Dev of DARQ doesn't accept the Epic Store Exclusivity Deal

>Expects Steam drones to buy his game


Expecting Steam drones to have principles is like expecting your dog to drive you to the hospital when you have a heart attack: Nice thought, but they're not intelligent enough

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Other urls found in this thread:

you keep making this thread but here are the facts:

day 3 200+ reviews is at minimum 5k copies sold, more likely around 10k. 10k copies at $20 is 200k in 3 days of the game being released. this game will go on to make its developer over 1 million dollars over its lifetime as an almost certainty, given that indie games on steam tend to make 3x-5x at minimum over their life time as what they make in the first week. epic would have offered him no more than 200k for his game, which is what they generally offer for small indies like him. darq's developer won, he's now rich as fuck and he can make games forever.

I'm not buying a game just because he puts it on a store I like, I'll buy it if it's good.

>you keep making this thread but here are the facts:

Here are the actual facts:

Steam drones talk a good game, but they shut up more than they put up

Aaand ching chong started his spam yet again.
I bet this shitty thread will be left untouched by jannies and mods.

cope chinksect

Except for screeching about Epic Store; Steam drones can manage that

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wtf is that darq?
I already played some dark games about stealth vampire and it was shit.
if dev cant come with an appropriate name then he should go to hell.

Values are more important than money
I pity you, OP

you forgot Steam's 30% cut

yea but i also used the minimum estimates possible at every point. the point is that the developer has made/is going to make a lot of money, way more than he would have by getting money directly from epic

It's just a game; he's not saving the world

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>talks about integrity when there a dozens of games a PC user can get only on steam

hol up
so i can basically make up anything and people will buy it on steam as long as i made a crusade against epic?

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Sure sunshine.

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You also forgot taxes

I think he meant relevant games that people liked like the Dark Souls series, Sekiro and RE2 remake.

Its exposure is already dropping. So no way this game will hit 1 mil in sales. Also as someone pointed out you forgot the 30% cut.

So its more like the dev made 140k$ in the best case scenario. You keep spinning it as if you looked at a worst case scenario, but 10k copies is really hopeful.

Here is an actual fact. If you are an indie dev. Besides some moral dilemma, i see legit no good reason to not take epics deal. Financially its a solid as fuck proposition. Getting a minimum sales guarantee, and on top a better cut on your sales? Fuck yes. It will however piss off a few people. But honestly, as an indie dev it would be worth it. However as a big dev, AAA or any already established dev? Not really worth it.

What's wrong Tim? Why aren't you giving everyone an exclusivity deal via Tencent's bottomless cash hoard?

So do you get paid for these threads?

He talks about his own integrity tho, why the fuck would he care about other devs having no integrity? Or in the japanese market whats more likely is that they legit have no idea how the digital games market works and they only knew how to release on steam.

Taking the exclusivity deal damages your brand you retard.
You need to go back by the way.

Why are you pressing enter so many times?

I would be interested in this game, but you shilling here has made me decide against it. Fuck you for advertising here you faggot developers. I'm glad your game is dead.

Maybe because the game looks like a fucking shit?

That was the biggest mistake of his life. I am sure he was expecting his little stunt to reward him with 1000s of sales on STEAM. He wanted to be a hero but ended up a loser.


>Taking the exclusivity deal damages your brand you retard.

The refunds for Phoenix Point were miniscule. Same with every other Kickstarter game to EGS game we've seen so far.

>Not my type of game but I will be buying gift copies for a few of my friends that want it to show support.
>$20 each
what kind of game is it anyway? another of that 1 hour long limbo-clone walking simulator?

They will also never have another successful game release unless the chicoms fund it.

>He wanted to be a hero but ended up a loser.



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>Trying to use concurrent players when arguing about single player game sales
You are mentally ill.

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PP devs said even if everyone refunded the KS, they'd still be in the black, so I don't think it matters

>Relying on Steamspy in 2019 after Valve raped it


Cope you fucking mentally ill idiot.

>PP devs said even if everyone refunded the KS, they'd still be in the black, so I don't think it matters
Good job missing the point. They basically admitted they have no faith in their game and will never be making another.

>damages a brand
If you are an indie dev you dont have a fucking brand you mongo. You have to actually launch a successful thing before you get a brand. And thats what im talking about. Sure you can invest into a maybe. Or you can not gamble with your future, and take the guaranteed cash. And if it REALLY damaged your brand that badly, you can always ship your next game under a new studio game, since now you have the money to do whatever.
Because i format my messages in the tiny popup window and they turn into fucking shit spaced out way too much after i post.

