Vidya tropes that you hate

Ill start.
>Backtracking through all starting areas before you can unlock the final areas of the game
I love Metroid Prime but the backtracking for Chozo Artefacts is pretty bad the first time through.

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>chosen one with special powers (Link is ok because his power is just being brave)
>big bad is being controlled by bigger bad that is just embodiment of darkess/fear
>bad guy just wants power/ to rule the world
>when the plot is explained to the player but the characters have to catch up

that's how a lot of games were back then, even Luigi's Mansion did shit like that
just a shitty way to pad out game time

>game lets you steal in battle but not outside of battle
Why are so many jrpgs like this?

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>enemies can steal your items
>theyre gone forever

>boss is quite literally stupidly strong, often an ogre or anything with a lot of muscle and capable of vocalizing

Unskippable cutscenes and dialogues

Fucking Borderlands 2

>have to do something over and over again an arbitrary amount of times with no indication it's doing anything to unlock something

I fucking love Hamtaro but this game pulls this shit TWICE and it's fucking infuriating

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>steals your ancient potion

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>elemental damage in RPGs that work like a rock paper scissors system
>enemies are damaged 10 times more by the correct elemental damage type than physical damage
>player must build their character to have elemental resistance on everything, otherwise there might be an enemy that can one shot them via elemental damage
>ugliest weapons full of particle effects are the best weapons because they have elemental damage

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>self insert MCs that can only nod their head. I'll even accept expressive eyes or mouth, ideally body language is fine if the MC has to be silent.
>character survives things that should have killed him 9000 times over because "luck" ala Drake.
>Pre established best friend characters with no personality aside from telling you how great a friend you are
>plot points that could be easily settled by two characters just talking/not lying
>side characters who turn evil and you are supposed to care or feel betrayed and you dont even know their name
>enemies/antagonists who just fucking wont listen to basic reason

My butthole virginity

Maybe monsters are easier to steal from? Maybe your thief only steals from bad guys?

but theyre the exact same character, just one is in combat the other isnt

why are you posting MH where physical is king?

>i love hamtaro

>antag: "the dark lord needed your friend as a sacrifice to gain even more power"
>protag: "I don't understand"

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>boss/legendary weapon is a reskin
>games that try to act cute when they break the fourth wall ( This book says press X to attack! Lol, idk what that means!)
>stats for every god damn thing, for no reason
>story driven tutorials that make no sense (Halo-Look up, Look down,

>beat the bonus dungeon
>get a super strong weapon that's completely useless because there's nothing left worth using it against

>win the fight
>lose in the cutscene

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"Pretty good. But now I'm serious!" *beats you easily*

>story driven tutorials that make no sense (Halo-Look up, Look down,

Good fps on console use that to decide whether or not to invert controls.

>You can only use your ultimate super mode on final boss battle not anywhere else even on New Game+

Armstrong was a great antagonist though

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they just unfroze you and put you through the motions to see if youre still okay.

>status ailments are useless against trash mobs because they die so easily
>status ailments are useless against bosses because they are immune
>only serve to fuck up your party whenever a mob casts them

>Boss battle "difficulty" is from nonstop additional enemies
>Final boss tests you on completely different mechanics (Fucking DMC 1)
>Enemy has extremely similar looking moves where if you guess wrong you get blown up (FUCK KY KISKE)
One trope I love is the "Heh time for my limiters to be removed" chuuni shit

>you're supposed to lose the battle anyway

>game has long ass diaries left behind by dead people that would never actually be written by someone in mortal peril

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You should play Etrian Odyssey
What games do this?

Resident Evil

>go here
>accept 15 quests at once
>all of them are variations of kill x or kill x so they drop y
>okay you did all the quests now go to the new area and repeat the same formula
>the only way to get EXP is to do these quests from the start to the end of the game, with progression being entirely the same thing on repeat
>they start throwing in tedious long quests that require you to go into some random dungeon and kill x then come back out and keep doing that until you finally get to do the dungeon boss

>RPG game
>enemies don't drop their weapons or armor
>their weapons and armor are cooler than any weapon or armor you can get in the game

>forced tutorial
>forced tutorial throughout half of the game
>still getting tutorial messages at the end of the game
>alternatively, the tutorial is given to the player through tedious quests or missions which are required on every playthrough or give some kind of reward that incentivizes doing them over again

>exploding enemies which can oneshot you if you're an arbitrary distance from them which is hard to gauge because it's larger than their actual explosion graphic

>endless fucking handholding and intrusive cutscenes
i fucking hate new pokemon

>multiple dialogue choices
>dialogue repeats untill you pick the right one

that and
>characters leave notes behind shit talking their bosses and spilling their secrets out in the open for the player to easily come across

>game starts with what is essentially an hour long cutscene
>you're forced to watch it because they disguised the cutscene as "gameplay" and you have to move your character down the railroad to keep things going
>maybe a one button QTE every twenty minutes just to keep the player from falling asleep
I didn't even get to play Killzone: Shadowfall because I ejected the disc and mailed it back to Gamefly shortly after booting the game.

Why the fuck is this so common? Or better yet why is this even a thing at all? It's so pointless unless it's an explanation.

smart as fuck

Its when writers want to give the illusion of choice but they cant be bothered to make actual choices.

he even tries to rob the phone

>play fallout 4
>get to piper
>Do interview
>get to end, all about the baby
>multiple choices
> pick "dont talk about it"
> Dialogue repeats
>My character is forced to care about some shitty baby
>Cant escape the baby not even for a second

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>Ultimate power only in the last battle.
>limited amount of resources instead of grinding or cooldowns
>Forced tutorials
>Enemies taking the same amount of hits though the entire game.
>in porn games having to press buttons during sex scenes.
>forced Backtracking

>game lets you upgrade/level up your weapons
>it also has a durability system

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knocked her right into chad's arms

babar was just trying to hook her up

>game author names cat "niggerman"

this, hate that shit

based HP

>back then
bro, they do it even more these days with collect-a-thon sidequests and achievement hunting whoreshit, also every single game needing to be open world meme

I'm still mad about FFXV sidequests

>xenoblade chronicles 2
>literally steamroll every boss fight
>every single cutscene after the fight has my party struggling and getting facerolled
As much as I enjoyed that game, that shit got old really quickly

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>after hours of playing the elephant in the room is finally brought up
>character manages to get two sentences into the explanation before something interrupts them
>"we'll have to continue this discussion later" -- except they don't until the subject becomes relevant again five hours later
>this happens for LITERALLY every single plotpoint
For all the praise people give to Tales of Vesperia the actual storytelling is just frustrating to sit through.

What did OP post?

Foid getting owned by a based 'phant