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None of them cos I'm not a little bitch who plays as a woman.

Based tranny slayer

came here to post this, our time is coming back bros

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Pre-teen fantasy is fucking moe so that one

women never wore armor in witcher, saskia was literally the only one

reality land but only if there's a cute dark elf inside that armor

High fantasy for me, has some added coolness to it but still looks plausibly realistic.

>it never happened
>except that one time when it happened

>lived to see traps and trannies die out after destroying their own reproductive organs
It's gonna be good in a few years bros.

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4 and she slaughters 3's village on orders from a corrupt official trying to conquer the world and 3 hunts her down after she had a Mt Ordeals moment and they team up and there's yuri.

preteen fantasy or reality land

That reality land makes me want to puck

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It's fine if she's cute

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>reality land
Why the fuck would a women warrior voluntarily give her up SPEED and movement, her most precious tools even if it still weak compare to a man's, for some overbearing armor that she cant wear it properly it since she lacks the STR for it? A women wearing armor is the equivalent to giving a spear to a kid, it might be theoretically useful but it practicality it fucking sucks.

It's a bit weird, I don't think irl female armor would have titties modeled out like that

dingdingding we have a winner

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>women in armor
>reality land

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>female soldier
lol, most pretentious shit I've heard

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everybody back off, the redhead is mine

Womyn don't fight bro, they stay home and cook you dinner :)

Something in-between teen fantasy and Conan's girl.

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please don't tell me this is gacha shit

These kind of armors aren't too bad if you ask me though, I like them. They aren't mmo tier female armor so i'm fine with them.

dumb fairy
im going to bite your feet

2,3,4 are all good.

Even worse, twitter art

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>Female soldier
Even Boudica doesn't have any evidence of being on the battlefield, and Jean D'Arc was a glorified cheerleader.

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Only one knight girl for me. I literally can't bring myself to play Pathfinder because everyone tells me Paladins are meh for smiting and only there to tank and support. Can't be enjoying that shit. Give me my holy knight of smiting.

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Not my feetsies!
You're gonna tickle me and you wouldn't like it anyway it's all cold and squishy...

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I prefer Conan Girl. If you're gonna make your setting be outrages and have female warriors, make them like that.

Play 5e. Go vengeance pally with the two hander fighting style and the great weapon fighter trait.

I would if there was a good 5E CRPG I could play.

Notice how the last one is the blandest of the designs shown. Fuck "realism"

110% High Fantasy

Very based.

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If you really absolutely must play a video game that lets you be a paladin who smites people and swings a two hander, modern world of warcraft lets you do that.

Modern wow might not be your thing. Also Classic wow lets you do that in dungeons and pvp.

Proper armor can be nice, I like that archetype of women. The firebrands, and the serious, composed women. Hardly gonna prance around pretending my dick's spurred by realism, though. Hate these pretentious homos.

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Not really. I was quite satisfied with my smite god paladin in Pillars of Eternity

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Stupid slut should have used a helmet.

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seize that man for crimes against fashion

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There are no paladins in pillars of eternity.

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Fite me.

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Hey I recognize that cute art


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5's like the mystery box though, she could be way hot under that helmet

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High Fantasy
Exposed skin doesn't do much for me any more.

Yeah but her armor's ugly. She clearly has no fashion sense.

>umm sweetie that FEMALE armor is not realistic
>uhh incel much? It's fantasy video game who cares about the realism of FEMALE warriors

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it could, Romans had abs on it too.

>teen fantasy
>looks like a woman in her 40s


Paladins are fine in pathfinder, just kinda boring like most martial focused classes.
Combat cleric is a good alternative.

Im trying to identify author of this one and that one.

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Fair enough

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shhh don't point out their inconsistent internal logic, it makes them mad

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I want a game where you play as a young squire of a veteran lady knight and go adventuring with her.

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Here's your female warrior

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you legend you

Everything but jrpgs. Dabbling with conan exiles right now.

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A good cook is a very important part of a well functioning army. That's the reason males fulfill that role too.

It did happen historically, if rarely.

Conan Exiles seems pretty good. Is it better than Rust?

What kind of shitty trap would destroy their beautiful benis? It's the whole appeal
I don't play Rust or other survival games, so I can't tell you, though I know conan has a better character customization by far, especially if you get some mods. It has sex mod too.

For survival games I'm more interested in mutliplayer aspect

It's nothing more than dressing up a doll for morale. There's more sense in putting armor on a horse since at least those will see combat.

>sex mods
Wow really? I didn’t know it was that mod friendly. Can you create your own animations?

Personally I load it with mods and play it single player. But I played a lot of multiplayer in alpha, it was fun then. But nowadays I don't know, current resource and experience rates aren't fun to work with unless you've got multiple people with you. There are modded servers that can help dampen that but again, I don't know. You could always give it a 2 hour try and refund it.

