Less than a week left bros

Less than a week left bros.
Can't wait to pay that retail subscription so Asmongoloid can take over my server.
Going home has never felt so good.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Can't wait for that invite to asmongold's layer bros.

Classicfags are pure crystallized cringe

Can't wait to have asmongold read my name off the stream bros.
I've been saving up for months for this donation.

>dude wow classic
>we're going home bros
>getting to 60 is SO difficult I can't even
>collecting 50 bear asses is full of SOUL
>holy shit you can WALK to dungeons

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>rent free
>the thread


>i posted it again, mom!

fuck off, retard.

getting an invite to asmon layer... just like i remember it

It hits less than a week in about 12.5 hours. We are currently about 7 days and 12 00 hours and 30 minutes from release.

Zoomers will fucking hate it, it'll just be us old fucks who liked it back in 2005

An ban?
You dhoukd

>Less than a week left
Damn. I better work on that backlog.


>already got my guild discord up and running
>rules explicitly state no gamer posting or you get kicked
>rules also say if you whine about bullying in the guild we won't do shit about it

I'm so fucking ready.

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gamer posting? what does that even mean?

gamer not gamer

Oh I forgot two nukes weren't enough and it changes coombrain to gamer

Is it a new word filter I wonder

nigger what the fuck?

Reminder Classic will lose its entire population before year's end.

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he doesnt want gamers to rise up

basically don't call someone a nigger

>they actually thought the word filter would lessen the shame of being slaves to porn

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It's a good newfag detector.

someone make a good wow thread, i'm filtering this wojak poster

Orcs are basically niggers though, so is calling orcs niggers justified?


>someone make a good wow thread, i'm filtering this wojak poster

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>Less than a week left bros.

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>t. triggered classicuck

I play on EU, when I heard that dirty spanish trash might flood my server then I'd rather play on Amongold server, at least his cucks speak English.

wait whats the new filter for the word gamer?
is it faggot or nigger?

>using the latest Yea Forums buzzwords
huge redflag for anyone with two braincells to rub together to not join your shit guild

>being this mad for being a lesser being and a porn consumer

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I made my gnome rogue exactly the same as when i first made it.
Look out for nodadstop.

I'm new to this game but do I need to install a bunch of addons for "enhanced" gaming experience?
There's a bunch that I just don't know what to use.

Which one makes more money: Mage or Warlock?


Threadly reminder that WPvP is bullshit and you should only roll on PvE servers. World PvP is just a way to help line the pockets of the Activision Jew by stealing playtime from other players that they already paid for. PvP belongs in instanced battlegrounds only, so don't roll on PvP servers and feed the power fantasy of poopsocking incels.

Why do people who don't like classic continuously make threads about it all day every day?

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>not being the ganker

>all those priests, shamans, druids and paladins who are going to quit when they realize their class has only one spec

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Just roll herod, fairbanks or whitemane all streamers go to same server none of those three

and rouges, and mages, and hunters, and warlocks.

Warriors only class with flex.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

There are forces that do not want this game to succeed.

>work 55 hours a week from home
>had a point in the summer where i was not employed
>can probably only do one of my jobs for 4 hours while playing world of warcraft at the same time
>all the other jobs are time intensive
wagie wagie this makes me want to ragie

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dont forget your socks and girl pills


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You can literally go any spec you want. Except you can't go sub for pve.

ffxiv tranny, retail cuck, or private sperger?

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you misspelled BFA

is the truth triggering you, classicincel?

very creative insult user, fucking destroyed

but the truth is that classic is going to trash whatever shit game you masturbate to, so why would it trigger me?

>constantly spams threads about how butthurt he is about classic every day
>other people are triggered
can't make this shit up

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I really don't understand this phenomenon of people asspained about classic making threads about being asspained about classic
It's fucking weird and there's always multiple up now, see

all mmorpgs are shit but to be clinging to shitty 15 year old one hoping to bring back the glory days when mmos were new and you were not a 30yo loser is the most pathetic thing i've ever seen.
classicfaggots are so embarassing

Why does it trigger you so much to see people genuinely like things? Is it because you're a pathetic neckbeard faggot in real life? You type and think like one. Post your huge hairy mantits please so I can laugh at you harder, low IQ raging autist.

