Paladins are a meme cla-

>Paladins are a meme cla-

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Not having a guild that already takes you into naxx as the nightfall swinger because ret pally has the highest uptime for the proc
>Not being in said guild that gives 2handers to you because literally no one else needs them unless they pvp

Either find a guild that lets you swing nightfall, or be a healer for raids just to get the 2handers. Then go to pvp. Paladin is a pvp class. Pvp is basically the "come home, white man" of paladins.


wow combat looks fucking disgusting

This is what homefags are hyped about

It is. PKing died ages ago.


>blue filth tries to fuck a grand marechal paladin
what the fuck did you expect

>ret pally has the highest uptime for the proc
ummmmmm that would be wingclip spam hunter my dear

but a paladin has more uses than a marginale higher uptime on it

>spamming r1 wingclip
>an extra aura, blessing, acceptable dps, spot cleansing, extra wipe protection, LoH emergency heal etc

The problem with shit like this is that people see it and think this is something attainable and representative of the class experience as a whole. When in reality the sheer amount of time required to get there is so immense that you could easily say only 1% of your total game time will be at GM level with epix and the claymore, but you have to suffer through 99% of the worst experience imaginable.

I don't know a single person who got to r14 and managed to continue playing longer than like 2 weeks after in any sort of capacity that wasn't turbo casual

I thought paladin beat winclip spamming hunters when it came to nightfall uptime.

That rogue has Naxx40 armor and weapons you fucking retard

Go erp shitting your diaper there, you cat girl playing tranny.

i don't play this dead genre. Go suck a elf cock faggot

You know why fat people love MMO so much? Because the biggest no-life always wins. The longer you play, the stronger you are. Gear makes everything.

>can clearly see tier 3 shoulders and naxx weapons
>lol blue gear
homefags btw

In other news, water is wet.

Seriously, do you think you're the first person to have realized this?

Rogues couldn't kill Paladins but Paladins couldn't kill Rogues

Just saying this for people who wonder why MMO died.

Now show Shamans doing the exact same thing with epic WF procs, bro!

>The longer you play, the stronger you are
As it should be. Nothing wrong with that.

you think WoW consisted of 17m subscribes that all were fat neckbeards?

>at least i have a life lol

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Paladins in WoW 1.x are a meme

They're awesome in WC3 but are shit in WoW unless you like playing a robe wearing Holy Paladin healer

>He doesn't weave in and out with swingtimer
>He didn't reset the fight with vanish or blind
but the worst offender
>He didn't pop evasion near end of rotation

How much more pleb can horde-cucks be?

A Reckoning Paladin can run a train on a Rogue - as seen above, but he needs to actually engage him first, which smarter Rogues will avoid doing.

To be fair, simply being avoided by Undead Rogues given how over represented they are purely by your class choice is a win in of itself. Especially since if they get the opener against any other class they're generally going to win.

In short rolling a Paladin to counter Rogues is peak wow.

>no pvp trinket

why would you even attack a paladin as a rogue anyway? everyone knows people who play paladin's are narcissistic prima-donna fags who lose their shit whenever they actually do die while playing their special olympics tier class

never met a paladin who didn't roll on every fucking thing that dropped in dungeons and then cry like a bitch when they didnt get their way

>no trueshot aura
>acceptable dps

>epic windfury procs
>in a time where windfury couldn't proc on itself
>people expect 1 shot shamans in classic
1.12 bitch

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Where did i say that?

Is this a WoW thread?

I want to ask. What is this mythical "Asmon layer" some people post about so much?

>The longer you play, the stronger you are
Wtf this blows my mind

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You're saying it ironically but you are unironically right.

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realms will be divided into dynamic bullshit layers, meaning a realm will be devided into subrealms
asmongold has a hug following and the mouthbreathers want to be in his layer, spamming INV TO ASMON LAYER in trade chat, killing said chat on the realm

Rogue trinket doesn't dispel stuns you fucking retard

>asmongold has a hug following and the mouthbreathers want to be in his layer, spamming INV TO ASMON LAYER in trade chat, killing said chat on the realm

So it's some e-celeb? Is there anything tangible to gain from being in the same layer?


that or skeleton lanklets

why are you so mad? wow combat is absolute garbage. Even GW2 is better

oh how embarrassing, you actually think i was talking about the undead racial trinket

he is a streamer, getting arround 30k views at a time

there is nothing to gain on being on his layer, except being on the stream for a little time because you walk after him, he is surrounded by people wherever he walks

If he either a) actually becomes a competent leader or b) gets other people to be competent leaders, they can be the fastest progressing guild on their respective server
But let's not lie to ourselves, this dude knows nothing about vanilla, can't pvp for shit, can't pve for shit, and some 80% of his followers literally just want to be on cam and not much else

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Sounds like a really shitty way to play. But I guess money's money.

It's classic. It's the reason we want to play classic so we can finally play with our favourite streamers.

WotF dispels charm, sleep, and fear
PvP rogue trinket dispels charm, fear, and polymorph

Again, you fucking retard

almost literally every MMO has better combat than this garbage

Nor him but the rogue pvp trinket doesnt remove stun

Pallys were actually op as fuck, especially in the leveling phase.

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That one pre expansion patch that made ret retardedly overpowered.

and people actually think going back to this dumpster fire era of wow is going to be fun lmao

enjoy your unbalanced mess

What a retard

Stop giving these fake ass summer kids attention, they very clearly don't know what they're talking about
>Hehe, scrub geared rogue (clearly in naxx gear)
>Didn't pop pvp trinket (doesnt clear stun)
>Why would a rogue even fight a pally (because pre reckoning they were almost clothie tier easy targets)

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Not true for retail anymore, which is why it's trash

I'm a hard hordefag, and that roguepussy got the fattest part of the chode inserted raw. Serves him right.
Rogues are insufferable people irl.

The rogue dies just about instantly. None of useful suggestions would have helped.


>echos of "country roads" play slightly slowed down
I'm comin', momma.

Blind woulda saved him, i can't tell EXACTLY how much health pally was at, but with Naxx gear against GM/HM gear, that pally would at least be at 25%

Cool, bro. Stay far, far away from my group.

Shouldn't you be feigning death somewhere by entrance?

