Yea Forums is gone.
Other urls found in this thread:
no it not
Now I have to spend hours on this board waiting for quality threads to appear instead of using keywords to find the good ones.
Imagine posting something that will never be archived
haha who are you even kidding? quality threads never appear on this board
It's a strange feeling. Assuming some autist doesn't randomly screencap my reply for some reason, it will be gone forever in a few days.
And whose fault do you think that is?
It's right at the bottom, are you blind?
It raises the question.
What is attractive enough to post, but tantalizing enough to abstain from the archive? You couldn't post porn, people would just save it.
wow that was fucking hard
This website will crash and burn eventually
Media outcry took down ate chan and hiroshimoot loves ad money and will eventually either shut down this website or censor it to hell and back making no one want to come here
Worse, 8ch Yea Forums is gone. It was the only decent Yea Forums.
Maybe certain memes that are considered funny but not funny enough to save?
>that boomer that still remembers the good old days of chanarchive/4chanarchive when you had to get enough votes to archive a thread
This site is already censored to hell and back. The mods ban people for saying racis5 stuff now. The cucks that stay here already will continue to stay.
But I heard that they were planning to get 8ch back up. What happened to that plan?
That's good.
That would be an excellent opportunity to meme.
They are but the owner has Togo to Congress first
>Reminder: Yea Forums full images are only stored temporarily (will be deleted ~2 months after the last time they are posted), so save them while you can. Search is also active on Yea Forums for now, goes back 3 months.
now somebody post the reason, it got archive purged before I could see
>The mods ban people for saying racis5 stuff now.
They thought my post was spam because it had 8**** in it
This websites shit and so is everyone here
The only reason i browse now days is to shit post
Discussion is boring nowadays with current board culture,no more original content,abunch of shitposts,you cant have discussions
If you cant beat em,join em
Thats why most people shit post
The only way you're finding out is if you send the owner an email. There's no other channels of contact I know of.
I've heard people saying that it was because Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and /vg/ were too big to manage, but i don't know if that's true, because fireden itself hasn't released a statement.
that's mega bootsy, thanks lads
Im not even racist but getting banned for that shit?
Fucking hell hiro.
I bet soon they’ll censor jokes like “mario nigger” and we will become twitter but with no log in
More shit posts
Less fun
This is the end times
People have been saying this since like 2007
Now isn't the time for discussions anymore. It's the time to retrieve the good discussions of time past and be ready to carry them back when the time for the great migration comes.
Staying here is like playing in empty mineshafts with the gold already taken to the warehouses.
Neo Chan.
This is the future you chose and Resetera is winning. Soon the site will be theirs.
But now it actually happened to eight chan
We’re next
these janky archives had way more historical value than automated archives of 9001 wojack threads
You forgot to block your IP, but maybe you just reset it.
I wish i could make a website like Yea Forums with two board
Yea Forums
So we have porn and all other things separate just so we have more porn and more non porn
Has anyone ever used the archive for any reason other than looking for porn that got deleted before they could see it?
Not mine. I assume the person who posted it was using a proxy.
I got banned for posting nothing more than an image of hitler with an anti-communist quote the other week. It was in an off-topic shitposting thread too. Mods are literal commies.
they're shutting everything down and hardly anyone makes a peep
nobody lifts a finger of course to stop them
if this is the apocalypse, those who see the signs would do well to heed them
Yes, I use it all the time to search for random things and to find old threads about games that Yea Forums no longer talks about.
With 8ch down the mods know they can act as ducked as 5hey want since there is now no where to run to.
I can feel it
The final days of Yea Forums
Where will we go next
Yes. It's to read what people wrote about your favorite game that Yea Forums never talks about and threads die quickly whenever you try to make them.
It would just end up as /porn/ and /extraporn/.
8ch when that comes back online next month. At least that is where I’m headed.
Ban porn on Yea Forums simple
I've actually looked up Pathologic threads before, but I thought was being retarded for doing that.
