any video games for this feel
Any video games for this feel
dwarf fortress until you start designating rooms with a mouse
is this where ((((((they)))))) are going to put us someday?
Any Impressions Games city builder. Pharaoh is one of the most advanced and my personal favourite.
Aren't american suburbs just a fancy version of that?
Holy shit Pharaoh I remember that game
It's really good, I remember playing it when I was younger
america truly is disgusting
You are free to leave to try your luck elsewhere
>and here lives the mayor
nice gardens
>step outside your door in the morning
>can hear you neighbour farting in their bedroom
why do people enjoy living like this?
Imagine walking home drunk and trying to find your own door or better yet, having bunch of other alcoholics go from door to door trying to do that every day.
why do /pol/tards say this. no you fucking are not moving to another country is a massive investment of time and money.
Is this China? It seems like a very communist thing to do where no one is allowed to stand out and have to all be equal.
The king of beggars
Why the fuck is housing SO EXPENSIVE?
How does that refute what he said you stupid fucking leftist You ARE free to, you're just too much of a pathetic little lazy worthless faggot.
Basically, jews
jews mainly
Merchants Guild
in australia it's the chinks and boomers, so jews
It's not legal yet to charge people money to be alive, so charging them extortionate amounts to live in safety is the next best thing
>oh no my house looks the same as everyone else's what will i do ???
what exactly is the problem here? literally 1st world complains
Any city builder
>free to
except for many people they literally cannot because they don't have the money. Just because you are ALLOWED to doesn't mean that saying
is remotely a realistic or valid response
I like how the right-wing shifts from being hyperpatriotic when a Republican is president to downright anarchist when a Democrat is president.
That shit is on Brazil.
The government reallocate to those shitty houses people who were homeless or lived on favelas that were bulldozed and had massive buildings built in their place. They don't even need to pay rent or anything.
So glad I moved out of that shit country 2 years ago.
Truly... A clown world
This style of suburb originated in the US. This one doesn't seem to be american though.
retards. this is where the military tests bombs
depends where you live but here in toronto its largely due to every new development being luxury condos because why build something on a plot thats going to make you less money than you could have made
Sounds pretty based.
Nuke favelas and just build cheap copypaste houses for the poorfags
>nice gardens
That what i thought, they build the hoses and the roads, fuck the gardens
No it isn't, retard.
>"Dude, everything should be perfect for everyone. No, I won't improve my life and no, I won't move (too much money)!"
Yang gang wants you to live in shipping container apartments.
Due to tax incentives and lack of better investments, housing is used as a financial asset by rich people and big investors like superannuation funds and this increases its price
I'd honestly kill myself
The loaning/banking system has inflated the cost of houses dramatically, as intended, it's not like people have a choice to not have a place to live, so they found ways to exploit and bamboozle people by artificially inflating prices to suck them dry.
Zoning laws and jews
Mostly jews. Also prop 13
people dont want to live in an anthill, pajeet. I understand to you stone houses look like extreme luxary but we like to strive for the better
You know why
nightmare mode
it isnt, its in Brazil.
Suburb 4, Section 7, Alley 4... Home...
Cities Skylines
Brazil is in America.
It's not. It's cheaper than renting.
>no cul de sac
into the trash it goes
That's how the previous government from Brazil managed to stay on power for almost 15 years by the way.
They moved the poorfucks to those shitholes and the retards voted for them because of that.
So glad that shit ended and we now have a alt-right badass President.
Subdivisions can be nice if they are not designed to be too symmetrical, have plenty of the original vegetation of the area and the rules allow for variety in home style.
tha looks nice and clean unlike op's shithole
This shit’s too exposed. I’d pick a flat in a city over those houses any day.
beats living in a city, but having a house in the countryside is still superior
What, the OP? Compared to that, yeah, OP is nightmare mode. Looks like it's some horrible non-white country in the OP too, like with spics and shit. What a nightmare.
looks compfy as shit
>nooooooooo they look the same therefore bad no1!!!!1!