Why are you Chinks polluting our board with your console war teir faggotry??

>Thinking every dev should rely on the Kickstarter teet

>bombard indie developers with the idea that your game will get buried amongst all the shitty shovelware on steam and never make money on your game
>Contact the developers that you gaslighted and lowball them shitty cheap, exclusivity contracts
>Developers who think that they took the "safe" options are actually getting ripped off while epic rakes in the dough

Kinda curious now, why do you constantly make these threads?
What caused such an obsession with Steam?

console wars 2 electric boogaloo

Look at the all time peaks. That is what you should be concerned with, since all of these games launched on different dates so obviously they wont have the same concurrent players. Also Yakuza had quite the marketing behind it. And look at how steam spy has overblown forager owners. 150k does not equal 200k-500k.

The numbers you have shown me, would tell me that darq sold around 1.2k copies, if you corelate foragers all time peak with its sales. So yea nice proof you posted.

One of autist was some Indie dev

Probably because steam fanboys have been so rampart on this board for ages, and finally people who were disgusted with the platform have plenty of ammo against them.

if the game you make is a shitty ass indie game that you can't afford to market, you should 100% get the epic deal.

the game is on GoG as well

Just admit you're addicted to (You)s but lack the intellect to create a good thread.

>man i sure hate these fantards
>i know what will show them, acting exactly as fucking bad
thanks for shitting up the board even more

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>>but lack the intellect to create a good thread.
>big boob anime girl.jpg
>"what think video game??"

Wow such good threads here on Yea Forums

You sound like you are obsessed, and since you have spammed this thread 40 fucking known times

this is the only review that's actually informative and isn't about epic
the seethe about >muh china is quite phenomenal

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Yakuza has sold more than Forager yet has less concurrent players. Only someone completely stupid would think that the concurrent player numbers tell everything about the game sales.

Well, at least you didn't deny it.

Nah, I'm not really addicted to (you)s since i don't make these threads. I just like to shit on both sides because they both have equally rabid retarded fanboys, and for me in the end i don't give a shit about stores. Steam is a broken pile of garbage that might have some more features than epics store, but 90% of those features are completely pointless for a store. Epic might have a fucking garbage pile of unfinished mess on their hands, but guess what, I want to buy games. If i get a game cheaper on steam ill buy it there, same for epic. The only thing i cant really condone is exclusives, but at the same time i can't blame epic from pulling the shit they do, because guess what, its a smart move on their end.

All time peaks don't matter. Valkyria Chronicles has sold over 700k yet has a concurrent peak of 5000 players.

My bad, i meant all time peak, not concurrent. Concurrent players means legit fuck all, unless the game is multiplayer.

>Well, at least you didn't deny it.

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All time peak doesn't matter at all. Yakuza, Valkyria Chronicles etc have all sold more than Forager, yet have less peak players.

Now stop pushing this shitty meme.

the forager steamspy is taken weeks after the 150k report
i remember this because i made that image, instead of forager there was another one with yakuza 6 mentioned for pc in sega financial report

valkyria sold 700k after fucking 4 years of its release
the earliest you can go is 6 months after release according to webarchive where it sold 260k

The reasoning some people use is completely baffling to me. Just because I don't want to use the Epic Store on principle doesn't mean that I'm going to buy every single game which is made by developers who feel the same. It's ultimately up to them to make a good game not to pick sides in a silly culture war.

Besides, it's unlikely that Epic would've payed a huge amount of money to them anyway. They'd at best make them break even, anything else would've been unreasonable. It's also clear that Epic doesn't have any faith in the game actually selling as it doesn't even want it on the Epic store without a stupid exclusivity deal.

Epic: We'll pay the development costs of the game if you release your game exclusively on the Epic Store.
Dev: No. Fuck you, Epic.
Epic: Fine, we won't let you sell your game on our store then.
Dev: I don't care. Once I tell people about my heroic efforts, millions will buy my game.

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Well well well, you might actually fucking figure out that none of those numbers matter. Yet people keep posting it. I try to humor them by pointing out how easily you can twist those numbers into any narrative you fucking want. The only numbers that matter come straight from the developers, where you get the actual sales number. Most of the numbers you will find on the internet from random sources are going to be straight up wrong. And yea if you are lucky it might be single digit % off, if not it could be completely made up numbers.

user, all-time peak literally doesn't mean anything.

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don't be silly, there are billions of us warriors of league of justice against china
we support each other as long as you join us

>D-d-dude peak doesn't matter!!!!1

And if we're retardedly using Steamspy

>Owners: 1,000,000 .. 2,000,000


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That's a multiplayer game, user.

