I'm not sure if this was already posted...

I'm not sure if this was already posted, but there's been some new footage of the medievil remake going round the last few days

+frame rate seems to be better
+stain glass demon looks closer to original
+halll of heroes looks close to original

-looks like a 1:1 remake, meaning it'll be 3hours long
-no sign of medievil 2

Attached: 720X720-img-20180726-213708-1.jpg (720x720, 62K)

Other urls found in this thread:

lparchive.org/MediEvil/Update 01/

Looks pretty nice.

forgot to mention
>bob and barn confirmed to be back doing the soundtrack

I can't really care about the remake because I don't have the system, but this is worth being excited about.

Medievil 2 was fine but still a misstep. Wouldn't mind a new game that makes no reference to it and instead explores new parts of Gallowmere.

This, honestly. The over the top wacky humor and the romance in Medievil 2 felt unnecessary. I want more of the subtle dark humor that Medievil 1 had.

I love Medievil

it looks WORSE than the PSP remake.
Alot of the gothic horror artstyle is gone

is there going to be a physical release or is it going to be just digital?

Some choices are strange like Time Device being really dark or the prominent green grass in the Scarecrow Fields but overall it's okay.

>+stain glass demon looks closer to original
Are Bob & Barn back to work on the OST, or are they just going to use the OST solely from ME1?

Attached: Nito and Sir Daniel Fortesque.png (750x1200, 529K)

Oh, nvm. It's confirmed.

Attached: FortesqueCry.jpg (390x390, 31K)

it looks like some goons unreal engine 4 fan project remake

shit i used to play the demo over and over

maybe i should finish the full game on emulator

>we want to recreate what you remember about that game
If i don't spend an hour drowning in those pools i'll be disappointed then. I know they changed it and made it show you can't fall in.

Hopefully it's fun though, i want another MediEvil to run through every Halloween.

How exactly is the humour different? The first one has loads of characters like the mayor with the yorkshire accent that are no wackier than anything in the second one

it absolutely does not. It also doesn't seem to have all the shitty forced humour from the remake.

The only things good about the psp version was the sound track and the tom baker voiceovers

it does and you're a faggot

>Medievil 1

>better story
>better, more cohesive setting
>better atmosphere

>medievil 2
>better gameplay
>much better level design and longer (albiet fewer) levels
>better soundtrack
>worse story

Attached: 1548209534004.jpg (640x480, 29K)

The disco doctor/mad scientist. The whacky ghost helper. The main villain. They're all more comedic and less grim.

Zarok was literally comic relief: the villain though
>pumpkin witch with a west country accent
>comedy mayor character
>all the silly hero dialogue

the first one has as much humour, get over yourself

>Pools of Ancient Dead
>Ghost Ship
These two levels kept fucking me over with awkward/bad platforming

Zarok had a way more serious tone to him. He had his moments, but he was overall a more menacing looking villain.
And overall all those elements fit better into the world of the first game. Nobody denies there's humor in the first game, it's just overall better than the second one. It has a better tone and pacing of humor. As well as overall atmosphere and just a general idea of what they wanted to accomplish.
>get over yourself

Why didn't they just remade 2 too, like Crash and Spyro? It was decent.

Eh, all of that is extremely subjective, I found them to be roughly even in terms of humour. 2 also has way more actual horror themed levels (greenwich docks, wulfrum hall, whitechapel)

the original game was shit, why remake it?

It's being made by a studio that makes mobile games. They aren't proper real game developers.

C-12 Final Resistance remake when?

don't forget 1 way easier than 2, and the life fountains respawn instead of being finite.

also creepier music

2 had some good things like the new firearms, better bosses and enemies in general, using Dan's head to solve puzzles. The levels were extremely forgettable though and they all had such a washed-out palette. Apart from the museum and the level where you have to wear the disguise with the beard I can't really recall any standouts.

>greenwich docks, wulfrum hall, whitechapel

I honestly believe people that shit on Medieval 2 don't even make it past the Freakshow, since they never mention those levels.

Wulfrum and Kew Gardens were the only ones that creeped me out, the citizen models and them turning into pumpkins creeps me the fuck out. The police in Whitechapel didn't make the level feel as scary. While we're on the topic
of levels fuck the first Sewers level and fuck Cathedral Spires.

>mfw played through Medievil 2 more times than 1 but still can't remember any of the levels fully
Honestly, I just think 1 is more memorable than 2, at least for me.

Attached: 1467894799644.jpg (338x366, 34K)

Opposite for me, the levels in 2 were more memorable, I can only recall a couple levels from 1 from the top of my head

i have almost the same thing with 1. so many of 1's levels are short and really un-memorable
>crystal cave
>cemetery hill
>the ant caves,which while not short in any way is the worst level in the fucking series

fuck sewers, but i liked cathedral spires atmosphere. 2 has enough great levels to balance out the bad ones. Wulfrum Hall is definitely the best level in either game, that level is a damn masterpiece


Attached: The_Count.png (657x405, 430K)

Wulfrum Hall is that strange puzzle level like Asylum Grounds was in the first game. It's far from the best in either game.

Cathedral Spires had great atmosphere but that along with the Sewers and Iron fucking Slugger were the hardest for me. Wulfrum Hall and the Count fight are spectacular, the atmosphere and the vampires, love it so much.

>-looks like a 1:1 remake, meaning it'll be 3hours long
Not really, the devs hint in that Behind the Scenes video that they're digging into the original code and rebuilding a lot of the cut content (most notably, the big dragon chase pre-Ghost Ship we only ever got a glimpse and hidden FMV of)

They only announced a standard physical edition (steelbook in Germany), the deluxe is annoyingly digital-exclusive for the moment

Gauntlet is hardly even a level, it's literally a single linear walk and nothing more. I was annoyed they cut out so much in Resurrection, but then you remember how pointless/weak some of the original levels were

Attached: medievilcomic3.jpg (1200x675, 283K)

No, not really. You're pushing around vampire coffins around that randomly get woken by the bell, in a couple of rooms you have to use crates to shepherd the loose vampires down paths and up lifts to push them into sunlight. They're very different.
The puzzles in 1 are barely puzzles at all.

gallows gauntlet is literally a checkpoint to make you go and get that special armor that lets you walk through fire right, nothing else

>rebuilding cut content
I recall Pools of Ancient dead was supposed to have some mud or flesh monster covered in eyes and way the source of the tentacles in the level.
If they do remake 2, will they try their hand at the scrapped Parliament level?

>The puzzles in 1 are barely puzzles at all.
To this day, I still don't know how to complete the Shadow Demon one in the Enchanted Forest. Usually mashing them randomly for a few minutes does the trick

Huh, was that in the concept art? That's pretty nifty. And yeah, I'm actually more excited at the thought of a remade second game, since we've already seen what a relatively modern take on the first looks like with Resurrection. 2 fell short in so many areas and stands to gain the most from a rework, IMO

Found it, not really cut content but something they were thinking about for the level

Attached: images.jpg (660x465, 56K)

>-looks like a 1:1 remake, meaning it'll be 3hours long
how is that a con you shit eating nigger subhuman?

I hope the art book has stuff like these.

This site has a lot of the concept art and commentaries
lparchive.org/MediEvil/Update 01/