>8 more hours until they reveal endgame content for GOTY
I'm hyped as fuck. You hyped Yea Forums?
Borderlands 3
Other urls found in this thread:
Can't wait for all the new porn of this slut
Goty and 10 million sold units soon
I don't think I give a shit ... But fiancee and kidas all want to play this damn game so I'm going to have to get two fucking copies
No, back to the trash can tommy swine advertiser
Nope. Not buying it
you can split screen it
That mask looks dumb as fuck.
no loli tina no buy
>split screen it
Hell no.
suit yourself then, don't be max comfy
Are we sure "she" isn't a "they"?
she cute
yea, imagine all the western shart of her
what's his name again?
if you misgender me again I'm calling janny
Don't forget to like, follow and obey your god-queen
absolutely atrocious VA
I like it. She's small and cute too.
>ECHOnet streamer
oh fuck fucks sake, cant wait for the hilarious twitch commentary and satire, why cant they drop the shit comedy already?
>I like it
Well of course, you're paid to.
She's literally an eThot streamer?
Holy fuck lol this looks bad
How much SJW propaganda is gonna be in this shitty fucking game?
I wonder if Randy will attempt to publicise that the same way he did the Rule 34 of the Battleborn cast?
You forgot the parody/satire YouTube Poop shit. I'm not making shit up, watch starting at 2:10:20
It's gonna be great
just me or does she sound a 400 pound heavier
I'd imagine a bit more than Pre-Sequel.
>He unironically defends gearbox """humour"""
Hello there shill
>an connection
ugly little nigger looks like rihanna, disgusting.
>That Claptrap voice
For a company that cares so much about the gender of one of their robots, was it really too much to get the VA back for their most iconic one?
imagine spending a full 60$ on this crap, claptrap has never been funny
>He doesn't know
didn't randy assault him
Wait so Lilith is not only, again in this game, but she's like your main hub primary contact, quest giver and radio narrator?
Yeah fuck this game, I couldn't stand her in 2 I'd rather shoot myself than endure even more of her.
the animation and voice acting is janky as fuck, reminds me of Darksiders 3
She's cute, fuck off
>not buying the Super Deluxe Edition of GOTY 2019
i gotta admit it, i really like borderlands. the gameplay is a ton of fun.
but i cant stand this fucking shit writing. who even enjoys this shit? tiny tina makes my skin crawl.
For a game that's evolved in no way since it's first iteration?
No, I want hyped for 2 or anything else.
>who even enjoys this shit?
Me. The writing is the best thing about Borderlands
>writing is the best thing about Borderlands
dont play many games or read many books do ya bud?
how? i dont get it at all. how can anyone think torgue, claptrap, lilith, scooter or ellie is anything but annoying? they just wont stop talking.
Over 1000 games and I actually read a lot of fantasy books back in the day (literature bores me to death though).
Borderlands delivery is what makes the humor so good though
>Borderlands delivery is what makes the humor so good though
name more than 1 hilarious memorable moment
i thought it was pretty funny when that evil scientist fell down the stairs and died
Pre-Sequel added some verticality to the game with the anti-gravity and jetpacks.
Personally I didn't like it. Fighting bosses with health and shield bars while they're constantly bouncing around just made things more frustrating. I completed both BL1 and 2 but I just gave up with Pre-Sequel.
I can handle anti-grav fine in games like Quake 3 where a couple of solid hits can kill off your opponent, but when you're dealing with a bullet-spongy kind of game like Borderlands it just drags things out even more in a game that by its nature is already pretty repetitive.
I don't know why, but she reminds me of Frieza. Maybe it's her head.
lol, day 1 buy.
I bet you also love the Minions
At least 99.9% of the time you can actually do something while they're blabbing on about nothing, unlike other fucking shit storygames that require you to wait around for fucking storyshit to end.
When Mods and PR ruin the good nature that a game brings and leaves you with a shit taste in your mouth
not really. im mostly annoyed by borderlands humour attempts.
shade was decent in the pirate dlc.
>Add Tina as a playable character
>She isn't tiny anymore
What's the point?
It's more like 50% since a lot of their dialog is 'KEEP LISTENING TO MY HUMOROUS ANACDOTE WHILE I ATTEMPT TO OPEN THIS GATE'
haha isnt clap trap funny. lets scream NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO into the mic. so funny and random.
i hope everyone realizes that the joke with tiny tina is that niggers talk like retards so isnt it funny to have a small white girl talk like them.