Thank you kind user. :*

They never saw combat

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I think I'll give it a try, looked pretty fun from the videos I've seen

>reality land
>woman soldier


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I play sp, mp is only fun if you have friends and play on non official server.
Even if for morale, armor would be needed to protect against stray arrow.
Ye, I mean it has that in conan sexiles mod.
Bold claim.

It's called being a flamboyant as fuck landsknecht and not giving a single fuck.

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Even the fattest dumbest feminists I know don't believe women are capable of being physically stronger than men.

unless every woman is joan of arc tier, that is not reality land

I still can't believe the Landsknecht existed. They are simply too based

Based Kaiji

Female warriors are and have always been more of a male fantasy than feminist fantasy.

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No one would bother to make a female variant. Just look at it.

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>reality land
>woman in armor

yeah theres plenty of room for tits in there

Why wouldn't a noblewoman leading an army wear some armor just in case.


one out of billions is not a realistic situation
>that's not a realistic expectation you need to-

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I mean realistically there’s no real reason to make “female” plate armor since they would basically have no problem fitting into the “male” variants.

Also you probably don’t want to make yourself stand out as specifically female in a battlefield for obvious reasons.

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These are pretty cool!

>Also you probably don’t want to make yourself stand out as specifically female in a battlefield for obvious reasons.
Or maybe you do, maybe the enemy goes easy on you

Because she'd be leading a good couple of kilometers from the front.

Because it wouldn’t happen.

>A number of women took the cross and battled the Muslims
>implying these were not rear officers and actually FIGHTING

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Probably the opposite.

Pretty sure it did happen. As somebody posted that wiki link.
So? Battlefield can shift and there can be flanking of cavalry. It would make sense to have armor just in case.

God FFXII was so shit

I'll take a fantasy where knights wear their fucking helmets that is all I ask for

So what, I know kings who were like that too. It's likely that they wore chain mail too.

>Pretty sure it did happen
You're wrong.

West-German anti-terrorism training back in the days of cold war instructed operators to always shoot women first, both because it distracts male enemies more than dead or injury of male comrade and because in situation of being cornered and holding a loaded gun, female terrorist is more likely to lose her cool and shoot rather than attempt negotiations.

Also, Israeli research has confirmed that female soldiers in combat missions are targeted more and male soldiers tend to prioritize safety of women over completing mission.

>So what, I know kings
>implying most kings fought anywhere near the front
Women Warriors are so unrealistic its funny.

What was with the obsession with gray? Whenever I think of XII all that comes to mind is a wash of gray.

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Now for a non-literally-who character from the same game.

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Women wearing armor when involved in battles is not unrealistic though.

>male soldiers tend to prioritize safety of women over completing mission.
fucking white knight brains holding us back

>google landsknecht clothes
>see in results
That got me confused, different times I guess.

>battled the Muslims
>ok it never happened
>but it COULD happen
It didn't, it wouldn't and it won't

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She should obviously just use a bow!

>She should obviously just use a bow!

She wore armor.
Imagine being so autistic to think that no women involved in warfare ever wore armor for safety.

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>there are billions of women in the Witcher

>women involved in warfare
So fiction?

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This looks so funny, imagine anyone thinking this looks intimidating


Plenty were involved though. I posted several links already.

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For me, its longsword-tan

Your definition of "involved" is so incredibly loose

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Warfare is more than taking sword in hand and fighting in the front line.

History is often embellished, most of these women probably warmed a bed more often than they fought or if they did lead armies, were grossly ineffective and commanded no respect from 'their' soldiers.

And now the goalposts are being moved. I humbly accept your concession and withdrawal from the thread.

The foolish girl has several gaps in her armor. She's not even wearing mail underneath, amateurs.

More of an axe-chan man myself, but longsword is high tier

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>Warfare is more than taking sword in hand
>pre-18th century

Longbow for bonus points

>dude weed lmao

High Fantasy = Preteen > realism >>> teen > conan

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>And now the goalposts are being moved.
What goalposts, for me it was about women wearing armor.
>History is often embellished, most of these women probably warmed a bed more often than they fought or if they did lead armies, were grossly ineffective and commanded no respect from 'their' soldiers.
Maybe, maybe not. According to some sources about some of these women, it is mentioned that people respected them, but of course it is hard to be sure when there is so little written material. Basically, I would have benefit of the doubt instead painting it all white and black and telling that no women wore armor and weren't involved in warfare.

Only acceptable answer in this thread until somebody posts Culter-Dei heavy

Ah, that is quite patrician aswell honestly.
Got a name for the Twitter?

There’s a difference between waging war as a regent of your infant son, which she did, and actually leading the army as part of the chain of command.

That's fine and all, but it mentions her wearing armor.

And there's a difference between giving orders to fighting men, and being one.

a mix between 2 and 3 with less clothes

This user gets it.

Not him but

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She's wearing a gambeson, she doesn't need to wear mail.

I would choose preteen fantasy if she was an actual preteen.

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I choose green qt shortstack.

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based hemafag

I like that she kept the codpiece.

I want to rape number five

Of course she did.
it's to protect her big green cock