Why are there no good, modern horror games?
>inb4 meme walking simulators
Why are there no good, modern horror games?
when you say "modern" do you mean released in the last 10 years or so?
look at the completion rate
normies are too scared to buy/finish horror games
SCP is pretty good and scary though i guess that falls under "walking simulator" category.
Alien Isolation
>Dead Space 1 is 11 years old
Just passing through, but horror games were never good to begin with.
What's wrong with the RE2 remake? Sure, there are things about the original that are better than REmake2, but REmake 2 uses the technology of today to make intimidating enemies and creepy environments.
REmake is basically a diamond in the rough.
Too much resources for a game where it's easy to move around. RE2 also had this problem. Boss fights had gimmicks to them and an algorithm that lets you kill bosses easier when you're low on ammunition. Just not comparable to how a good horror game should play.
where are my bone chilling jumpscare free atmospheric slow burns??
Speaking of meme walking simulators why have madmind studio not updated their website since before the release of agony
They have 2 brand new games in production but they are not mentioned at all
This guy looks familiar
Just play any spooky VR games to scare the shit out of yourself. Literally nothing even comes close to VR.
Did you play The Crooked Man | RPG Maker?
name me 1 just ONE horror game released in the last decade with good horror and combat
Dead Space 2
You have to actually use an inventory and it has that whole blink or you die system though. Was pretty neat.
Thats not the reason. The same can be seen for most vidya as, for some reason, they're not playing any game through to completion to the point where some devs have commented on it.
I said GOOD gameplay
RE7 was good
>Dead Space
It’s a 3rd person shooter with haunted house-tier ooga booga jumpscares every five minutes.
Horror is a pretty subjective genre compared to most due to the nature of fears. For example Layers of Fear is easily one of my top horror titles ever (a shame about the sequel) yet some people will view it as nonsense. Some people view some RE titles as scary, I view them as action games. Including 7. It's all very personal.
Alien: Isolation
It's not a walking simulator and has both stealth and combat.
>People jerk RE4 the fuck off
>But somehow Dead Space is bad even though it has the same shooting but better
there is no jump scares tho
:^) shhhhh
He isn't coming bros.. Pack it up..
I-is he ded? Did his family finally cut his internet?
Of course not, he died long ago. What you see sometimes is just an impostor. A fake. A so-called "fan" trying to keep his legacy but merely spitting on it as a result.
Nothing but the most basic-bitch shit that even post-2016 newfags could recognize, would alert the pretender.
>Of course not, he died long ago.
Did he really? He was active on kiwifarms at the end of last year, and he had a lot of spergouts earlier this year.
because video games aren't scary. Neither are movies for that matter, or books either. Fiction isn't scary. It's not real.
Real life or death situations are scary because they actually have consequences. How can someone be scared of something happening on a screen? It's fake.
>implying that saying IT'S BAD is valid criticism
thats just my SUBJECTIVE opinion bro :^)
deadspace was never good
Haha I recognize this image
>Jump scares bad!
Especially horror that doesnt use jumpscares they are cheap
i want a slow burning gut retching experience