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>no u mad and REEEEEing
nice projection faggot. i'm having the time of my life in these threads shitting on classicucks.
you on the other hand are visibly SEETHING lmao

>i'm having the time of my life in these threads shitting on classicucks.
holy shit lol what a pathetic life you must live

>look mom I said SEEETHING
lmao keep spamming threads about how mad you are about classic in between jerking it to your ffxiv character you dumb fat faggot :^)

>i'm having the time of my life in these threads shitting on classicucks.
based autismposter

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>We're going home.

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druid or shaman bros

>a wojak edited into another wojak edited into another wojak
this is OC now

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>windfury totem

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why does classic make the tranny seethe?

>collecting 50 bear asses is full of SOUL
fucking lost

>We're going home.

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I don't know, it's really weird

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Can't show off their "mogs, mounts, cheevos!" they've spent their entire life collecting to define their existence.
Also no blood elves, draenei, or worgen to slutmog and do degenerate RPing with. That's a good thing.

>all these zoomers will destroy the game bringing their shitty e-celeb culture in their NA realms
>you still don't care because you're not an americuck and can enjoy your game without this cancer


all the streamers are on a single realm so who cares?


since when does gamer filter to gamer? this site is dead

>played on an RP server in WoW during classic
>hobby was sending eye of kilrogg around stormwind to look for night elves standing naked net to each other

>>hobby was sending eye of kilrogg around stormwind to look for night elves standing naked net to each other
>Used to do this too
>Panic whenever they'd look at the eye
>Float away while jumping as if I was merely passing by
Kek, good times

>leveling my first character, night elf warrior
>get to darkshore, running around exploring
>mfw I go upstairs in the inn and see 2 naked NE females dancing next to each other
>they stutter-step and log out after they see me

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They are not mutually exclusive

>cleansing totem

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This loser guaranteed plays shadowpriest and got ganked over and over again by a rogue so they logged out to write this post and complain about how shit they are while they wait for the mean rogue to go away :(

based thot patrol

Oh look a poor senile grandpa whining that people donate to a comedian/livestreamer, because he is out of touch with modern day entertainment. What a majestic sight.

The only thing that concerns me is the 50g respec cost.
Some specs could do with some adjustments, but I'm not sure it's doable without breaking the game.
Otherwise, Vanilla is a true gem.

6 hours till Bliz cucks get their shit pushed in by pic related.

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Wow looks amazing! not.

This is why im maining a mage and going to holocaust DM for a week straight so I can abuse respect costs on all my alts

>The only thing that concerns me is the 50g respec cost.
Its a pretty brutal cost its true, but its necessary to keep people immersed.

p2w is going bye bye. Literally all the things that held AA back are going. Tick tock Bliz cucks.

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6 hours until the game is once again destroyed by bots. Yes I'm still mad.

Fucking lol took me 2 seconds to find out its still P2W but nice try

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Oh look a brainwashed zoomer can't fathom not following a cult of personality around some talentless literal who friend-surrogate.

>he doesn't know
Research more.

>played closed alpha with friends
>having a great time, 3 houses next to another >made good money by crafting
>everything is fun, best MMO I played by far
>fast forward to release
>p2w changes made crafting unbearable
I read somewhere that 10 bots are enough to lock down building-land on a whole server by placing the small gardens/ houses from the questline.

>a clock for a shit developer know for their endless P2W features
Oh boy you sure showed literally no one anything

>Trion have been removed
>Countdown hints at proper sub based or b2p server with no labour points
>Instanced housing
>Expanded navel content
>PVP unfucked
>Security checks for bots
Literally everything shit about Archeage is going. Leaving the good shit that was an actual evolution of the MMO genre.

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is any of this confirmed or are you just wishlisting?
if so I'll have to make time for 2 MMOs in my life, I miss when Archeage was good

Every MMO developer refuses to admit what P2W is, all they see is money making content and when people bitch enough they cut it.

Whatever shitshow this MMO is its going to have more P2W features. Either it will sell experience, currency, crafting advantages or some gameplay item which gives you a advantage. They will never admit its P2W even when it is and the game will die just like it did last time.

