Condemned - Criminal Origins

So, after days digging this site searching for some forgotten valuables, i strumbled into this weird looking relic, and...
Ok, enough role playing; does anyone on Yea Forums recommend this game?
I never knew about it until i checked some underrated game list.

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I'm pretty sure this is one of the games that Yea Forums universally agrees is good.
Yes you should play it.

It's meh, but hitting people in the face with a lead pipe never gets old 7/10 would recommend.

This game aged well then, it's almost 14 years since its release in 2005.
I'll check it. Thanks.

Yes. It's the best bum beating simulator out there.

Sequel pc port never ever

Shame the sequel never got a PC release

I want a spritual sequel to this kind of melee combat intensity but it's Kings Field 5 by From Software

I want it so fucking badly holy SHIT

Condemned 2 is great if you like this one. Falls apart near the last couple chapters, probably why there hasn't been a third game.

Better first person melee combat than the often overrated Dark Messiah. Story shits the bed towards the end and doubly so in the sequel. Don't play the sequel.

It probably has aged horribly. Give it a try if you are interested but don't expect something exceptional. This is coming from a person who has got all achievements in both games.

Was this the one with the doll factory? Shit was creepy as fuck.

emulating:, maybe it's fixed already?

Hard to believe it beats Dark Messiah melee combat, now im even more curious

I think it's amazing but the ending being sequel-bait and the sequel having David Cage tier writing hurt it.
The sequel also runs and looks like shit on consoles and was never released on PC. Such a shame. With all the PC ports sega has been giving and the recent popularity of horror titles it's a mistery why they woulnd't include a Gold Edition of both and announce a third game.

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>Hard to believe it beats Dark Messiah melee combat, now im even more curious
It requires you to do basic gamplay stuff like time you attacks and blocks. Dark Messiah requires you to hold down the button for a while and then release it.

It's really good until the last few levels.

It's great

Fuck yeah it's a fucking great game, and the sequel is arguably even better although it does deviate from the formula of abandoned buildings a few times, to its detriment.

Unfortunately C2 is an Xbox360 exclusive and they don't have plans to release it on PC for some reason

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>Unfortunately C2 is an Xbox360 exclusive and they don't have plans to release it on PC for some reason
This would matter a lot more if Condemned 2 didn't suck.

Sega has such a lot of potential titles, hard to believe that they're not as big as they should.
something went wrong but im too lazy to search.

Ok, check this out:
It won't take much longer to be perfect emulated.
I hope...

It's no great mystery. They didn't sell enough copies.

It doesn't suck, it just isn't as good as it should have been. The brawler exploration horror formula is still intact. It's a good game.

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Reminds me of the first few levels of FEAR and Extraction point., Only with a pipe.

Man this was one of the first games to scare the shit out of me. Condemned was great

It's aged pretty decently actually. The gameplay is good and dark art direction hides dated visuals well.

>First person melee game
>The main defensive option is a timed parry
This is always a green flag for me.

It's a very-slightly supernatural Se7en with Bum Fights wrapped inside Monolith's top tier level design and AI direction. Arguably one of the best horror games out there, but definitely the best out of the west. Just make sure that you get the Steam version patched if you get it on PC, as the English version has a good chunk of audio files missing IIRC.

>Monolith's top tier level design and AI direction
Oh fuck it was Monolith? I never realized. Seems perfectly in line with F.E.A.R.

New SHOGO:MAD when?

It's underrated, it has a very brilliant idea going for it, basically a horror about Bumfights for the most part. It honestly kind of surprising how the industry didn't take notes on just how good of a horror encounter being jumped by a bum makes. Way above some faggy zombie bullshit tbqh.
On the bad side the plot is kinda shit and goes completely off the rails in 2, also black goo of unoriginality makes an appearance.

You guys think this would work well in VR?
Remove the ability to waggle and instead do timed swings tied to wide and loose gestures for different hits and parrying. Investigation parts would surely be more immersive.

1 is amazing, 2 is even better but the story gets pants on head retarded towards the end. The bear level is probably one of the most intense things in any vidya ever made.


based Condemned 2 bro. I agree, sequel is even better since first Bumdemned was kinda trashy at the end with all those farms. C2 is even darker and has a great combat while having supernatural shit

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just buy a game from ebay and ps3. It's like 100$

OP here, i think it's the first time i read a whole thread that agrees that the game in question is great.
It will be my next run, just after i finish Dragon Age 2, it's close, just need to finish one more dlc and the last mission, anyway... anyway, thanks for the hype, i really hope it's at least good now.

wish we had more bum beating simulators like this. I can't really name any other game with similar atmosphere. Outlast and RE7 at times maybe

That's so gay. I hope none of your ideas are ever implemented into reality.

