. Nothing like having a squeaky clean asshole after you take a shit. Something like this would probably be good:

Attached: bidet.jpg (1000x1000, 53K)

> I have pretty games
>I have games
>implying that 99% of the PS4 library aren't just 8 hour movies with an occasional jigsaw puzzle

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Honestly this
It can help you get over constipation too, just fill your bum with water and flush those stubborn logs out in seconds

If you have roids get one of these

>it's a toilet thread

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I actually do.


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I play it everywhere. Even took it to a restaurant with me but the people I was with got really pissed off so I probably won't be doing that again. Why are people so damn inconsiderate?

Yes. I play Tetris 99 while I shit.

you motherfuckers are getting fecal matter on your consoles and phones.

>there are thousands of games with better gameplay than what nintendo puts out
What game did exploration better than BOTW? Platforming better than Odyssey? Arcade tennis than Tennis Aces? Open world jRPG as fresh as Xenoblade 2? All games do these days is push for realism, only way you can get some good arcade experience is when some indie dev by chance does a good game, which happens maybe 1 in a 100. Nintendo are like indie devs, but with actual AAA polish and money. Shame Sony shows they could do the same, which Astro Boy clearly shows, but they give no fucks about competing in that field and would rather never use the word fun.

You get fecal matter in your mouth when someone farts

Fecal matter is on every surface on earth
Get over it princess


Switchlite worth it for someone wanting a handheld? Switch itself doesn’t interest me but handheld version seems alright.

I hate thinking about this when someone farts.

>You get fecal matter in your mouth when someone farts
Really? That's hot.

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Does that arm have one of those ball socket joints for holding the tablet mount?

I've been looking for a strong arm with a ball socket joint on its end for a while to use with my WiiU tablet. I have the mount adapter for it but I've never been able to find a tripod with a ball socket joint to use it with.

Quick question what do you think that smell is?

Is this a fart for ants?

didnt know that I could bring my PSP to other peoples places and play partygames on it

>the psp performed all the functions and features of the switch better than the switch did?
Christ man, I love my PSP and from what I've played of my Switch I think it's good, but you're just delusional.

What is this a fart for ants?

It just removes crucial features for a marginal price cut. I'd just buy a Switch without a dock myself.

Akshuly, vast majority of the smell is from gases, not "shit".
Fecal matter would be shit like volatile fatty acids.

Either way, it kinda misses the point of disgust with shit.
Shit is disgusting because our ancestors got parasites/diseases when they interacted with it. Farts don't transmit those unless it's something stupid like sharting at someone point blank.

i thought farts were just really smelly air due to the fact that it comes out of the same place where you poop, not because you actually drop something a little more chunky within that air.

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Why can't we just like things and be happy we can all find a common joy in video games without fighting.

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Because Yea Forums is le edgy and muh freeze peach.
If you aren't a jackass, then muh resetera and reddit.

This would turn me crazy. I need the bottom of the screen to point towards the ground.

shit girl
we are not nice because we don't get traced via usernames, so shit we say on one day doesn't follow over to the next

nice people go to reddit, or tumblr. Mean people get stuck on Yea Forums or become mean due to spending too much time in Yea Forums.

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I think you mean toilet time is browsing Yea Forums time ;)

It wouldn't be CO2 or Methane, they're odorless. Yeah a good portion might be H2S but H2S by itself smells distinctly different than a fart.
Smell is detected by particles. Your logic is sound, but that very logic is exactly how you can deduce shit particles come out when you fart, because it is NECESSARY for those smelly things to enter your nose to detect them in the first place. Air could come out of a sterile room or a sewer but it smells exactly the same no matter what, unless some other substance is in it.

t. SJW/"semenbrain"

But I'm a nice person and not a jackass to other anons yet I've only ever browsed Yea Forums because I get annoyed by the people on nearly every other website I visit.

>snoyfag can only boast about graphics
Every time.

>Literally the only reason you like Ninty is because of the aesthetic

I’m not gonna say that’s not part of the reason, but I also like playing the games as well. It’s stupid to say that Nintendo games (as broad as that statement is) only have good art styles going for them in the same way it’s stupid to write of games on Sony consoles because they have cutscenes or something.

>Yeah a good portion might be H2S but H2S by itself smells distinctly different than a fart.
Thiols, furans etc.
Gaseous sulfur compounds

>trying to attack two opposite sides at once, hoping to get at least one hit
>still manage to miss
How pathetic

>but i had to stop because i was developing cysts from sitting on the toilet for too long
I get cysts in my ass all the time despite only shitting for like 1 or 2 minutes
Like, I have a cyst all the time, whenever one goes away another one appears immediately after taking a shit. No idea why this exists. At least they aren't annoying.

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>There are thousands of games

Definitely not thousands, but they do exist, and I play them in conjunction with Nintendo games.
Why should I have to choose between A Hat in Time and Super Mario Odyssey?