Keep crying.

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It seems that you are crying. The game will sell well, without Epic.

But really how can a steam drone defend this like really wtf ?????????????
>It sold thousands

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>Dev: I don't care. Once I tell people about my heroic efforts, millions will buy my game.

Is he the Don Quixote of our time?

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Read . These numbers mean mostly fuck all. The only number that actually tells you something is playing/24h peak, and those only matter in multiplayer games. When you would be deciding on purchasing the game for multiplayer purposes and you want to know if it still has a live community.

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>damages your brand
It's a good deal, and the few salty faggots who whine online will probably just pirate your game anyway.

Unless you have a solid PR team and you're shilling yourself everywhere, you're not going to get a lot of sales in a saturated marketplace.

>sold well
I wonder when the devs will realise not taking Epic's deal will be the biggest regret of their lives.


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>Shit that never happened

>epic's deal
Ah yes an inferior low sale platform will surely do better lol.

Concurrent players don't have anything to do with sales. Forager has 4000 more concurrent players than Yakuza, yet has sold 50k less. Valkyria Chronicles has 3000 less concurrent players than Yakuza, yet has sold 500k more.

Thanks for the exposure, user!

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Yes, less games more free advertising by steam shills and you get money from Tim beforehand. The Dev is a retard it's a fact.

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I expect that one day, when he's working as another cog in a machine for a bigger studio and he has a twitter, where he'll talk about the good old days of "when he made his own game for Steam, and he coulda made it big with his game if he had just taken the Epic deal..."

All time peak is basically how well it did on the first day

>Talks about thounds
We are talking about 100 peak players now do the math it's not that difficult and stop coping.

>game is just under 2hrs long
>expects to see high player counts

Everyone who bought it finished it the evening it launched. It'll be forgotten in no time.

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Valkyria Chronicles has had only 5000 peak concurrent players yet it has sold over 700,000 on Steam. Forager has over 5000 more yet has sold just 150k.

Peak concurrent doesn't mean anything.

>Concurrent players don't have anything to do with sales.

Why are Steam drones cope posting so much? RE2 remake is a single player game and we know it sold extremely well based on its all time peak.

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Can you come over here?
Bunch of discord trannies.

See and

>Epic pays the dev costs so all money made is profit
>The dev gets a higher percentage of money from each sale
>Their game would have been more visible on the Epic Store since less games are released on it
Sounds like they fucked up.

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NONE OF THOSE FUCKING NUMBERS MEAN FUCKING ANYTHING. Jesus christ how fucking hard is it to grasp that. Unless you get a statement directly from the developers on how many copies they sold, you will not be able to know the actual fucking numbers you mongoloid.

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>Dev promises steam release for over a year
>One month prior to release, Epic asks him to do an exclusivity release on their platform
>Dev says no to the idea, would rather just have it available on all platforms to fulfill profit
>Epic shuts the door on him because Epic is so autistic that they refuse to do business if they can't get their way
Honestly I doubt EGS will last a year at this point

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Source about that ? It's sold like 300k units on consoles (google search)

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so uh, how is the game?

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His tweet about the negotiations between himself and epic were pretty off-hand, I don't think he was trying to make a name for himself. Why sign an exclusivity deal when a game like DARQ could go to Switch, PS4, Xbox or Steam? It might even get a mobile port. He was open to selling on epic but not exclusively. Look his game and studio is a business, and limiting your product to one shop is bad business, plain and simple. What is Coca-Cola had an exclusivity deal with McDonalds? And u could only get coke at McDonalds? You'd still make good money, tons of people go to McDonalds, but way way less than if you could sell your product anywhere and everywhere. Yeah the steam drones are cringe but the developer wasn't doing this to get publicity, at least it doesn't seem that way to me

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>no bulge

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>Player estimate
>Steam spy
Sure now kill yourself before you spread lies again subhuman, like every steam game sold minimum 100k with when you use steam spy.

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Good job shill 5103286, 0.05 point shave been added to your social credit score.

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>Honestly I doubt EGS will last a year at this point

You're forgetting Epic makes UE4, the most popular engine in gaming; so much so that even Japan has adopted it with games like Kingdom Hearts 3, Tekken 7, Soul Calibur 6, etc

Hell, even the menu in Halo Master Chief Collection is powered by UE4, meaning everytime a Steam drone buys a copy, Epic gets money

Forgetting VC has been in dozens of Steam sales, as well as on sites like Humble Bundle or GMG.

