Have you played his games yet?
Have you played his games yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
only 1 and 2.
2 >>> V3 > 1
what does Chiaki belong anywhere near based Togami.
Ryoma should at least be B tier
Should've had a proper localization like Ace Attorney. Playing it now and these stupid names are unbearable. If the setting doesn't constantly feel Japanese then it should come up with new English names.
Zero Escape trilogy is better, it's not even a competition
>this is your mind on burgers
It's like a 30 hour game where I need to remember the names, and the characters don't even look or feel remotely Japanese. Is there any reason I should have to memorize all these names? And for all I know the names have meaning and reference their personality like in AA, but that would be completely lost on me. I also watch foreign films all the time, but it's different for a 2 or 3 hour movie that actually feels like it takes place in the country they say it is.
based retarded ameripoor
Play Your Turn To Die instead.
>Chiaki S Tier
>Maki A Tier
>Future Man and Gundham not SSS Tier
Pretty shit list my man.
>better than V3-3
Play 999 and VLR instead
damn.......leon look like THAT?
Play Ace Attorney instead
This, and Zero Time Dilemma (one of the best games ever made)
That's Makoto
I'd rather play Phoenix Wright, over a edgy zoomer tier rip off
Even though I think ZTD dropped the ball at least a little bit, I still claim it's better than Dangan 1 and V3
That's why I didn't list it at first, becase 999 and VLR are immeasurably better than any game the Danganronpa franchise can dish out
Was there cameras in the bathrooms? Was Hope's ass being broadcast to the world?
only 1 and 2, but I just bought despair girls last week on steam during the spike chunsoft sale..
Of course I have, Monokuma is the best character.
honest question: how the fuck do you guys remember each character's name, motive, etc. with so much detail? like do you only play danganronpa or something? I don't get it... I've enjoyed the games but honestly can't remember anything about them beyond overall plot/certain scenarios. You guys are autistic as fuck.
these games easily took me longer than 50 hours each to get through
after that amount of time you learn characters names
it's just like any kind of fiction you spend a lot of time going through
>You guys spent 40+ hours reading a story and actually remember what it was about? are you autistic or something?
Are you fags in middle school
>I've got shit memory and can't focus on anything enough to remember the details of it later
That's a you problem. If I genuinely enjoy something, I can easily remember almost all the details about it because I was actually paying attention.
Example, one of my favorite shows is always sunny, and I can remember almost every single episode in detail, because I actually paid attention watching instead of fooling around on my phone.
Ultra despair girls was pretty good. The gameplay was just alright, but the story in it was pretty interesting
You might joke about it, but you'd be surprised
>every characters name literally appears next to their character as their lines are on the screen
>the trails are even voiced so you hear their names as well when they talk to each other
>STILL can't remember their names after 40 hours
You need to just admit you're the autistic one here
I spent a lot of time reading Brothers Karamazov and still couldn't tell you the name of literal who side characters and their 13 various nicknames like you guys can do for a Visual Novel...
>every character in dagan is a main character
Take an IQ test sometime
So if you guys hear the name Mioda you instantly know who that is?
Don't worry user I'm the same, I'm so bad with names.
Not Mioda, for sure, but I do recognize Ibuki though
I think it's just because Danganronpa characters are just generic anime tropes that there is nothing special to remember about them.
Well I still think the storytelling would be improved for me if the names were different. At no point while I'm playing do I think of the characters as Japanese other than the names so for me it's only distracting.
>At no point while I'm playing do I think of the characters as Japanese other than the names so for me it's only distracting.
what sort of excuse is this
>I'm too autistic to get past the names
You're the outlier here. Everyone else is fine with the names, and overall it would be shitty storytelling to change the names, because then people who played it subbed wouldn't be able to easily discuss the game with people who played it dubbed with new names for retards like you
>Man what the fuck is this detective girl's name
>Man if they had slightly more Japanese architecture inside this school and she weren't wearing a blazer, maybe I could remember Kirigiri Kyouko
>The fact that she doesn't look Japanese enough is literally the only thing keeping me from remembering that, but if her name was Cara Hickman or Jacqueline Holloway, that would be so much easier
What do you mean? Don't you think it would be a detriment to Ace Attorney for example if the names were Japanese?
Well you guys probably consume a lot more anime than I do. I only watch old Japanese films.
bet you played with the english dub too.
>not a weeb
in which case why are you playing an anime game to begin with
You're genuinely autistic if them having japanese names actually deters your enjoyment of the game.
>knowingly play an anime vn
>get mad that the characters have anime names
Literal autist
>in which case why are you playing an anime game to begin with
was under the impression it was supposed to be a good game with an engaging story and not a
>you need to be an ultra weeb and japanese culture expert in order to fully enjoy this piece of media
>Don't you think it would be a detriment to Ace Attorney for example if the names were Japanese?
No because not every joke in ace attorney is a punny name
>Cara Hickman
>Jacqueline Holloway
holy fucking shit i hate americans localizing to only fit their garbage culture
you realize there are people other than burgers playing these type of games, right?
>in which case why are you playing an anime game to begin with
Because I like detective stories and this is said to be one of the better video game mysteries. I'm fully aware that I'm not really the target audience for the game.
guess we need to translate the names for every language
this. the only name I can remember is that the bear in OP's pic is named Danganronpa.
>it's not a good game with an engaging story because I don't like the japanese names
If you're this upset then just pretend everyone is named Dave, John, and Suzie since that would improve it for you dipshit
no he's monobear
>buys japanese game
>upset it has japanese names
or just keep it as the original names
you burgers are making my head hurt
the thing is that it's hard to remember their names because they don't stand out as characters, they are all two-dimensional anime tropes instead of actual people so there is nothing for non-autistic people to remember about them. you guys aren't remembering them as people or characters, you are remembering them as data. quelle autistic
you are being up in arms over a sarcastic joke
I'm sure they did a lot of work translating the game, changing references and phrases to better suit us. I just don't understand then why not take it that last step further to translate the names as well but I realize now that you guys are very defensive about it and actually like it the way it is so now I get why they did it like that.
>you guys aren't remembering them as people or characters, you are remembering them as data. quelle autistic
You're the autistic one here who simply cannot remember the characters and thus think they aren't unique in their own way
>the absolute madman nagito who's drunk on hope is two dimensional
Sure thing
>you are being up in arms over a sarcastic joke
they are obviously autistic, user.. not understanding subtext/sarcasm is one of the SEVERAL signs exhibited in this thread.
let it go
Why would they do that when they never bothered to change the fact that Hope's Peak is in Japan to begin with.
>the absolute madman nagito who's drunk on hope is two dimensional
wow crazy character archetype that plays off the theme of the last game and the series. wow such depth. much layers.
yeah and they should've called danganronpa "bullet refutation." would've been more popular right? lol
You're genuinely fucking stupid. There are two very simple and obvious reasons why they keep it the original ones. First because it's what the creator wants. No one wants to change more than they have to in order to localize for another audience, and changing the names you specifically picked for your characters is a massive deal. And secondly because changing the character names would further divide audiences, making it much harder for them to discuss the game depending on which version they played.
>Oh so you play Dangan too, who's your favorite character?
>"Yeah bro, I love John Smith, that dude is so wild!"
>Uh, who?
You'd have to be a fucking idiot to not understand this
There's like one mention of it and that one mention is not relevant to the story at all. if the translators wanted to they could very easily find a solution to that.
