Thoughts on this article?
Thoughts on this article?
Other urls found in this thread:
the only games that can remotely be called conservative are the jingoistic american shooters like call of duty
otherwise games are all made by liberals and libertarians, conservitards don't work in the arts
They're confusing literal fiscal conservatism with broad political ideology.
The only question here is if they're doing it because they're legitimately too stupid to see the difference or are deliberately conflating the two for a clickbait article
I guess covering up sexy women is conservative.
>The only question here is if they're doing it because they're legitimately too stupid to see the difference or are deliberately conflating the two for a clickbait article
probably a bit of both
>games are all made by liberals and libertarians, conservitards don't work in the arts
Is that so niggi?
I think it's shit and I didn't even have to read it
>game rewards practice, working to git gud
>"fucking conservative ideology"
bizarrely it actually is
Use archive you filthy shill
Jp games are yeah.
Islam is a political ideology all of it's own. Calling it conservative or liberal isn't really accurate. Outsiders who defend Islamic practices tend to be leftists though, since they've deluded themselves about what it actually is.
Notice they picked very specific games to show there, namely the minority that don't pander to the sjw urinalists.
Games are the second most liberal form of art after anime. They've been practicing inclusion and equality since the eighties
>the only games that can remotely be called conservative are the jingoistic american shooters like call of duty
Even COD has been adding female Operators for a while now. The new one has a fucking muslim woman.
Or maybe if you bother actually reading the article you'd the writer is explicitly showing how video game conservatism works on both levels, and the two are intertwined.
AAA games have ballooned into a massive massive industry employing huge amounts of hyper-exploited workers and astronomical investments of capital. The result is risk-adverse soulless products that try to pander to literally everyone. They do the Progressive Neoliberalism thing where they have strong black womyn reinforcing the status quo and torturing generic brown "terrorists".
In other words: The hyper-capitalist structure of the industry creates an incoherent political message that is surface-level liberal but is conservative at its core, while pretending to be neither. It will continue doing it for as long as possible because that's how these companies maximize their profits.
It's not "they", it's one writer.
I like that you've picked out BotW as the filename because I think that says a lot about the person writing this.
It's this exact contradiction the article is pointing out.
It would be nice to read the article but OP is a faggot.
That's called "positive reinforcement", retard.
>business is capitalist
Stop the fucking presses.
What games? Are those actually Muslim characters, aside form the Mortal Kombat and Uncharted one.
I read the article and I'm not sure what it was even intended to be about. The author spends most of his time complaining about the industry's employees being too corporate and concerned about profit maximizing and not politically liberal enough to suit him. The article was all over the place and it sounds like he didn't know what he wanted to talk about.
I dunno, you're speaking of what makes the product and then how it panders to the current culture trends. Not much to go on here.
But I guess by that logic fruits are political too but that's not really what you think of when you eat it, yeah?
The movie blob is a fucking insufferable retard but he is correct here.
Right-wing philosophy is fundamentally about venerating hierarchies. One of the most important hierarchies in American conservatism is the hierarchy of desert: The idea that you must prove you deserve human dignity, security, freedom, etc. etc. These things can't be fundamental and inalienable human rights, they must be meted out according to your rank on the social ladder. Even the protections of the constitution can be stripped if you prove you don't deserve them (e.g. criminals).
Conservatives are evil. You can't deny this.
The process of deciding what is and is not politics is an act of power and an act of politics in its own right.
I hate these termite cunts that burrowed their way into gaming.
The last paragraph is a nice summary. Maybe you should reread it.
Humans naturally fall into hierarchies. Even the fucking anarchist groups do.
Americans have fucking ruined politics.
Conservative now means Aggressive Capitalistic Authoritarian
Liberal now means Aggressive Capitalistic Authoritarian.
They just have (slightly) different views on trannies.
sup right-winger
I don't need to read it again, Josh. Learn to pick a topic and stick to it.
shit clickbait article to generate website traffic and revenue
fuck off with your shit
Anarchy is right wing
>Sexy women
You are either blind or have a fetish for dykes.
Facts don't have a political leaning retard.
there's both versions really
You have no idea what facts are
denying patterns that have shown up time and time again throughout history just because it isn't ideal to you doesn't mean they don't exist, and wont appear in the future.
spoken like a true representative of the Ministry Of Truth
But that is not a "fact". It's a pillar of right-wing ideology.
patterns is the biggest illusion our brain plays on us
appeals to a supposed "nature of man" is foolish when we still know so little about how our brains work
>hierarchy of desert
More like the hierarchy of dessert you fat fucks
An-cap is fake anarchy cuz money is a system of control, which goes against the entire idea of you know anarchy
Oh, this a trannyera invasion thread. Didn't realize.
That's what separates you from me. I don't believe that. Like, at all. You do.