>You hyped
No. I finished BL1, enjoyed it and then didn't even make it past the tutorial of BL2. I can't sit through any more of that writing style.
>No playable Mr. Torgue
Not interested.
You can almost taste Randy’s dick on her voice, explains how she got the job.
>You hyped Yea Forums?
I will be when it's out and then cracked.
autism is beating a games sequel simply because you beat the first, even though you dont like it
wait, Tiny Tina looks like THAT?
Just mute the voices bro, you sound like a massive sperg
no no you just dont get it
you PUNCH the dwarven king! RIGHT?! HAHA!
AND the runes spell FART. GET IT?! omg this is gold
play a game with the dialogue muted, are you autistic? if you arent enjoying the game dont fucking play it
>I'm hyped as fuck. You hyped Yea Forums?
Dude, HYPE, lmao.
Fuck off Epic/Randy shill.
>not tiny anymore
damn she got hot
I really liked her in the medieval BL3 DLC where she's couldn't accept Roland's death. That was surprisingly good.
>But fiancee and kidas all want to play this damn game so I'm going to have to get two fucking copies
terrible parent detected
>not waiting for the Fiona DLC
yikes at all of you
are u sure about that? she looks like a meth addict
post tranny moxxi
well I take that back
Yeah it could be fun when it releases in April.
Rihanna is fucking cute
No, in the first 2 games he did the voice for free, he asked for money in the third game and they kicked him to the curb
No mr. marketeer, I'm not. You're doing great job of dissuading me from purchase with your shittery.
mr moxxi is HOT
imagine shilling for gearbox rent free
you got no rights to dab on jannies
holy fucking shit, moxxi has a cock
Evey game after one was dogshit. I especially don't know how people put up with their attempts at meme humor
The fast paced gameplay of Borderlands is great and makes for a lot of fun in co-op but fuck me the dialogue is atrocious. Might be the only game I've played where I've actively made an effort to stop listening when someone opens their mouth.
i recently finished borderlands 2 and all the dlc again and i put on some music in the background so i wouldnt have to hear the dialogue
>Unironically getting hyped about Reddit the videogame
Jesus how far has this board fallen?
should i cosplay as her (him)?
wtf happened
They've actually fixed face in the latest build if you watch the FL4K gameplay vids.
>that chin
So the choker hiding her (his) Adam's apple?
they've finally added the adam's apple? nice
take a screenshit
>tina isnt a playable character
game is dead on arrival
look at xir manface and tell me that isnt a tranny
It's 2 all over again. The only way to make it tolerable will be to mute dialogue audio and turn off subtitles.
>he did the voice for free
>He does it for free
In the dlc Where they fuck
>that shitty "player"
>Tyreen's garbage VA
>all that streamer appeal
>Claptrap's new voice
Thank fuck Timmyboy has paid for my copy. At least the music is good.
Hobo the robo
I believe he was some executive but after he left the company he wanted to start getting paid to do the voice
Still not buying your shitty ass game. Stop advertising this shit here.
el goblina de la muerto supremo en sombero
>"The Beastmaster"
is it just me or are moxxi's tits smaller?
>reddit meme game
>I don't give a shit
>posts anyway
>It's 2 all over again
That's a good thing. BL2 is one of the best games ever made and BL3 looks even better
tina reminds me of apple from turbo kid or apple reminds me of tina, not sure which it is
so who's going to be the most broken character
my money is on FL4K
If I pirate this game is there any way I could play online with my buddies even if they bought it?
it apparently has lan so hamachi should work
Nah, Moze is totally going to be OP.
Critical FL4K could be stupid strong
Torgue Demolition Woman/Bottomless Mags Vladoff Moze also has a chance to be OP
Zane's Hitman tree is gonna be insane for groups of enemies
Amara's Green+Blue tree could be tanky as fuck
No, because I'm not retarded nor a shill. The robot is a he. Dilate.
chinese shillers are really hard at it huh
man I miss the days where you could open a thread and not see a hundred posts screaming shill this shill that
basically millenial dog parent: the character
ok chineseman
answer is i might torrent it
just like previous series
multiplayers still worked because Gearbox just made multiplayer p2p like dumbfucks
Guessing you where on Reddit back in the day then?
Randy get out.
>revealing endgame content for a game that isn't even out yet
>the "character developement" ending in the robot saying "I am a woman"
you can bet your ass it will end like that
I can wait until it's on Steam. Or pirate it.
