Imagine missing out on the greatest game of the century just to sound special and anti culture

Imagine missing out on the greatest game of the century just to sound special and anti culture

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't like shooters

I played it a couple of times. I'm not missing out on shit by not playing it any more. It's a garbage game for idiots.

If you really think about it, Fortnite is the Super Mario Bros of this generation

Played it for a while back when it was big. I remember when tilted towers came out and how exciting it was. I stopped playing around the time they added gokarts, I just got bored.

>be boomer
>be bad at game
>don't want to improve because it takes effort
>say game is bad
this is the average Yea Forumsirgin mindset

But the greatest game is the game of life, and i don't mean that shit on /tg/

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I tried it honestly don't like the building aspect of it. PUBG is better but it's not f2p so it lost the popularity contest.

i don't like BRs in general.

I don't like multi-player games.

There was a time I enjoyed it. Before people became super crazy with building. I appreciate the skill that building takes. Its some crazy high apm when done right but its just not for me. And getting dumpstered by people who are really good at it isnt fun so yea. Its the same reason I dont play fighters. Im just bad at them so its not that fun for me.

Is Epic the most Chad dev?

>shits out updates faster than anyone
>releases sexy skins for $$$, doesn't care about feminists or SJW
>puts mechs in their game before Apex does
>tells reddit to deal with it after they demand to have the mechs removed

I prefer PUBG for the first person and no building.

honestly yes. They continue to push the game in the direction they want based on their own vision for the game and what they believe is fun. If they had listened to reddit I think the game wouldnt be half as successful as it is now.

Who does everyone main in fortnite?

i mainly play as Lynx or Rox

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Any one who builds when being shot at is a coward.

Seeing people say that speed building as soon as shot is fired is how you play the game - thats coward talk for 'I'm scared to face others in gun fights'.

Imagine being such a poorfag obsessing over a f2p game. No money chico?

Be honest with me, how much lesbian porn is there of the sexy fortnite girl skins? Lesbian porn is the only kind that gets me off.

The game was fun when it first came out. Where people didn't build an autistic tower 100ft high in two seconds just to edit a window, shoot you through it, and edit it back in less than a second.

Building should have a stock system. You can build around 10-15 walls/stairs at once before you have to let it restock a charge. This would make building something to give you a quick advantage not some autistic buildfest with guns.

Thats the one reason why I cant fucking get into this game.
Open fire on someone and they just pull up 20 walls and stairs in a second with all their autistic hotkeys.

It's boring tho

Team fortress grapics

>I don't think he plays Fortnite.
>But he said he plays games
>He plays games, but he doesn't play Fortnite?

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I just don't care anymore. I'm old.

Next year I'll play cyberpunk 2077 and probably nothing else.

All the sweaty shitty cowards complaining about the brutes because their builds get destroyed in seconds is hilarious.

I hope they keep brutes in the game forever, or expand tilted town to the whole island.

I regret not playing more at BR launch and not buying the battle pass for season 2 & 3

Brute Gunner for me

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the gameplay is objectively horrible tho

I thought this was a kids game

I played the BR gamemode day of release, me and a couple friends won our 3rd or 4th match and I uninstalled it the next day, terrible shooting mechanics to the point where skill is barely involved.
Redownloaded the game on mobile when it was released just to see what it was like, everyone just builds instead of fighting.

Genuinely one of the worst BR games

It's boring and the construction side of it is the only thing that's keeping it afloat. Without that it's just a bad shooter.

That and memes.

lol no

this game has GUNS, modeled after REAL guns

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It's the only thing saving kids from becoming trannies and fags by putting them on the pure path of being straight

I didn't enjoy the shooting enough to get good at the building so I dropped it. If building didn't comprise half the game then I would actually enjoy it.

>imagine playing something for the sole reason that everyone else is doing it
I'm sorry, i grew out of peer pressure in middle school.

it's unironically a really bad game though

I like it's artstyle. It's not the overdesigned, boring Blizzard-like style you see in OW or Paladins. It has a kinda popculture/hip/comic feel to it.

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>popculture/hip/comic feel
Probably because all it does is leech off of pop culture to make skins

die shill

I'm here for robutts, post robutts.

Those game modes are pure dog shit.

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Using Ice King ever since I unlocked him.

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>They continue to push the game in the direction they want based on their own vision for the game and what they believe is fun.
So they're focusing on the original PvE fortnite?

Too much of a boomer to learn the building stuff. Honestly the game looks really fun though but it's too late for me.

I don't play multiplayer games. Never did. If I wanted to interact with other people I wouldn't have gotten into video games as a kid in the first place.

>Good skin
>it's ruined with some shit
Like every skin from fortnite.

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Woah, that's my wife! How did you get this picture, retard?

This one, it's not too bright so it's hard to notice by enemy players.

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>UT4 died for this

Why is he black and red if he's the ice king?
Also christ what an edgelord


I really dislike the building aspect

I just don't like battle royal user

Not even my nephew's play this shit and they're 12

>wear this skin
>be sneaky and scare your opponents with it

seriously what the fuck were they thinking

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I was super into it for exactly 3 days then realized its the same thing every match


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I choose to ignore it all. It's better for my mental health.

>Weapon bloom
I have zero reasons to play the game.

Kids' media has been stuffed full of fetish content for the last decade or so.

I have never even played the game, but all I can see is that you are complaining about something that is part of the game and you can't deal with it.
Sounds more like you're the little bitch here.

I wonder how many anons really stopped playing video games after finishing MGS5 like so many claimed thatthey would before release.

>using bloom instead of accuracy
Child detected

I got Skull Trooper when it was released and now when I wear it in squads kids give me all their items and healing because I'm an "OG". They also make sure to actually follow and listen to my pings/orders.

I like skirt Rox and Power Chord more than it so I use em pretty often though.

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No....fuck fortnite and fuck battle Royale genre and mode as a whole.


Imagine being so addicted to a shit game you have to seek validation on a zimbabwean mosquito enthusiast forum.

I just genuinely do not like the building. I know it requires some skill to shit out towers instantly, but it just annoys me when I get into a fight and they immediately have a fortress and gain 3-4 tiers of highground within seconds.
Which is a shame, because the level of care the devs give fortnite is amazing. Big events, constant updates, and big game changers every season. I just don't like the building at a high level

I can't bring myself to care for multiplayer shooters

>Only pick up shotguns while only doing ramp rushes and 90s
>Brute shoots missiles at you before it divekicks you
Are ARs and miniguns dead or non-meta to tryhards and sweats?

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i stopped playing when they removed titty jiggle
i expect a basic level of realism in my games, and naturally moving body parts is one such expectation

>I have never even played the game

>I don't play the game
>gonna call someone a bitch for actual complaints about the game


You called those who use a feature that is part of the game a coward.
No other way to see it than you being a little bitch about it. Learn to deal with it if you don't want to be seen as such.

