What's the most manly game?
What's the most manly game?
Recently, id say DOOM 2016
That image is peak incel
what's wrong about it?
Genital mutilation should be banned
real life
games are escapism
you didnt say it wasn't true tho
>building your whole personality around movies and animu you consumed
Do women even like sex? My brain is so fucked by virginity and insecurity that i can't even fathom a girl wanting to actually get fucked.
Should i seek help?
>I care WAY too much about dickskin
>i watched the newest KINO, i know now what honor means
cringe and absolutely pathetic.
it's not true, tho
No u should KYS
Max Payne 3
Planescape Torment
God of War 2018
DOOM 2016
yeah, not a single man has ever thought about sex, money and/or his dream woman
Uh, no??
So, are you implying that women don’t like chads with big dicks, money, and expensive weddings? Because incel or no, that shit is indisputable.
What? I'm just putting the thought out there
>Max Payne 3
>when there is Max Payne 1
Yeah most people should seek help.
women like sex with chads not anime posting virgins like you
i'm implying men think the except same way and also not all women think like that.
If you believe this, you are an incel by definition.
Most people who aren’t chads would accept any girl that isn’t a cunt. Women on the other hand literally all think they’re Disney princesses.
men don't actually think like that
and what does incel mean?
It's only half true. Normal women crave being housewives and mothers to varying degrees, normal men crave some money and fug, but not at the expense of the things listed.
Man here. Yes we do, you're confusing men for numale soibois.
Left feels the emotions on the male side only to fictional characters and scenes often meant to induce those feelings, rather than experiencing those feelings with the friends, comrades, and companions he made. Yet he acts like he feels those constantly despite having not seen his friends in months
Left also acts like he’s not shallow and totally doesn’t desire money or the perfect sex waifu but also a love waifu
Also left has understanding even though left probably hates a dozen group of people and half of those irrationally
Why are guys thinking of shitty movies? I'm thinking about sex more than some shit movies.
Well, then you’re wrong. Show me 1 (one) woman who is okay with a broke ugly guy with a small dick and a cheap ass wedding who isn’t a trailer park whore or a coal burner. She literally doesn’t exist.
well in all fairness you like chads with big dicks too
forgot to add "abusive guy who lies about loving me and hits me after fucking other whores"
Involuntarily celibate.
>I don’t actually think like that
Yeah, that’s because you’re not a man, you’re a soifag.
and what does that have to do with hatred of women?
>they don't exist
>except these
>and these
>but don't mention them
>that top right
God I wish that were me.
Huh. Interesting opinion.
Whores and coal burners aren’t women. Would you marry one? Didn’t think so.
Why is Feraud on the left side? He is the opposite of most of those qualities.
Just wait till you're in your 30s.
>fiance died years ago, so have some emotional baggage
>grad degree
>no debt, nice income
I'm a tinder and bumble goldmine for these skanks:
>have kids
>no education
>no job worth mentioning
>want something "stable" with a guy who "has their shit together"
That's code for "pay for my bastards and I will suck your dick".
I don't know i just regurgitate the latest buzzwords because it's cool xD
Incels literally believe every women just wants chad mclargecock and money, so that's why they have no chances at women and are still virgins.
They hate women and the society as a whole, so they have an excuse for there shitty life and personality.
Maybe use a service that's not oriented around getting laid?
crap game
what does any of what you said have to do with Involuntarily celibacy
name 1(one) that isn't about getting laid
The implication is that if you’re sex starved well into your 20s or 30s that you would likely start to resent women.
But they do, just because they settle for less doesn't mean they want anything less.
>no master and commander
cringe image
Are you retarded?
they won’t fuck you, so you hate them
Go to a bar or something dude. Meet people. Jesus.
Unlike you, who will settle for a fat, ugly and completely broke women, because he wants to
so you're just implying things? is that it?
why even use the word then.
You type like a fag.