Wouldn't Enh shaman have as good as an uptime with Flurry and Windfury.

>Blind woulda saved him


the rogue would have died and the paladin would have been blinded which he can just instantly bubble, keep the rogue in combat with a judgement and either HoW or wait for another melee swing that does 2k+ damage

the rogue was fucked the moment he crit 4 times in a stunlock.

>none noticed edit

That much is true, but a good rogue always does a small bit of spell overlap, so, and its clear they dont have it, right when last stun is .5 from ending, toss in that blind
then again, this is all theorycraft now, and he did end up fucked

I hope you dont play xiv

No. Windfury doesn't proc on hit effects, and even with flurry, you're hitting every 2.7 seconds.

Not even with seal twisting.

Highest uptime comes from a fury warrior (one of your off tanks), as they have access to flurry and can simply spam hamstring every GCD (there shouldn't be rage issues, and if you ever have rage issues, you can get pvp gloves to reduce hamstring's rage cost).

People don't really use hunters for nightfall, because no hunter wants to do that shit. It's mostly a theoretical thing that people seem to like to talk about (pretend raiders mostly, people who have not touched a raid but like to talk about raiding all the time). In the real world, hunters with nightfall are pretty rare (you can go check logs from legacyplayers if you want), and it's more common to simply give one of your off tanks one.

Does WoW have the worst combat in MMOs? Genuine question. Most people play just because it's easy to get into and you can waste a lot of time running around the simple world without getting lost in dialogue or quests, then comfortably hang out with friends and guildies while doing easy dungeons for a couple hours before logging and playing another game until the next day/week.

Bro you cant evade shit when you are stunned


>have to grind stupidly long to get anywhere in the game
>i know lets add a super complex and rad combat system that forces players to focus constantly and be engaged

the combat is acceptable

bruh don't even respond to 2 iq americans, if you isolate them enough they get suicidal and actually kill themselves and make the world a better and smarter place


What you gonna do resetting the fight the pala only used his stun do you seriously think that the pala wont heal himself and in general wont give a fuck about you resetting the fight?

>expecting any rogue to have half a brain

No the combat is def fun. There are def better ones but ffxiv is not among them

>finally...after 3 years I finally got my dps gear after wearing a dress for so long...

Streamer tier list:
SS rank
>any girl streamer

S rank

A rank

B rank


Retchad Tier

Knowledgeable Tier

Shit tier
>Everyone else

this was great back in the days when I just graduated and had all the time in the world, today it's the reason I won't touch it.
>tfw schoolkids today don't have the stamina to grind stuff without instant gratification
>tfw 29y/o boomer

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If you reset with blind he would have popped bubble when you re-engaged and smacked the un out of undead with his reckoning stack.

You know you're a gamer in a gaming thread when you smell iron and feel a bit lightheaded.

Damage control more after proven wrong you incredible fucking retard pretending to even have played this game
Just fuck off

paladin is a shit class for babies who need multiple handicaps to win

Why are Nelves the easiest pvp targets?

I want classic to succeed, but it's simply not going to happen if we look at the current state of things.
Gaming and gaming culture has changed a lot since vanilla and despite a lot of the classic fanbase being older than the average gamer, you can't deny that we've all been influenced over the years by these changes.
What once was the best game ever might just seem mediocre now.
I'm affraid that's exactly what's going to happen with classic.
There's a reason current WoW is so different from when it all started, it's because blizzard is trying to keep the game relevant to an ever changing audience.

>t. rogue

And yeah look at the dumpster fire BfA is now by "trying to remain relevant"

>the faggot playing with a class with godmode

Apart from a very loud minority of e-celebs and their fanbase, most people actually enjoy BfA.
It's mostly streamers and youtubers baiting kids for views.
Negativity does a whole lot better than positivity when it comes to views.

My buddy wants to play a shaman in this casual babby shit but I only have surface knowledge of the game since I never really played carebear MMOs like this, only PvP garbage like Shadowbane. What's a good class that works with shamans?


The fuck are we going to do with 2 healers? Bore people to death?

That must be why the review scores are worse than WoD and population is lower than ever. Because BfA is just so good.

name one MMORPG where pvp combat doesnt look like absolute mess

Warrior / rogue

shadow priests and windfury shamans are both good for pvp
priests has stupid good control and mind flay
shamans have meme melee burst damage that can potentially one-shot if the stars align

You guys complaining about time investment, this is why you play hunter, you can style on scrubs at any point with no gear because you're just playing a stupid broken class.

Only females, erpers, legolas normies and waifufags play them

>population is lower than ever
post your source.
>review scores are worse than WoD
post reviews you're talking about
>inb4 metacritic
we all know metacritic is broken and the user ratings are e-celeb fans spamming 0s

I don't. The only reason I'm resubbing is for classic. I think there's a lot of people out there in my boat, those who watched the game transform into something else entirely that we no longer enjoy over the years.
I think you're underestimating how big this is going to be.

Warrior (benefits greatly from heals, windfury totem)
Rogue (some benefit from heals, can burst people down nicely)
Mage (double burst, can provide water)

Retail is ironically the biggest victim of you think you do but you don’t.
Players think they want more easier gear, but they don’t. It just devalues them.
Players think they want to grind gold and re easier, but they don’t. It just makes the effort seem like a second job.
Players think they want easier travel times, but they don’t. It just restricts players to hubs and makes the world smaller.
Players think they want easier groups, but they don’t. It just isolated them in an mmo.

Most retarded post I've read in this thread.

Thanks lads, I will look into those.

like you said, it's babby shit, just take anything but hunter so you aren't stealing each others purps and you should be fine

look at all these classictrannies paying for my next expansion.
Thanks, classicbros, can't wait for the shadowlands expansion.

Any rogue not using windfury on their MH should be grounds for immediate and summary dismissal from raiding duties

Not him but I used to do well with that combination in 2v2 arena.

not him, but why is this retarded? Shadow priest were fucking raid bosses in vanilla

>Any rogue not using windfury on their MH

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What YouTuber is feeding you this garbage info? Highest uptime is hunter followed by Shaman. Reason horse prefers shaman is for windfury and grace of air.

a quick and accurate rundown on what's good about those classes in pvp is retarded?