>starts out as a shitty PVE pay-to-play pay-to-win game
>decides to do the FFA thing but for many peoples at once like that one battlegrounds game
>kills Paragon and Unreal Tournament (actually good games) with it's raking in dumb kid money
>greatest anything of the century

I played enough of it. I'm sure it's still the same shit.

what does that even mean?

Yes the last one of their kind, but also the strongest one, the epic century powered by unreal will purge the sjw faggotry soon.

Once I rise to power, I will execute anyone who has ever played Fortnite.

i prefer the silver tbqh

they are still good just not at close range
good to jam into the person's face but you run the risk of geting 200 headshoted

>Yea Forums unironically embraces Fortnite now
After fawning over Halo and CoD, this is a new low. I don't think this one will be beaten anytime soon.

i might give it a try if they make a building autism free mode

>Takes money that supported their fort builder single player mode and releases free battle royal open to anyone
>takes money from popular battle royal and tries to compete with Steam
>Constantly release skins and cosmetics
>Never finish game and is still in early access to this day
Thanks gamers. You enabled something worse than EA

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Why are you people like this? Genuinely curious. You can like multiple games and game types you know? I like quake, doom, etc, old games. But I also like halo and certain CoDs. I also like pubg and rainbow 6, and so on. Thats just shooter, not counting all the other genres and games I like.

Why are you so absolutely 100% assblasted because people like some other game? How much of a cry baby can you be?

I main my wife

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I was gonna try it out when I got a Switch but I heard it's only "free" to play and has microtransattions out the ass and NOPED. I tried another game called Realm Royale or some shit to see what this battle royale stuff is all about but my experience was so fucking boring and unsatisfying that it killed all my interest in the genre.


I honestly couldn't get into it because of the building aspect, It just slows shit down too much for me to enjoy it.

I think I would actually have liked it if this wasn't the case.

shut up /pol/tard, the game is more polished than anything else

2/10. Apply yourself

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i would play for that outfit

>early access to this day
literally every game nowadays

>pepe and fries
>not pepe and tendies
>not even apu and tendies, the least reddit option of the two
Fucking normies had one job.

ironic shilling is still shilling kids.

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It’s just not my type of game. I also don’t like a lot of the disingenuous and paid marketing behind it. Call me stupid, but I’m betting the game has peaked at this point and it’ll be downhill from here.

why does fortnite have so much great asses?
do people make SFM or what?

imagine still playing a ded game

>shot someone
>He builds a replica of the Empire state

I like the artstyle , it's like Battlefield heroes. I still think if Battlefield Heroes was released today it would be huge. Damn I miss that game.

Wow, you spoiled a movie i would never want to see.

Is this fucking real?

Is Save the World free yet?

wait, does this shit have a lore?

lmao spike dies

thats clearly a SFM model with Fortnite skin put on top of it like a shell in case you cant tell.

also SFM stuff looks like dogshit 99% of the time lets not kid ourselves.

who is spike

The game is - and I mean this in all honesty - far too hard for me to handle. The skill ceiling is higher than fucking Quake.

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literally more than Overwatch

There's a story each season

it does look dogshit but its the only way to find decent animated shit with sound

and i thought it was just random models for the lulz
whats the story about anyways?

Who is spike?

basically it boils down to spacial and time distortion

Games going in the shitter real quick. First it was minor building nerfs, but now they are wholesale adding items that trump the core gameplay. The mech is the beginning of the end of this game, dont tell /fng/ though.

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>run around the same small map in a cartoon world with tens of twelve year olds, only one game mode

Someone explain the appeal of this game to me, I don't get it.

time warp or something like that.

Fortnite isn't necessarily a bad game and I do not like it, but I literally hate the building shit.

I know this is often said, but it really kills it for me. It's almost comical when I rarely watch a pro or a youtuber play it, and they're doing BR stuff, "oooohh look at this sick loot, I'n ready to go woo hoo", to as soon as you see an enemy two fucking massive towers start going up. It's a comedy sketch.

Like I get the nuances and the skill and speed, reactions and stuff to win a build off, getting above and cutting there way up to maintain high ground and be more advantageous. But I jate it and won't ever try to play again.

my GF's nephews play this game
they're 5 and 13
Top notch game

There is multiple game modes, including a campaign of sorts and a creative building mode. In addition, the audience is everyone of all ages.

I'm like except I actually bothered to learn how to build. It took a long time and I still feel like I'm shit but everytime I jump into Practice mode I learn something new.

I have a new strategy for countering someone pushing into your box. Edit a triangle upper left corner and place a trap on the ceiling. The positioning required is very flexible. It's just a matter of practice until you can pull it off very fast

i tried to git gud at fast building but goddamn its tiring as hell.
i just hope future shooters doesn't use this mechanic

As long as it makes reddit seethe, the mech is okay in my book. It’s a nice change of pace since Epic likes to suck reddits dick all the time.

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>yet another third person shooter battle royale
i'm missing out for sure

>Imagine making threads like this where you shill fortnite because you know everyone on Yea Forums hates it as you pretend to be playing 18th Dimension Inception Chess by pretending to go counter culture by shilling the game everyone hates by blaming the haters for goibg counter culture.

TLDR It's not clever, just stupid.

Same here. I actually think that it has some cool ideas, especially the idea of seasonally changing single map is great for keeping the game fresh in the long run, but I just can’t stand building aspect of it. I’ve tried all of the most popular BR games, and the metagame revolving around building towers is easily the worst shit I’ve experienced in the genre, it’s just not for me.

Super Mario Bros literally saved the video game industry
what did Fortnite do other jewing little kids from their parent's money?

>only decent girl in the entire game
>next to no porn
The shit taste extends even to wanking material.

My god i wanna fuck that model

The only good thing about Fortnite is the porn. I'm not missing out on the porn if I don't play the game.

I can't believe how many idiots fell for the fake marketing by Epic. Think about it. This game is supposedly YUGE, millions of players all day.
Yet there barely ANY porn at all, where Overwatch literally drowns in it. Fucking Apex has more porn.
Fake stats. This game is fucking dead and was never popular.

are you telling me you haven't watched Cowboy Bepop

Sorry white boy she's made for BBC only

It's fucking boring that's why I don't play it.

>of the century
but I already played Minecraft, it's pretty good

Fortnite is the spitting image of focus-group-tested mediocrity marketed towards people with absolutely zero taste, ie. children. I suppose if it has a redeeming quality it's that it's free, but that's never a selling point unless you're some third world favela monkey or a poor college student.

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People that admit to having jerked off to this are braver than marines.

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No. The pepes are shooped

Woah epic bro, he can coordinate with his friends. Sick gameplay.

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>This game is supposedly YUGE, millions of players all day.
>where Overwatch literally drowns in it
where are those millions of OW players you speak of? game's deader than my grandmother

Did they copy Card Captor Sakura? That's her iconic outfit. She should be in jail.