I didn't respond to you, but when you're my age you go to the bar to pick up married chicks who want to cheat. There are no places to meet unmarried 30-somethings besides online or activities expressly stated to be about hooking up, for romantic or physical relationships (that's why swinger groups call themselves "poly" now).
It’s a logical leap. I fucking hated women until I got laid. Now that I’m fucking on the regular, I have no opinions on women.
>Left feels the emotions on the male side only to fictional characters and scenes often meant to induce those feelings, rather than experiencing those feelings with the friends, comrades, and companions he made
every guy who thinks like the OP is a weak-willed misanthrope in real life with no principles or moral strength, thats why they complain about women
you could not have named a worse place to meet someone of any value
stupid incel should have just died for his country like every other normie
be a good goy and pay child support/alimony like everyone else!
So you're saying the only women who aren't vain cold diggers are whores?
why do normalfags like this feel comfortable here now?
And coal burners. Yes.
>bragging about being incel
This is a new low even for /pol/ tourists
when you're in your 30s you're basically dead to the rest of the world
you're supposed to be raising your shitty kids and working your wageslave job and not have any time for a life
So the only women worth marrying are women you shouldn't marry.
why is it a logcial leap, the word incel was coined by a women describing her own life situation, so why is INCEL a way to describe men that hate women.
this isn't so much a "logical leap" as an irrational plunge, again, what the fuck does incel even mean because i am starting to think it doesn't actually mean 'Involuntarily celibate' but "evil man that hates women and doesn't have sex"
that seems to be what it actually means.
Stop fucking saying this no it doesn't. Incel is simply believing that you're incapable of getting laid due to X factor.
I don't hate or blame women in the slightest for not liking me, i defenitely wouldn't like me either. I just disagree with the whole "everyone can get laid if they improve shtick" that people throw around as if everyone has the capability to better themselves.
Circumstance as well as my own decicions to some degree has lead me to become an ugly, boring, sack of shit beyond redemption.
It's not my fault, it's not womens fault, i just got unlucky and i'll die alone for it, much in the same-way how someone born with shit eyes will never be a pilot.
>Farming simulator 2K17
Oh, lord, poly groups are a blast.
>have fuck buddy who wants to join poly group but doesn't want to be a single female and get swarmed
>demands I go with her to act as a buffer
>have to learn all the jargon
>terms like "fluid partner", "nesting partner", et cetera just go in one ear and out the other
>go with her to a cocktail hour, groan to myself because they could just call it a happy hour but just want to put "cock" in there somewhere
>it's nothing but young urban professionals who just bitch constantly
>no one there I wanna spend more than a few minutes talking to
>spend the whole time chasing off orbiters and ugly fucks
Worst night of my life.
Nice completely made up image
>Meet people. Jesus.
Some people just don't fucking get it.
Go back to day z faggot
Exactly. So the only conclusion is to not fall for the marriage meme in [current year], it's the most stupid thing to do as a man.
Women are literally retarded.
Most men are fucking stupid too.
Who the fuck started this bullshit about equality? The difference between me ans the average person is the same as the different between the average person and a chimp.
I maintain a perfect GPA despite putting barely any effort into my engineering degree. How the fuck am I supposed to respect other people when they're so intellectually lesser than me? It makes zero sense.
>unironic porn in the op
>80+ replies
>not even on topic
Did the jannies finally just give up?
It generally means a guy who is unwilling to work out and work on his personality enough to get laid. The result is generally a person who doesn’t get laid. Said person is often more likely to blame women than himself. I can’t break it down any further than that. I’m not claiming is a scientifically accurate claim, I’m merely telling you what people mean when they say it.
basado y rojopildorito
I think so. There's been a borderline bestiality thread up for a while now, I don't think any of the banned content on there has even been deleted yet.
Met my wife after joining a photography club.
I don't think I can give you advice beyond do what you like and hope you meet somebody there.
so a loser, incel means a loser.
is that it, why not use that then.
it's a word used for a man calling him a loser for not getting laid.
Are there actually psychopaths that think like this?
Its all just ironic right?
first week here?