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it has much more weight, it can feel clunky and maybe not as outlandishly fun, but it does feel punishing and like some brutal brawl, the way the enemies react and even yourself when hit just causes chaos and mayhem of violence. None of that lollygagging of the kick master in Dark Messiah

what the game? or the or hitting people in the face with a lead pipe

Great game. Much better than muh bumfight game that i see retards say.

Condemned is the best horror game ever made. It's not the best at horror, or the best at gameplay, but it is the only game that has both horror and gameplay and is actually good.

What about the suffering?

Condemned 1 and The Darkness alone justified buying a 360 back then, holy fuck those were some good times.

The second game is outstanding. I never finished the first one but I recall it being great as well.

The final part didn't drag it down at all?
I mean, it's still overall good but the finale was a gigantic dip for sure.

Yes but only if you go full kid, and play over night with all the lights off.

'member the bear chase? Very terrifying.

I made another thread a while ago if it was worth trading my R9 285 gpu for a xbox 360.
I have a 970 but i was saving my r9 285 in case my 970 stop working somehow

Condemned 3 which ignores the last half of 2 when

The Suffering is fun, but it wasn't as good as Condemned

>tfw monolith is stuck with warner doing shitty middle-earth games
>new F.E.A.R. never ever
>new Condemned never ever

i used to play the fuck out of this game, i even got into the multiplayer for a while and goddamn it was fun. no other game has recreated that multiplayer experience for me. the game didn't lose it's spooky edge. just instead of NPCs trying to kill me it was other players popping out from around corners in masks trying to cave my goddamn head in.

Yeah the last 2 stages feel hamfisted but that's a consequence of lack of support for the singleplayer. The game was made during a time when multiplayer was becoming essential, so a significant amount of the designers had to focus on that as opposed to the campaign. It's still fun regardless, just wish they could have flushed it out a bit more.

C2 is out for PS3 as well but it has a fatal flaw.
You can't play it without the update and you can't update over wi-fi.
You need a wired connection to download the latest version of the game and even then it crashes all the fucking time and won't even quit to the XMB right. It almost bricked my fucking console.

The part where you're running through the nightmare version of the office building filled with black tar monsters with Vanhorn's corpse constantly stumbling around corners was cool.

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I 'member

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Yes it's very good and I always mention it in underated game threads

The first game was amazing. The second game was fucking garbage.

Gonna buy this guys, its 2.50 GBP on Fanatical as well, banging deal.

Second game had a superior and refined combat system and much more memorable moments. Only thing wrong with it was that the storyline became overburdened and muddled near the end.

anyone play the multiplayer for the sequel? whatd you think of it? thought it was neat but there was only like 6 other people playing lol

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I tried it once a few years ago and it was pretty much dead except for a few dedicated individuals. I can see how it would be fun if there were more people.

The last few stages were really weird. They felt out of place.

It honestly would be great if Sega or Monolith would make a candid PS3 trophy update to the game just to give me another excuse to replay the game.

Second game had much better gameplay, though. Condemned 1 felt really sluggish. In 2, it was so satisfying to throw your weapon at an enemy's head, charge forward, kick them in the gut and then pummel them with both fists.

I wish they made more games with Condemned 2's combat.

Played it back in the day it's a decent survival horror type game there's not much ammo for guns from what I remember

Man I remembered this game being one of the poster games for the AO rating, has it really been a relic now?

The magic theater level and the area where you fight the helicopter and deactivate the sonic emitter things were the only areas that felt very rushed. The area with the abandoned ships and metal-junkies in between was very nice.

>Condemned 1 felt really sluggish.
That was the point.

It was neat how enemies seek to ambush you and try to sneak up from behind etc, it added a lot of tension to the game. Then there's the basement of apple seed orchard house, fuck that place

I remember in the first game I was on a catwalk and I smacked a junkie in the side of the head with a shovel and he realistically flung himself over the railing to his death. I still remember it because I thought it was really cool.

Holy shit the multiplayer in Condemned 2 was fucking glorious, anyone else used to play that religiously?

there's a demo of it on ps store

apprently it's a good gam


People call it a bum fight simulator but most enemies just look like regular zombies, i hate that shit.

I've been saving this game for October, should I play it now?

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It can be fun but everything at the end is trash.

Yes, its good, play it.