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kys cum and brain, fortnite is too pure for faggotry

I tried playing it a few times and it was boring as shit

I have no idea what the fuck is going on

No they are not zoombrain


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Only 12 year olds play that faggy shit, go be a homo somewhere else

>win first every fortnite BR match
>feel nothing
I just want one of these games where every map isn't a huge open space
I'd like some verticality in my 100-man death match

>SMB saved the video game industry
You're a retard if you actually believe that

The girls have noce hips and asses though

More like Fortnite doesn't need because Fortnite players are chads who have gfs and fuck them every day

solo duos or squads?

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I was actually on black ops 2 and battlefield 3 when i was 12

>brainless shooter you can play on an Ipad
>game of the century

>fortnite is pure faggotry

Hello friend, tried it but didn't like the whole building, run from scape zone thing

Kudos to people who enjoy it

I just don't find it fun man

Didn't they remove jiggle physics because SJWs whined?

only pedos play childrens games. this includes the children.

Nice ass

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Vintage Penny

One of the female skins had unintentional tit jiggling and was removed i still miss it...

Why you started this thread with completely unrelated pic?

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>greatest game
i love the fact that Fortnite holds many normies widerange
we do need some sewage for kids

The only people who hate on Fortnite are GROWN ass boomers who STILL play video games and STILL expect the devs to target them, when in reality nobody fucking cares what some balding loser likes to play and keep making FUN games for KIDS and TEENS instead.

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>muh Reddit

Leave it on /fng/, here on Yea Forums we traffic in skill.

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Nice spacing, clown.

Only pedos browse a site for young people

Do I look like a weeb? I don't want to see some ugly brown kid playing on his computer.

>i like playing with children
agreed, good thing 4channel is 18+ only right?

Prove him wrong.

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>little zoomer doesn't know

How do you guys feel about season x? The mechs are shit sure, but goddamn does it make builders seethe.

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Already played Resident Evil 4 & Shadow of the Colossus

>i like playing with children
It was made for children.

Satan. There's a cube that landed during a lightning strike and is the root cause of all temporal distortion that has hapoened in the game since, including multiple events where players were teleported to another "dimension". You can fight his envoy in the story mode.

And you all missed this because you were afraid of zoomies.

are you a child?

Because unless you have friends to play it with, you're at the mercy of being randomly paired with literal 12 year olds who will screech in their microphone, and the fact that there's no ranking system means that one moment you could be fighting against a potato and the next you're getting rolled by Ninja and the Stream Squad.

Plus the whole building aspect is annoying as shit and I don't want nor care to learn it.

>Prove him wrong
The game industry never stopped being healthy outside of America
>little zoomer doesn't know
>little burger is a retard

lmfao is this real I'm downloading it rn

I've tried it and would probably play it just as a casual shooter if not for the awful building shit. In a game that already has a high TTK I don't want some nigger to be able to instantly build a wall that blocks my bullets after I start shooting at him.

Not to mention I've seen clips of what constitutes high-level pro strats in this game: chasing enemies through instant spam-built autism labyrinth towers. That doesn't seem fun at all.

People who still play mario and some other Nintendo games look like this

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Zoomers play this while millennials fuck your cute zoomer girls

Shit taste

Industry secret, Blizzard contracted most of the original runs of porn. It was their form of advertising.

Different user, I just really don't like battle royale but this seems legitimately interesting

I don't normally play it yet I don't hate it. but my cousin plays it and sometimes he asks me to play together which I oblige.

The fuck you talking about? I don't look like Jonah Hill.

maybe when they make stw free, like they fucking promised a year ago

What the fuck are you talking about retard

No. And nowhere in my post I said I play Fortnite, it never look appealing to me. But I see how it can be incredibly fun for kids and how pathetic it looks when some 20 somethings on Yea Forums has a mental breakdown everytime Fortnite is mentioned.

>makes builders seethe
you mean everyone? The game is built around building, anyone who doesn't build is just a retard.
I don't care about mechs, season X is disappointing because they didn't add any cool new areas

i wasn't much of a fan of building and i learned to counter build fags with nades, bounce nades and heavy sniper + sniper combo.
Tilted town is by far my favorite addiction, a no build area were i dominate just about everyone i meet.

You wish

stupid and ignorant pedo then.

>being this new

Fucking newfags thinking a space equals Reddit. Its for visual clarity, you agrammatical nonce.


millennials flip my burgers

Its going to kill the game. People like you dont actually play, you take screenshots of skins and post them in the general all day.

Or maybe I just think the game is shit and I don't like it.

Greentext is a different color for a reason, moron. In general you don't extra visual clarity on top of that, particularly not for a post with only three lines of text.
Full and complete take on everything
If you wanna quick read

The redditor is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a faggot, a retard, a newfag, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call out his spacing and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: I've been found out.

mlp fag

Thanks for the lesson, professor! Here's some karma for you, and an upvote! Hope you reach gold!


knew a 19 yr old chick who dated some 30 year old guy, ended up regularly cheated on him cause he was too busy playing video games including fortnite. they knew each other since she was like 3 or some shit through parent friends lol, so you can imagine how fucking weird that relationship probably was in general. i checked his reddit and at the time they were falling apart he was trying to learn some shit called tunneling kek

Just shoot the fucking thing
Get a boogie bomb

If you didn't need to pay real money for the skins it would have been at least acceptable, and now literally anyone and everyone associates videogames with this when there are cooler games like God of War, Smash Ultimate, Halo and literally any other videogame.
This is actually true, you should thank the R.O.B. peripheral and SMB if the industry is safe.
Imagine being THIS retarded

To sum up my opinion, Fortnite is an acceptable game, but it shouldn't be treated as the best one or the only one in existence. People play this game (and FIFA and any other simulators) because holding a real gun in real life is dangerous and you can't do it, guiding your cheap car is stupid and boring when you can have fancy cars in a videogame, playing real soccer is annoying when you can play it with your dream team, etc. And thanks to THIS kind of games, genuine games with deep stories and interesting characters get their popularity killed off by "muh battle royale" and "muh emotes". Thank god Fortnite has a VERY slim lore and cool character designs to compensate that though. It's feels like it's happening in the background while people build, shoot and survive the goddamn storm.

Fortnite is a good game since it has lore, characters and cool places and weapons that shift everytime to keep it spicy. It's just that people need to stop treating it as if it were the only game in existence. Other, better games exist too, ya know, people?