That's why you're right-wing and why I'm left-wing. And that's why hierarchy-vs-egalitarianism is such a good definition of right-vs-left in the first place. It's fundamental and everything else stems from it.
Obessed with trannies. Rent free
>everything is political
>money is a system of control
I mean, so is having limbs and motor functions since you can beat people up, haven't seen anarchists argue for us to turn into blobs yet
Now you see the whole picture.
Some patterns are only apparently patterns. But suggesting all patterns are illusions is nuts. Why do I even read anything people post in threads like this?
>t. Ben Shapiro
That's also why all anarchist communes fucking fail and eventually get crushed by systems that arent ineffective messes (Bolsheviks, Francoists) or they just turn to hierarchical power structures anyway (Ukraine).
Thanks for the confirmation.
The process of deciding what is and is not politics is an act of power and an act of politics in its own right.
I'm pretty sure it's been stated already but facts don't give a shit about what you believe. That's the big difference between him and you.
Delusional fat retard obsessed with dick.
Which side wants trannies to go through electro-shock therapy to fix their brains? I'll pick that one.
Yeah they do, libtards just work real hard to keep them out.
>the view from nowhere
>Constitutional rights aren't constitutional because jail exists
Fuck off retard
Is this some neo-leftist solgan? I see this being repeated now like a fucking mantra
Rent Free
Most patterns have proven to be not as rigid as previously thought as our understanding of the world grows
Arguing that some common observable patterns of human societies are somehow inescapable parts of our fundamental nature is a ant brain take senpai
Might as well be appealing to "common sense", that's how stupid you sound right now
I'm not going to read the article because I couldn't be bothered. I'm going to assume he declares them to be "conservative" on the basis of things like violence being common, military shooters being common, etc., etc. and he's just ignoring that the cultural values that are overwhelmingly promoted by video games is progressivism and not conservatism, which is almost always demonized.
>huuuuurrse show theory
Keep outing yourself. If you guys didn't go full retard so quickly you might have managed to keep the disguise on a bit longer.
>"video games are political!!"
So what is the political subtext of Just Dance, then?
So as long as I don't think about it, it's not politics? Yeah, sounds nonsensical enough to be current day political talk. Good stuff.
>he's just ignoring that the cultural values that are overwhelmingly promoted by video games is progressivism and not conservatism
No, actually he doesn't, and it's a central part of his article.
Ya the scary transsexual forum poster is after you!
Rent Free
It's fish hook theory, retard. Liberals enable fascists and neocons. That's why you've got to unironically become a Maoist third worldist
Politics would be way more interesting if everything had to be communicated through interpretive dance
>user gives reasonable argument
>"hurr rightwinger"
Christ, you're braindead. How do you even go about your day?
No one will truly accept you, you mentally ill faggot.
>Third Worldists think they're not unironic fascists because the people in question are brown
Commies are all bootlickers
>everything is shit
>no chance of happiness, nothing feels good
>holy shit everything is okay
>There are so many opportunities in this world...the possibilities are endless
>I should call my mom
Why does this happen, Yea Forums?
>Conservative now means Aggressive Capitalistic Authoritarian
>Liberal now means Aggressive Capitalistic Authoritarian.
Actually I think you'll find
[Insert Political Ideology] means (Discrete Social Organization seeking power associated with political class)
And this is an issue that started as a political strategy in germany, if you're willing to recognize it distinct from feudalistic systems.
Rent free. Obsessed with trannies. All you think about is other people's dicks, all day, every day.
Fuck off with this nonsense. Gender politics is not Yea Forums.
I didn't know movieblob posts on Yea Forums
Trannies dont have dicks, though. They have necrotic wounds
The only thing political is voting or protesting.
Its a system of coming to a mutual agreement very much like language
Then stop obsessing about trannies 24/7 when someone doesnt have the same opinion as you.
Obessed with dicks. Rent Free
Great. Present me your theory on how to change the hierarchical nature of literally all human social systems to a more open one.
I'm serious. Just because I accept it as reality doesn't mean I like it.
You KKK retards never fail to make me laugh. How brown was Tito?
>Arguing that some common observable patterns of human societies are somehow inescapable parts of our fundamental nature is a ant brain take senpai
Not him
but what if these patterns can be seen in hard evidence across time and evolution in hominids that couldn't speak and so were following their natural state without hindrance.
Congratulations, you've realized most AAA games are american.
>no, you see, everything bad is conservative
Nothing wrong with dicks you fucking faggot. Quit makings me look bad.
You will never pass. You will never be accepted. You will forever be a freakshow and you know it. No amount of shitposting and political activism will change it.
The best you can hope is that people will pretend to accept you so they won't lose their jobs. But deep down they will always think of you as the freak you are.
Let this sink in.
