>build factory
>realise it's an inefficient mess
>restart game
I've played 40 hours and never even got to trains
>build factory
>realise it's an inefficient mess
>restart game
I've played 40 hours and never even got to trains
>not just building a better factory a distance away
Just remove the inefficient parts and replace them with efficient ones.
>build factory
>too brainlet to make logistics efficient from scratch
>spend hours drawing the system including switches and trains on paper
>really proud of the result
>realize that I have no one to show it
>get sad
>burn the papers and delete the game
give me die
>bob/angel mod buildings look like ass
>autism prevents me from playing the game since the base game and mod buildings don't look remotely similar
>Not just embracing the chaos
>Not enjoying a factory that for all intent and purpose is a bloody mess where conveyor belts slither like snakes, pipes go in and out of the ground like worms, swarms of bots bring essential components from halfway across the factory, and mad trains will kill you if you don't check their position before crossing
>But still it's your factory and no one but you know how the damn thing work.
Just play feedthebeast MC modpacks.
Imagine not actually using solar energy to power your factory and its defense system
Imagine actually having to mine coal
You could have shown it to me user. I'm proud of you!
>base game is somewhat bare, focused more on micromanagement than large scale planning
>mods are autistic garbage for and by retards who can't design shit and go for bloat and "realism"
The curse of realism-like games: it attracts the realismtards.
Compared to factorio, FTB modpacks are bugged, laggy, unoptimized, different artstyle, convoluted pieces of shit. Also FUCK java
I don't know what the factorio devs do but they are fucking insane with the coding and bugfixing. I'm playing on the latest experimental version making megabases and I have never had a single crash and every 5 days or so a new update is pushed
>go in completely blind
>have 1000 hours
>only played 4 games
picrelated, my friends and my first ever base that lasted for 190 hours. It feels good to not have OCD.
>knowing how your factory works on the next day
And for the record, I have played and beaten factorio.
Solar panels are only good for making satellites you dirty elf.
>not using nuclear
end your life posthaste
>have really inefficient base
>don't care
Just fucking live with it it don't matter.
can't do it. I have to have everything perfect due to my autism
I have chestful of refined uranium I never use. Why would I ? My solar field handle any energy needs I have and I literally never have to worry about running out.
How absolutely fuckhuge are your solar fields?
>Make a factory
>First time so it's inefficient as fuck
>continue building it up from it's shaky foundations
>Get to the rocket
>Have to re-route half my factory to produce one rocket, disable science production and manually craft some bits
>Launch rocket
>Entire factory now in shambles
God I love Factorio
You will never have anything perfect, spoken from 2k hours of experience. Every design can me improved in one metric or another.
The train system is a mess, but it works. Right now I need to install circuit network on my oil processing because there's always at least one product which stops the whole system. And after starting low-density structure and utility science pack my mining and smelting are not enough so I'll have to install more trains and mining outposts.
Not only that, but he won't do anything perfect because to learn you have to understand the game and the problems of your designs. It's impossible to do so if you only replay the very early game. With each new mechanic he will restart and get bored of the game without reaching the last 80% of the content.
>1 solar panel is 3x3=9 tiles
>you also need substations and accumulators to make it matter
>1 nuclear reactor makes 40MW, as much as about 670 solar panels
>oh and solar panels don't even work half the time
>wasting about 12.000 tiles covering the surface of the world with just solar panels instead of making a single core nuclear reactor that only occupies about 100 tiles that does the same thing
>but factorio
>realize it's horrible after 15 minutes
>refund it
I can't post a pic because I don't have Factorio installed here but they more or less cover the same surface area as 3 robot station's max repair range (although I let myself room to move around so it's not a solid block). I know this because I built robot stations in the middle of the field so that if one of the turrets protecting it got damaged they'll be fixed automatically. So it's more or less the same surface area as the rest of the factory. And the accumulators are about half that surface again.
Jesus fucking christ, actually kill yourself. People like you are the reason why solars got nerfed into the ground by every single packmaker.
>wasting about 12.000 tiles covering the surface of the world with just solar panels
Before nuclear was added I would pretty much cover the sides of my railroads with solar panels and accumulators. It looked pretty, but it was a pain in the ass to walk across.
I also do that despite knowing it's retarded.
>Should i use the inefficiently produced resources to make a new baser quicker with a direct comparison to my previous pitfalls or just start over again from complete scratch tomorrow.
>New game.
I should play multiplayer to get more invested and actually play with enemies turned on for once, but none of the asshats i usually game with will even fucking try it.
Factorio dev's are just as if not more autistic than the people who play it.
>tear down factory
>lose will to rebuild it
Why the fuck are you mad I'm using the best energy source in the game that requires zero maintenance and makes bugs attacks on my main site rare as fuck ?
Passive energy production is the big gay. Also, you're ignoring a major part of the game and that's gay.
I hereby conclude that you're a faggot.
Every source of energy production in-game is passive if you know what you're doing faggot
>single core in 2019
Enjoy your Meltdown.
You're going to pollute more by mining the resources needed to make more solar panels when you need to expand than you would have from using nuclear.
I'm so sorry, user. I wish you weren't a brainlet
>every method is passive!
Nigger, the difference is that nuclear and steam require active production and transport of physical resources unlike steam.
Nuclear fuel runs out eventually and will and force me to search it further away, sun energy won't
An ore patch with 1 million uranium is enough to power a nuclear reactor for 277777.77~ hours. And that's without considering productivity bonuses and reprocessing.
My only real complaint with the game is you can have a massive working factory but the only real end goal is the ship. Would be cool to produce other end game stuff. Still an extremely fun game but after your first launch outside of a strive for faster launches you dont really have anything to do.
>after you beat the game you dont really have anything to do.
I have a super factory but im done with it. Feels kind of bad to just leave it at that. All my industrial might and I only make one thing with its combined power. Is it to much to ask for more?
>ywn improve your automated robot factory until you create an STC
>ywn fend off all kinds of xenos races who want to steal that tech from you
>building factory and having fun
>get to chemicals and oil
>fun ceases
>alt + f4
Every time.
They changed it recently so you don't have to deal with light and heavy oil before cracking is available now.
Next time post it to fucking Yea Forums what else is there to look at here
>petroleum gas turns to sulfur
I'm not usually a realismtard, but this bothers me.
Orange copper ore bothers me more.
It's just an icon, like iron ore that looks nothing like hematite or magnetite. It's not like ore IRL looks like clumps of colored rocks jutting out of the ground anyway.
Meanwhile the whole process of gas refinement is completely off but not just as a representation simplification, it's a totally different thing.
It's like the electric forges that somehow turn oxides into elements.
because you need to be legit autistic to get that far in this shitty game. Might as well play cookie clicker games instead
Just rebuild the factory
Whenever I get to mid game I always demolish my entire factory and rebuild it from scratch to optimize shit. Sometimes I rebuild it even before I reach mid game.
t. temperature room IQ
What, don't enjoy the pipe pasta?