Before you ask, people in my zone play EXCLUSIVELY Fortnite, FIFA, simulator games, EA games and a few FPS games. If people were more balanced as all things should be I wouldn't be this mad in my post.


fuck you, I just want to play regular deathmatch not this battle royale shit

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found the autist

There's a team deathmatch mode mode.
There's also a Bounty mode where you have 3 lives and have to compete for kills

That relationship wasnt going to last anyway, I doubt they had anything in common. More likely he was her daddy replacement and he was just looking to fuck a young girl.

literally spot fucking on LOL nice one user

Pretty much. Despite Yea Forums meme-ing about it, I bet a large majority don't actually want a relationship and would choose video games over a partner. Both of them take up time, you have to make sacrifices if you want both

For once, a dev didn't listen to crybaby redditors and just told them to go fuck themselves.

based epic

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I played it while babysitting some kid and I don't like it. The map is really good, it's like Kirby's air ride but there's so much downtime of just walking around and the movement sucks ass. I'm also the type of person who doesn't like being shunted out on loss but wants to keep trying ten thousand times even if it's hopeless. The content model also scares me in the same way that gachas do. I'd rather just keep playing splatoon where even just basic movement is fun and it doesn't feel like I'm just wandering around aimlessly before someone 200 miles away pegs me in the back of the head.
That's actually Bloodborne, if you look closely it uses the same design philosophies, just in a different way.

You can just hop into the enemy mech and detonate it, since there are two seats

Also I forgot to mention the robot girl is the only thing that's making me doubt not wanting to play it. I fucking love robots.

Bloodborne is bad, uninspiring, niche, and boring.


This. Don't know why people are bitching about it when they're easy to take down. Not to mention you can also enter the thing with someone in it and have it self destruct.

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I don't understand the appeal of those shitty games like overwatch or fortnite or league of legends. It's just pvp matches. Everytime you play those games, the exact same bunch of things happen. There is never anything new, and the range of emotions you can get out of it is very limited. You always use the same two attacks, always play in the same environment, ultimately your opponents and friends will always do the same shit due to meta, nothing unexpected will ever happen, maps are usually very small and tight (in the sense "with little space to move around"),matches are usually very short which doesn't let the player get a proper battle feel, I mean, you play for 5 minutes and BAM, the game is over. So much fun. Also those three games have this overly cartoony aesthetic which I despise, characters have shitty exaggerated personalities (and for what purpose? This is a fucking pvp match game. What is the point of characters having personalities, stories, lore? This is retarded). I also seen one guy friend play Overwatch (I think he played an archer) and his attacks lacked impact. Maybe that's just this character but it looked terrible.

>that jiggle
is that from the actual game?
no wonder so many kids play this. this game must be killing trillions every month

Oh yeah, I'm sure NOBODY would lewd mercy, dva, parah etc without being paid off

>epic gives no fucks about reddit
>valve is reddit
best timeline

>oops, i accidentally coded tiddy physics into this cash shop outfit
That shit doesnt just happen on accident retarded epicdrone.

They do now, but in the beginning the wheels needed a little grease. You dont have to believe me, it is what it is.

this has to be bait, right?? Right guys??

>ahuhuhuh you can see pepe ahuhuhuh!

>Super Mario Bros literally saved the video game industry
The soi emanating from this post, jesus christ

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The appeal is the PvP, testing your skill against another person. On paper there are only so many ways a match cab go, but none of that accounts for human interaction. I would say single player mlre aptly fits your bill, since no matter what you do, the only real challenge is the unvarying decisions of the ai, based in mathematics and destined to repeat themselves if given the same inputs. You cant speedrun a PvP game as an example.

battle pass actually, unless there's another skin i'm not familiar with

I hate how blacked porn has such high production values compared to pretty much anything else.

>being this new

Now this is cringeposting

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Is that real? I am so buying it just to fuck with people.

Actually based, reddit had it good for far too long

If it is GoTC then why is it forgotten in 2019?

Really gets the neurons firing....

>Imagine thinking a game that tried to be a DayZ clone, then went through development hell just to become a PUBG clone is somehow good
>Imagine thinking that this game will somehow have any value once the hype dies down for good

Nice bait btw

I know you phoneposting faggots are cawling all over this thread like maggots on delicious turd. Could one of you kindly run this image through the FaceApp?

Attached: 00.jpg (474x266, 19K)

Since this is the example text on the spoiler section of the FAQ, anyone that doesn't know this is absolutely a newfag.

Yeah but good singleplayet games have at lest a few hours long campaigns with more or less scripted events, good developers make sure there will be some surprises, maybe a situation when a character you like dies, a new enemy will appear, spmething scary happens. There is an infinite potential to create different scenarios. Whether a game is linear or open world, there will most probably be some variation in locations and challenges. If the story is engaging it's even better.
This is not to say there is a pleb-patrician distinction here, only that games like Fortnite or Overwatch have too limited design for my tastes. Perhaps I would appreciate them if my friends played them and I played with them, but I only know one person who plays it and he's just an aquaintance, so it's not really my thing.

sentient wacky inflatable tube woman main here

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i played the beta back when it wasnt a battle royal and it got boring pretty quick. when the battle royal mode came out i played it a few times and went back to pubg

I understand what you are saying about single player games as a canvas for a developer to create limitless possibilities. But as someone who plays mostly PVP, I see it very similarly, only that the developer painted the background and stopped, put down the tools and gave them to the players. In terms of battle royale, you are painting anew every round, with a new set of hopes, failures, and accomplishments each time.

>Shitty cartoon graphics and style
>Chaos and cat herding to make shitters feel better
>RNG gunplay and items
>Building mechanics for said shitters
>Camping and hiding are the most rewarding play styles
>Guaranteed top 10 by hugging the edge of the storm and playing walking loot sim for 15 minutes before you turtle up and start killing
>Player base is majority tweens and children being babysat by the game
>Micro transactions based around appealing to children

Missing out on cancer is healthy user. This game is the dissolution of culture because children have none.

I'm glad people enjoy it, but it has some of the worst shooting mechanics I've ever seen in a game, and I can't get past it.

Tried it and didn't like it. I have a million better things to do then get gud at a walking and shooting simulator. It didn't appeal to me then and it doesn't appeal to me now.

The pve went from p2w grindfest, to giving everything and the sink away, and its back to p2w grindfest again. I pity the people who start when it goes F2P, the grind will be....intense.

Now fortnite is fun and should be enjoyed, now the fortnite community that's a steaming pile of shit

No, all but like 3 of the staffers who worked on stw have left the company or been folded entirely into BR. they basically gave up on STW and only update it so that one day they can release it as "complete" and remove the free ("free" you know what I mean) vbucks.

learn your history zoom zoom

its not supposed to be a serious shooter dumbass and even epic is putting their foot down because reddit legit wants fornite to derail to the level that smash fags are at. If you wanted to play an actual shooter you wouldnt be playing fortnite in the first place and i cant comprehend why faggots all insist on playing a cartoony rng game and then proceed to cry when devs dont want the game design to be super serious.

I used to like it (stopped at season 8) because the map update for season 8 was fucking terrible, I was having loading issues like buildings and houses weren't loading fast anymore and I was falling through the map (I have an i5 4690K and a 1070) I don't know what the fuck Epic did but the optimization is dog shit on my end. And why the fuck is Save the World mission structure so fucking awful? Also they need to rebalance StW so I can actually finish a majority of the missions in solo mode because for whatever fucking reason there's barely anyone at all ever playing in Canny Valley and you must be out of your fucking mind if you think I'm gonna try and solo the base defense missions in that area. Epic needs to get their shit together.