I will never understand people who think Nintendo has top tier gameplay. That hasn't been true since the SNES. Other people do it better.


>attack two opposite sides
SJW's and people who say semenbrain are on the same side, guy. The other day someone got upset that an MMO thread was made with a sexy picture of a blood elf. He entered the thread, and DEMANDED that the thread be remade - and went so far as to insult the OP for daring to use a suggestive picture, attemping to shame him and make him feel bad for using it. You're that type of guy. Hell, you may as well have been that very guy. Don't try to hide it and greentext a deflection.

metokur Nintendo coverage starting soon

that's actually very interesting. Ty for your reply

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>places that literally start hate fueled witch hunts to get people fired
>nice people

I just play my 3ds

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>places that literally start hate fueled witch hunts to get people fired

because Yea Forums has NEVER done anything like that before on a much grander scale.

name five such cases

Im with you my honorary nigga

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It hasn't. Gamergate was a big scandal, but they were right - the only problem was they were full of autists making death threats and shit, causing them to lose any semblence of PR. Undoubtedly also an overreaction but again - they were still right.
Very fundamentally different than what your favorite site does.

Well yeah shit belongs in the toilet

Yea Forums is literally known for doxing and harassing and provoking the harassment of very vulnerable children, or vulnerable adults. Autistic people are usually their prime target.

no case I see
thank you user

>autists talking about Yea Forums going up in arms about nothing
>remember tortanic
>google ding dong bannu
>gamefaqs thread with someone asking about it circa 2012
>skim thread
>see pic related
This shit still makes me giggle like a little schoolgirl, even 7 years later.

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That's from techsavvybuyer isn't it

Making fun of people is what Yea Forums does. Very fundamentally different than what your favorite site does. You have yet to prove me wrong.

i just tried not being such a fucking loser i guess

chans are literally the hotbed of doxing harassment and streamed suicides. Please don't play dumb

Other than the fact that it's very funny you're lumping in streamed suicides into going up in arms by emotionally-fueled judgmentalism, you still generally have zero idea what you're talking about.

lol, can noghandposter be stopped?

Nintendo's games just don't appeal to me, and I still feel burnt about buying a wii u and then having them announce a new console out of nowhere like 2 months later.

I like it, but since I play it every day on the can anyway it's alright. The added endorphin rush from shitting helps with the game satisfaction.


How is that any different that twitter or facebook?

list five examples

dont be ignorant, zoe quinn and her faggot friends made those death threats up.
just like when phil fish claimed that his site was hacked which ended up being bullshit.


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because anonymity, or the illusion of anonymity and usually zero accountability

Not him but there was Chris-chan and Gamergate. Those are the only two things I can think of. There's been a few streamed suicides, there was a guy from /r9k/ who got doxxed and shot himself in the head with a shotgun because I guess he didn't want his friends and family to know he was a sissy or something.

>do you play switch on the toilet?

That might be true, I didn't follow too closely to the whole ordeal. I just know that Gamergate lost due to pure emotional response - not necessarily on their part, but on literally everyone else's part.

>video games
Sony has no video games dude.

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Other than the fact that that's still extremely different from using your emotion to fuel empty hate to harm others, the doxxing and harassment shit still happens even without the anonymity - constantly. Much more so, and more frequently, than on Yea Forums. All the time.

BASED. Literally made me laugh out loud user.

it was an embarassing shitshow on both sides but ultimately the journos lost way more than anybody else. their clique got exposed and they are butthurt to this day blaming gamergate for anything when that label has been dead for years.

You're right, every other platformer has long since surpassed it and left it in the dust.

yet another switch hate thread

How on earth did you get the input lag to be low enough to actually play a twitch game like Fortnite?

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>Yea Forums is literally known for doxing and harassing and provoking the harassment of very vulnerable children, or vulnerable adults
Not really. The only real case of getting someone fired was the foot lettuce guy.

Name one.

i only play handhelds in bed before sleep and on the airplane


>b-but on the go!1 yippie!!1!!
This is so true.

Not with those controls.

You need to eat more fiber. If your shit is amorphous, soft and sticky it's because your diet is too high on fat and low on fiber.

Portability is the main draw of the Switch.

>the psp performed all the functions and features of the switch better than the switch did?

>tank controls in a platformer
>being better than buttery smooth 3D Mario movement which was done in the same console generation

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I mean, the PSP was and is a wonderful console but I don't see where the Switch is copying from it beyond being buffed.

Nintendies get their moms to wipe their ass too

No i browse Yea Forums

How comes I only use my Vita on the toilet then?

Yes, from time to time. Even while taking a bath.

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Yes, but Nintendo still does it good.

>I only shit once a week

Why do you think it's a problem?

People who care about the "video" part of video games

>Playing docked
>suddenly urge to poop
>Undock the switch and take with me to the bathroom
>Keep playing
>Finish,Wash my hands, dock the switch again and continue playing.

>has to use mgs because no MH on vita