The absolute STATE, country and city of indies on Steam

>#1. TAYAL have been sold 300 copies nearly. Thanks so much for you guys support.
>#2. Another big thing to me. After released TAYAL, I join the game develop department of CAPCOM about 2 month ago. I am currently working hard at CAPCOM to develop new projects. I will share news to you guys soon.

So not only has a dev only sold THREE HUNDRED FUCKING COPIES... he had to stop making his game to get a job working.

And Yea Forums thinks Valve deserves 30%?

Attached: steam atayal.jpg (835x856, 40K)

Other urls found in this thread: not only has a dev only sold THREE HUNDRED FUCKING COPIES... he had to stop making his game to get a job working./

Don't bother replying to this thread. This autist has been spamming this for ages.

Good for him. He used his passion project to get a job at a big company. If he had stayed at home tweeting about minorities he ould still be unemployed.

This spam will never make any sense


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>this shit again
Great job jannies and mods!

Out of all the silly spam I still don't get this one.

Literally already made a thread Why can't you contain your autism?, why do you continue to disappoint your parents and the people around you with your actions?

>Depending on Steam drones


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I could have sworn I saw this thread yesterday.

You've gotta play with the cards your dealt. Never EVER stick out your neck on "principle" Because the one thing your going to learn about people is THEY ARE HYPOCRITES.

90% of the people who tell you to something won't do the same when the shoe is on the other foot. The sooner you learn that the better.

Tl;DR; Humans are shit and lazy, look after yourself.

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You did not only has a dev only sold THREE HUNDRED FUCKING COPIES... he had to stop making his game to get a job working./

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Will Steam drones ever have sex?

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He's probably compressing JPGs continuously to get around the MD5 search.

Stop shilling your irrelevent game you kike


>Bitching about a game on Yea Forums he claims he doesnt like or wont buy
OP confirmed for shilling his game

Its epic name dropping or steam dropping games that don't support epic as a tactic to sell more products of a game instead of depending on normal tactics. In other words steam and epic are working together to manipulate you into buying games based on emotion instead of the content of a game

Ah yeah

Those ai bots are acting up again

Or maybe OP is just shilling his irrelevent 300 copies game lmao

Been following the threads because im a retarded shit for this kind of crap but I still have zero clue on what kind of game darq actually is.

Sick dark indie platformer game like Inside or Limbo

How much does Epic pay you to shill here? Please dont tell me you do it for free...

Yeah I do it for free
But adleast I am fighting the good fight!

Dude that's outdatead i've bought 3 copies of that game since then and gave them out to friends.

One dollar has been deposited into your Steam wallet

Why are you Chinks polluting our board with your console war teir faggotry???

Ha, I checked the time zones and these threads were started around 4pm in China.

School just got out.

Do you at least think it's a good game?

Well I was only made aware of the game from Yea Forums like several months back. But to answer your question yes I do like the game.

Steam drones get worse pay than that

>1 Artifact has been deposited to their account

Why are you bringing up a irrelevent game even steamdrones despised when it came out?
You did this in the other thread too
Why are so obsessed?

>Well I was only made aware of the game from Yea Forums like several months back

Because Steam has shit discovery for indies, proving my point: Thank you.

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>mods will delete this before the cancerous threads being spammed will

wait, I don't get it, won't everyones first few digits be the same?

Rollin rrrr

Why are Steam drones so cringe?

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>honestly believing current players say how many copies sold
>especially on Steam where people buy games and never play them
>especially with people buying a game just to support someone or something
You Epic shills are really smart.

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Why are steam drones I'll in the head
>No these numbers are wrong a lot of steam drones just bought the game and never played it because bla bla

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>>especially on Steam where people buy games and never play them

Why brag about this like it's a good thing?

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>Steam drones have no arguments beyond being creepy pedos


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Fitting for these threads featuring the Creepy Wanker. Its like poetry it rhymes

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>Last real valve game besides copy cat blunderlords
>I-Irrelevant game
Valve should atleast try to make game, the current stage of nu valve is laughable. Nobody is taking gaben seriously.

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Nah I wouldn't necessarily say that, I just don't use the discovery queue in Steam. I've definitely found some niche indie gems from just manual searching though. Besides I was only made aware of it from a thread literally about indie titles on Steam that you like.

>he made another thread

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Reminder the other thread got deleted.

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>pedosteamtrannies seething so hard they spam loli yet again

So things are working out for him, great.

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