>what's the point if I can't communicate with all my Japanese friends
yeah ok
It's hilarious that he's defending that, because now ace attorney has ran into the problem that the games are more clearly Japanese, and yet because the localization has changed it to America, the localization looks very weird because of concepts like yokai and rakugo which is clearly Japanese in nature, but has to be changed into America to prevent conflicts with previous entries
More like what's the point if half of the audience can't communicate with the other half. You can just accept you're a fucking autist who can't get past a very simple thing literally everyone else who played got past
I haven't played the third game but the others literally takes place in an isolated place cut off from the rest of the world. There's plenty you can say to argue against localizing the game further but it being difficult is not a good argument.
1 is great
2 is a retread of 1 with worse characters but it's okay
UDG actually tried something different and is pretty good
v3 is a retread of 2 and Kodaka having a chip on his shoulder about Uchikoshi for literally no reason so he tried to copy both the previous DR games and ZTD and made absolute garbage but retards liked it anyway because they like jerkinging their malformed tranny dicks over the shitty characters
>the simple ability to retain information is now considered autism
I suppose this was inevitable
It's only 48 names, over 3 games that you'll spend 100% hours combined on
You should be worried about your memory if that's too much information for you to remember
Why are you trying to support the pokemon anime style of translating, the only recent game I heard of that does this is ace attorney and that's because of it being grandfathered in.
There is no point to that anymore with the advent of more people being able to read Japanese and larger general knowledge of culture across the world.
There's also the fact that Danganronpa comes with a japanese dub option, it would be really weird in voiced trials to listen to someone call a character by their japanese name and for the subtitles to say a completely different name.
Well take Monokuma. I don't know if that name means anything or is just a regular name or what it is. If the name is equivalent to Teddy or something like that in English then personally I would experience something closer to the creator's vision if the name was translated.
As far as I can remember the lines don't really read out what the characters say in the text and therefore don't say the names of any character, they're just generic lines like "what did you say?" or "stop fucking around" and stuff like that.
Class trials are fully voice acted.
One of the students in the second game is literally dressed in a kimono.
>He didn't even get up to the trials where each line is fully voiced as opposed to the investigations and daily life where there are just those generic voice lines
You've exposed yourself as someone who hasn't even played the games, what a loser.
Did you even bother to play the game, because most class trials have names being said throughout, whether Japanese or English
It doesn't take a genius iq to find out that kuma means bear
Shootey Refutey
One of the class trials literally has the fact that a first name can also be a last name be key to discovering who the culprit is. This is very possible in Japanese, but doesn't translate really well to English.
>The kanji for "Kazuichi" (和一) simply means "Peaceful One", while his surname (左右田) translates as "Rice Field of Dominance" (左右 sō being an expression literally meaning "Left & Right").
how do you turn this into an english name? seems pointless and complicated to do something like that. besides the games give off a japanese vibe anyway.
He's an autist who doesn't want the names "translated", but instead localized into generic american names like David Johnson because he's too autistic to get past jap names in a jap game
Kyle Softdrink
Which class trial? The first one of 1?
1-3, the one with Yasuhiro Hagakure and Taeko Yasuhiro
only 1 and 2.
and after seeing how dumb v3's plot got, I decided against playing it
how would you know v3 plot was dumb if you didn't play it?
if you spoiled yourself then whats even the point in playing these games in the first place?
>V3-4 that fucking low
>how would you know v3 plot was dumb if you didn't play it?
from seeing the threads on here
so you're essentially just spoiling yourself before playing the games?
It's not my fault when assholes make threads with unmarked spoilers in the OP
if you go into a dr thread you're gonna get spoilers regardless, retard
when i was playing i just ignored all that shit before i was finished playing everything
Ah right, clever that.
>if you go into a dr thread you're gonna get spoilers regardless,
It's not entering the DR thread, I mean in the opening post BEFORE entering the thread.
there's no way you're gonna learn anything significant from the v3 plot by only looking at that
>Ibuki on A
Shit list
I'm very sure a lot of threads spoiled KAEDE DIES
>there's no way you're gonna learn anything significant from the v3 plot by only looking at that
It is when the said spoiler was entire series is Reality TV thanks to this piece of shit game
either you're lying or you're very unlucky to see someone make a post with that as their headline before it getting removed
either way, thats only a last minute twist and everything up to that point plays out just like the other 2 games. you should probably still give it a try.
>whole series was reality tv, including dr1 and 2
That's incorrect.
>how dare they say the people that aren't real aren't real
> wannabe hopeman
hopeman for fujos who are also pedophiles
killers to the left of me
victims to the right
here I am, stuck in the middle with you
It's a pun on Kuma (bear) mixed with the english word Monochrome - which is his color scheme
I like how evil he can look
hopeman minus everything that made hopeman good
So you bought the bottle of beer at 11:15, is that right?
Now you see something? Now you see now, you done fucked up you know that don't you?
You know you done fucked up don't you?
I guess if you wanted a perfect english translation they'd all just call him Black-and-White Bear
is that better?
Well mono and monochrome are english words already....
So, a complete translation would just be monobear. Which doesn't sound bad
Monokuma has a bit more of a villainous edge to it, I guess
Monobear sounds more neutral
She is a big girl
I'm glad they didn't pussy out with Kokichi
I really expected some kind of twist where he's actually not evil
it's good that he just was evil
who would win
kokichi or onions
fuck i meant sou
I don't know, I haven't played YTTD yet
and then case 5 just made him stupid
almost, now would someone mind telling me why at any point of time there needs to be a danganronpa thread up on Yea Forums 24/7? even now there's like three of them, but as far as I know nothing new is coming out
They went on sale recently so a lot of people are replaying or playing for the first time
>no I hate killing and I hate this killing game
Did you play case 5 or did you thankfully find a way to purge it from your memory? If you did can you share your secrets?
No, this is a big girl
What the fuck was the point of this
Swap Ibuki and Gundham and it becomes substantially better
What do you think of the new detective game by the ZE director?
Might pick it up, need to see more gameplay first.
However that could have been a lie to convince Kaito, we don't have any real way of knowing if it was a lie or not.
Literally :^) the character, what fucking garbage.
reminder that someone from the cast of dr2 fucked junko's mushy crushed corpse
Kokichi thought he could end the death game by pretending to be the mastermind. Dude was basically trying to pull a reverse Kaede, she tried to kill the mastermind, he tried to be the mastermind.
Just learn to read between the lines user
You mean where there's nothing but more :^) ? There is nothing between the lines, he's just "lol, aren't I cuhrayzee?" the character.
reminder that no one actually did because it's a mistranslation
god fucking dammit i've yet again been deceived by the shitty burger translations im so sick of this
he actually cornered mastermind and destroyed script
he actually cornered mastermind and destroy script
why is he so small
1 is a bad game
2 and V3 are great
What would be closer to what it actually said?
So what the fuck was the point of this shit? It happens like twice in 1 and then is never heard from again.
>mary Sue gurl gamer S tier
>le silly guitar girl who contributes absolutely nothing to anything A tier
You mean the re action shit? It happened many, many times but it was pointless since you usually had to go through every option anyway to progress.
Someone tried transplanting Junko's womb into herself (like how Nagito transplanted her arm).
Fan theory is it was Mikan. I don't know if the text implies if she was actually succesful.
