Mia Fey
Mia Fey
i miss her so much bros
imagine getting possessed by her haha
reminder that Maya was topless for an entire court day with her nipples on full display.
I think I would've remembered that.
Maya eternal waifu
Soulpossesiontransfer literally changes the body, it wasnt even her chest
Why doesn't Maya wear a bra?
She doesnt have to
She's got perfect perky's
alternatively, Mia just shattered it upon entry
>Mia looks slightly different depending on who's channeling her
>they completely drop that idea with the other spirits
Well there were times when he got shocked right out of her.
Phoenix even comments.
She is considerably more powerful
Nigger what.
Dahlia was able to possess Maya and pass as Iris for two whole ass days.
they never used that 3rd Perl one. what a shame.
It would be extremely painful. Mia is a big girl.
Mimi had to wear a black wig when she was killing the doc in 2-2.
What the FUCK
Why did I open this damn thread
I'm on day 2 of that trial AAAARGH
And like 12 years late to the party
>entering threads for suspense games while playing them and before having them finished
>Possessed young woman with average bust
>Possessed Loli body
>She covers her bust
What did they mean by this?
That Pearly wears smaller clothes
they actually never used that frame. maybe they thought the implication she had to cover her tits with her hands was to sexual. but it's because she says in the game pearls clothes are super small on her.
It'd been fine so far...I knew Godot was the killer in some fashion, but that was it, and also it was pretty obvious given the way the narrative works in AA games.
Why was it this specific case that had to be spoiled when I'm in the middle of it, woe is me.
But not for any of us
>Maya into Pearl panties
She looks fucking atrocious. Especially in that Pearl outfit.
No taste.
This is why Maya is perfect
Maya’s timeskip design isn’t good either.
Mia looked so much better at her age.
The Fey clan is destined to age atrociously.
My point was that Mia's face looks a bit like Maya's when she's channeled by Maya. When Maya channels someone else her face changes completely.
You say that as if you wouldn't
No i love her "grownup" design
Me too. I never liked how the in game art of her in the OG made her ears look fucking huge.
I never understood what the hell was she holding
Mia’s face looks “a bit like Maya’s” because they’re sisters, you dumdum.
It's a tea cup.
Old timey Californian teacup.
With lotsa honey to make her sweeter
What about when she's channeled by Pearl?
>Mia in Pearl's body
I prefer Pearly
We did tho
No not 3 inches taller maya, the actual adult concept art maya
Those Californians have a rich history
Maya was 17, 18 and 19 in the games. She would never grow out of being a chestlet.
Mia is the only busty one in the whole family anyway.
I want to REVENGE RAPE Dahlia
It is incredibly sexual.
S-so what's the legal status on fucking maya pearl
The legal status is you have created emergency prosecutor Phoenix Wright
I will hunt
And i will find you
Sick fuck
If she gets pregnant? You're in prison forever. If somebody catches you, you're probably good to go since she is functionally an adult.
Has Phoneix emptied his balls inside Maya yet?
Stop lewding my girls guys come on
No, he found a yellow thot who is somehow even more stupid than she is.
I'm also pretty sure he dicked the waitress at the bar he played piano at.
it's a little detail but, I always liked how, since Pearl's magatama necklace is smaller and less concealing than Maya's, and since her shirt is smaller and tighter, Mia always keeps her arms under her bust to prevent her shirt from coming undone and always keeps an arm in front of her while facing the camera.
... well, I say I "like" it, but on some level I would obviously enjoy it if she just let her tits flop all over the place. but I mean to say that I like the attention to detail. they could have just cloned the sprite but they went an extra mile instead.
Because its the biggest case in the whole series and the end of the original trilogy, so naturally it gets talked about a lot
That's the thing; it wasn't talked about a lot. I've been coming to AA threads for weeks.
Based Ameribros
She is still my daughteru you sicko
God damnit is this what being a parent is like?
Im puttin my dick on the shelf
And it still feels wrong. She did not develop properly.