Yeah but to be fair most MMOs are. I just don't know shit about the PvP rock paper scissors meta in this one. He wants to mostly play a healer if that changes anything.

If you are a horde rogue, in a raid you should have windfury on your weapon as it is a massive DPS boost. Yes even bigger than the meme +5 swords humans get. And that's why rogue top parsers are all Orcs.

Maybe they'll actually learn some of the things that were fun about vanilla and actually introduce them into the streamlined nu-wow and actually make a fun game for a change?

Then go play almost literally every mmo.

>FF14 living rent free in wowfags heads

>heh heh I bet your're mad that you're getting the game you wanted because some of the money might conceivably be used elsewhere in the company for other projects

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Funny how cool you try to act and you’ll use this argument when you lose every pvp encounter.


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i think what he's saying is that it's funny how much people shit on blizzard but then at the same time continue to give them money for what's literally a 15 year old game that won't be updated and will need minimum maintenance so it doesn't really justify a 15 dollar/month pricetag that will most likely be used to create more content for the version of the game that everyone seems to hate.
but i guess your take on it is fine to.

Actually the combat being worse than WoW is why I could never get into another more modern MMO.
ESO, FFXIV, SWTOR, I tried all the big ones and they all feel either stiff and weird compared to WoW, or they're just clunky with no real flow to the action. WoW combat is just buttery smooth at all times. What you're worried about is just the ancient animations, which admittedly aren't great by modern standards, but the combat itself feels amazing.
People will meme on me for saying this but it's 100% true.

Probably for a while, experience is everything. I'm not bitchmade like you though, just looking for input I can research further.

Boomer v Zoomer

Roll Tauren Hunter, bro

They are op in pve and pvp

funny, South park had the same idea when they made thier wow episode.

Sounds gay, breh.


The age of the game doesn't matter, and it is getting updated. At a minimum they're doing 6 total updates, and who knows what they might end up doing beyond that. I just have a hard time getting mad at a company that is giving me what I asked for.

if he wants to play a healer, you could play a warrior, they're really strong eventually, but useless without gear and a healer, but yeah, I would genuinely just pick the class that sounds most fun to you, because vanilla wow is unbalanced as fuck, and trying to do well in pvp will give you brain cancer.

This is what you sound like.

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It's not. You should try it out. :)



So it doesn't really matter with a healer on my ass then, gotcha.

I could be your dad you apple toddler.

Enha is a meme in pvp, and revolves around hoping for a windfury proc. The only relevant shaman pvp spec is ele, either 30/0/21 or 31/0/20, which comes with one of the best burst in the game.

Priest and shaman have no real synergy with each other in pvp. You lack proper cc (for example, with either a rogue or a mage, you could simply sap/poly one in a 2v2 fight, focus on the other, and the finish of the other one). You lack ways to peel people off of your partner if he gets focused. The best you can do is frost shock/earthbind (which loses to every other slow in the game) or fear. On top of all this, one of you is a bursty class, and the other is more of a slowburn class.

Spriest is a good solo pvp class, but its effectiveness is much worse in groups. In groups, you look for burst and control. Spriest lacks both of these.

TBC is not vanilla.

no you couldn't, I'm not gay

>knowing any streamer’s name

>being a contrarian

How do vanillafags defend this?

Rogues getting their comeuppance causes no outcries.

As a rogue main why defend it? So what? It's funny and niche and that's cool.

If I want to melee DPS with a 2handed weapon that basically means Fury Warrior, right?

Yes. Fury/Arms is the spec for both dual wield and 2h, although not the exact same talents.

And is the DPS it can put out viable for progression raiding?

I mained a Ret Paladin from BC through to Cata but I know enough to know that Rets are a fucking meme in vanilla. I still want to melee dps though

>rock paper scissors
like that
fuck you and your shit 3 hours 1vs1 pvp

Planetside 2

reckbombs dont work like that on retail, private server tranny


Hey retard theres more than 1 person per class

I am so fucking hype for pvp

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>i'm gonna specc balance

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In MC... and maybe you can get away with it a little bit in early BWL... 2H fury actually is the master spec for DPS warriors. The reason? Because you need a very very small amount of +hit to reach the 2H hit cap. Once you get more +hit gear and some good dual wield weapons, swap to those (and FYI those weapons are - for humans and every other race it's Vis'Kag the Bloodletter and Brutality Blade, for orcs it's Deathbringer and Flurry Axe). For example a good starting 2H weapon for fury 2H is the Obsidian Edge Blade in MC. Save your DKP or whatever for it.

>not rolling Warlock and melting everyone from behind the bushes with all of your DoTs.

Stupid fags.

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Or you can play a Mage and do everything better

troll hunter chads rise up!

>coolest race in the game
>great racials
>high base agi
>amazing leveling experience
>great pvp
>be so useful in early PVE that your raid leader won't dare to kick you once your class start to scale poorly

Attached: hunter.jpg (580x350, 77K)

>For example a good starting 2H weapon for fury 2H is the Obsidian Edge Blade in MC. Save your DKP or whatever for it.
And once you have OEB, save your DKP for Bonereaver's Edge.

Summon your friends better then. Soulstone the priest better. Oh wait.


I don't mind warlocks they can be bros.

How are you defining "early PvE", the beast in UBRS?

Ragnarok Online

Niggas.... that's an Undead Rogue

>why MMO died
Fat people no longer play MMO?

Ragnarok online

>weave in and out with swingtimer on a stunned opponent
what the fuck for?

what was the best pet in vanilla wow?

hunter have some of the best utility in raid, not only for tranq shot, accompanied by good DPS, by early pve I also mean 5 man dungeons, not only raids

hunter fall to shit in late pve but at that point you should have manipulated your raid leader (or be the raid leader) to be on every group

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Based trannyhunter

did some okay content in legion, was actually informative and had some interesting stuff to say, now is just "xD look at my face, oh dude classic, uhhhhhhhhhh whatever chat is saying"
i miss old soda
does he even know what wow is? not like its edible

Rogues cannot break stun in vanilla WoW unless they pre-pot with a free action potion.
Their PvP trinket (rogue's) doesn't remove stun, only charm & fear.
And their racial ability, will of the forsaken, only removes charm, fear and sleep.
So if you stun a rogue they're kinda fucked.
That's why orc rogues are the real master race for PvP roguery. 25% stun resist. Get out of here with that meme will.