>mary Sue
red herring, they wanted you to think he was the mastermind or evil when it's clear that he's just lying
Originally they planned for Distrust, which is what turned into Danganronpa, to have a branching story. This got cut during development and the Re:Action system was all that remained of it.
she is, somehow a girl gamer manages to know everything and is super smart, but also she's cute and wears bikinis! AND SHES ALSO A COMPUTER PROGRAM
I would really love a danganronpa game with multiple routes, maybe you could even be the killer yourself.
What about the thing in V3 where you can make Kaede go "Uh huh".
>manages to know everything and is super smart
>what the fuck is girl's day?
>what the fuck is a cow, it scares me
>eats glue like a 5 year old
she's literally an AI based upon the cast's memory of their dead class-president
probably programmed to be useful in investigations but all the rest she has to figure out and learn as she goes
being the best girl and also not being real is kinda cruel desu
1 and 2. Been on UDG for months now, hope I can get myself to finish it soon
If you're not having fun don't push yourself
I'm currently replaying UDG and I'm loving this game even more than I did before.
>tight plot that adds tons of shit to the setting and expands basically everything from the first game
>tons of little details and SOUL, like when you shot Shirokuma with dance bullets and he does the dance from the DR1 anime OP
>tons of blatant lolicon pandering and that's a good thing
>(almost) no Junko
This game is a fucking 9/10.
Monaka is an absolute despicable dogshit of a human being. And then instead of it leading anywhere, this stupid shit happens.
Based user with good taste.
post characters that canonically farted
>(almost) no Junko
Thanks user, now you convinced me to not play it.
What's with all the danganronpa threads lately? Not that I'm complaining.
MAKI IS BEST GIRL IN V3 because the competition isn't exactly fierce
I've read Kodaka's manga and his Danganronpa prequel, Zero. He's a legit hack who can only work with one dimensional characters.
If you piece his stuff into a bigger frame like in Danganronpa games, it becomes entertaining.
Absolutely correct.
>tfw you orchestrate the whole tragedy in the first place with your robots, murder scores of adults and almost manage to re-ignite a global war between hope and despair, and end up getting away with everything by just fucking off into space
are we ever geting a dr4?
Garbage taste.
I haven't, but it looks like one of those games that everyone should try at least once. Where should I start? Should I bother with the anime at all?
Start with the first game, then play 2 if you got hooked, then play V3. If you want something different after that, play Ultra Despair Girls. You will be happier if you dont watch the anime.
Cope, seething Miunigger.
I just read the wikipedia entry for Too Kyo Games
>The fourth project was started by Kodaka before he left Spike Chunsoft.[1] According to Kodaka, their first four projects are expected to be released about two to three years after their announcement.[7]
>The goal of the company, according to Kodaka, is to create new intellectual properties, and for the staff to also create their own indie game projects;[8] he also mentioned that he would still like to go back to the Danganronpa franchise at some point in the future.[1]
It's likely, I don't see why Spike Chunsoft wouldn't want a new Danganronpa game and it's not like Kodaka can come up with better stuff.
this is how i did it
>future/despeir arc anime
>dr v3
rest i feel is optional (even the anime is optional if you're not desperate to know details in the story)
DR1 & DR 2 is a wild ride. There's also the action spinoff Ultra Despair Girls but it still ties into the DR lore. Anime is shit but it ends the storylines for all three games.
Start with the first game: Trigger Happy Havoc. Then go try the sequel. If you want to, go play Ultra Despair Girls. Then play V3. The animes are shit and V3 never references them.
The only thing you should know is that V3 spoils some of the events of 1/2, and that UNDER NO CONDITION SHOULD YOU WATCH THE ANIME
the anime has its moments though for sure
1, 2, V3
UDG is a mediocre third person shooter which you should only play if you love the universe/characters
I vouch for this. Just read the synopsis on wiki instead. Most of the anime is introducing the new characters and retelling the events we already know but told worse and the future arc is only good for memes and 'closure' if you can call that shitshow closure.
>intellectual properties
Nothing about this man's properties is what I would call "intellectual".
>Just read the synopsis on wiki instead.
Why? If you're exposing yourself to that toxic waste willingly you might as well watch it for the full blown retardation.
What was the point of this character?
either watch the anime or ignore it
it won't have any effect on v3 anyways
I'm watching the DR3 anime and I like it so far. Does it get way worse or do I just have shit taste?
The anime is "ok". Its a bit of a meme tho dont watch it if you expect anything serious.
Lol lies
It gets retarded once the main villain's method for converting people is revealed.
Kayayday was a fucking retard and did nothing right.
Fuck no, why would I? It's not like a VN will be well done or it would have just made the jump to book. It's not interactive enough to be a game nor well-written enough to be a book
It's like the worst of both (button-mashing and slogging through samey bullshit) combined into a mess made for weeaboos who find characters like Junko relatable, constructive or interesting.
>new characters
God I fucking hated all of the Future Foundation faggots. Every single one of them are fucking unlikable selfish Chad and Stacy tier cunts. Except for Seiko, she is best girl and did not deserve any of that treatment from that stuck up candy bitch cunt.
not an argument
its honestly not that bad
as long as you don't expect perfection you can get some entertainment from it
also real chiaki's death fucking broke me
Everyone seems to have super powers now and all the Future Foundation members suffer room temperature IQ.
How dare you dishonor THE GREAT BROZU with your foul words. Kizakura and Miaya were also great.
This pains me deeply that she's stuck in DR3 instead of being in a game.
Munakata had a point tho
Some of the worst taste I've ever seen
>that seance
>the killing right while you are in the room, investigating
3-3's investigation was so fucking good. Too bad the trial was wasted potential.
Nobody actually likes Junko. That cunt is only good for fap fuel. The series goes out of it's way to show how much of a terrible person she is. Junko is literally The Joker.
It's not, it's a statement about VNs being social exposure for NEETs who manage to fuck up greeting their cashier
>Every single one of them are fucking unlikable selfish Chad and Stacy tier cunts
What about Bandai?
Do you guys like Your Turn To Die?
>when you are so knee deep in the closet you fuck everything up
He's black.
I also appreciate that Korikiyo more or less managed to win. His locked-room murder was actually unsolvable. The only reason he didn't Graduate was because he simply couldn't help himself and had to SEESAW
he didn't deserve it
I like Junko, I find hilarious that a stupid pretty teen was able to destroy the world in a year or less.
It makes no fucking sense, but like Monokuma said in DR2, it's just a game.
Well I mean you can't just let a perfectly good trick like that go to waste.
No, I am not a fan of your half assed low effort shill threads. It gets very sad very quick.
Imagine if he'd gotten away with both
>commit two unsolvable murders just to prove you're the Ultimate Blackened
didn't know such creature existed
you don't know what you're in for until you get something close to fire emblem fates
>I find hilarious that a stupid pretty teen was able to destroy the world in a year or less
The anime ruined it. Now Junko only won because of her autistic sister and mind controlling anime. Also she has high IQ and is never wrong.
To be fair, just like all the people claiming Kirumi should have left Ryoma drowned in the sink Monokuma would have given more information in the report so they could figure it out.
More like imagine someone else had done the first kill and he'd walk off into case 4 scot-free. That'd have been a MUCH better use of the "the one responsible for the kill walks away" than case 4 did. Christ, the flashback lights were such a terrible idea, bringing up the background nonsense of DR's retarded powerlevel as early as case 4 was such a fucking mistake.