>conservitards don't work in the arts
How about all those statues and architecture built by the romans? were they liberals
In other words: The hyper-capitalist structure of the industry creates an incoherent political message that is surface-level liberal but is conservative at its core, while pretending to be neither.
This kind of pseudo intellectual word juggling I just despise. How is it "conservative" to have these exploitative worker practices?
This is lazy sociology trying to pass off it's bullshit as "so that's why conservatives are evil again and if you disagree you just don't get it".
Go to /soc/ or wherever it is you 90iq hacks come from.
Obsession with dicks: Confirmed.
Rent Free.
All you do is think about dicks 24/7. That is your entire world. All day, every day, Dick.
Rent Free
This is as bad as that guy that was arguing that Sonic is far right propaganda
Can you identify yourself in this picture so we know who to laught at? Thanks in advance
Imagine living rent free
In your own head
I'm not the person you responded to, you dumb motherfucker.
Go back to your fucking discord hugbox you fucking freak
You are so obsessed with trannies that you save picture of them.
Rent Free
Rent free. All you do is talk about trannies and think everyone is a tranny.
neoliberalism is a economic theory that regards profits as its only goal.
I don't have one, and I don't need to have one for everything I've previously said to still be true
Between observing how things are and claiming that this is the only possible state there is quite the leap to take.
It still wouldn't matter, because as long as you don't understand the process you cannot say you understand the product. It's a very simple axiom that I think would sound reasonable to anyone.
Eh. Seems like they're having a good time with friends.
Not gonna say I'm not the teensiest bit jealous.
>that normal dude in the very back left
>How is it "conservative" to have these exploitative worker practices?
were you born yesterday?
>Rent free
>all it can say is rent free
I heard hormone blockers like Lupron can cause dementia, maybe you wanna see a doctor.
(((doesn't give a shit about politics)))
I'm trans you daft fucking cunt. It's you and your kind that is instigating this shit and making it so much worse for everybody.
Fucks sake
That's a whole lot of words that boil down to "I don't know".
>"criminals go to jail so, right wing bad!"
Studying sociology was your mistake, don't punish the rest of us for it.
Staying indoors and wasting your youth playing video games is NOT conservative. A real conservative would spend their time outdoors fishing and hunting like a man instead playing with little kid's toys. That's why the video game industry is full of libtards that pander to other libtards. The hobby itself is leftist in nature
Rent free. You even know about tranny therapy and hormones you think about it so much.
Rent Free. You literally cut your own dick off, lmao
>Eh. Seems like they're having a good time with friends.
Yes? In the USA liberals are constantly pissing and whining that right wingers want to take their slaves away because they want to stop them from importing people to pay fuck all and treat like shit.
You will never pass. You will lock yourself away in your home and become more and more bitter and delusional as you desperately try to convince yourself that you look like a women.
Your only friends, and I use that word very lightly, will be fellow castrated men who will also be suffering the same regret and mental anguish over their poorly thought out decision. The entirety of your "friendship" will be mutual reassurance that you didn't make a mistake and discussing how to make other people fuck up as bad as you did so you won't be alone in your misery.
But you will be alone, even around other people.
Always alone in your head, always suspicious of what others really think about you, always knowing the truth that they are only humoring you out of pity.
Despised by all, hideous, a freak. Incapable of having love, a family, or genuine human connections. Slowly slowly slowly your grip on reality will slip away until, on the rare moment you are forced to confront it, it will be such a shock to you such a painful reminder of what you actually are that the intrusive thoughts will highjack your every waking moment.
Holy shit, Rent fucking Free. You wrote an article about trannies.
>I can't pay mexicans $2 an hour anymore REEEEEE
>muh rotting crops REEEEEE
This is the point where we can all take a look at this poster and collectively realize he's fucking with both sides.
Pathetic. Don't you have anything better to do than try to get a rise out of people on the internet?
>rent free
Exactly, but the problem is that admitting that you don't know things seem very hard to most people.
Post-hoc rationalizations and drawing rules out of one's ass from "evidence" that is little more than circumstancial seems to be far more popular, because admitting you don't know things that are currently beyond our understanding doesn't push an agenda and we can't have that
Black forest gateau would be top of the pile, but how do others rank?
What about creme brulé or tiramisu?
Okay, I read it. It's all "have his cake and eat it too" double-speak bullshit. He acknowledged that games are progressive but because, according to him, gamers aren't all revolutionary progressives in real life that means games are really actually conservative. He can fuck right off with that bullshit.
Its bullshit.
Its basically the good old
>why does the guy having the idea and the designing the whole thing make the most money!?!?
>why do I, a guy who was just hired to do coding work, have a standard industry salary for such work??
just derived from the
>why does the guy owning the factory and having the idea for the product make the most money??
>why do I, a guy who was just hired to apply stickers just make sticker applying money?