WC3 paladins were also healers though????

>mfw remembering levelling a paladin

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can you link me this "windfury" that rogues should be using on their weapon? are you talking about the shaman totem, or the shaman spell, perhaps, both of which aren't something that "rogues can use"?

>not using the time to do other productive things like masturbating
Shame on you.

Uh yeah...
It's the shaman totem. Your raid leader should put you in a raid group with a shaman along with the other rogues and warriors so you all benefit from WF. However you will not gain windfury if you have poison on your main hand. So any horde rogue using poison on main hand in PvE raiding is a scrub. It should be windfury. Okay?

I was 14 with a single monitor and dial up internet the last time I played a paladin in vanilla, such things weren't so easily achievable

That’s because other ones are literally Chinese knockoffs of wow combat
>Xiv trannies think their meme combat unable to handle ogcds properly is more skilled because at low ping they can fit more than one skill in the gcd
>Because their ogcds are in an internal cool down and don’t fire when pressed like in wow

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blade and soul

Patch is based off of 1.12, Windfury couldn't proc off itself in that patch.

are you not aware that totems affect friendly players in your group lil zoom?

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ok, so what you mean is
>Horde rogues in a party with a shaman using windfury totem should remove the poison from their main hand

fuck off, retard

I still remember the first time I read this, years ago. Thought it was hilarious. Now it's like meh. Thanks.

Uh yeah they should use the totem. If they're not they should be scolded and instructed on what to do. If they still do that they get kicked.
I can tell you're the kind of person who likes their statements "one way" and overly literal so yeah whatever you're right. Well done

>fuck off, retard

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not my problem that that guy can't type for shit

it's not my fault you can't type for shit

I typed just fine actually, you're just being a hair-splitting pedant

But I'm /fit/ and jacked as fuck and love MMOs, what now you fuckin' nerd?

>the joke gets less funny the more you listen to it
howard wants to talk with you

>Rogue with 4k+ health
>"blue filth"

You are a fucking retard.

>type whatever you want
>expect others to guess what you mean
fuck off, retard, one can't even be sure if you just weren't being completely dumb in the first place, I've seen so many people saying so much dumb shit here and irl, like Bloodlust being in Vanilla, or Seal of the Martyr being in the game since TBC launched

just say it right, or stay quiet instead

Tauren Hunter... Home.

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I did say it right. How about you stay quiet since you have only shit to post about your bruised pathetic ego. I explained it to you TWICE. And your retard arrogance still couldn't grasp it - no you had to step in and be an autist with your pedantic literal statements "UH ACHSUALLY WHAT YOU REALLY MEAN? UHHH IS TO TELL THE ROGUE TO REMOVE HIS POISON?"
I mean what the fuck user? What's going on bud

that pally is in rank 14 pvp gear, I'd be embarrassed for him if he didn't smoke that rogue

stop calling them palas you fucking mong

dude, just stop trying to save face and think more before you type next time, it's so pathetic to read you rambling on about how people should guess that you're really not retarded

Rogue has better gear than him though

and the rogue is in t3 which is even better

Why are you larping as Larry David? Just accept you got made to look an idiot by your own hand and fuck off, close the damn thread.

I think someone isn't putting windfury on their MH


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>Being so conceited that you thought someone was dumb enough to mean that rogues have windfury, not shamans, and being too stupid to not work it out for yourself (we all did)
Wow kys

lilzooms first Vanilla.

>undead players dont take extra holy damage
>you cant lose rep with your own faction and become an outlaw
>neo-wow design on the raid gear instead of the soul retro look

And you call this vanilla despite the fact that its obviously grilled.

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only as a shaman, never as any other class since they can't do that

>desperately samefagging FOUR times
I've seen pathetic before, but this is a whole new level

was that a jojo reference?

>undead are humanoids instead of undead

i BET you're playing on whitemane
you're too much of a cliché to not

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Will of the forsaken is already OP just make them undead TRUE CLASSIC EXPERIENCE



>what do you mean
>oh ok
officer chat will guaranteed be full of people mocking you for being a retard

>putting poison when you only have 16 debuff slots

Please tell me you're playing a hunter dude oh my fucking GOD

>join guild
>dont talk
>put my watch on to beep every 15 min
>say "Sneed." then radio silence until next beep


unga bunga dunga dunga can you understand what I said? what the fuck you can't? you're so dummmmb
geee I'll translate it to you, it means: no more (You)s for you

omg that was so haaaard! communication is so hard you guys

Can we just get the old forum layout back.

boomer: the game


>unga bunga dunga dunga can you understand what I said? what the fuck you can't? you're so dummmmb
>geee I'll translate it to you, it means: no more (You)s for you
What the fuck? Bro you're being very cringe and aberrant right now, why not just do a little cheeky suicide

Exorcism working on forsaken would make Paladins hilariously strong in pvp. I like it

can't take your own bullshit, can ya


Ragnarok Online

>When you meet a mentally ill person on the internet

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You realise where you're posting right?

Yeah but some rare people are like beyond that even.

Why yes, I play Troll Warrior on a pvp server


I'm looking forward on warriors leveling as dual wield fury

Oh yeah? Well make sure to NOT add a sharpening stone to your main hand weapon when in a group with a shaman.

why don't you just say use windfury

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Too bad reck bombing is fixed on classic so pallishits WILL be putting on the dress and a chastity cage

Ragnarok Online
Tree of Savior

That drakova dude had videos destroying everyone and everything with reckoning in private servers.
I don't remember it being so powerful

>A racial almost as utterly useless as the rogue PvP trinket
I'm telling you, bigger plays can happen against a wider array of classes as an orc with Hardiness

Is holy/disc priest fun in PvP?

Yes, make sure to pick Nelf or Troll so we can spot good players like you easily

>ret pally has the highest uptime for the proc
Why are virgadins such compulsive liars? They arent even good liars, its like thier promising you they can fly but when the time comes you can see they were just feeding you bull shit so they could come along. Warriors, shamans and hunters all attack faster than paladin. Why are some people so obsessed with making ret work?