Though I don't expect Steam drones to use their brains

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You are fucking stupid. It was a leak, nothing to do with Steamspy.
>A recently discovered hole in Valve's API allowed observers to generate extremely precise and publicly accessible data for the total number of players for thousands of Steam games. While Valve has now closed this inadvertent data leak, Ars can still provide the data it revealed as a historical record of the aggregate popularity of a large portion of the Steam library.

We are not talking about coca cola, we are talking about a no brand, Steve Cola. Where McDonalds offered Steve Cola an exclusivity deal where they would pay for its production and distribution and give him a cut, but he decided its for the best to try to peddle the Steve Cola on his own to every store.

There is that saying that fits this situation. One bird in the hand, is worth two in the bush.

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>Forgetting VC has been in dozens of Steam sales, as well as on sites like Humble Bundle or GMG
Those are still sales, user.

>Because this data is derived directly from Steam's API for each game, it ends up much more precise than the old Steam Gauge/Steam Spy estimation methods, which relied on random sampling of a small portion of the Steam player base

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Of course, but DARQ has barely been out and it's clear that it's a flop

Based on current numbers, I can ascribe that Sekiro was a huge success on Steam

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He got on Steam, which is way bigger than Epic store, the McDonalds of the online gaming marketplace if you will, AND he can still sell his game on any other marketplace he wants, and isn't limiting himself to one store. THAT is good business.

Did Valve bribe the devs to launch their games only on Steam?

>You're forgetting Epic makes UE4, the most popular engine in gaming; so much so that even Japan has adopted it with games like Kingdom Hearts 3, Tekken 7, Soul Calibur 6, etc
Wow, that totally fucking helps the entire shitshow situation of their fucking store burning bridges with developers over retarded deals not everyone wants to do
>Steam sales
How did EGS's fucking summer sale go? Oh right they had to fucking pull games off their store because they didn't even fucking get a approval to put sales on their upcoming games and damaged fucking relations with publishers
Sure, Epic won't die unless they retardedly burn every fucking dollar they have on this store but there is no fucking clear indication that the store won't get abandoned

>Honestly I doubt EGS will last a year at this point
imagine being this delusional
devs have more power than players, end of the line
once all devs have moved to the platform that has actual reasonable cuts, players will follow suit
especially because there's no negative once steam dies and you don't have 'multiple launchers' anymore, as if that was even a proper issue in the first place

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>it's clear that it's a flop
It's an indie game, it has probably already made all the money back. And it will continue to sell steadily, like most games.

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Is Epic exclusivity just for PC or is it for all consoles?

>He got on Steam, which is way bigger than Epic store, the McDonalds of the online gaming marketplace if you will

It's more like being on Amazon, and being buried by the algorithm like indies on Steam tend to be

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No, he got into what could be considered a giant theme park, with thousands other colas on offer, and hundreds more being put on display every day. Fuck, even after he released his game, probably in less than an hour another few games relaesed and already pushed his down a bit. Steam is great if you know what you want to buy, but for a no name game being discovered its pretty rough.

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So why the fuck haven't we seen every major triple A game get announced for Epic if these cuts make such a big difference? The only titles announcing any kind of release on it are ones that Epic made deals with and gave them a direct check for?

>He got on Steam

Why do Steam drones still act like this is some accomplishment? I think it only costs $100 to get onto Steam.

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Probably because all major triple A titles have their own stores?

Please stop posting cunnies.

>changes analogy when I point out it's good for Darq

I'll play along though. He's been on the Steam front page for 3 straight days, he'll probably stay there all week, and stands to earn way more long term by selling on other stores as well as Steam, in lieu of epics 'we pay you up front for the copies you think it will realistically sell but if it sells more we keep all that money' aka 'name your price' method. That method is for people who think little of their game or are only focused on the short term. Epic drones are worse than steam drones

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Fuck you

Keep up the good work user.

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>>changes analogy when I point out it's good for Darq

I didn't make that analogy, but I made one more comparable with Amazon.

What is up with Steam drone cope posting? Just read the forums or the reviews for the game; people buying a meh looking product to "own the epic store libtards"

The fucker is too afraid to even post cunnies. He is just teasing them.

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Activision has Battlenet and yet uses Steam to put out Crash, Spyro and Sekiro, none of which are coming to EGS
Microsoft has W10 store and yet is using Steam to release Master Chief Collection and other Microsoft Studio Games but no fucking EGS announcement
Fucking CD Project Red has fucking Gog and they are still using Steam to release Witcher games on and still hasn't announced any release on EGS

But .... Epic bad amirite?.... Buy my game ..p.p.please

Bet you he wished he had taken the money now

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Leave EGS to me.