>7 days 12 hours
>Less than a week
Delete your thread, asshole

CMs keep dropping cryptic hints that aren't all that cryptic on Discord and the countdown. Confirming a lot of what is posted.

don't play with my feelings, I even have people who would play with me again

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>Instanced housing
Isn't that a bad thing? I've always thought non-instanced housing was way more fun and immersive because it actually felt like you had your own private space in the open world.
Never played AA btw

>layered servers
>streamers running amok
>getting banned for out of season April fools jokes
>click to report
>15$ per moth

Yup bros sure feels like home.

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Blizz shills are desperate. Legends Return was Trions fuck up from last year. The Krauts at Gamigo control Archeage now, fired all of Trion's staff and are putting on a countdown hinting at a buy to play or sub based server with p2w and labour points removed.
Check discord. discord.gg/wuutgn CM's keep blueballing everyone with hints

will only be there for the first month or two to deal with the inital rush
all self-contained to one server
>getting banned for out of season April fools jokes
that's just fucking funny
>click to report
yeah this can potentially be shit if it's abused, though it exists in retail and I'm constantly talking shit in trade chat, nothing ever happens to me, I think the threat it poses is massively overstated in practice
>$15 per month
I mean, that part's accurate

can't you just let yourself enjoy it

>could be
P2W dogshit, got it.

> the same people that banned the OK sign are banning people for posting anything that isn't celebrating transrights, same sex marriage or other faggotry.
Wow so your'e telling me the OW forums are aids? Shocking

Is level as a proc a shitton slower than leveling fury as a warrior?

I like tanking, can I get away with just doing fury anyway for all the dungeons up to 60? Obviously not including raids here.

Blizzard ban you from OW for being too good at the game. Actually expecting them to treat Classic differently because Asmongold licked it a couple times is retarded.


FUCK the naysayers and fuck the horde!

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Human Male Palas are the master race.

I cant choose between warrior and paladin.

I kind want to do paladin just because no one plays it.

you dont level as prot, you level as fury and slap on a shield when you tank, its identical until youre 60 and raid geared

Ah okay, didn't know, thanks user

Human males look so stupid in robes but women characters are a no go and gnomes are too small AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH what do i do for an alliance mage

Play orc shaman the only real fun magic class

What? Human female. Easy.
Otherwise a cool gnome

But Yea Forums will call me a tranny

>tfw gonna be running an orc 'lock
I'm so ready bros

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I assume it's gamer, the latest faggotry being spouted here. I could be wrong though. We'll see after I post this.

Shit, same here. I want to go tank warrior because that's what I was in vanilla, but there's going to be a million warriors. Dunno how good they'll be but I feel like I can get some mileage out of paladin, going holy and doing the support thing.

Right, it's semenencephalon.

There's going to be a million of everything besides hybrids.

Not quite

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I'm rolling the same for the first time. My friend is rolling mage so we just need to force the third guy joining to be a healer or tank.

>not rolling five warlocks
not even trying desu

What food/snacks/drinks are you guys stocking up on?
I'm going to buy all the Jolt Cola I can find at Dollar General this week. Then hit up Costco for bigass bags of hot cheetos and pizza rolls.

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>Sweet potato
If you're not swole irl you cant play warrior properly

>paladin that high
>its retail babbies wanting to go ret

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They stopped selling my drink of choice when I last played WoW so I'm not sure.
Looking forward to eating shitty frozen pizza at the computer though.

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I can't wait.

I hope they add TBC afterwards. I want that Blessed blade of the windseeker.

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>life is going to consist of going to class, playing wow, sleeping, and smoking
I'm ready

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As soon as i done my homework. I'm going to collect all the mounts.

I want that epic set from molten core for my druid he is called Dragonmaw.

>top for horde are all top tryhard classes
>top for alliance is filled with shitter hybrids that probably won't heal when you tell them it is all they are good for
Glad me and my bros are rolling horde

way too late
game already had its moment and completely failed.

>having the time of my life telling people on a Taiwanese orange peeling enthusiast forum to stop enjoying things

That's going to be a yikes from me my dude

>almost certainly going to play
>didn't even ping the old buddies to find out if they're playing too

I-I guess I'll just start alone and see how it goes from there.