I'm still waiting for the pve mode to go f2p. It's going to be this year right bros?

>learn your history zoom zoom

Attached: omg mario literally changed the world how could you not acknowledge that?!!!!.png (261x215, 19K)

Fair enough. Have fun playing, user

Prickly Patroller or Demogorgon

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>>learn your history zoom zoom

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>he didnt do the storm shield glitch

>>>learn your history zoom zoom

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>>>>learn your history zoom zoom

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Cry more salty faggot, I played enough to know I was dealing with underage trash the game. Good job being triggered at me pointing out why it's trash and nothing to worry about not playing.

It's entirely true honestly. I don't like commitment or responsibility in general.

Kids are fucking retarded, including when I was a kid and my parents were kids.

I've played a grand total of 3 games, somehow lgot a victory royale, uninstalled the game, and that's it. How can people play that shit for hours on end when the gameplay is always the same ?

>Jump from bus
>Look for items
>Run around the map for 90% of the game
>Find average or decent weapons
>Get one or two kills after 10 minutes of running around looking for people
>Loot mechanic solely rely on RNG so if you're lucky you'll find decent stuff
>Get killed by a guy who got luckier than you
>"Oy gevalt I died, better spend 50 bucks to get a sweet skin so I won't feel so insecure about myself"

What if I tried it out back in 2017 to see what the hype was and never played again?

are you retarded? can you not read? the game isnt for you but the retarded community "reddit" wants to basically make the game only cater to their twitch pro streaming fantasies when its literally babbys first shooter

>a LITERAL meme game
memes are anti-humor, memes are the destruction of creativity and individuality, you worthless young scum get what you deserve

>50 bucks for a skin

this isnt apex legends

What annoys me the most about Fortnite, even more than building, is how many people go after cosmetics.
Not even League of Legends is this bad, the fact that people buy every single skin and every single cosmetic piece as soon as its available just fucking blows my mind when you consider the fact that the game gives you next to no Vbucks for actually playing. Enough for the next seasons Battle Pass and basically nothing else. Compared to almost every other game that at least gives you a decent stream of currency and League Of Legends where the flashiest skins cost like $20 and came out once a year.
This is real fucking money people are spending, a full set is like $50 and single items can be like $10.
What drives people to spend this much on a game that is literally the exact same match repeated to infinity? Granted Fortnite has decent rotating game modes and actively changes up the game but that can only change the experience so much.

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calm down

What storm shield glitch?

Pretty much what I did
>Welp I beat the game
Its the same shit every time. Apex looks decent though and so I might try that out tonight I loved Titanfall.

Why don't you go back there instead of talking about it. Critiquing the game for what it is in no way implies what you're trying to say.

Are we too old for Yea Forums now?

>How can people play that shit for hours on end when the gameplay is always the same ?
why do you think that's a valid criticism when the same sentence can be applied to most games?

The same reason retards line up to buy the next iphone every year. Status symbol.

The real spoiler is that spike didn't die and the syndicate scooped him up and give him another cybernetic tuneup

>not even league of legends is this bad

Yeah man a $10 battle pass in fortnite that last 3 months and then gives you enough currency to renew it is way worse than having month event passes in league of legends that cost $20 dollars and thats not including the $15 dollar event skins

Alot of the playerbase just buys the battlepass and thats it since that more than enough cosmetics and unless you are a tard that is impulsive the pass gives you enough currency to buy the upcoming pass

Too frenzy a genre for me. You, your opponents and allies just frantically run and jump around and shoot each other, it's pure fucking chaos. The enemy you just killed will respawn and in a moment you will be fighting them again so there is no feeling of accomplishment. The movement is very fast to keep it fun. I prefer slower games where I get to scout the area, assess the enemy forces, choose suitable equipment, plan the attack and execute it perfectly or not so perfectly. Then all my enemies will be dead and I will loot their lifeless bodies and go away.

for me it`s the rook
it just looks clean and nice

Attached: rook fortnite.jpg (875x915, 67K)

>when you consider the fact that the game gives you next to no Vbucks for actually playing.
doesn't StW give you 100 vbucks for login in chalanges?

I don't like the building aspect or the fact that it's third-person, I play Apex for my BR fix instead. And even then, I prefer tighter experiences like Siege or Overwatch.

i just fucking hate the building "mechanic"
it feels like it just beats the purpose of the entire genere

In other games, say pubg, apex, literally anything, its a "So I can go there and try to loot it but I will be out in the open" and going around the map picking shit up actually makes sense, in fortnite the entire map is completely fucking irrelevant because everyone will just build towers around themselves within seconds anyway regardless of position

>I want no build mode
>I want deathmatch
If Yea Forums actually played enough there would be plenty of custom games using classic gamemodes like Horde Mode, Cap Point, Deathmatch and CTF all the time, the creative mode is pretty good and has plenty of gameplay and map making options with potential game modes.

They will never do that, because cellphone fags but that shit would be cool.

>this isnt apex
Legendary Fortnite Skins are 2000 Vbucks, aka $20
The matching Harvesting Tools are 1200 Vbucks, aka $20 because the only way to get 200 Vbucks is to buy another of the lowest amount which is $10
Thats already $40, add in backpacks and gliders and that adds up real fucking fast.
Where do you think Apex got its ideas from?
>month event passes in league of legends that cost $20 dollars and thats not including the $15 dollar event skins
Yet its still cheaper to buy a prestige skin straight out then it is to get a single complete skin set in Fortnite by a large margin.
Is StW free yet?

the daily quests in stw give you 50-100 vbucks on completion and there are daily alerts for 30-50 vbuck missions that usually come in twos not to mention you get 150 - 300 regularly just as a login bonus every 7 logins and sometimes you get big ones varying from 1000 to 2000+ depending on what login milestone you hit.

I bought stw on a $20 sale ages back i have well over $300 worth of cosmetics on my account and i havent actually spent money on this game since buying stw.

Each game is like a slot machine pull user. It's what BR is meant to be. Addictive because you never know what you're going to get and this time might be the time you win big by dumb luck. It's apparently most addictive to underage. Lil zooms don't want games with larger strategy and teamwork. They don't care about hitting top scores match after match in a team environment. They care about abusing shitty mechanics and RNG so they can have the illusion of outplaying people. It's why the skins are so popular. It's the only thing that defines them in the mass of the other drooling retards.

so you are retarded and cant do math i see

Play Team Rumble. Most people on there don't build and the ones that do get knocked down by my grenades.

I just love the fact that i can play with my ps4/switch bros in custom games lol

Played I mean its fine, building mechanic is ok, can be a little janky at times. I don't know just not big into the BR aspect.