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why is her tail growing from her asshole?

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I feel so bad for this dev. He caved into Yea Forums and Reddit and tossed all that money away for nothing. Nobody here actually supports indie devs or Steam. We are all poor fags waiting for shit to go on sale.

Point being they don't need to tie themselves down to a single store. Then again borderlands 3 is AAA and a epic exclusive. It really depends from game to game.

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>and still hasn't announced any release on EGS

>Halo MCC uses UE4



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why are lolis so lewd?
all they have in their minds is sex with older men

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Shoulda taken my deal. Now I get to watch you rot away.

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*laughs in Game Pass*

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>Point being they don't need to tie themselves down to a single store
And yet they still aren't fucking coming to Epic unless Epic pays them to come
>Then again borderlands 3 is AAA and a epic exclusive
Wow holy shit, a game that is getting payed by Epic to be EGS exclusive is getting released on EGS
>Witcher is Cyberpunk
Are you absolutely retarded?

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Any of you guys ever play Hidden and Dangerous 3. It's pretty good.

>People who use steam aren't smart enough to buy a game they don't fucking want lolololol
die, epic shill. Tim sweeney's 4 inch cock is dripping salty, interior nut juices down your moldy throat.

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why is this kind of low level shitposting allowed?
I hope your parents disowned you. I would have,

What the fuck is DARQ anyway and why is it so coveted by EGS if it actually sold like crap?

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You made me go check. Epic also has ghost recon, anno 1800, walking dead from telltales, darksiders, watch dogs, cyberpunk. Stuff i just quickly found on the first page.

So yea, lots of other AAA devs are selling their shit on epics store.

>Being this jealous

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>he remade it
Why haven't mods perma-banned this shitty troll yet?

implying this shitty ass 2d play once and forget forever would have sold better on epic
imagine being this delusional

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reddit is pretty anti Epic except like one or two subs
>The refunds for Phoenix Point were miniscule
That before or after Tim buys 500k copies?

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Epic pedos at it again

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Honestly with the amount of hate and shit posting in this thread its enough to make me finally download the EGS. You guys made me realize brand loyalty means nothing. If Steam drones are a bunch of pedos I want nothing to do with it. Y'all can burn in hell.

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Seeing his face posted next to all these anime lolis makes him look more like a creepy pervert than usual.

What's the point of spamming the images?

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>implying this shitty ass 2d play once and forget forever would have sold better on epic

It wouldn't have sold better, but upfront pay of $500k-$1 million is better than the pocket change Steam drones will give you

wouldn't it be steam pedos since the thread seems to be anti-DARQ

I've seen loli posters just posting in these threads. they're the hero the board deserves. push out shit posting with cute girls

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Nobody has posted CP. Pedos don't like anime girls. Stop insulting people here, there's a difference between drawings and real girls.

>they didn't take the epic deal
>this means you're morally obligated to buy the game if you dislike epic
this is how egs shills think btw

>this is the guy criticising /pol/

>ghost recon, anno 1800, watch dogs
Ubisoft already announced an exclusivity deal with EGS
>walking dead from telltales
Epic literally announced they were gonna fund Telltale finishing Season 3
Darksiders 3 and Cyberpunk are literally the only ones on this list who have no exclusivity deal ties to Epic
And that is the problem with EGS, as much as they boast about how their "better for developers" bullshit, they've just convinced publishers to not release games on their store and just wait to get a call from them to do a deal to get a direct paycheck from them

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to get the thread removed

It's fun to imagine some chink shill in a cubicle having to scroll past dozens of pictures of little girls to find the posts of the opposing shills to reply to.

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>Being a contrarian to attention whore yourself
Just like your average Yea Forumstard

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and what does the dev do once epic yeets his ass because they know all those games they bought up are shit?


Thats some intense mental gymnastics. Nobody with half a brain would believe you. Kill yourself.

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Sell DARQ and DARQ 2 on Steam, and hope anybody is actually interested after the sequel is made

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There's a difference between drawings and CP, dumb fuck. It's not even porn either so go dilate if you're offended.

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Well at least these threads seems to suck up some major autism to make some of the other place around here more tolerable. Fuck me this is almost as bad a /arg/ on /k/.

>shills always getting mad at the based cunnyposter
Once again proving that Epicucks are either normalfaggots or people with a paid agenda.

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I am offended because of what the drawing fantasize about. You need to be put down before you start hurting children.