I'm sure it'll be just as excellent as Battleborn.
at least Maya is still fucking hot
"people" who buy memelands are retards who just follow the quest marker anyway
it's just to build hype for selling it because people will say "hey dude you can do that! I'm buying it right now!" and they won't play more than 2 hours of it
Apparently Destiny does this shit too. I don't know, I don't play those games.
they're like MMO's, you spend 90% of your playtime doing endgames hit
People want to know what stuff they can grind for after the story. Nothing new.
No. They are going to add live service multiplayer and sell currency or some other bullshit like GTA5 does it.
Prepare to get your asshole raped.
Will duke nukem be a DLC character?
even politics aside this shit can be so confusing, i keep thinking its talking about multiple people since those are pural words
fucking love her look but the helmets a bit much, cant wait to see her other costumes
that along with the eyes and lips
>gay discord tranny as a siren
>dim sweaty and his ebin game store
>all the shit around supmatto or whatever the fuck that nerd is called
>bitchford in general
lmao pirate, thanks to tencent gearbox is getting money anyway
More like Boredomlands LMAAAAOOOOOOO!!
Imagine thinking a boring ass Borderlands game will be GOTY
Thanks, Tim Swiney!
Just think of it as lumping him together with his pets and it's not so bad.
The words "they" and "them" can refer to a singular person. e.g. "The accountant is an asshole. I hate them."
learn english.
>"The accountant is an asshole. I hate them."
*The accountants are assholes. I hate them.
So Fl4K, at least the non-english version, is going to be the best character, right?
The "soldier" type character has been low tier in every Borderlands game to date.
That is also correct, yes. It also does not change the fact that my usage of the word, and Gearboxes usage of the word, is correct as well.
I would never use "they" or "them" to talk about another person. It sounds completely schizophrenic and however grammatically correct it might be, it is definitely not the correct thing to do. You say "him" or you say "her". If there are more than one person, you say "they".
If you say "they" while referring to one person, people will assume you're talking about several people.
The English language has suffered horribly in the last decade and it is time we stop this insanity.
>The English language has suffered horribly in the last decade and it is time we stop this insanity.
"they" and it's other forms have been used in the singular form since the 14th century. The plural form was conceived in the 15th century, meaning that the singular form of "they" is closer in age to the plural form than it is to the formation of the United States of America.
Either your English teacher failed to teach you proper grammer, in which case i'm sorry, or you simply weren't paying attention.
It has nothing to do with proper grammar. All that matters is the fact that people do not talk like this any more.
Languages change over time, that you are trying to repurpose a dead part of the vernacular to fit your agenda does not make it any less stupid sounding.
Even worse, you immediately lash out with insults at people who disagree with you, further undermining your own argument.
No thank you, I think we'll continue to call people "him" and "her" as we always have.
Though if you really want, we can call the robot "it", which is the correct way to refer to objects.
>languages change over time
Don't you see the irony in saying this?
That’s actually a fair point, but it lends credence to the counter-point that it’s only bearable BECAUSE you’re not paying attention to it
Imagine unironically thinking something so stupid
Not really no, because we don't suddenly change back to archaic forms just because it suits a bunch of mentally ill weirdos.
I think it's going to be all terrible throw anything against the wall heavily lgbtqa shad shit.
Going to have to completely alter her personality or better yet go with their 20/10 tiny tina as an unintentionally unrecognizably hot femme fatale short stack complete with ashley burch doing her best sex/heroine voice.
But ashley burch felt it was a betrayal of the character apparently and put her tiny foot down.
The irony is that languages change but you want to keep it the same, that's the irony.
I really like teen tina. It's like seeing a buddy's daughter growing into a little cock demon
Just out of curiosity, let me ask you this: Let us say you are talking about a person. You do not know this person. You do not know their gender / sex, nor do you have any information that might imply their gender / sex.
When it comes time to use a pronoun to refer to this mystery person, what pronoun would you use?
That's not irony in the least. You want to change it back to something we moved away from.
That's not evolution, that's regression.
>taking chink bribe money
She looks utterly fucking disgusting.
Why would I talk about a person I do not know anything about?
Your scenario is completely ludicrous.
This game is fucking ugly.
So why did they banned the guy that gave free advertisment to them?
kek, mutts and their inferiority complex against MED alphas.
Because he was saying he had a contact in Gearbox for over a year. 2K said themselves that the PIs going to his house was the result of a 10 month investigation over the Borderlands 3 leaks.