>acceptable dps
Dont even pretend dude

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because warriors can't use windfury, shamans use windfury

Go spriest its more fun to fuck with lock/mages

>using Nightfall
that guy is dumb, but so are you

Warriors can use windfury though you dumb fuck

shamans can use windfury, warriors can only ask a shaman to use windfury totem

Man that other guy was right you are a hardcore autismo.

the fuck are you talking about?

>In game the longer you play, the stronger you are
>IRL the longer you play, the more deteriorated you get

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>glass table
they always make me feel violent

Autists arguing semantics
No real game discussion
People being angry at FFXIV for some reason despite it not being mentioned

this is awesome

Hahaa he resisted all wand attacks

Seeing how this turned out, I sure am glad I stopped replying after this post

spriest is just a drainlock with less dots


>blade and soul

somebody please copy their combat and make the game not P2W. blade and soul combat was insanely fun

But with a faster burst thanks to mind blast

you also forgot to mention the crippling performance

And the races were pretty hot
tfw Lyn porn never took off

last time i played was around launch. i dont remember the performance being that bad

well, it did force me to buy a cooler for my cpu but after that it was fine

>lyn porn
why would you even desire this

>watching female "streamers""

Why are warriors so much better than every other class, you simply cant compete with them

Palabros get a close second place

BC cant come soon enough.

Because Nelves can also be Warriors

I think he's doing a different kind of watching. Twitch is a glorified cam site after all

>not playing a human warriors with old face and white hair
Desu and you call yourself unique

all fine then, sorry for my ignorance.

Except that losing 1s of nightfall uptime is 1k+ dps lost and all support buffs covered by holy paladins already. Not even talking about hunter pet dealing more damage than a ret, hunter pet providing unique buffs, hunter providing trueshot aura, trankq and pulling packs.

In other words cope harder retfag, your shit spec is probabbly even worse than a moonchicken.

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user, Nelves are the shittiest fucking warriors

No wonder all their warriors are women

>Undead can be holy priests

arent warriors kinda bad without other classes supporting them?
ret is a pvp spec

Why are kobolds the most based creatures of WoW? Why do you take their candle, user?

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>arent warriors kinda bad without other classes supporting them?
Gee its almost like this game is some sort of massive online persistent world filled with other classes

If you level solo, you're not playing WoW, you're playing a shitty version of Diablo and you should end yourself.

What are you talking about?
>durable as fuck
>saves, protections, immunities, one of the best dispels in the game
>if you're behind on having your twohander upgrades just go prot and consec down groups of mobs
Pala is one of the most chill and safe levelling options you might get after going hunter.

> tfw protection paladín for dungeon spam back in the day
> 8 different sources of reflect damage
> mfw a rogue tries to attack me

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Shame the game punishes you for grouping up by killing your exp gain. Almost like they want you to play solo

I think elysium had increased xp gain for grouping up and it was great

> be a dumb ass kid playing ret in tbc
> have no clue what I’m doing, just doing quests and dungeons while I watch the sad story of pepitos
> join a mag and gruuls raid the day nax prepatch drops
> top dps charts with blues and greens
Shit was busted man

WoTF is overrated as fuck, desu. I find that Trolls and orcs outshine undead at the classes they have available.

In the long run party play actually leads up to be faster: the time-to-kill a target significantly diminishes, less chance to die, more buffs, less downtime to heal/drink, etc. The only thing that gets slowed down in party are item drop quests but you can just leave them to do solo after the party.

>All these retards arguing whether ret is viable (it isn't) when the Paladin in the OP is clearly reckoning spec

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the eternal debate:

dwarf or human paladin

Orc arms warriors are the biggest bullshit
>racial and stun resist stack

Except that isnt true in any shape or form. Firstly its faster with buffs/heals/down time and second while 2 man parties get a 50/50 split, 3/4/5 man get more exp than mob normally drops.

Retail WoW

Unbalanced content makes video games fun.

If you dont like it, stay in retail.

Dwarf because its rarer.

This is true if there is enough mobs to go around which is not always the case. Especially on classic release groups are a huge trap because you're going to end up underleveled as fuck and run out of quests

Male Dwarf
Female Human

>plays solo
>doesnt understand why hes bored and quits at 20
Back to retail you go.

>Female Human Paladin
Back to Discord, tranny

Never said I minded it being bullshit

human gets you faster to the end but when you are at the end you wish you rolled dwarf

horde grobmob ww@

Solo parties make 1 times exp, as do duos. But then it goes 1.16, 1.3 and 1.4 times experience for the party divided between members.

It evens out, and while you may slightly be slower at the start because of other people stealing your mobs in the long run playing with others is faster.

>looking good

Shaman uses nightfall you braindead zoomer.

>This is true if there is enough mobs to go around which is not always the case.
Agreed. Going solo for everything but elite zones and instances at launch and in starting zones is asking for trouble. But once you're into 20+ level range some zones turn out to be actually good for grinding down monsters in party. Ashenvale is vast and ridden with mobs everywhere, Desolace is an unpopular zone to level in with big numbers of beasts to hunt and that corner with giant skeletons.
If you get a group that's fine with just grinding monsters in a group those can be quite good regardless of your gear.

Sorry, but this thread is for Stalaggchads only.

>play game against friend
>beat him
>says "you only beat me because you play more than me and practice"

I'm confused. Is this a insult? I'm pretty sure that's normal to beat other people by practicing more and playing the game.

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>implying I'll even make it to character creation
I got bored of the game in 2007 and sold my account, why would I ever go back?

>Dwarf Paladin

He's just a fag

>enh shamans are a meme cla-

I wish Classic does well and goes the OSRS route instead of Blizz giving us TBC and WotLK servers.

>heal bitch begging for pve dps scraps to make this build work

bit of a deceptive webm, that pally was likely out collecting world buffs.

>"trigger the paladins"

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Good luck begging for it to be given to you

it is the better option for pvp

Its never going to happen, Blizzard hate fun.

no, it's not

paladin gets dwarf racial as a spell, making dwarfs completely worthless as paladins

Bonereaver is far better in its 1.12 state.

>Level Paladin as holy until consecrate then dip in prot to get free aggro generation and rolfstomp 5 mans

Damn. I'd just want to see if/how they would handle Outland/Northrend by continuing with the Classic design decisions (with maybe giving players more and more talent points as they advance rather than increasing the level cap, and go more with horizontal gear progression instead of vertical).

he's in warlord gear, and a weapon on par with sulfuras was a rank away

It mainly goes to shammies/pallys anyway, warriors want swords for sword spec

> PvP

Let me laugh for a second.