What's the problem? Those look like really big luxurious houses. Way better than an apartment.
no, that's horrible
Some of those people have indoor pools. Seems pretty based to me.
rate the village I grew up in
I mean the neighborhood looks like shit, but I'm sure it's better than living in the favela
This is the very definition of soulless
The problem is the country sucks nuts and it's boring.
I ...
This. I don't get suburb hate.
North Yorkshire has some of the best countryside known to man.
Is it even possible to live in places like this without owning a car? Do they usually have any decent public transportation?
Are there any shops or anything but houses in between there? Places like this that seem to be nothing but housing honestly confuse me.
I just realized this isn't /int/, oh well
The only thing I don't like is the close proximity of those houses. You could hear someone in the other house beating his wife or the screaming of his starving spawn. Or the barking of his retarded fucking dogs. I wouldn't want to hear any of it, if I wanted to, I'd rent an apartment for less than one thousandth of the cost of a house like that.
That's New Zealand.
>government bulldozes structurally unsound crime ghettos and builds FREE housing for the poor HUE monkeys
whats wrong with it?
Most of those houses were sold by their residents asap, and the money was used to buy drugs/soon they moved back to new favelas.
if you're an amerimutt, yes. that looks absolutely disgusting to every sane person
>A bunch of shitty houses fucking up a scenic panorama.
looks comfy
But then again Ive never been to a desert so I might be biased
because the non-scum have to pay for it
Why were they allowed to sell the house they got for free? Retarded huezil government strikes again
>Dark Souls 3 level design
>implying you wont get any of that while living in an apartment block
They’re Americans so they have cars and Walmart.
Well I didn't know there were two Whitbys.
jesus its like a maze
Because that's how personal propety works, you retarded faggot
>reading comprehension
having favelas is also expensive, it breeds crime and drug addicts
at least building housing is a one time expense and then you're done, dealing with guetto spawn is a constant drain
Basically the same folks anyway.
I'm a slav. Guess that explains it, because huge soviet apartment complexes is our equivalent.
look at this shit
why would anyone want to live like this is beyond me
jesus fuck
Imagine carpet bombing
yeah because the main problem is clearly the shanties these subhumans live in
I'm sure after they got """"""""free""""""""" houses (that you paid for) they totally got off drugs and lived a happy middle class life
No, it's actually pretty nice at ground level, you don't see rows of non stop houses, you see trees, nature everywhere you look.
Not only that but places like that tend to be quite and safe, it looks like there is a community pool, there are also plenty of parks and hiking around.
No, the point of those places is to have no incentive for non residents to visit, it's one of the ways to keep it peaceful, just don't live in one too far away from commercial areas.
People like to bitch about subdivisions but living in one near a forest and parks for example is quite nice.
Traffic there has to be pure nightmare
why would you live in a place likethis?
How are you supposed to find YOUR house in this?
>nooooooo i want to live isolated from the world
these places are designed with the idea that everyone who lives there owns a car and will drive out of the subdivision to the nearest walmart, just because you plop a park down in it doesnt make it a decently walkable area.
same way you find your house anywhere else
you mentally challenged, son?
Affordable housing when compared to living in a city and away from crime.
Imagine being such a poorfag that you refuse to live in a fucking house
>american houses
>having a house in rapeville
Stay away from me.
>'m sure after they got """"""""free""""""""" houses (that you paid for)
I also pay for the police, jailing criminals and dealing with druggies
at least building houses is an investment that lasts for many tears, these other things are not
But what if you just want to get some bread for breakfast? Can't even go to the local bakery. Or kids. When I was young I would walk or ride to some local store to buy shit from my pocket money all the fucking time. Good way to learn to manage your money as a kid. Can't do that can you?
Fuck I can't imagine having to use a car to get literally everywhere.
>ITT: Poorfags hate suburbs
>police, jailing criminals and dealing with druggies
what the fuck makes you think putting a junkie in a house is gonna magically lower those expenses
Removing people from the guetto reduces those problems massively kumbrain.
Not only are those areas a lot easier to police, they're also not owned by gangs
>When I was young I would walk or ride to some local store to buy shit from my pocket money all the fucking time. Good way to learn to manage your money as a kid
you get your parents to drive you to the next mall and meet your friends there
t. foreigner who knows all about American culture
That looks like Africa. In which case it's actually a step up.
