Redpill me on this game

redpill me on this game

why does everyone speak of it like its the messiah

Attached: Warframe.jpg (600x800, 440K)

Because it's the only good third person shooter in a decade.

Find me a meth head who WON’T talk up how much they fucking love crystal meth

shills go to bed

sunken cost fallacy.
DE keeps fucking it up, it was good.

its probably the grindiest game ive ever played but its also the fairest F2P game ive ever experienced in my whole life

eventually i had to stop though, it was sucking up waaaay too many hours of my life

Must suck only being relevant when no one played the game, huh?

>fairest F2P game
I love WF but this is bullshit, WF is pretty predatory (all the fucking "rush" buttons like it's a mobile game, etc.). Even Path of Exile has better f2p model, and then we have DOTA2 and some other titles

It´s fun. The gameplay feels good, even better with equipment you enjoy using. There are frames that I didn´t like to use until I found a specific build for it, or added some weapon that synergizes well with it. Making builds is the most fun part for me in it. Some grinding is a shore though, I´m trying to get the last part of Khora´s blueprint for a week now and no luck so far

rushing items in WF is one of the worst ways to waste money in the money, nobody does it

you'll soon reach a point where you have more items to level up than you can build them, i had 20+ items waiting for me to take them out of the foundry but I was just too lazy to do so

just play with your existing toys while new ones bake in the oven

>Path of Exile has better f2p model
ive played PoE extensively and thats not true

if you want to play PoE in any serious manner you -NEED- to buy extra stash tabs, trading tabs, currency tabs..theres no getting around this unless you want to spend hours fiddling around with storage characters, posting on forums to hopefully sell your crap, and stacking and unstacking piles of currency...

for WF, you can get literally anything in the game for free, except player made cosmetics (tennogen). Even dev made cosmetics, prime sets, colour palettes etc you can just grind for the plat and buy it for 100% free

Incredibly slutty robots piloted by 12 year old girls.

Attached: warframe mesa.jpg (1696x818, 550K)

Only winning move is not to play.
I played, wasted 200 hours and pretty much experienced everything.

Dude, I am not discussing with you the feasibility of wasting plat on rushing. That was an example of a predatory practice that is commonplace in mobile games.
Furthermore, this was only 1 example (hence etc.).

As for PoE - git gud, in Synthesis I finished Zana's questline in SSF in 2 weeks with the basic 4 tabs.

Boring, mindless, cosmetic grinder for imbeciles and poor niggers who can't afford a good game.

Basically Destiny 2 for poorfags.

There you go, any other questions?

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>redpill me on this game
>why does everyone speak of it like its the messiah
Because the grind to avoid spending money is (usually) not too bad. It can get bad though.
Unfortunately there really isn't an end-game, fighting higher-level enemies is pointless as they don't give more resources, and prime stuff isn't really needed

because its f2p and better than most triple-A $60 games

It's cool for a little while and probably even better thanks to whatever focus they did on the early game stuff, but after a while you notice how samey things get, how long it takes for your shit to get built, how little room you have for shit unless you go grind out prime parts and then suffer through the trade chat, and how even after all that once you get a really decent weapon or two you're basically set to fall asleep while you work away at the next grindwall/wait for the next timewall.
Like Diablo-likes it has cool music and cool grafix being wasted on a shit game, but unlike Diablo-likes the gameplay is pretty good until you get tired of it hundreds of hours later. If you want a timesink for free, it's probably the most fun you'll have wasting your life playing video games. The porn is pretty good too, depending on your fetishes.

Overall I give it a god damn it DE give me my life back/10

>play SSF
but thats just the game forcing you into a gimped mode where not everyone would enjoy

>predatory practice
but its not forced upon you and nobody even does it

thats like me nitpicking on $30 cosmetics in PoE or even their lootboxes but I wont

It's fun

it's wasted potential. you'll have fun for some time but the end game sucks big time

Did they fix nightwave? Made me drop the game with that "Do a survival mission for 60 minutes with a clanmate" bullshit

because those people spent more than $500 on shitty ship decorations and clothes for their potato-looking virtual doll

They nerfed all the requirements and removed anything that required a friend. Instead of 40 rounds of defense with a friend it's now just 20 rounds of defense. The worst left is needing to do 3 rounds of Index without losing a point.

>what do you mean a 'challenge' has some 'challenge' in it? Fix it!
Sadly, they listened to you redditors and now all challenges are easy. Did big boy cwyyy because mommy said he's elite yet can't do the elite challenges?

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You're confusing hard with boring

>But after a while you notice how samey things get, how long it takes for shit to get built, how little room you have for shit
Hits the nail in the coffin of why I don't play warframe anymore. I don't want to waste my time grinding shit to sell to people to get plat, just to get 2 measly slots for a weapon I can level my MR up with so I can get the stuff that is locked behind a higher MR.
And once you get there, you have to spend 10k of some resource of which you have maybe 2k in your inventory just to get the blueprint, in addition to 3 other resource sinks.

Attached: EAAc5thU0AAO4JN.jpg:large.jpg (1060x1500, 307K)

Warframe is a retarded game where you grind for different ways to entertain yourself while grinding.
It also heavily encourages you to buy ingame money or suffer playing the same mission 20 times to get the mod/part you want.

Hell is realizing the warframe and mods you spent 100 hours obtaining can be nerfed to uselessness in a single patch
Looking at you Ember and Nyx