I don't know why people always seem surprised that Junko is comically over the top
EVERYBODY is, from the very beginning. Mondo is the leader of every single Biker Gang in Japan?
Byakuya is privately worth 4 Billion dollars because he's good at Day Trading?
The entire thing is absurd right from the start of the game and people still think The Tragedy should actually make sense?
Never watched the anime, I just played DR 1 and 2 and then stopped.
There's also the fact that he couldn't be 100% sure his locked-room trick had worked
He assumed it would, but if anything had gone wrong and there was some evidence he wanted a 2nd murder as a backup
and his collection of dead sister-friends
>Never watched the anime
You are a lucky one. Also everything I said is considered canon.
>everybody has to live with him knowing he killed and could kill again
>he only revealed his true colors (the sister thing) once it was clear he would be executed so nobody would know that aspect of his character
>simply that he has killed before and could do it again
that would be a tense fucking atmosphere
Christ, that trick was about as stupid as the gravel in terms of convenient surroundings.
At least Harley Queen likes Joker though.
>proper localization
Please end yourself burger retard. The game is full of Japanese shit. How the fuck would characters like Hiyoko, Hifumi, Mugi, or all the girls wearing sailor uniforms not feel Japanese. You already have a few localization changes, so stop trying to ruin the games entirely like you fucking faggots always do.
They literally just gave him the parts to work with
Yes and immediately refunded after I realized there was no real gameplay.
Right, and unlike the retarded midget he isn't conveniently made of plotanium and goes full retard with monokuma. Just a creepy guy with a murder on his hands.
I'm talking about the lock-room one though, which is more jury-rigged compared to the second.
They should just try and make Distrust again with a new setting and characters while standing on the Dangan hype.
Something with actual branching paths, and the possibility of trying to get away with a murder yourself, would be fantastic
And depending on your relationships with the characters they act different and have different dialogues.
You cannot mollify me with unfounded generalizations, peasant
Somewhat unpopular opinion time
I've had the idea before of doing a killing game where every participant is a serial killer.
This seems like it would be ridiculously difficult to actually script though
Like how much freedom can the player really be given if the game itself has to try and solve your murder? How would you even do that?
You'd have to script like at least 200+ different trial scenarios depending on who's alive, who kills who, how etc.
>expecting gameplay in a VN
You played yourself, retard.
Why is Hiyoko at the bottom?
Danganronpa All Stars Edition
The only people invited are already prolific serial kills out in the real world
Their memories are not erased
I like it
Acceptable taste
Yeah I don't agree with this, but people have different opinions and I can respect yours.
>the first game's CGs are actually traced over
Holy shit. Does anyone know if the ones in DR2 and V3 are like this too?
It wouldn't be Danganronpa exactly, with the class trials and all that. There'd be more emphasis on the player dodging murder attempts and planning their own instead of trying to figure out whodunnit.
Every time she opens her mouth I want to pick her up and punt her. Maybe if her redemption arc wasn't botched, I could grow to appreciate her more, and truth be told lots of girls I get with end up having her kind of attitude out of some god-tier irony, but c'est la vie.
Probably not, which is why the ones in V3 are hot fucking trash.
That's great too, I just defaulted to DR but a more freeform and active killing game could be just as if not more interesting
>Tenko's ass
Danganronpa but is the opposite.
15 students remove Junko's memories of being the ultimate despair, and she have to work and survive all alone and learn the importance of Love and Hope.
Last man standing wins then I assume? An elimination game instead of murder mysteries
When is that one game coming out from 999 and DR's directors? Forgot the name
>Akane in the same league as Hina and above nearly anyone in C
>Teruteru in A
Explain these
Hating Akane is a meme spewed out by wannabe Yea Forums fags.
This, if you hate Akane but not Weedman you're a fucking hypocrite
I suppose it'd have to be a mix. You can last man standing it but there's restrictions on killing, for example you can't just set a bomb and kill everyone else at once. Character interactions in death games are half the fun and it's what the death game genre has over battle royale stories, so there'd probably be objectives they have to complete that requires everyone to work together and cooperate, meaning people have to hide their kills.
You could simply have a rule that you may only kill 1 other person at a time
what do they have in common
>Hating Akane is a meme spewed out by wannabe Yea Forums fags.
>Gets multiple chances for character development
>Never uses it. Same dumbass from start to finish making the same mistakes.
>Completely ruins Nekomaru.
Fuck her.
Weedman is at least funny and has more material than being a gorilla. And even then, if he wasn't clearly an ironic character intended to be the scum of the Earth, I'd hate him too.
and each time a murder occurs, the group is forced into a new area that is full of puzzles or obstacles that need to be solved or overcome as a group, within a time limit
so they have to kill WHILE working together
I've seen the reverse a lot more often
Weedman is nothing like Akane except being useless. And that's not people's problem with Akane.
These are good ideas. The successful killer of each round should probably also get a reward from the people running the game that will help with their continued survival, to motivate people to kill during the early stages of the game. This way the perfect run is if the player character executes all the murders in each round and uses the rewards to help with the final kill in the last round.
That's really good, I'd play that
Axe the time limit. Make the condition that you have to clear all the puzzles/obstacles before the group can move ahead, but a murder must be commited in order for the next area to open.
This is the list, /thread.
Or not idk I don't really care.
>Gets multiple chances for character development
See? Muh story tropes or whatever. Wannabe Yea Forumsfag,
>Completely ruins Nekomaru.
How in the fuck does she do that?
Would you prefer if the player character was more defined and had a particular killing style, or if they're a more flexible character according to the player's choices and can use a variety of methods? What kind of serial killers would you like to see as opponents?
Non-loli Hiyoko is best waifu.
Not sure I agree with Peko and Nekomaru but this is very respectable.
>See? Muh story tropes or whatever. Wannabe Yea Forumsfag,
>What makes a good character isn't important
Literally kill yourself.
>How in the fuck does she do that?
Nekomaru is literally a prop for her to develop and she doesn't fucking use it. Akane tries to attack Monokuma which literally everyone knew was a brainded idea. Nekomaru sacrifices his life to save her and she is clearly the most affected. Then Akane does the same shit again in chapter 5, proving she learned nothing from him.
More flexible would be nice, although I wouldn't mind if the Player Character was defined as long as it was done well
As for opponents, I would look to classic and historical serial and spree killers and just turn them up to 11 and put a twist on them. That's the kind of thing that would take me a while to draft up, I'd need to put some real thought into it.
You also could play on the fact that they're being forced to kill in ways that don't fit their usual MO, because that kind of thing would really irk most actual serial killers. They're usually very particular about only killing a certain kind of people, or killing in a certain way, but because they're forced into this strange situation they have to mix up their usual methods.
>What makes a good character isn't important
Some characters just don't develop you fucking spaz, it's not a necessity to make a character. Go back yo Yea Forums with your autism.
>liking Hiyoko after she loses her sole redeeming quality
And that somehow makes Nekomaru worse? He's the same character through and through but because you didn't like how Akane turned out somehow Nekomaru is affected?
*gets her jugular sliced*
>not liking that she will call you slave, insult you, and then have angry sex
>liking that she looks like a kid
>Hiyokofags are pedos
Are you honestly fucking surprised? She's an atrocious character all across the board so of course only fetishists will like her.
It does. Nekomaru suffers heavily from the plot not knowing what to do with him. His main role is shoved as Akane's prop and it's all for nothing.