>only for Phase 1 and it's a good thing. Do you really want to spend 2 hours completing one quest due to 10,000 people being in your starting zone?
>don't play on a streamer server? all the major ones are sticking to exactly one server, you have many others to choose from
>this isn't Overwatch
>don't break TOS and you won't get banned even if reported
>I get to play for free

>What do you mean taking the leveling slowly? Haha no I have speed level to 60 in a few days so I can farm my Pre Raid BiS and run sims so I can do the biggest dps.
>What you plaiyng [Insert any Race + Class thats not for Min Maxing] but why you not gonna get invited to raids?
>Doing dungeons? Why would you waste time on it after getting Pre Raid BiS? Dungeon set? But those stats are bad and doesnt give you what you need. Here look at the Spreadsheet for your BiS.

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if that is what keeps the autists going let them, just enjoy the game as you enjoy it :)


>he doesn't like 50 collecting asses for 10 copper

What the hell

>sharing and phasing going live
>using the cheap retail servers that shit themselves it more than a hundred people are in one location

Maybe someday you'll learn how to read charts.


stop posting this you stupid zoomer you are so cringy showing what you found and was there 10 years ago.


dwarf paladin, noone plays it. And you get to be a drunk dwarf light user.

These but unironically

>dwarf rogue, one of the best PvP class-race combos on Alliance is almost non-existent

What a disgrace, it's like alliance deserves to get camped and griefed for their stupid decisions.

No, the zoomers infesting this place are creatively bankrupt. This is why we see over 9000 edits and low effort baitposts.

thank you

>playing on PvP servers
LMAOing @ ur lyfe

If you're Prot or Holy paladin you will be the main sugar daddy of your guild. Everyone will want you. All the groups will beg for your buffs. Play Paladin if you like attention.

>Not playing on RP-PVP

No ERP tranny faggots ruining your guild event RP because they can just get shanked at any time. You get decent RP and PVP. Everything is good.

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They won't let you. Anytime you mention "I just want to level and immersive myself in the world" you get called an ERP faggot and an autist who won't get into raids. They actively try to ruin my fun because Assburgergold told them all how to play the game "properly"

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>"RP is optional" fags
No thanks

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Also, based Stargate poster.

It's gunna be great. I can finally commit to serious roleplaying with my RP guild in piece without some tranny furry faggot trying to ERP molesting a Murloc with their "femme presenting pony kin panda sexual" Tauren Druids.

>he thinks RP is optional

That's what the PVP tag is for. Speak in /say or you die.

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>I can finally commit to serious roleplaying with my RP guild in piece

Ignoring the fact you can't even tell "piece" or "peace" apart yet think you can roleplay, everyone who isn't a complete newfag knows that RPPvP always turns into just PvP in the end. Roleplayers don't want to start typing an in-character post only to get hit by a driveby paladin or rogue. This is why RP servers were just normal servers by default with PvP toggled off.

its a week and 1 day isn't it?

stalagg and grobbulus... home...

im really considering only going back to an rp server, but i dont want the hassle of getting camped, but what you say does sound appealing.
i don't think im going to give a fuck about vanilla endgame, i've already done it once.
if i had to i'd probably do dwarf rogue.

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based med pop community

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I wish we had some low pop servers to pick.

nice avatar usage

Gamer test


Rogue can play any spec raiding in sublety the only exception due to the 16 debuff limit.

>Group of IRL friends contacted me last night to tell me they're all rolling Day 1 on a smaller server
Well fuck guess I'm playing Classic now. Probably making a Dwarf Hunter and a Human Warrior

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Literally every streamer are going to be playing on the same realm... Just pick on of the other 8 or so faggot.

top kek

we actually have more than a week left by 7 hours

what should my little brother roll? he's never played before and I'm thinking of going mage. what's the most fun together, rogue or lock or priest? or something like druid or shammy?

>Boomers ACTUALLY believe this
I'm not going back to dkp and farming gromsblood at 7am for more of it. Enjoy crushing reality after 30 days.

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Gnome rogue, lvl 29 twink