>Good goy. take out that 30 year mortgage
>why build something on a plot thats going to make you less money than you could have made
This is the correct answer. Boomers didn't pay it forward from when their parents gave them the opportunity for affordable housing. They saw an opportunity to gouge, so they gouged (just like college/student loans).
where is this?
>I prefer apartments
>give houses for free so people don't have to live in the guetto anymore
>allow them to sell it and go back to the guetto
Outstanding move!
>they're also not owned by gangs
what the fuck do you think gangs are? just a bunch of criminals doing crimes and fighting each other for fun?
>boss they moved all the junkies who buy our drugs and make us rich
>you are indie developer
>by the plot your character travels through a small city
>cant afford to model hundreds of unique houses
>make just one and copy/paste it at different angles and recolor each one slightly to add a sense of variety
if theres outsiders investing in property, then chances are the prices will go up
Its happening here
>he'd rather pay for someone else's mortgage with nothing to show for it
is urban planning vidya?
>houses only exist in 0 privacy suburbs
Dunno what it is with Amerilards but the rest of the civilized worlds suburbs actually have more than 1 foot of space between each house.
My house is paid for actually. I had a 5 year mortgage.
>tfw you walk into the wrong house by accident
>That will be 650 000$ plus the tip
>I prefer sailors
literally made of cardboard and held up with glue
gonna love murican houses
Cities Skylines
This is where I live.
The people are the reason it's ghetto though, you're putting the cart before the horse.
What world do you live in that ghettos are just magically formed around good people and make them into criminals?
If those same people end up somewhere else they'll just turn that place into the new shithole.
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
You can't make me stay here
>defends jew-sky-high rent rates
how much do you pay your mother to stay at her place in your 30s?
>he doesn't prefer kowloon apartments
I never understood why they're designed sometimes with all those curves and cul-de-sacs and wasted fucking space
Where is that?
A little game called SimCity, ever heard of it?
yeah, maybe Hitler had the right idea after all
looks alpine
West Czechia?
I remember being very confused watching that scene in The Office where Andy punches through a wall
apparently that's normal construction standard in the USA
Each house has a unique address.
>brick houses in murrika
That's why the "Kyle punching a hole in the drywall" meme is so funny
Fucking hell, right? How do poor people even get a place to live here in the states? I’ll manage to get me a comfy enough house is about a year or two of smart saving, but I’ve got a good paying job, home to live in (with parents regrettably), and graduated college just a few months ago. How do high school grads live anywhere but home for the first 4 years?
because if you just made it a grid, traffic would be a nightmare
plus, this way people feel like they have some variety
>wasted fucking space
yeah because if there's one thing American suburbs don't have enough of, it's space
>not living in a cyberpunk dystopia
loling at your life
Might as well actually use bricks at that point.
Pretty sure those are fancy places for important people. Most chinks live in cubby holes.
are you fucking kidding me? lmao
Do these kinds of suburbs have street names? Or are they just numbered or something like that?
better than feral hogs raping your daugther
Shadowrun: Hong Kong has missions taking place in Kowloon Walled City
amazing game in general
>just have sex and pump 12 kids out of your goblina wife bro it'll be fine btw here is their generation's accommodations
Only 650K? Maybe if you live in the middle of ass-nowhere
Listen man is it too much to ask for a backyard large enough to play catch with an animal, at least? The 'yard' on these homes is so miniscule it might as well just not be there.
>can't you buy and own land in America for middle class prices and also choose what both your yard and house looks like via contractor?
yes, not anywhere else in the world unfortunately unless you're a millionaire
hey its my terraria world, neat
dumb european
build a stone house in an active EQ zone
zero IQ
Look at this asshole flaunting his wealth like that with his mansion.
>ssshhhhhhh, don't tell them
Each street is named or numbered, each house has a number in addition.
>not anywhere else in the world unfortunately
do Americans really think housing prices are fucked everywhere in the world?
circle town
>how do we break up this monotone grid
>just add some s-bends and call it a day
Why do Americans all live in bungalows?
That's just dumb
Oh please, stop being so naive and jumping to hyperbole.