I think the thing about her is because she dies so abruptly and unceremoniously, her character never really goes anywhere and all the time spent with her as a cunt feels pointless.
You do know that burgers are not the only ones who play english localizations, right?
>Some characters just don't develop you fucking spaz,
Dumbass. It's not that the bitch doesn't get major character development. It's that she's so fucking retarded that she can't learn from the simplest mistakes and does nothing to make up for it despite being around the whole time. It's not character to development to learn not to stick your hand in a fucking fire but apparently that's too much for Akane. She contributes to nothing to the group dynamic but make the same shitty fanservice and meat jokes the whole game.
Not him, but that's literally Ishimaru but instead of being a cunt, he's just an (endearingly) annoying autist What a waste
It feels like her whole character's just a rerun of Aoi because muh first game formulas only with none of Aoi's good aspects and several more bad aspects
The plot didn't know what to do with anyone that wasn't Hajime, Chiaki, or Nagito. Same problem as Makoto, Kyoko, and Hajime in 1. Everyone else is just fluff to give their little backstory and be comedic relief.
the number of characters to remember literally dwindles every chapter by at least two
Chapter 3 Double Murder has never been a good idea.
Well, all the characters from DR2 ended up being some kind of evil.
Is kinda sad that she died when she was trying to change for better, but that's how the killing games are.
If you try to befriend her, you realize that she is extremely insecure and feels jealous of other girls like Sonia, and that she have some daddy issues.
>Same problem as Makoto, Kyoko, and Hajime in What the fuck are you on about?
Sayaka, Mondo, Chihiro, Sakura and Asahina clearly had defined roles and contributed meaningfully to the game.
Hajime was in Danganronpa 1?
Why does she have to prove anything to an autist like you? She's a fucking fightfag, and that's all she'll ever be. The fact that you don't understand this speaks volumes for your IQ.
>Why does she have to prove anything to an autist like you?
lol. If you don't have a point then just don't reply, waifushitter. There are plenty good reasons to hate Akane.
No... they don't. They have their little sob story they give when they die and that's it, all their stories are completely self contained in the chapter they meet their end bar Chihiro for making Alter Ego.
Toko, Hagakure, Hifumi and Ishimaru (pains me to say) are the only DR1 character with no specific purpose.
There isn't. All that's ever cried about is
Meanwhile a good 70% of the characters in the game don't get character development but no one cries about them every time they're brought up.
Does Leon really have a purpose other than being the tutorial culprit that nobody will miss?
Sayaka starts the killing game and sets the tone of betrayal from any front
Mondo and Chihiro come in a package, and not only set up trial 3 but Chihiro leaves Alter ego
Sakura fucking ended the killing game and broke the door down for Kyoko.
Asahina masterminded trial 4 and (along with Sakura) completely flipped Togami philosophy on its head and made him give up the game.
How the fuck did you speed read this much?
What about Celeste? The only thing she does is kill two of the people who you say have no specific purpose.
To prove your point, I literally did not remember him.
>Hifumi and Ishimaru
So being victims isn't a purpose?
>Sayaka starts the killing game and sets the tone of betrayal from any front
And then is never mentioned again outside of Makoto remembering all the friends he lost.
>Mondo and Chihiro come in a package, and not only set up trial 3 but Chihiro leaves Alter ego
Mondo is no such thing, they're both immediately forgotten about and AE takes their place as a character.
>Sakura fucking ended the killing game and broke the door down for Kyoko.
And then was immediately forgotten about in the next case.
>Asahina masterminded trial 4 and (along with Sakura) completely flipped Togami philosophy on its head and made him give up the game.
And then everyone forgave her and was never mentioned again.
I was just finishing my reply but my power cut off. For brevity's sake, I'll sum it up.
>I love women with simple needs, big tits, and big appitites. Akane is a no brianer, but placed lower because shes a trial scarecrow
>Aoi is prime wife material, better than Akane
>Teruteru is funny and full of passion. If Leon and Kazuichi are gamers, he's a cum golem.
>Rantaro is bro tier and I love talking to him in his FTEs and academy mode
>All that's ever cried about is
Settle down spastic. I literally said it's not about character development. It's that Akane is fucking useless, giving ample opportunity to not be fucking useless and doesn't take it, for the whole game. Cry more.
>but no one cries about them every time they're brought up.
You have people in this thread, right now, arguing that Hiyoko was wasted because she was given a character arc that went nowhere and is bad as a result.
So... you rather will have every character to be mentioned every 10 seconds...
"hey, we found a garden... I miss Mondo and his cool hairstyle"
"Oh look, a key, hey remember Sakura? she was so cool"
The problem you faggots are forgetting is that DR is not meant to have an overarching plot. Each game is just a collection of 5 self contained cases and then the 6th one tries to pull an "actually this was all part of my plan" piece of shit ending.
>And then is never mentioned again
Irrelevant. She sets the atmosphere and that's important for the entire game.
>Mondo is no such thing, they're both immediately forgotten about and AE takes their place as a character.
Mondo isn't the one who killed Chihiro resulting in Alter Ego and the circumstance of being left behind? Interesting
>And then was immediately forgotten about in the next case.
Hahaha. Okay, I see I'm being trolled. Last >you
Reminder that Kodaka in his lecture states "even if your character will be nonexistant and killed off early in your story, you must treat them with the love and respect as any other of your characters".
>Teruteru is funny and full of passion
>We don't fucking cry about them every 5 minutes so clearly they added nothing important to the story. Even the ones responsible for uniting the cast and unofficially ending the killing.
How many layers of retard are you on?
Can I use the save data I had from a legit copy to a pirated version?
Now here's a good post. I respect this, user and do like all those characters except Akane. Was actually happy to see someone like Teruteru for once.
Except Leon, of course.
Like 5 or 6 my dude
UDG is peak Danganronpa
>the two main characters have a great dynamic and tons of development
>main villain is the manipulative bitch Junko was always supposed to be
>best music
>best voice acting (at least in english)
>oppressive atmosphere again, like the first game had
People like to shit on the gameplay, but half the time you're just solving puzzles anyway.
Yet somehow both in DR1 and DR2 the first victim/murdered pair are completely forgettable even with max bond and post-game content. Kodaka only pulled it off in V3 with Kaede and Rantaro.
I just finished Danganronpa 2 and I hear there's some kind of anime with the characters from this second game, but I don't know which one is, there are like 3 that are called "danganronpa 3", and then one that is just called "the animation" and I'm pretty lost right now.
It's because of idiots like you that the games do shit like make us explain octacons,or have Kyoko say "the sixteenth student" 20 times in the same chapter as if our ability to retain information is non-existent.
You know that makes more sense than trying to fuck a mangled corpse. A womb might survive a beating
>hating on the fatties
Fuck you they were both great and deserved to be the only Chapter 1 casualties to canonically survive
Have you noticed everything he does is so full of energy and emotion? His siblings are the Ultimate Escorts, he must have been raised in a background of open sexuality and relations, much like Angie's backstory.
He has low standards, but at no point does he treat anyone as less appealing or less deserving. His horniness is both endearing and a big flaw as character traits. Plus, I'm mad horny too so I find him ever so relatible.
DR3 is the anime you're looking for. Continues the story canonically. Watch one from Despair arc, then one from Hope arc, until you're finished with both. Don't binge one arc before the other, it'll retroactively spoil stuff. Weird, I know.
I don't agree. Sayaka and fat Byakuya were really memorable.