>libtards can't make their own memes
i feel this word has been spin-doctored to hell and back by the media at this point
it usually used by trannies, but trannies are even more loser men so it not work good
>Are there actually psychopaths that think like this?
>crusty old fag who thinks tinder whores sum up a gender
>Seething dicklets itt
>Sell yourself as some kind of genius
>misspells and
LMAO this is good bait
Its literally so fucking easy to have sex provided you are at least above 3/10 in looks.
Literally go outside, talk to people, youll get rejected, sometimes more often than others will.
If you work on your personality and fitness and just fucking get out there youll notice that it isnt very fucking hard to bloody have sex.
Even if you're an absolute fucking monstrous goblin you can still just pay hookers?
anonymous poster thinking people are actually upset at words on a screen.
Why do people have more than one word to describe the same thing? Why does the English language contain synonyms? Why is slang a thing? You’re asking the wrong person, friend.
What truly distinguishes you from animals and what makes you deserve rights that they don't?
Valuing ALL humans is a generalization. Animals are seen as inferior and distinct because of their ability to rationalize, critically think, their capabilities in introspection amd prediction.
I don't see you as an equal as you don't view a chimp as an equal. You probably have a minuscule capacity for abstract thought whereas I'm far superior. You are an animal to me because I remove this generalization of valuing all humans and onpy value those who are of near or higher intelligence.
but what if I don't want to fuck fat chicks?
How old are you
It does though. At least when they aren't bullshitting and lying (as much) as usual.
The only way to truly experience even half of the feelings on the left is to have been in the military in a combat role. The bonds you form with the lads by your side is unlike anything else. Coming back to civvie life is like an entirely different fucking world altogether filled with selfish "I'm alright Jack" arseholes who'd sell you down shit street.
It accurately describes a portion of women, yes. Namely unmarried women who are older.
Well, I am friendless and always has been. Looking up to the ideal man is the closest I've ever come to brotherhood.
Then dont, but dont expect more attractive women to fuck you if you arent attractive to them.
You better make some kids, so i can fuck them in my 50.
it's just so manufactured, it doesn't feel natural, it's like a handpicked word from the media that now is the public discourse
am i supposed to not notice and question the word and it's meaning, am i supposed to go with the flow and just listen and believe?
>Yea Forums is literally the new /pol/
Not all humans are smart because there is no inherit value in intelligence. If you don't understand that then you clearly aren't very smart yourself. Feel free to live a life of solitude creating and managing your own plumbing, electricity, internet, food, etc while I, an actually intelligent person, feign empathy to those born slightly less and get them to do the jobs within their means instead of pretending they are worthless or less by default.
>a degree and no debt
>lists literally nothing else
LMAO you must be one boring motherfucker.
Oh and i know you people have to cope with this reality by just assuming everyone who thinks like me is some weak 13 year old but I'm the guy they put in university newsletters about high achievement. Nobody know my true beliefs and I act like a completely normal, sociable person.
You think thr people who dominate large organisations see you as an equal? You just look like cattle. Relatively, there's no complex thought in your mind and you're just another consumer that people like me will smile at and pretend we don't see you as absolute mindless, soulless cattle.
me on the right except I'm not a girl
What if I view you as below me? What if I genuinely think that you're subhuman trash that isnt worthy of being alive or reproducing?
Can the /r9pol/ incels in this thread explain to me how they can simultaneously believe BBC is a meme (complete with infographics) while also pushing the meme by themselves in their own comics (like the one with the blue guy getting fit or the one where some random black dude's face is cropped on a bunch of stick figures)
>tfw every woman I’ve ever asked out says they already have a bf
I guess I’m just shit at reading women because I can’t tell if they’re just being nice or actually like me, but at this point I don’t care anymore. I’ve accepted that I’ll die alone.
How can 4channers simultaneously believe two separate things?
you seem to be the most knowledgeable on all those things, why don't you just reply to your own post with the answers.
Like what?
Thanks I wrote it