Didnt the current owner want it shut down or something though?
We have bigger things to worry about than where the next place we'll post our smug anime girl will be.
I'm dead serious.
Any shitposting done on Yea Forums can easily be done on r/videogames
Now the subversive shit? Don't act like you have more to contribute than someone whose words were saved 2 years with decades of research behind it. Hurry and go save their words while you still can.
You mean i can't search for past FFXI threads. Good job, that was the only way to catch these fleeting and rare threads.
Just so they can clean some CP off the archives and hand it to the FBI for review. When will it be back up? The FFXI threads better still be there.
hosting archives are expensive and nobody really donates to keep them going
by cutting the large traffic boards, expense goes down and it can be a hobby project instead of a job that is being done for free
where does this meme keep coming from anyway? Resetera lost, hard. They had the golden calf at Neogaf, developers literally throwing themselves at them for interviews, and special leaks from industry insiders and a gathering from the who's-who of the entertainment industry.
Now where are they?
>Developers are told literally not to post there because they could offend someone
>They ban developers left and right for not sharing the same opinions on their own games.
>Entire administration is a cult, spiraling faster and faster into a singularity of insanity.
>Neogaf STILL gets more traffic on one of their sub forums in a day than Resetera gets in a whole week.
>Almost all of their admins were outed as pedophiles
>Posting and registering there probably puts you on a watchlist
>FBI is actively investigating at least one of their discords
Wow guys, sure sounds like winning. Whoo. I can't stand all this winning from this paddywagon that I'm being forced into. Wow, where am I going to hold all this winning from at least 5 miles from the nearest school? I guess I'll have to find the time to win between all these letters I am legally required to write to all of my neighbors that have children.
it's not the first time, and it won't be the last, surely you're not too new to remember past archives?
I'm willing to bet that the reason these guys were banned was for derailing the thread, like the standard single neuroned /pol/ retard they are.
Yeah. He became born again Christian and sees 8ch as sinful.
>banned for posting in an off topic thread
>thread stayed up
What did mods mean by this?
If a new archive site appears, will it have the old threads from the fireden era?
So why would he bring it back
Except it’s thanks to them that Yea Forums becomes more sjw friendly by the day.
>calling someone a kike derails a 5hreads
How long unti,the word faggot gets you banned?
8ch had changed owners years ago.
link to the thread you were banned for on the archive, and we'll figure out the answer for you
Yea Forums is not worth archiving
It might. But don't count on it. Sometimes there's broken continuity. Other times, well, there are technical difficulties.
For fuck's sake, foolz fireden STILL doesn't have search back after years of if it being disabled.
No one cares about your shitty pedophile den clone retard.
Most of Yea Forums isn't worth archiving.
Probably not unless they get it from them. Fireden or whatever it is now only goes back to what, 2015? Nothing from foolz was kept, and I doubt anyone wants to keep the heap of frogs and wojaks that was the "fireden era"
Depending on the thread, yeah, it can derail it, don't play dumb.
The answer is to inform people when you will do that quite a ways ahead of time and offer archive dumps to download. You could even do this in intervals, and then purge the old content to make way for the new.
But instead, the best we're getting is Exhentai-style announcements, more often worse.
Yea Forums X is broken now with the Yea Forums archive gone
You must be an easily triggered faggot if getting called a faggot derails a thread for you
>when that comes back online next month
Do you have a single fact to back that up? Please?
The reason I ask is because that user acted like there would be nothing to fear thanks to a new archive site.
But if the old threads aren't there, the new archive won't have any quality and therefore won't be as worthwhile
Go read it yourself. Post and board number is literally right there, and archive'd.
Not faggot, talking about the word kike, or nigger, or any racial slur honestly.
One mod is really autistic and likes going after random people who post in off-topic threads with 300+ replies.