Nigger what? Rantaro is the most forgettable trial 1 victim after Leon. Kaede can't be forgotten because Shuichi never shut up about her so fair enough. Sayaka and Imposter were better characters than most of the others in their games, even the ones that made it from mid-game to end-game.
Yeah, 1, 2 and V3 at least. Never got into UDG much. I really like Danganronpa, I once heard someone online refer to it as "delicious anime garbage" and I genuinely do think that's a good description of it. Yes it's stupid at times and is very, VERY anime, but if you can look past that I do think it's a lot of fun. I like murder mysteries, and this is basically that but extra ridiculous.
How about Mukuro and Teruteru?
Teruteru tried to kill 15 people. He is probably the most morally defunct chapter 1 character. How did he deserve to survive? As a rule, I generally think the killing game is bullshit and they all deserved to live save the legitimately evil ones.
>actually tolerating akane - cook edition
What about them?
>He is probably the most morally defunct chapter 1 character
That would be Mukuro.
If you're going to be a picky cunt then Junko belongs in F and Nekomaru doesn't belong anywhere that high.
Monokuma should be on hopeman's level though, and Sakura being lower than Aoi is weird to me.
>sayaka thesis.doc
Sayaka is better than some of the lowest dumpster fire character in DR1, sure, but that's not a high bar to pass when you have characters like Hagakure and Hifumi.
user, the reason you can't get past the beginning is because you have to do things, thus making it a game
Wouldn't he be closer to hifumi - cook edition?
>Visual Novel
So, in the list of animes I have, they are called like this:
>Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Mirai-hen
>Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Zetsubou-hen
>Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Kibou-hen
The first two are in the category or "parallel stories" so I guess these two are the ones I should watch at the same time, and the third one seems to be an OVA and is put as the sequel of the two first.
Fucking weird, but I think I got it, thanks user.
>How did he deserve to survive?
I think he was referring to how everyone in DR2 technically survived except for Chiaki, while DR1 deaths and DRV3 deaths are all permanent.
I picked worst girl from his own game but honestly even Hifumi isn't as bad as those two since at minima he has his autistic otaku pride over them.
So the trials, where you have to actively play a game, don't count why?
>worst girl
Peko and Hiyoko exist.
What is the basis for either of these statements?
How are they the worst?
Peko is a literal nothing character, just a springboard for Fuyuhiko. Hiyoko is just waifubait for pedos and masochists.
>don't actually die
>by far the nicest and least restrictive setting in terms of actually living in it
>only one true casualty
>even the executions are mostly one-shot kills instead of prolonged pain and suffering
>canonical happy ending despite being ultra-terrorists
Class 77 really had it easy.
I don't dislike any character except those in F. Leon's cooler than the others, but I can't get over how the developers did not care about him at all, wanted him to be a tutorial culprit and gotten rid off. It leaves a bad after taste in my mouth. A few in D are characters who had loads of potential like Celes, Taka and Sonia, who just squandered all of it.
>Rantaro is the most forgettable trial 1 victim
But he isn't? Him being the Ultimate Survivor is main reason Shuichi even succeeded in Chapter 6. His characterization loops around to the end of the game despite being dead while someone like Teruteru or Leon are absolutely forgotten and never mentioned again. His post-game content and bond dialog about having 12 lost sisters isn't very interesting, I'll give you that, but his contributions to the story are a lot better than other trial 1 victims.
Peko is an autistic sword but that's a character type japs love for some reason. She's not aggressively obnoxious like those two are, and she at least tried something which was part of her character, and could very well have survived in Kuzuryu's place and gotten the same kind of character development.
Hiyoko is annoying but even I don't remember her being quite as bad as the other two.
Excuse me, but Hiyoko at least is cute, and there's a chance you can be in her good side like Mahiru.
And Peko did nothing wrong.
Ibuki, on the other hand...
Dude, I totally getcha! There's this weird dude with an antenna and it's impossible to remember his name. What was it again? Something like Hector I think
>Ibuki, on the other hand
Do you want to die?
something about Ibuki screams "filler character" more so than any other character in the series.
That's nearly half the cast.
>They're my waifu so their garbage characters are a-okay with me.
Kill yourselves. Agreed about Ibuki though.
Yes, I want to die.
What's wrong with Mondo and Celes?
DR2 had a lot of filler looking back. Someone mentioned Peko and yeah, Fuyuhiko might be good and all, but it required Peko to kill whatever potential her character had and just be his stepladder. Shame when she's arguably the hottest girl in that game.
I just hope we get another DR game. Heck V3 set it up so that they can basically do whatever they want with DR4
What's wrong with Ibuki?
>hating on Peko
Nothing's wrong with Mondo. I just think he's a worse character, but I don't think Sayaka's bad either or anything.
Character assassination at its finest. I think of her character and laugh my ass off at chapter 3. Dumpster fire-tier character with a godly design.
Nekomaru felt the same way for Akane pretty much, just slightly less blatant and a lot more poorly executed. A shame since he was actually a pretty cool character otherwise
Chapter 3 ruined everyone involved in it.
That's not what I said. Peko is honestly just a slightly less bland Kirumi with a different "tee-hee I actually have repressed emotions" freakout, and even with how little that is it's still miles above Teruteru or Akane. Hiyoko kind of existed and made noise but she wasn's as loud as those two either.
>Shuichi is left with those two
>all he needed to do was convince a robot to explode
What else felt like filler?
Read this.
Mondo wasn't in chapter 3
It does in every game, come to think of it.
Why is Maki's hair so long? That's a liability for her job. She should learn from 47's example.
I'm more ok with this than the most
Ibuki, Hiyoko, Nekomaru, Akane, Sonia (fuck me but it's true). I'm on the fence with Kazuichi, he makes useful tools that help sometimes, but as a character, he was just a cuck, that's literally it. Above the listed yeah, but I'm on the fence
She can control them
She's not an actual assassin, user. Technically.
How do Hiyoko, Nekomaru, and Sonia feel like filler, out of curiosity?
Hey man, V3's was okay. Angie was starting to show some serious potential to fuck things up with the cult-lead dynamic that could have thoroughly made life difficult if they'd banded together as accomplices in a trial, she just got killed before that. I'd honestly have liked it better if Kokichi had died in Angie's place and have her the one to go full batshit insane in case 4/5.
And Kiyo's retardation was fine, imo the seance into a body right under your nose was perfect- he should just have gotten away with it and the first murder should have been a different person.
Does Yea Forums finally agree that V3 was the best in the series?
If I pull that hair will she die?
I don't know how Angie would even be the rival, considering they pretty much pegged Kokichi as one from Chapter 1
no, the ranking will always be:
2 > UDG > 1 > V3 > Shit > anime's
Yeah, and they pegged Rantaro and Kaede as big deals from chapter 1 too, and how did that turn out? It wouldn't have been the first or biggest fakeout in the series. And Kokichi's "rivalry" was just so retarded in its execution because he was always just off on his own and he wasn't even entertaining or consistent like hopeman.
Doesn't contribute in anyway. Actually sort of a detriment in trial 2 despite being heavily involved. She's more of a nuisance who was on her way to be better then got the chapter 3 treatment.
Cool dude. But as an user mentioned, the game didn't know what to do with him. Ultimate Team manager sounds like a great talent for maintaining the atmosphere but he doesn't really stand out and mostly hangs around Akane. We all know where that went. Nowhere.