Yea Forums

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TL;DR: here is a video testimonial from epic maymay Tyrone -


Feel free to explain how you're supposed to get 1200 Vbucks for less than $20 when the absolute minimum you can buy is 1000 Vbucks for $10, you absolute fucking retard

Unless you're a faggot like me who bought save the world and grind/save up vbucks from daily missions and shit and never have to waste money on skins and season passes ever again

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>get disco domination ltm which is a control points mode
>everyone is fucking retarded and keep dropping at the center point
>every fucking match all the points outside of the main spawn point are usually fucking ghost towns and uncontested
>epic decides to remove the center cap point to encourage people TO ACTUALLY PLAY AROUND TO OBJECTIVE
>people still land in the center of the map and pretend its a death match
>proceed to cry on reddit that they dont like the mode because little timmy and tommy want to keep rushing blacksmith and stables instead of fucking getting lumber and gold mine
>epic just takes the mode out of rotation all together

>the creative mode is pretty good and has plenty of gameplay and map making options with potential game modes.
Is it actually good or are you shilling? Last i checked it was literally just deathmatch/battle royale where race maps were legitimately useless as there was no way to indicate a victor.

Oh right i forgot league of legends gives you rp just for playing right?

The RP of a complete skin is drastically lower than the total Vbuck price of a complete set (Skin, Glider, Backpack, Harvest Tool), you fucking clown. RP per $ is also higher.
It also does give you Event Tokens for free, which you can use to get event skins granted you play enough negating the need for RP.

kek, made this thread just to get replies and its already reaching limit, based fortnite and i barely play videogames

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>tfw still haven't unlocked the gold ice King

>buy one battle pass for $10 dollars
>guaranteed a bunch of skins and cosmetics and every new battle pass if im smart with the $13 return at the end of the season
>league of legends
>new event pass every month cost $20 bucks
>no guarantee of skins
>pass doesnt renew itself and i have to spend real money on the new events pass
>buying each individual skin from an event pass costs $13-20 dollars each
>zero customization in the cosmetics so im literally just playing with x or y and cant mix and match like fortnite

Thats not even mentioning the fact that there are people who jewed for a couple of seasons and were able to use the vbucks from the free battle pass tiers to buy an actual battle pass

steam drones are ill, they cannot accept that fortnite has more soul than shartifact, blunderlords half shit

>piss king

and by your dumbass logic youll still be wasting more money on league

based but mentally ill

>shit like this game isn't anti-cultural cancer

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i don't even play fortnite lmao


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BR's are the definition of low effort RNG trash.

You are severely fucking retarded if you think from any of that, including basic math which is clearly beyond your comprehension, means that anyone would be spending more in any game that isnt Fortnite.
You are honestly one of the dumbest faggots ive ever seen, and this is in a thread about fucking Fortnite.

>event tokens so you can buy alt colors for a skin that you still need to purchase with RP

OK cool dumbass meanwhile ive only spent $30 dollars all together on fortnite but i have a fuckton of cosmetics because currency is handed out like candy in stw just for logging in

pic unrelated

Imagine being retarded enough to publicly announce you brought Save The World. What a fucking moron.


Holy fuck you're retarded. Every season you get enough to never buy the battlepass again. I haven't bought a battlepass since season 3. I always had enough for a skin and battlepass. Kys nigger

I hate the fact that weekly challenges are limited for the week only now. I used to do that shit all at once when I had the time. I haven't played season x since the first few days it came out. Now that's three weeks of challenges I can't complete because they time out. Fuck this season.

Also the skins are shit this season. My original rust Lord and drift are pointless now

and yet im not the one crying about having to spend real money to get a skin from the item shop

Excellent taste

tried it
it's shit

i played it for a while but i got bored of it quickly
>for the last decade or so
it always was

Game doesn't interest me. Shoot someone who is far away, the guy immediately builds a tower and the game turns into a "who can peek out better" thing. Shoot someone up close, the guy immediately builds a tower and the game turns into "build around while breaking what he built so you can instakill him with a shotgun once you get a split second opening". There's nothing interesting about that. You play the game a couple of times, you've played it all.

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I just dont like the game
I like how it looks, sounds, and the constant map changes but there are several things wrong with it.
I don't like how much rng affects the outcome of a fight, how it can basically ruin your beginning of a match, building is too strong without requiring a lot of skill to use, the ttk is too low, the movement is too slow and epic removes most fun vehicles from the game because of reddits complaining.

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You're shooting yourself in the foot with that Prickly. People can see your cactus head poking out of builds

No, I tried it. The shooting mechanics are shit and the bulding makes the whole game world pointless.
Might ahve been more interesting without the retarded speedbuilding mechanic.

brainlet, it's the daily challenges that are limited to the week they come out
weeklies are there all season

>gameplay is always the same
Big meme, but not true. Every game feels different. Your fights are always different, the circle is always different, etc

Sauce me on the thumbnail pls.

It's streamers and youtubers that do that. Believe or not, Epic pays them Creator Code money so they have every reason to advertise the skins

epic is actively working on changing the game this season much to the dismay of reddit and twitch. Epic recently cameout and stated that they want the game more friendly for new players and they dont want the game to be so linear and reddit/twitch is crying because they wasted all this time practicing spam building.

>Throw pebble at someone
>instant castle

naw better player wins ive gotten plenty of solo wins with obnoxious skins like yeehaw

>Last 8
>See guy buildiny
>Take out mini gun and start shredding away at where he is because he's stuck
>900ish ammo
>Not a single bullet touches this fucker because he's just holding down the rebuild button
>Holy shit this is so boring
>say fuck it and just rush him
Fuck fortnite.

Grill Sergeant

Attached: console shitter snipe.webm (720x720, 2.09M)

this is eventually going to change Epic is already putting their foot down and addressed changes they want to implement to the game and reddit and twitch are in full panic mode because they dont want to game to be "casualized"

you spoiled a movie everyone watched 5 months ago

>*laughs in 8 x 50 dmg missiles*

I've been hearing of these supposed changes to how retarded building is for over a year now. You're full of shit.

>don't want a casual game to be casualized

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Nah, I don't hate it because it's popular, I hate it because it's legitimately a shit game. I've played it multiple times.

you should've used the burst SMG, the burst is faster than they can place the wall

>being counterculture is bad
You're on the wrong image board if you find contrarianism to be too painful to bear.

It just doesn't appeal to me.

I don't dislike it, but the building turns me off from ever playing it.


Nothing wrong with what you're doing when this board is mostly sponsored shilling and promotion of digital pornography.


read it for yourself they basically said they want to change the direction of the game so that any can pick up the game and have a fair chance at getting a win

isnt this the guy from the fortnite /vg/ thread that has a banana fetish?

literally just add skill based matchmaking

Well that would require me to have an SMG and I figure a purple minigun would be better in this case but of course it isnt.

So. The retards who don't even know video game history are invading now hm?

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they have a ranked mode but if they hard put sbmm then youd just have retards smurfing left and right. What they want to do is just make it more like the fucking mario party battle royale that they intended it on being in the first place.

>playing a game that's inferior to AoS in every way

No thanks. Wish someone would take the idea and make something good with it. AoS went to shit and Fortnite was never good.


what the fuck are you talking about?