The reason doesn't matter. You are dodging the question. The correct answer is "they", and you know this, you just refuse to admit it.
Alternatively, you could be an ass and refuse to use pronouns entirely, subsistuting "the person" in place of any pronouns. Makes your speech very repetitive though.
It is talking about Flak and his companions you massive retards
I dont think they have a right to send investigators for that. And is not only that they nuked the channel
if you're into Gremlins
I think you don't really care about the evolution of language, trannies just make you mad.
I was going to play it and make multiple videos since its the hot thing for viewd, but Submatto getting his YT destroyed after putting so much love into the franchise made me rethink that. I dont want to give the money-laundering pervert anymore money, press, or time.
I hope you are a shill so you can run this up the chain to someone who actually matters, let them know they creating a whole lot of ill will with streamers and tubers, even if they wont say it.
That's 2K for you.
And its not used in the same way
This honestly looks repulsive, also the game looks like shit
It is totally okay to not like certain videogames.
Imagine not playing a game over some nobody's youtube channel going down that has literally nothing to do with you and you'll forget about in a month.
the shit*
Yeah I know.
They've fucked up all of the VA. They're all either horribly cast and the women are trying WAY to hard to sound tough and have octaves that are unnaturally deep.
Look at how fucking wierd Moze sounds her voice is very off. No matter how many times I hear it it sounds off.
>And its not used in the same way
I'm unsure what you mean. Can you explain?
>muh e-celeb
Holy yikes
thought she would be Russian, but she's a generic American
Literal shit
I wasnt going to enjoy the game that much anyway, I always found bordelands gameplay slow and floaty, and dont care for health pool shooters. FYI Submatto was one of the biggest independent hype machines you had. I'm not delusional enough to think my decision will cause BL3 to fail, but why risk Randy Pisspants coming for my YT as well if I happen to make an offhand joke, which is what I do? Why give support to a supbar game when the developers dont support me?
Epic and Denuvo. Im off.
They desperately wish this was true. But its just borderlands 1 doing a terrible job of copying borderlands 2. Look at the recent dlc. Its off puttingh
Literally the shit*
Its not about him being an eceleb, and he wasnt one. Its about one if the most active and dedicated fans in the franchise having his livelihood and independent project shit on by a soulless corporation because they themselves fucked up and allowed information to be leaked. If this happened in the world of politics, everyone from NYT to CNN would be talking about it.
I barely cared about Borderlands as it was. I don't need that bullshit in my life.
Why are you defending this game so hard? It's not even out yet
well that retard shouldn't have tried to capatlize on said leaks
fuck off matto
Keep sucking that corporate cock, what he was doing was reporting on publicly availavle information. I'm not buying your game. I'm not playing it for my viewers. You are mad because you know it matters.
>20/10 tiny tina as an unintentionally unrecognizably hot femme fatale short stack
I would be okay with this
If you cannot give up a hypothetical in which there is a reason to talk about a person you have absolutely no clue about, then there is no point whatsoever to your question in the first place.
It also has no relation at all to using "they" to talk about someone you know. And in case of a robot, the correct way to refer to it is "it".
>what he was doing was reporting on publicly availavle information
no he wasn't you complete fucking idiot
he was trying to get people to pay for it
Had to use they them when I clocked a barely passing FtM at walmart.
Took not even 3 days to talk the "straight" Ftm with a GF to suck my dick in the bathroom and take "their" virignity in the parkinglot.
Pussy game was fucking ridiculous.
you have to go
Krieg > Gaige
This but switch Krieg and Gaige
Yeah. Fucking her is awesome as well.
I see you out there, you fucking shills. Posting in full force trying to distract idiots from the immoral and illegal shit Gearbox, Randy Pitchford, and 2k are up to.
>Randy embezzled funds from Alien: Colonial Marine to spend on BL2 then farmed out development Alien to a shitty third party and tried to hang them out to dry
>Randy saved barely legal porn on the same thumb drive as work documents for some reason, and then took it with him to a fucking medieval times and lost it
>Then admitted to looking at the porn and tried to claim he just wanted to know how she was shooting shit out of her vagina
>Conned Claptraps VA into working for free, physically abused him, then cut him out and publicly insulted him when he asked to be paid this time
>Inner circle is a revolving gang of scumbags who either get arrested, Rob Randy, or get robbed by him
>Buy and squander Duke Nukem Forever
>Buy Duke Nukem 3d, release a shitty inferior remaster, then remove all copies of the original from outlets
>A fan, running a fan channel, sees images leaked by twitch and does videos on them. 2k hires PIs to go to the guy's house and intimidate him while also getting his social media to cut him lose. Technically he qualifies as a journalist and this kind of intimidation should be illegal.