Motherfucking Guild Wars 1 son

you cant remove blind with cleanse for example and are 10 secs immune against it
meanwhile humans bring what to the table for pvp?

>rogue fighting a high rank paladin
>with how many crits rogues get
actually the single worst target you can pick in later classic

It would be great, we could finally get some additions to otherwise under used specs, or give classes new ways to play like tank Paladins.

But I dont think Blizz will do it. They dont have the creative nuance to make a good MMO.

shaman could not use 2h swords.

better dps
better everything

Incorrect, the eternal debate question would be:
Human or dwarf warrior
One looks godlike in armor
The other one looked squished but has a nice beard, as long as you hide the helmet

Very yes

Dorf or human rogue?


>ret is a pvp spec
reckoning is a pvp spec, ret is a total meme

Nothing can beat the rape face.

Paladins were the only class Hunters could beat 1v1 until they fucked viper sting to here and hell and back halfway through the second expansion. For a class that was all about kiting it was impossible to pvp when every single class had 5 ways to close distance and hunters had zero means of escape since wingclip lasted a while, sure, but every melee class had three ways to snare a hunter.

>play more than friend
>but he watches competitive play more often
>effortlessly dabs on me with pro level play
It's not fair

Aura wise I should go ret so I can AFK right?

? Who the fuck else is going to use it horde side?

Is it even top 10 pvp weapons for warriors? I don't think so.

>Playing anything but human warrior
>When sword skill gives +3% hit on top of reducing dodge on top of reducing glancing blows

>ret is a total meme
It wouldn't be if vanilla had semi decent itemization. It's as if the people responsible for gear stats completely forgot paladins exist until naxx

He knows, he's saying that to support shamans getting it, because BRE is from the same boss, more common, and better for warriors.

Is this a joke? Hunters are the undisputed kings of pvp.

This pretty much. If you've never seen the video you don't understand. Paladins are pretty bad in vanilla.

Depends imo
Prot doesn’t roflstomp dungeons until 40-50 for holy shield and blessing of sanctuary
I say go consecrate into ret for faster leveling then switch to prot at 40, that way you can tank, dps and heal with downranked spells all the way to 60

the only auras paladins should use are devo and resists unless you are over budget with them

>blue filth

Attached: he smiling.png (568x584, 711K)

>better dps
because of the skill?
Does that even work in bgs?
Truth be told I have no idea and need somebody to clarify that for me.
>better everything
that is just false

>That awful looking equipment and animations
Is this it Classicfags? This is what I'm supposed to get hype over? Lmao

Ret is only good as extra aggro but only so much. Best option would be armor/resi aura.

Early prot is pretty weak. You're squishier than a warrior, have no taunt, huge mana issues.

Can't believe none of you morons don't know what video this is. I'm probably the oldest person in this thread feelsbadman

The original Guild Wars is a mess compared to GW2. At least when it comes to structured PvP, WvWvW in GW2 is admittedly a blinding zergfest of particles.

but muh gfx

>go consecrate into ret for faster leveling
Consecrate is very mana inefficient and its ticks rarely add up to a single ret's swing worth of damage. So it doesn't make levelling faster at all as you'll be going OOM real quick. It does add stealth detection in PvP and is absolutely essential for prot in PvE though.

dwarf, stoneform has a lot of use and your enhanced stealth detection doesn't account for much

Wow devs hated paladins. Wow lead designers, Furor(Afrasabi) and Tigole(Kaplan) has come from top EQ raiding scene were paladins were notoriously overpowered and eclipsed warriors in every way imaginable. They were so butthurt about paladins that they went out of their way to ensure to gimp WoW hybrids in general and paladins in particular in every possible way as an act of revenge.

There also a rumor that one extremely based paladin player from Tigole and Furor guild fucked their moms irl just for lulz.

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TBCkino lads

>no male night elf rogue
damn I wanted in on the meme squad

it depends who gets the jump with hunters tbf, no way you're winning against a hunter who catches you at 41 yards(unless you're a mage maybe), but no way a hunter is winning against a good rogue who gets the stun in

This lmao. Classic armor in Wow looks gay as fuck, dunno why people want to go back to it.

Ret aura
Blessing of sanctuary
Holy shield
Shield spikes
Skull flame shield
Essence of Ragnaros
Thorns from a Druid
That’s 7 sources of reflect damage, not sure if you can get more, pull the entire dungeon, consecrate then loot everything
SFK runs are particularly good since they drop the BoE lvl 19 twink weapons for good profit

Dorf hunters are some good shit.
fd into trap + stoneform> cheetah gets you kiting distance in one go if a rogue gets the jump on you

Grow up

Makes me wanna try playing oldschool EQ server as a pally. Even though I've never played EQ before.


You will only use consecrate while tanking in dungeons as a mean to get aggro, don’t use it for leveling as that will drain you mana for shit damage

don't worry, nelf and tauren hunters are fucking noobs

Playing a tauren hunter is literally just gimping yourself
>giving your enemies a bigger hitbox for them to hit you

>ret pala kills rogue
>this is news
kys zoomers

>You know why people love martial arts so much? Because the biggest no-life always wins. The longer you train, the stronger you are.

Man, hunter and priest are the only classes I would pick a dwarf 100% of the time, too bad I don’t like the classes and there is no sense in going dwarf warrior when you have human


why does this remind me of some weird dinosaur ice cream lolly pop freeze edition

Dwarf Warriors are the best in PvP

that would be gnome

lmao, priests doing more damage than ret pally

now i know for sure, I ain't gonna join a guild that has even a single ret paladins as raider

You misspelt warlock

Nah, they are second place.

At least Gnome and Dwarf chads can laugh at Nelf warriors for being awful in pvp and pve.

Escape artist is pretty meh if I have to be honest

You mean stealth?

No clue man, none of us are playing on the streamer server. You'll have to come up with something else or risk looking more and more pathetic with each post

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WoW actually has a huge /fit/ playerbase because they like grinding for stats.