You know it's one guy because it happens sporadically, it's not a site-wide policy. Hell I doubt hiro manages them much at all, the mods are basically feudal warlords.
>Don’t play dumb
>insults hurt peoples fee fees, it’s not their fault if they can’t handle it!
On,y a triggered leftist would give a shit.
8chs twitter account
The last defense we had against autistic reposters is gone.
8/v/ was just a slower 4/v/ where 2015 never ended. Both are pretty terrible.
worse, we lost tons of porn boards
>The answer is to inform people when you will do that quite a ways ahead of time and offer archive dumps to download.
or do it after you retire from archiving the board, as has been the convention
>You could even do this in intervals, and then purge the old content to make way for the new.
oh dear, no, not when it's foolfuuka
you want to touch that thing as little as possible
Probably a smallbrain that doesn't understand how the archive sites work. Not like there's any quality to be saved anymore, the only thing the archive is good for is outing autistic spammers.
Oh nice I totally forgot that was even a real thing
So basically now we can't track retarded shills who spam the same thread over and over. Fantastic.
im the only one here thats ever posted on this shitty site before they got rid of the .net domain
You mean the archive that is now kill?
Do it yourself then
Dumb memes aside, Reddit is not suitable for 2ch-style discussions for two reasons: votes and lack of anonymity. The first can be mitigated by sorting all posts by age instead of score (latter is usually default, though), but combined with effectively having forced tripfagging, it quickly makes people fish for yo^W upvotes instead of actually discussing stuff. Anonymity by itself also opens up a lot of discussions that would be difficult to have otherwise, both good and bad.
>doesn't understand how the archive sites work
Why? Did you assume that when I said quality threads I meant pre-2014?
>the only thing the archive is good for is outing autistic spammers
You say that like it isn't incredibly useful.
no i'm still here too
great. so now we have /porn/ and /'porn'/
I've been caught by this faggot a few times. He leaves off-topic threads up and then just bans everybody inside of them. So his retarded plan accomplishes two things, reduces poster count on the board because some people have static IPs, AND he shits up the board by leaving off-topic content hanging around.
Post dinosaur id for proofs
I was referring to whoever was thinking a new site would mean everything's fine, like everything would just carry over like nothing had happened
>surrender threads are gone for good
What will I fap to now?
>it quickly makes people fish for yo^W upvotes instead of actually discussing stuff
Yea Forums has a similar phenomena, with fishing for (you)s
I usually use the archive to check the general consensus of certain games. Now how am I supposed to know whether a game is worth playing or not?
I would absolutely jettison the cancer on the bottom half of this image
Summer of 2019, Yea Forums no longer has those advantages.
What this place has devolved to is no better than Reddit.
No, I actually assumed the opposite would be true, which is why I asked, just to make sure.
lurk moar when the games are coming out or make your own threads about them
before or after May 2004? I like the idea of Yea Forums not existing again
>he thinks it's down
>4shit clone full of whiny "refugee" faggots with massive superiority complexes died
Where have I heard of this before?
zero chance resetera wont self destruct eventually
find critics you trust
seriously, if you take Yea Forums's advice on games there's something wrong with you
critics can't be trusted
This is why I can't bring myself to care about what happens to Yea Forums anymore. I only come here out of habit at this point
>Saying this post-gamergate
Yeah, I kinda mentioned that. However, it's not even near as bad as it is on Reddit. At least there's no (you) counter.
Not quite yet, thankfully. It's worse in some ways, but fragments of good old anonymous BBS discussion remain if you sift through the much.
and nothing of value was lost
the only dinosaur i know is from cockmongler's shirt
before, dec '03
but even when Yea Forums was added i was still mostly on Yea Forums for the hentai boards
This isn't about the Yea Forums of today.
It's about the Yea Forums you cared about 1, 2, 3, 4 years ago.
>Yea Forums and /pol/ entirely cancer, nothing non-cancer at all
Yea Forums's archive is more valuable than current Yea Forums itself.