Never forgive. Never forget. I can. Already hear you snickering churls, "hurf durf don't care gonna buy it anyway". How's that boot taste you microdick peabrain, you pathetic dog addicted to your Skinner boxes. It's ok to hate EA but oh let's not shittalk Randy bo bandy.
I won't let you shill this garbage unchallenged. This game needs to fail and Gearbox needs to die
Is your YT channel going to be centered around spamming leak videos and selling people leak info under the table? If not then you've nothing to worry about. Also heads up, developers dont care about you or anyone else. You're all dollar signs. Now it was bad publicity to go after Submatto specifically since he brings in revenue, but they're weighing it against lost revenue from leaks.
Has anybody been able to decipher what the fuck this tweet meant?
user you genuinely made me laugh
youre a cool guy
Bro, I'm not just okay with it.
I broke a 2 year nofap streak and painted my ceiling scary movie style because of a vague fantasy of it.
The virgin Kaplan, the chad Pitchford.
>Latency issues
What makes people think Borderlands 3 will be any different?
>Streamer. Cult Leader.
It's surprising how aware they are
Keep fighting the good fight, friend
Your incredibly sexy gf wants your opinion on the actions of a person she knows. To eliminate as much bias as possible, she chooses to withhold any personal information about the person, so that after she's done speaking you only know about mystery person's actions and nothing more.
There's your plausible hypothetical. What it becomes necessary to use a pronoun to refer to this person, what pronoun would you use?
>And in case of a robot, the correct way to refer to it is "it".
Possibly, but that all depends on the writer. When it comes to sapient robots, you start getting into more philosophical issues, like "what makes a thing alive?" Technically, we're all objects. You and I can move and think, but we're all made of the same cosmic dust. If a robot can move and think and imagine and create and fear and fight to survive, is it not alive? And if so, is it not more than merely an "it"?
If this has an intro like BL2 I will just fucking refund it
>Never forgive. Never forget.
you mean the video or the opening section of the game? because you can look up the gameplay of it on youtube
you absolute madman. can't wait for the thicc porn of her
You sound like such a fucking prude kek
>they're weighing it against lost revenue from leaks.
user, he was selling leaks that everyone knew for fucking months to retards.
If they wanted to put an end to it then they should have had the subreddit that he got the info from shut down.
Like I said. It's just BL1 doing a bad BL2 impression.
Same dull ass op from the far less popular and not even close to as profitable BL1.
Even the UI is reminiscent of BL1.
That long ass intro with Claptrap that dragged for what felt like forever, I just wanted to explore but those endless dialogues just made me want to quit.
You only get it once , with every new character.
FL "Call me a he, lose BL3" 4K
welp time to rev up youtube and search for borderlands 3 opening gameplay
Nah, that’s just T2 propaganda. He had a paid discord like literally every other content creator has, they just used it against him. They could do the same thing to any other content creator at any time
I'm almost positive that Gearbox has a department entirely dedicated to shilling their games as hard as they possibly can the closer their games get to release. Randy knows these sites love shitting on him so much. His ego would never let this shit slide unchallenged. There's just too much of a coincidence to draw here this close to bl3's release
Yep never forgive never forget. These fucking zoomzoom newfags could learn a thing or two about having a spine. They could make an oc video if their lives depended on it.
>lost revenue
But they dont have to worry about that user, Good Ol Tim Sweeney's got this one!
Remember lads, BL3 is on him. CHEERS!
lmao shut the fuck up
Just because they fund development doesn't suddenly mean developers don't care about additional sales user, stop pretending.
Pretending? I dont care! Pitchford deserves a hole in the face, not our hard earned dollars! But its ok either way, Good Ol Tim Sweeney's got this one!
Don't act as if you needed an excuse to pirate. You were going to all along. You don't actually care about the morals, politics and drama behind it. At the end of the game you should get a game if its good, and don't if its not.
I never justify pirating but this is the first time I'm doing so without a single thought toward the devs. They've fucked up one too many times for me to want to give them any more cash.
picked up
It's going to be 2-3 raid bosses that are mostly just health sponge with boring mechanics like in all borderland games.
>Yfw the the guy talking about it on the Xbox gamescom presentation let slip a “he” and quickly tried to correct himself
kek, you know the nigga lost his job