Its amazing they were ever able to make a good product with so many toxic retarded raidfags from EQ infesting Blizzard.

I guess at the start sounder minds rang out, and over time they got drowned out by the raidfags.

At what level can I do SFK solo?

Not only priests, but healing priests which are smiting. Anyway, never join meme spec guilds, they would crumble no matter what over loot drama and inability to recruit. No good player would ever want to play with ret or chicken or enh.

To show random people who are going to be watching the webm your 1337 gamer skillz

People will pay for the game they want to play, kid. It's that simple, I don't care what blizz does with the money. I don't worry about the money I used to buy a sandwich with being used to fund a new line of sandwiches with worse ingredients and flavor. I got the sandwich I wanted.


I am not a lesbian, user

>dual-wielding class
>swing timer

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At 50 is easy enough if you know what you are doing, at 60 you just pull the entire place
At the beginning just do dm runs and vendor everything

Yeah it's a real shame. Better gear choices later on so that Holy Paladins don't have to wear cloth for optimizing their healing abilities, or giving more gear cool effects like that one druid helmet that lets them keep some of their resources as they shift forms. Just give players more gear options without them overshadowing previous stuff.

being /fit/ =/= healthy though

just as you can see on /fit/, they're all still losers

>All the shitty raid focused Blizz devs are stuck on Retail
>Only the few remaining blizz devs who love leveling, community and vanilla work on Classic
This is it, its going to happen, the golden age of Classic+

Could be worse, could be you.

Am I gimping myself if I got dwarf warrior over human?
I plan to be prot most of the time and maybe go arms every now and then. Not sure how big 5 points into sword is but it if people make a big deal about devilsaur set for 2%hit, then maybe it is

The problem is that the moment Blizz go for Classic+, all the casuals and raiders will demand 'convenience' features and the immersion and world building which Vanilla has goes to shit immediately. Ironically both sides want the same thing, a "balanced" and "fair" experience where everyone can do everything all the time.

It starts with making a small change so that Paladins have skills which let them tank PvE properly, then its a change to rogues to make them not so CC strong, then its a change to dwarf priests so other options are not viable, then its a...
>fast forward
Oh look at that we remade Retail WoW.

On a very technical basis yes, but the difference is so irrelevant it doesn't matter. Its basically saying you're taking X race for a 0.001% boost.

Case and point, the best two warriors ever in original vanilla were not tauren and undead. It came down to skill and gear, your race at that level was irrelevant.

>standing up on mount when stunned
Are they changing this like they did with the stealth walk animation?

This is the deciding factor of whether or not we're truly going home.


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I'm /fit/ too you mong, just saying health comes in more forms than fitness

>world building
Is there a more redditzoom post than this? They completely fucked everything story-wise that they built up in the previous warcraft games. Having characters named Heelsloot or Beegdeeps dancing the fucking macarena is far from immersive.

First of all play on Grobby. Second of all if you click on a sheep 30 times it explodes but dancing breaks your immersion?

git gud lol

Honest question guys: why is WoW filled with edgelords who think they're the best players ever?

I've been reading the EU general forums, and everybody is conviced they will absolutely wreck APES, and that they are the best PVP'ers the world has ever seen. It doesn't matter to them that APES is extremely well ogranized.

How come in other games people aren't that cringy and are just having fun?

>or they're just clunky with no real flow to the action. WoW combat is just buttery smooth at all times
WoW is a game where half the classes spend most of their time stationary acting as turrets unless a melee gets in their face, then they promptly spasm out.

What is the best healer to play in Classic? Also the least boring to level?


I ain't playing World of Zoomcraft. Vanilla came and went, you can't get that magic back especially with nuBlizz at the wheel. Easter eggs can be ignored but other players running around can and will ruin immersion. They're not comparable

But they are in PvE, and PvE is how you get gear, so you are fucked if you don't get carried by guild.
And even then you only get the scraps, all gear goes to main tank prot warrior, then if anything is left it goes to the many dps warriors (there won't be anything left) AND THEN if by some miracle there is anything left then you can maybe grab it.

Bye bye no one cares.

Literally irrelevant newfag


seething classicfriends can't accept that their game isn't perfect

What offensive skills does a Pala in Vanilla have?
I know they pretty much auto hit to max lvl, but what skills are there at max lvl?

Judgement, Consecration, Crusader Strike?
anything else? does divine storm exist?

> It starts with making a small change so that Paladins have skills which let them tank PvE properly
A man can dream
And though I would love a balanced vanilla, at least so that druids and pally could play other specs at a low level, the moment those changes are introduced the entire game changes, how much? Not sure but after seeing years or blizzard balancing it can’t be good

What is Blizzard going to do once people realize that doing post-nerf MC with post talent rework/general class buffs of 1.12 will make the initial end game content of release completely trivial?

>streamers vs incel gank squads

Ask people to play retail because they're already subbed

Auto attack with seals
Exorcism against UD and demons

That's literally it

Only judgement, consecration and holy shock, everything else is seals and auto attacks
Reckoning to one shot bosses and people but I wouldn’t consider that since it required you to get crit
Crusader strike was from tbc and divine storm from wrath

Never played wow classic before (seriously, I've played a bit on private servers); I'm rolling a human lock first because I want to be able to shit on people in world pvp AND also have a decent time leveling. Is lock reliant on cds for wpvp? I heard they're really good if you can get a succ off, but I haven't gotten to that point on any private server (been saving myself for official server).

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wanna know i know you’ve never played wow

Crusader strike was tbc and divine storm was wrath

Paladin's kit in vanilla is based off of twisting 30 second auto attack buffs and spending those buffs with judgement for effects that can include damage. Unless you're fighting demons or undead, all you have is seals and judgement.

None of them were resisted they just didn't hit hard enough to matter.

>tfw got dibs on mage Atiesh
Once again i can feel the power of nuking peasants

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people with names like that are almost always shitties

just fucking LOL @ pallies and their auto attacks

at least shamans have interesting weapon buffs, shocks and many more tools

Go wear a dress and healbot, it's all you're good for

The item not the name

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Lmao so he basically autohitted that rogue to death in 1sec?
Why are people hyped for this game again?

I played world of shitcraft for about three months before dropping it and never looking back. Last decent MMO worth playing was Shadowbane.