Ultimate Princess. Does not come into play at any point despite the immense potential. We don't even know what makes her an "Ultimate Princess" at all. It feels more like they wanted to make a cute, likable foreigner girl who embodies all the trope offers. Sadly, she does nothing in the game but arguably drag down Kazuichi and maybe Gundham. Remove her and little changes.
>I don't know how Angie would even be the rival
I mean, she was making a good go of it in Chapter 3 when she had half the game swayed to her line of thinking
V3 had my favorite trials. However, V2 had a better cast. V1's plot is the best though
It was pretty good considering that it had to follow everything else. Best? Maybe.
My dude. Stop this meme.
Kokichi was NEVER Shuichi's rival and did not ever become one. He was Kaito's rival from start to finish.
Danganronpa 51 and 52 haven't been released to western audiences yet though.
>V2 had a better cast
Yeah, my favorites were the Ultimate Patient and the Ultimate Paleontologist.
Hiyoko is also the one that shows you how awful Fuyuhiko feels for what happen in case 2, he stabs himself just to apologize to her.
Also, is a picture of a grown up Hiyoko what makes them realize how much time have pass.
He was also baby shit in terms of execution. It's like they wanted another junko, a character made of plotanium whose only point is to flip-flop constantly because lol-I'm-bored, and stretch this out for the entire game.
No. V3 has the best themes and strongest ending, but chapters 2-5 were mediocre and felt like almost no development happened besides people dying. The trials were also the most braindead of the games. Kaede's attempt was miraculously dumber than everything that came before. Kirumi vastly overthought her plan and made things worse. 3 was fine until Korekiyo, the most obvious killer ended up being the killer for stupid reasons when he could have done so much more by killing only Tenko. 4 was the best and I have no problems. 5 was a mess and exemplified everything that went wrong with V3.
dangan zero already characterized her as the most intelligent person in-universe
>baby shit in terms of execution
>after two years people still don't understand Kokichi's character
His 3-5 motivation is entirely at odds with everything else about him in the game.
>>after two years people still don't understand Kokichi's character
Not hard when he was the most inconsistent """rival"" who was never given a stable foundation to make sense of his actions, like Komaeda was.
There's nothing to understand, he was just a nothing character designed to stir shit.
>4 was the best
>let's spend 2 fucking hours going over the looped world twist that anyone with eyes figured out 3 minutes in.
>Orange juice
Dorky Makoto is really him at his best and should have been shown off more.
Don't forget it also ass-pulled Gonta's motive with the flashlight, even though they didn't need to do that to get him killed since his avatar was equal to everyone else.
>not the ultimate dog
Can't believe he was just a manlet in a dog suit. Would've gotten away with murder too, if he weren't red-green colorblind.
Those flashlights have to be one of the worst plot devices in all fiction.
Don't you mean "Ano..."
His entire motivation is that he's against killing, that's literally it. Pretty much every single one of his actions can be explained due to his dislike of the killing game. He also shields himself with lies because he doubts everyone around him rather than having blind faith in them like Kaito. He's not that difficult to understand yet people claim he's just "XD randumb" guy who exists to disrupt class trials.
>hey what if we could overwrite a character's entire character at the touch of a button for no reason instead of writing a motive?
>His entire motivation is that he's against killing,
So did chapter 4 not happen for you or...
>His entire motivation is that he's against killing, that's literally it
>kills Gonta and Miu
Oh no Kokichibros, we got too cocky in our slurping of Kodaka'a semen.
>hey what if our mystery VN didn't have an actual ending because everything can just be written off with "lol false memories"
>Kokichi didn't kill them himself
>it's their fault anyway
>doesn't count
>he's against killing
>directly kills Gonta by prompting him to murder someone and then revealing it in the trial, leading to his execution
>indirectly kills Miu via proxy
Not saying Gonta is innocent in this, but these don't seem like actions someone who hates killing would take.
>kills gonta and miu
Except Gonta is the one that kills Miu, dumbass. Did you not play the game? Gonta did it out of his own volition.
Well shit. Guess Celes had nothing to do with Ishimaru's death just because she manipulated that dumbass Hifumi to doing it for her.
Man, Monokuma was innocent all along, he never killed nobody. The kids did it.
>what if not a single thing in our story can be trusted because of our magic memory modifier
>"kokichi's entire character is that he doesn't like killing!"
>kokichi realise someone is finally out for his blood
>has AMPLE time to make himself secure by hugging shuichi since the guy is harmless, revealing things, or just nonlethally disabling Miu
>Nope, he deliberately exposes Gonta to something he knows will make him dangerous, convinces him killing Miu is the solution, and then has the gall to survive when he gets Gonta executed
Just misunderstood, right.
>ouma makes gonta despair and trick him into killing someone to try to get everyone killed
>he's not a killer and hate killing by the way
Fucking tulpaman is more worthy of your excuses.
By your circular logic no one is guilty of murder in DR since none of this would've happened if Monokuma hadn't set it up.
Nice fucking try shifting that goalpost. Nobody said Gonta wasn't guilty. Just that Kokichi is every bit as responsible as Monokuma/Celes would be for aggravating that situation when they had all the power in the world to stop it. Fuck outta here.
>Kokichi tricks Gonta into murder
>Gonta murders
>Gonta dies
>He HATES killing. He hates it!
Imagine the mental gymnastics.
Pretty sure Kokichi doesn't hate the killing, it was probably a lie just to get Kaito to do what he wanted. He must have had another motive.
Why's that?
Don't forget Kokichi reveals Gonta as the blackened in the trial without any hint of remorse for his actions, hastening his inevitable execution.
>all the power in the world to stop it
Miu murdering someone wasn't preventable, are you saying Kokichi should've just let himself die to Miu when his ultimate goal is to end the killing game, making his death meaningless? Keep in mind that out of all of the characters in the game he was the only one that actively tried to find the mastermind and end the killing game while everyone else had a finger up their asses crying in their dorm rooms.
Haha. virtual murder. Just stay the fuck out of the simulation lmao
All of them, except the fanservice ones.
>Pretty sure Kokichi doesn't hate the killing
His motive video says otherwise though.
You could say V3 had the best theme (truth and lies) in theory but 2's theme of "[create your own] future" is done much better in practice. Every Trial explores it, it's directly relevant to most of the characters (and the entire cast collectively) and it builds up to a positive message Hajime realizes and demonstrates as opposed to V3's where the resolution is just ending the cycle of bullshit and escaping. The most substantial takeaway is "even if this was all a lie, it was a real and substantial truth to those who experienced it" which 2 already did.
>Motive video
His actions say otherwise though.
Uh, yes it was.
>figure out she's going to start shit
>Gonta, Miu is going to do something terrible. You need to hide on the roof and help her!
>Gonta gentleman stop Miu!
Ta daaa.
Alternatively just fucking stay out of her killzone if people don't believe you when you say she's going to start shit. Self preservation isn't rocket science.
i put it SS, his charcter was so fucking good
Just...fucking tell someone.
>inb4 nobody'll believe him!
No. They're not stupid. They want to live. They know anyone is capable of killing and Miu's a horrible actor. Everyone would be suspicious of her and that would thwart her attempts. Kokichi makes zero fucking effort to rectify the situation and jumps the worst possible conclusion. Letting 2 people die just to save his ass and carry on with his retarded plan.
Someone who hates killing would have done the opposite of what Kokichi did.
