Which videogames warm your heart?

Which videogames warm your heart?

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can't remember any.

Popful Mail (sega cd). emulate it now



Looks cute. Might try.

>Be a super edgy sad 20-ish year old
>Listen to emo and all that bullshit all day
>Hear about some game called Katamari Damacy >WN DUBBA DUBBA A WUN DUBBA
>Fall in love and feel so happy

Rayman 3

any, cause I play them with my lgf

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She looks like she could fall asleep any second

Stardew Valley
Old moomin games
Dyna Blaster (DOS)

You should try Rune Factory.

For when you want to escape this world for a little while, there's no better choice

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>I'm tired user let's just go to bed

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Kinda but I get pretty frustrated at a few levels like Lethal Lava Land and Cool Cool Mountain

Not directly vidya, but cute vanilla vns make me feel alive.

How do I take the Keypill and learn to like their art?

Who's this caked up whore

popular ones that cause butthurt

don't bully my lgf, faggot
also learn to read

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Hold some minutes and start reading. If the plot hooks you in, you'll enjoy it.

>Start reading the Clannad VN because I liked the anime
>Very nice start
>Captures the boredom of life well
>That music
>The feels
>Then get to the first image of Nagisa
>Illusion shattered

Can't hold the uguus faces either.