They're tier 3 asmongold subs with a lot of free time to farm gold for their favorite streamer so he might say their name on stream one time

Community. Action combat is literally flat out not what MMOs are about at all. This is a multiplayer roleplaying game not a shooter or a moba.

It makes sense, just look at post-beta patch notes

>Holy Strike: Removed.
>Crusader Strike: Removed.
>Seal of Reckoning: Removed.
>Healing Aura: Removed.
>Dominance Aura: Removed.
>Wisdom Aura: Removed.
>Redemption: Removed.
>Resurrection: renamed Redemption, no longer usable in combat.
>**All Seals renamed Blessings. Several new spells have been added, which now use the naming convention "Seal".
Paladin got assfucked literally last minute, I hope seal twisting saves the gameplay since it was busted on pservers forever

Current retail community is 100% cancer, why would vanilla community be any better?

I mean I get it, a MMORPG without a good community is shit, the community can carry the game even if the gameplay is rather shit, but from what I've seen WoW does a poor job at getting people together for anything other than dungeons and raids.

Yeah, unlike the rogue who can keep every other class locked away from using their abilities for a whole 20 seconds while he pounds their ass with auto attack and spamming one button.

Gonna try WoW classic. Should I join a pvp server? I like the idea of open world fighting but at the same time I don't want to be killed non stop by stronger players and just get frustrated. Will I miss out if I okay on a normal server?

Both communities are cancer, the private server classic autists are minmax "play the meta or fuck off" autists, and retails are zoomzooms who can't go 10 minutes without getting a free epic

Can't wait to see the results of them mixing

People here think vanilla is some super epic hard game instead of baby's first mmo. Because of this delusion, they also believe that the retail community will drop off the game and leave only the "good" people that they want to play with.
Reality is that the community is fucked and there's no going back. Just look at all the addons in the works to make classic as similar to retail as possible.

fuck hybris

who cares if its a top weapon or not? its a fucking sulfuras and everyone wants to be the guy using it for that big dick look


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Retail funnily enough, is a game built around action combat while Classic is one built around community. Classic lends itself to a better community.

>Only the few remaining blizz devs
You know that literally all of the old crew is on other games or retired outside of the leads you hate.
You fucking cocksocks are so stupid you just make little worlds in your head and enjoy the happy thoughts you make.

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This is why I'm rolling horde.

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seal of blood should have been in the game since vanilla

I'm gonna make a horde guild on a US eastern server. Anyone wanna play with me? All the other Yea Forums guilds are autists on /vg/ so I wanted to avoid it but still want to play with bros while leveling. I plan on playing a male troll warrior.

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im torn on the issue myself, im trying to decide between rp and rppvp. i could give a fuck about end game

What classes are going to be busted/ez modo for PVE and PVP? I'm currently choosing between rogue, mage, and priest.

Mage is fairly easy to play and always great.

Blessing of Salvation

people are excited for ... this?

Attached: 1564231669275.webm (400x400, 1.26M)

>s2 gear
>Vanilla discussion

I know he had fun but cmon

That's gross ass salt water that sits inside of a shell slug

>cum is salt water


dwarf gang rise up

>that's a penis
oh user this site is 18+

>in a tab-target game

if you play dwarf priest, should you roll male or female?

>The original Guild Wars is a mess compared to GW2

What the fuck are you smoking?

Your character has a hitbox, which defines how close you to have to be to hit someone. Tauren have a bigger hitbox so can be hit from further away

Male and people will find you boring.
Female and people will find you weird.

how can there be a hitbox when you don't need to aim?

For PvP, Mage is your best choice.
For PvE, Priest is always going to be in demand, no one likes healing though, so be ready to healbot forever if you choose priest.

Rogues aren't that great. They are fun for ganking lowbies, that is all. In any BG, you will get fucking stomped by Warriors, Hunters, Warlocks, Mages, Paladins, Other Rogues, and Druids. You only "counter" priests, some shamans, and other rogues. I'd recommend staying away from that class unless you have a guild that will help you gear up.

Abilities have range.

What will be my experience if I roll a warrior tank?

Friendly reminder that people WILL play wow classic and WILL buy gold for real money

still no hitbox

it's just "check if in range" "yes/no"

Yes and what do you think determines if you are in range or not

>does he even know what wow is? not like its edible
the only reason he is e-famous at all is because he made fake videos where he sperged out at his wow account being hacked.

I really missed that casting animation proc after applying poison to a target. It's a little thing, but still you know.

also RIGHTEOUSNESS, SEAL OF COMMAND BABY . That shit is windfury but less memorable.

they can also hit people from farther away. its a tradeoff but its really useful for classes with deadzones

the edge of your targeting circle, the same thing that determines your own melee range.
It's literally a null advantage. The best argument you can make is having a slightly larger "behind" when fighting a rogue.

What server is he going to be playing?

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Nah, they actually removed the extra melee range tauren get in a very early patch. It took until TBC for tauren to get the same size hitbox as everyone else.

The downside is that it's harder to escape from melee as a tauren hunter because they'll keep hitting you in the ass.

>Nah, they actually removed the extra melee range tauren get

first one on the list you fucking retard

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these niggers auto attack from 10 yards

Bearded man in a dress > ugly woman in a dress

I'm looking forward to just being able to buy gold now that I have money O_O

It's going to be like a dollar per 5g for months until the chinese farmers get set up.

playing hunter so when the game dies i can get good rates on real wow gold by farming mara/dire maul and selling the gold to classicfags

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whitemane with the rest of the spergs

>tfw you get The Nicker

I know it won´t be same as playing wow 10years ago but still i can´t wait to be Holy warior of Alliance once again.

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> can't wait to auto attack 24/7 and be nothing like Arthas from W3

Arthas literally only auto attacked and healed though?

wow vanilla

At least he didn't wear robes


You don’t have to wear robes

Because they were listening to linkin park, bunch of losers

Who cares, they get fucked by aoe.

Bros...Am I gonna be alone? I don't want to play with /vg/ or join a discord

You'll be alone either way since the game won't last more than a couple months due to content drought

Keplan/Afrasabi weren't in charge of class design or balance.

That's why you play on a pvp server, world pvp has always filled the gaps once the current raid is on farm.

My brother pulled this shit constantly when we were kids