Ace of Spades. Keep up, zoomer.

i tried it. not a fan of the gunplay and the building. seems like a fun game though if you are into that.

wasnt even thinking ace of spades because thats not even fucking related to what we are talking about

Reddit makes changes that get rid of strong and fun options but making the game go against reddit can also mean adding more rng and imbalance which isn't at all what i want
I want for turbo building to be removed, singular structures to have their strength buffed back to it's previous form, a slightly increased ttk, no bloom, and skill based matchmaking
I want a game where i can focus on fighting my opponents and not the game. Casual players lose more because of rng than pros because pros understand how to beat rng

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>shoot someone
>they turn into a 5 story tower
>now you have to make a tower
>whoever builds their tower better and faster wins

Wow, what a revolutionary third person """shooter"""

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Tried it. I'm not a fan of the building mechanics.

It's a fad that will die like all others before it. It will basically be this generation's equivalent to pogs.

>game about building and shooting is not related to a game about building and shooting

Shooting games suck, Battle Royal Shooting games suck even more.

Fortnite is a zombie defence and builder teambased game designed for kids with only depth being basic building tools and the game looks like teletubbies

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Imagine if fortnite actually played out like this? It was close to that state in season 3 but then fucking turbobuilding happened and completely ruined that

It's already been popular for longer than Pogs has been popular.

It's not a fad.

>play on PC
can't get rid of constant stuttering despite being able to get stutter free 144+fps in BF1 and other AAA games

>play on PS4
game runs without stutters but the loading times between matches is terrible

I give up.

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>not digging

get out of here shitter


Congrats on the yous you dumb jew nigger

>shit game with nice character models
hmm where have I seen this before

>you can't build in AoS
Forget fortnite, someone like you should stick to mobile shit. Oh hey, you can still play fortnite!

>Oh shit someone shot at me, better spam walls and staircases: the game
I'll never understand the appeal. 100 retards drop into an area and people I've seen play often times don't even meet another player until it's down to 30 people remaining if not less.
Battlefields look like someone went ballistic with platforms, staircases, and walls all just sitting there, and good aim seems less important than spamming shit is.

Getting fucking nae nae'd retard
Ssd the ps4 nerd


fuck it


>he doesnt want to build a tower of babel everytime he comes into contact with another person

>imagine being a shitter that didnt tunnel

What level of the BP should be at right now? I only came back because I saw that sparkle specialist was back

SSD on PS4 doesn't help Fortnite according to a youtube video I watched comparing load times. Also I don't want to pay $80-100 for a 1tb SSD for a game that is free.

Keep it up, zoomie. I've seen through your charade. You fell right into my trap.

I don't like playing the game but I'm thankful it's indoctrinating zoomers into a piss/omorashi fetish when they grow up

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If I didn't have to pay for skins, I probably would have played it for much, much longer

hmm you could be right, that's why I never used Peely, the skin is way to massive, and when aiming with a non sniper blocks too much of the screen

>Play a bit of battle royale games
>Win a match
>Feel like I experienced everything that was fun to experience and everything is stress from now on

Fuck i wanna tickle her so badly

cope more retard and go back to your dead minecraft with guns

unfortunately its most games lately
but the really, extra shitty ones like overwatch and other blizzard shit, and trash like fortnite cash in on the art team

the games themselves are either shallow as fuck, broken, or chores to actually play
people fall for it every time, shit games with nice art and loot boxes

I don't hate it, I don't speak against it or make fun of people that like it, I just don't like BR games.

no skin master race

>A tower of Babel with a mile long chain of floating platforms that turns into more towers which turn into more chains of platforms, but with staircases
It's almost funny when I visit my mom and my brother is playing just cause it looks like a bunch of spastic baboons freaking out.

>AoS doesn't have building! I swear! R-retard

the game is fun but i can't play it, they need to add 1st person and less building shit

I'd enjoy the game if every shootout didn't turn into a build autism fest

Building is an uninteresting mechanic and as a shooter Fortnite is very low skill compared to something like Quake or even CS.

Also BR as a genre is boring (too much downtime) and I don't like RNG.

when the fuck did i ever say it didnt have building? I literally just called it a minecraft with guns the game was literally just a flavor of the month game on Yea Forums that most people dropped except for a few autists.

well you posted in this thread so who really fell in the trap?

Myth unironically fucked the game by popularising building as a sword rather than a shield. It was like Epic started updating the game specifically so that streamers could shit on kids and then the kids got good and made it impossible for new and casual players to keep up.
You've missed two sets of limited time challenges (4 tiers and 3500 experience each) but you can do the Missions and Prestige Missions any time.
If you wanna level up the BP with minimal time investment, play just before the limited time challenges roll over each week (11pm Thursday AEST), that way all 7 LTC's will be available. Most have been pretty easy, especially in a party.
I think most of us in /fng/ are around tier 50.

I just enjoy to unlock stuff
I'm way too bad at the game and got mad when I shoot and they start building, but that's the entire focus of the fucking game, so yeah
unlock stuff and do missions

>Fortnite is very low skill compared to something like Quake or even CS

does it come with a sp mode?

I'm waiting for pic related to be on the store again. Literally the only skin I want. Battle pass and all the other accessories can suck my dick, just need my autistic robot waifu
Fucking based

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I keep getting distracted by looking at cute girls.

You said fortnite and AoS were unrelated. When I pointed out they share the same core mechanics, your response was AoS has digging. I don't play either game, I just find the idea neat and can accept that fortnite is easy garbage that appeals to the retarded masses. It's the same reason rpgs are dead, despite the small resurgance these last few years. Sorry for insulting your game, pal.

the girls in this game are almost Overwatch level lewd, which is great

You can solo queue, and I think they added the old PvE stuff back as an alternate gamemode.

There's a garbage lootbox simulator that is PvE and could be played solo but it's boring and repetitive as hell. It's pay to play though (for now)

I've played since season 3 but have played maybe once this season. Definitely a good game bu I've had my fill of it for now. And yeah definitely has some top-tier waifus

When will story mode be free?

I'm surprised at how harsh is the learning curve in this game. You'd think that a game everyone plays would have some sort of ranking system, but in your first game you'll find yourself dying to a tryhard streamer who builds a tower in a second.

That and the fact that most fights rely on who has the most materials makes for non-engaging gunfights. I don't even know how a new player can get into this game now

Why do you suck at Quake?

It's coming to xbox game pass and they recently announced how non-founders would get a different type of in-game currency for playing, so soon-ish. Certainly sooner than its planned release date (late 2018)

fortnite isn't about skill or talent, it's about ambushing people while abusing the 3rd person camera

random shitters can do this and get the jump on people that would smoke them in any other situation, there's no consistency and no growth to be made other than how fast you build a fucking tower

because fortnite relies on building and almost never on having good aim. unless it's a direct headshot with a heavy sniper, you can expect everybody to put walls the second they receive a small ammount of damage. if you can outbuild your opponent, you win

I keep getting distracted by looking at cute girls.