Everybody stop feeding the shota right now and post their favorite minigame.
Almost like Kokichi's character is an incoherent mess with no real underlying reasoning to the lies he tells and shit he does to antagonize people.
Well that's basically what those goody two-shoes protagonists say in every game
And he doesn't even have Komaeda's acoustic orgasm of a voice to make up for it.
>You need to hide on the roof and help her!
And how is Gonta supposed to help Miu? Your logic makes no sense.
>Alternatively just fucking stay out of her killzone if people don't believe you when you say she's going to start shit
The issue would've just escalated once they realize Miu has an intent to kill, leading her to just do it in the real world or someone killing her.
If Kokichi, the guy who somehow scripted entire conversations between the cast after his death, wanted to peacefully stop an absolute moron like Miu from committing a murder. I think he could do it.
yes so much that I'm burned out just like with New vegas.
>And how is Gonta supposed to help Miu? Your logic makes no sense.
Dumb nigger. Gonta will incapacitate her. Miu has nothing on him if he and Kokichi are working together. And the fact that Gonta sees her means Miu will have to give up her scheme unless she wants to be executed.
>are you saying Kokichi should've just let himself die to Miu
In fairness, whatever execution Miu would've gotten would be better than the weird bullshit that was Gonta's.
>And how is Gonta supposed to help Miu? Your logic makes no sense.
He was being facetious. Just like Gonta murdering everyone was supposed to "help" them according to Kokichi. Only this time, Gonta doesn't have to kill anybody.
>The issue would've just escalated once they realize Miu has an intent to kill, leading her to just do it in the real world or someone killing her.
And this POSSIBILITY is somehow worse than Kokichi fucking with Gonta to get him to do it anyway?
You dumb fucking shit.
>Gonta hides on roof because he's a puppy
>sees her pull out a hammer
>bump her in the head and put her in a stranglehold, except NOT kill her since he doesn't have a motive to kill
>kokichi runs for help
>murder disarmed
>Gonta will incapacitate her.
Did you forget the part that all of the virtual avatars in the simulation have the same physical strength? Miu has a hammer and Gonta doesn't, surely you can deduce yourself what would happen in that scenario.
I like Rebuttal Showdowns for the music and giving individual characters their chance to shine (except for some of them but fuck them I guess).
Yeah, which doesn't mean shit if Gonta gets her from behind. Same physical strength remember? Did you also forget he and Kokichi are there? And Gonta's presence there alone prevents Miu from doing anything unless she wants to fuck up her own plan.
Even if Rebuttal Showdown's gameplay was as bad as Hangman's Gambit it would still be worth it for what it adds to the presentation of each Trial
>And how is Gonta supposed to help Miu?
By doing literally anything? He could have said something to her, held her back without killing her, or taken any other action than murder. Miu backs down at the first sign of confrontation anyway. Then all Kokichi needs to do is tell the others, have Gonta as a witness, and go from there.
>gifs you can hear
>sore wa chigau yo
>Saa... Hinata-kun...
I need five minutes in my bunk.
>Did you forget the part that all of the virtual avatars in the simulation have the same physical strength?
And Gonta killed her anyway, which proves he can overpower her in this scenario because she'll be caught off guard regardless. He just doesn't have to kill her. This isn't rocket science and turns out there's a shitton number of ways to prevent a stupid murder plot you know is going to happen way ahead of time.
>Komaeda will never whisper about hope in your ear to brainwash you
How come the best memes came from the worst game?
Miu is for BDSM
Rebuttal Showdown opening line tier list:
>God Tier
>High Tier
>Alright Tier
>Boring Tier
>Not Even Trying Tier
How's it the worst game?
>mahiru in the same tier as INFINITY UNLIMITEDDO FUREIMU or Komaeda
>turns out there's a shitton number of ways to prevent a stupid murder plot you know is going to happen way ahead of time.
Not everybody can think that far ahead.
but she's sub as fuck tho.
Hers is great because it's both a pun on her talent and sort of functions as her own equivalent of "No, That's Wrong!"
I kind of wish the others had been wordplay based on their talents, though only a few of the others were.
Kokichi literally wrote out a script for an entire trial he was going to be dead for, lol
2 is the best game, in part because it continued 1's memes and brought them to new heights
She also literally follows it up with "No, that's (obviously) wrong!"
And then what? People would see that Miu has a motive to murder and just isolate her, causing her to boil up and commit a murder eventually, or even worse someone sees her as an easy target and kills her instead.
You dumb faggots think that just by "exposing" Miu the entire situation is solved, without and comprehension of how it would make everything even more unpredictable due to all of the strife it would cause in the group. Kokichi just took the route of least resistance and the one he would have control of the most by making himself a martyr.
And she's extremely fucking autistic so I don't see your point
Maki was outed as an assassin yet she wasn't ever truly isolated. Someone like Kaito or Gonta would probably reach out to Miu, or help to redirect her mania towards something productive like creating more gadgets to escape with.
Have you forgotten how all this started? You said Kokichi hated killing. Therefore he doesn't have to care about what happens Miu, he just has to stop her attempt at murder. What happens afterwards is none of his business, so long as he remains ignorant of it.
And a possibility will always far better than outright manipulating Gonta into murdering Miu and leaving two dead. If Maki can make friends despite being an assassin, Miu can be helped for literally giving into depression.
I got hooked on Outlaw Run for a while. It's a shame the trial version is vastly inferior
It's the best on a technical level and it has the least annoying cast overall. All three games have their ups and downs though.
Great taste coming through
>inb4 retards try to say I have shit taste
lol no
Thanks for putting Saionji so high she is a good girl
Why didn't he just tell Phoenix?
Why didn't he just have Misty channel her and lock her inside the temple by herself?
Because he wanted revenge
The class was also the nicest out of all three games and mostly got along, and there probably wouldn't have been any killings if Nagito didn't set it off.
The thing that pissed me off the most about 3-3 isn't even S E E S A W or the retarded fucking motive twist at the end, it's the fucking tape.
He brings and uses the tape for the sole purpose of making sure that there isn't any blood found near the rooms or hallway, but then as he kills her he doesn't remove the single piece of evidence that proves the body was transported? That he brought for the SOLE SINGLE FUCKING REASON of creating the locked room?
Fuck right off.
Pic not related I'm sure
>pic absolutly related i'm sure
>Miu in SSS
No argument here.
The double murder always has to be the most contrived nonsense which is why they're always the worst case
>Celes, Mukuro and Hifumi anywhere but the fucking trash
>Gonta in A
>Kaedumbass in SSS
Shit taste, desu
One of the worst lists in the tread but I appreciate you trying user
>all these lists missing like 2/3rds of the characters
What is wrong with you people?
>killing in the name of deliciousness as husbando
Wat. I'd say more, but you put Monaca really high, so I won't complain about the rest of your list.
It goes without saying that the DR3 cast is shit
Yeah it's ep 1 mirai, then ep 1 zetsubou, ep 2 mirai, ep 2 zetsubou, and so on. Kibou is the final episode of the entire show.
Nobody gives a shit about 3
rate my taste
Because the dr3 characters have about 30 minutes of screentime, are shit, or both.
I just wanted all the tiers even so I needed to remove two people and having two waifus would seem dumb so I picked the only boy in the series whose dick I'd probably accept in my asshole because I can headcanon that he's really twinky under that coat. He's not so bad, they just didn't do anything with him.
Bad but Taka is based so I will let you live.