People like that are seething because they're not on top. Therefore they want to dismantle the "top". Its plain old jealousy.
I can almost picture a weak grin spreading across your face as you realise someone replied to your shitty mindless comment, you autistic fuck. But then that smile will slowly disappear as you realise your 10 seconds of daily attention is gone, and you go back to moping around in the darkness of your dank basement, the only light in the room coming from your probably shit-tier walmart desktop because you're too poor to afford a decent one, or maybe you're too socially inept to go out and buy one. After this thread dies, you will probably let out a loud sigh as you lift your chubby cheeto-stained fingers to turn off your monitor before crawling in to your pissy, cum-stained mattress to cry yourself to sleep. You are nothing. You will never be something. You fucking lardass social reject.
That is a fair response. Want to make out?
Obsessed with trannies. Rent Free.
Question: why do these idiots always pick games for this kind of commie autism?
You don't see them sperg out about movies and TV shows like this.
He said they weren't inalienable, which is true. It literally says that they can be taken away under "due process of law."
>don't understand the process you cannot say you understand the product.
Even if you dont understand how it it works or why it works understanding the premise is enough.Its how we started farming and using stone tools in the first place.
I doubt you check to see if your chair is an illusion incase you fall through it.You trust that its solid even if their is no solid evidence its solid today compared to yesterday.
>You trust that its solid even if their is no solid evidence its solid today compared to yesterday.
Are you literally twelve years old?
It's sufficient to make use of it in a limited way
It's not sufficient to argue absolutes
Violating the rights of another means you forfeit your own. What exactly is difficult to understand about that?
See? lol.
>If them black folks ain't here whose gun' pick that cotton?
How about stop trying to re-institute slavery?
Pay workers a decent wage instead of trying to import scabs, if you can't do that you *deserve* to go out of business.
Sorry sweetie, we're taking your slaves away (and that's a good thing!)
>duh it's capitalism! our country which has no capital and operates on fiat currency and consumerism isn't the problem, it's a basic form of value bartering that's no longer practices that's the issue!
Capitalism was just fine until (((credit loaning))) and the federal reserve came along.
>get rid of capital currency (gold standard)
>replace with fiat banking credit
>national debt quadruples
>buying power of USD drops 500% in 20 years
>outsourcing becomes a necessity to remain competitive in the market
>quality of goods drop despite prices remaining static or even increasing on top of buying power plummeting
>at least we don't have to deal with the easily predictable and manageable pressures of the gold market, just give all your gold to Israel
I believe i am speaking to one.
>You don't see them sperg out about movies and TV shows like this.
Sure they do. That's what Anita, for example, spent the majority of her time doing. She didn't just attack video games and nothing else.
Redpill me on the politics of Super Mario world.
The President of the United States probably employed more illegals than farmers put together.
he also fucked children
If you believe that all video games are political, then you must also admit that all cartoons are political, all movies are political, all music is political, all novels are political, etc
I still wonder if Clinton was also in on his fun. Probably was given his relationship with the shemale.
Actually Nike employs the most illegal immigrants in the US which is why they station their production and company in Oregon, where they campaigned recently for the state to remain a sanctuary state for illegals.
Ok Vaush, we're still not letting you hire people for fuck all because it's "good for multiculturalism" or whatever scam your neoliberal masters have gotten you to agree with.
Also, fuck the entire NWO, Trump included.
It's only "word juggling" if you're a retard with sub-80 verbal IQ
But here, let me be kind and break this one simple sentence down for you:
>The hyper-capitalist structure of the industry creates an incoherent political message that is surface-level liberal but is conservative at its core, while pretending to be neither
>surface-level liberal
You see a bunch of LBGTQ+ black crippled fat women as game protagonists...
>is conservative at its core
...but the games themselves, both in mechanics and in story/settings/narrative, are conservative. A nihilist "kill everyone!" at best, a blatant "kill the brownies" at worst.
The tension between the two is what makes the message "incoherent".
>while pretending to be neither
Video game executives and PR propagandists pretend these things are non-political. Yea Forums loves to whine when they pretend including "diverse" characters is non-political, so I'm sure this is not a new concept for you.
>The hyper-capitalist structure of the industry
The tension mentioned above and the pretension to non-politicality are the result of an industry geared toward insane levels of profit extraction. It's what happens when you have committees that precision-engineer a cultural product to be as attractive as possible to literally everyone.
It's mostly morons who use the term political when they actually mean cultural. Just substitute that it whenever you see them doing it.
You're typing a whole bunch of words and still not saying a goddamn thing.
Explain why workers shouldn't get the profits they generate.
A racism fueld dystopian nightmare. The main character is a foreign stereotype who invades the world of peaceful creatures (none of them attack each other) and commits endless genocide against everyone he sees. He abuses drugs and animals. As well as hordes money.