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demi or beach bomber

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It's planned release date, was before the end of 2017.

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>if you don't play a shitty chinese battle royale game you're missing out

Kill yourself zoomer OP

You're thinking of Minecraft.

It sounds like other players are more skilled at the game's mechanics than you are.

I love my wife Evelynn

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Literally this.

The building kills it for me.

>murhur get good!

Look it's just not fun. Either a. I spend 1000 hours trying to bring my building to the same level of the 1% of players actually autistic enough to practice this shit or b. I auto macro that shit out (you're a fucking dumbass if you believe this doesn't happen on the reg) in which case what's the point of playing?

Also, every game is the same shit. Either get killed at the very beginning or run around for 20 minutes until the circle closes in and hope you have enough RNG to be the last of 5.

The only thing that works for this game is the consistent updates; but the reality is that if APEX hadn't fucked itself and if PUBG wasn't complete tryhard no fun allowed nonsense, then Fortnite would never have lasted.

It just happens to be the less shit option in a sea of other shit.

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>unironic Fortnite threads
>unironic gacha threads

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Oh yeah that shit really pissed me off too.
>Find a dude out in the open
>Start shooting him
>Guy pulls out tools and starts building walls around him
>Try to shoot thru wall
>He already built an entire structure to hide in
>Try to go in after him
>Get ganked in his tiny funhouse
What a crock of shit. You shouldn't be allowed to build things while you're in combat. It'd be one thing if I missed the first few shots or if the building materials had to start at 1 hp before reaching full health upon completion just to balance things out, but I got the drop on that guy fair and square while he was running in a wide open field oblivious to everything. That was a definite turn off to the rest of the game for me

Played it once, found it boring and uninstalled it.

this is just proof 13 yearolds post here

>waaah muh building
>I cant compete against someone wasting materials
Reminder to you shitters if they're building a house shoot it down. They can't shoot you if they're building.

the game havent been develop in 2 years

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I stopped before this shitfest with mgs5

Using bunnies is unfair.

I unironically love the artstyle and environment and character designs. The shooting is decent too. I just fucking hate the meta of combat building and defensive building.

They need to add something to the game that gives every player basically a choice between two different styles. Choice one is your regular character can be a building faggot, choice two you cannot build anything at all but you have much better mobility and building-destruction capability.

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Why did you stop firing at his walls idiot? Are you so stupid to think shooting their building isn't fair? Any gun color above green and that isn't a shotgun can and will fuck up anyone building. They can only build 270 pieces of materials if they're maxed and it only takes 3 assault rifle shots to break any piece being build.

I'm 25 and I think Fortnite is a pretty good game aside from all the stupid changes they make regarding items


I haven't played LoL in years and I didn't even know they also had a season pass too. Not to mention it sounds like shit and don't even know why anyone would bother buying the pass to begin with. Now I'm curious how this awful pass looks like

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Yeah i tried it and it was pretty boring


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Fortnite was kinda fun, played it a little bit. Building mechanics are fucking terrible and shitting out wall after wall after wall is just boring and anti-fun.

I preferred hiding in actual buildings and trying to play like a stealth game.

I dont like Battle Royal, or the boring Save the World crap. Crap game/10

Is my gf born in 97 a zoomer?

Do you play any other BR games? I dropped Realm Royale after they removed the class mechanic, but I tried it again and it's not too bad.

Battle Royale gets boring and I'm not fond of the building mechanic disrupting gun fights
>no option for loadouts
>limited time gamemodes
>only one map (as far as I'm aware)

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Sorry user, but your gf was born in 2003. She just uses makeup to make herself look a little older.

Am I the only one thinking this would be a good idea?

>release $13 and $15 skins for an event
>release an event pass
>event pass costs $20 and allows you to grind for event tokens
>can use event tokens to buy exclusive color palettes for event themed skins but you better fucking unlock those additional styles or else they are gone forever once the event ends

Basically its just fucking bait for the fucking good goy pay piggies to funnel more money to riot

Not really, no. Fortnite was the first and so far only BR game I tried, it's not really my genre but I enjoyed playing it until the building shit really got on my nerves. Even managed to win a few games.

Damn that's unfortunate, I guess I'll have to dump her then.

I DID keep shooting. He had already built a shit load of walls all over the damn place, and that's absolutely ridiculous that you're allowed to do that. 270 pieces in the heat of combat is stupid as hell

i wanted to like it but it's just really fucking boring

fortnite's only 1 map problem is ""solved"" by having the map change constantly
but i hate it give me the comfy lake back

Too late, user, she's carrying your baby. Her family is assembling to perform a shotgun wedding as we speak.

Whats rhe name of the fish?

I don't don't feel like getting a PHD in architecture to play the game.

Whenever it comes around Ground Game is a hoot, you have a max of 70 mats which is enough to build up some hills and the environment is still destructible. Currently Tilted Town is no destruction/no build zone but it's ass to play in


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Bullshit you kept shooting. If you did, that dumbass would've landed right in front of you figuring out why some pleb isn't having a build battle with him. Always shoot down builds and when it crumbles, pull out your shotgun and shoot that faggot in the air.
The maximum layers one can have is three, unless he's a bitch and builds while backing up. At that point you can build above his shit and get the drop on him. You do know how to build a ramp, right?

Is this real.

>say anything bad about Nintendo
>some nincel comes in seething about sony

Whoever came up with this shit needs to be shit. Battle passes are fucking cancer especially """"""""SEASONAL"""""""" ones you need to pay for every other month. Mind as well be paying a fucking subscription fee for the privilege to actually get anything worth a fuck in game (which by the way takes 100s of hours of your time so good luck trying to play other games that adopted this cancer)


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Your game is gay and boring.

>pot calling the kettle black

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I dunno anons., but I guess buildfight fag and editfags are killing the game. I keep seeing people talking about season 1 and 2 where the best.

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what a faggot

demographics are destiny

kid you are trying way to hard.
just accept that your shit game will never be liked on this board and move back to r*ddit.

>play a game that you don't like

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Why fries?

What is this retard even implying?
I can't get over how wrong this post is. Overwatch isn't even remotely lewd and the girls aren't sexy compared to half the other shit in gaming.
How can you be so under exposed yet arrogant to the point you make a post like this?

for me its samsung galaxy
mobile only
if you dont have samsung galaxy skin dont (You) me

I just want a no-building mode

I'm tired of getting shotgunned to the face by a guy who just happens to build a ramp and encase themselves faster than my firerate

Anons there has BEEN a fucking deathmatch mode for ages.


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>How can you be so under exposed yet arrogant to the point you make a post like this?
It's called a zoomer.

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I tried it but I don't like the stupid building mechanic and if you don't learn that then you lose. I don't want crafting elements in my online shooter.

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or maybe we just fucking hate them

it's more like the building shit is unnecessary since it's just adding a gimmick on top of normal shooter gameplay