Being poor doesn't automatically make you into a criminal, there are plenty of places around the world that are poor but the people civil and peaceful.
It's that stupid attitude you have that never addresses the reasons for criminality, it starts with the people living there and their values.
this but also if those were all straight streets the sightlines wouldnt be broken and it would probably look even more depressing from street-level then it already does
You can tell how white a place is by how clean and green it is.
This is beautiful, uniformed with no individuality. It is the perfect place where people just need to listen to the collective consciousness with no crime and stepping out of line.
Oh no these fucking pricks
>solid houses cannot withstand earthquakes
and I guess all those skyscrapers are made from wood as well and just rebuilt when they collapse, right?
Thought there was a samurai in the front garden
Land is scarce.
Well, it's actually not that scarce, but major cities tend to go full retard with zoning so there is very little sense to build anything that isn't luxury condos for the wealthiest decile.
Skyscrapers in Los Angeles are actually designed so that they sway in an earthquake to minimize damage
this is where i live
singapore is one of the "richest cities on the planet", but lack of land means 1 apartment unit in a place like this costs ~$250,000 to $450,000 (around 85 sq metres for 3 bedrooms)
would you live in one of this?
they're made of rubber so they bend with wind and earthquakes
Poor postman
>those tiny-ass houses
You sure those aren't just community gardens or vacation bungalows?
>Hey I forgot which house yours was again
>"It's the one with the street lamp planted 3cm to the left of the rest, good luck."
thanks for the pointless trivia that absolutely everyone already knows
point still stands
your nigger house isn't made of reinforced steel retard
Do you not have house numbers in your country
>white places are green
>martians immigrate
>cover their areas in white vegetation
it is an alpine country. we have tons of towns like that
>be on street level and can't tell if it's day or night
>go to roof for some sun and bathe in the trash heaps
>go to the "doctor" and the "dentist" living at the bottom floor
>go to the yard and share it with 30 000 other people
Not an insect by the way.
No. I hate people and want to be as far away from them as poissible. I'd genuinely kms if i had to live in apartments.
Probably the guy whose house they put in the 1 medkit and the "hot water tank" for the whole community.
I'm sure most people living in favelas are normal and hardworking, they're just born in a shitty situation.
Most of them would do much better if they had the opportunity to live in a better place and not worry about paying a shitton of rent.
I'm sure also dodging all the gangs and crack whores would be just great too.
And if you're gonna do a program that gives out houses you can easily filter out the scum, just don't select people that have criminal record and do drug screenings.
is it true that you don't buy units there but just lease them instead for x years?
>would you live in one of this?
My only commute is my motorcycle and I've had one stolen already, so no.
Sand sucks.
I'd fucking kill for a house like that, fuck you. How about you come over and live in a commie block or pic related to see what hell looks like.
so build a house with Europoor stone or brick in an active EQ zone and see what happens
live in it too
>>go to roof for some sun and bathe in the trash heaps
That's not true stop lying this never happened we never did it
imagine unironically making a post this low-quality
Looks nice. The only problem is living far from any commerce, hospital, police staiton, etc.
Unironically looks comfy. Reminds of Over the hedge
ay bruh how murcan houses even hold they shape when they made outta spit and coffee paper?
A minotaur lives here
>this pic
Reminds me of the "z kamerą wśród zwierząt" compilation.
Being a slav sure is shit. We're worse than algae.
>push car up driveway for massive gains
>put car in neutral when going down for better mileage, less spent on gas
i dont see the problem here
>the only building materials are wood, stone, and bricks
you get all your education from children's stories?
>be American
>attempt to park car in your driveway
Ah- I... I have no words for this...…..
Because there's competition not just between people who want to live in the houses but between people who want to invest in property. Often the latter will have deeper pockets since the more you invest in property the more returns you get back on your investment which means you can put more back into purchasing property.
Imagine the smell.
>tfw just want to live in American suburbs instead of my country's shitty commie blocks
I think only richfags or mommy & daddy's inheritance kids try to shit on suburbs. We literally don't even have anything like them here unless you're super rich.
>you can punch through the bricks
(((small))) (((white))) (((penis)))
yes, any that would survive an earthquake for a house retard