Shut up nigger.
Just tell the nigger to shut up. Stop giving him bait with which to be a nigger.
The only time I ever tried a game after seeing it gain traction here was valkriya chronicles because it's dull and boring. Anything else Yea Forums is usually correct, or it's so obviously bad I can tell at face value that I won't like it.
what's this 5 thing?
What is the point of that MLP image? Is it to show it's a kids' show because it plays between Barney and other kids' shows?
I'm saying find a critic. It doesn't have to be a "games journalist" it can be a youtuber or whatever. Just don't fucking take Yea Forums's advice as the word of god, because Yea Forums has terrible taste in games.
critics can't be trusted and Yea Forums has terrible taste in games. both can be true
>not even pre-Gamergate
Holy shit, fuck off, newfag.
media matters btfo
meant to say didn't like something tried, brain broken
You just noticed this?
It was way too fucking slow after 2016. Half the catalog was threads from the previous month.
>Yeah. He became born again Christian and sees 8ch as sinful.
Why made him change like that in the first place.
Inferior search engine.
I don't know about its image capacities.
Look up Lee Goldson
Only goes back 3 months.
I want a Yea Forums where 2012 never ended, goddamnit.
>I don't know about its image capacities.
What do you mean?
Notice how I went back as far as Fireden existed.
Also, if you don't think Yea Forums was better even while the election was going, you're a drama queen who is somehow still on this site despite it allegedly being unredeemable trash for almost half a decade now.
No, I stopped coming here once the quality went through the floor, which you can tell by the shoah of the newest wordfilter, 'gamer'
Pointless. Even though he's doubtlessly going to make the critters look like dumbasses carefully edited soundbites is all that any media will show.
Good enough for most of us that only look up what was deleted in the stealth loli/shota threads.
They have been warning us for months the load was getting too large to handle.
>lurk moar when the games are coming out or make your own threads about them
combing the archive and using search effectively was more useful than spending hours lurking in shitpost-filled threads and making threads more often than not either leads to derailment or falling off page 10.
the /vg/ archive was also useful for grabbing info and links that wasn't always available on other sites, even though discussion on average is worse than even Yea Forums's.
I'm not on this site everyday and it happened on the 17th, jackass.
He's shamelessly doing interviews and cheerleading for its death online. He distanced himself years ago in disgrace after a failed site redesign and just wants another 15 minutes of fame. still exists
They've been "warning" us about the load since they started archiving Yea Forums and they removed Yea Forums /vg/ and Yea Forums without warning.
Dead vs working image links dating back to certain times.
The bane of many an archive.
Yea Forums lies to me all the time. It would seriously bother me if I wasn't a "try before you buy" type pirate.
It's pointless, but he can't say no.
Ahh. Don't know that for yuki but others I use, like desu, have this problem. As for search, it's not as comfortable as fireden, desu, 4plebs (fuuka stuff?) but it gets the job done.
Good. Yea Forums shouldn't be archived, especially when 90% of the threads are the exact same thing. Just shitpost, enjoy, and move on.
I got banned for "supporting" an offtopic thread recently (posting in it).
The ban reason field just read "shitty offtopic".
Use it for deleted stuff. Use for older stuff.
Yea Forums shouldn't be archived.
posting in obvious bait, shitposting off-topic threads should be a ban desu
>posting obvious bait, shitposting off-topic threads should be a ban desu
OPs of those threads are notorious ban evaders
You can't kill those threads off without removing their food source aka replying retards.
That's right.
>It's ok to let OPs post bait and offtopic threads because of ban evasion but the anons replying somehow won't just also ban evade
What a retard.
I got banned for posting a webm of a dog standing up and jacking off with its front paws.
why did it change? this is all that's needed, no one needs several thousand soiboy wojak and twitter screencap threads archived.
I've been ban for replying to a shitpost thread and I've been banned for asking drawfags to draw me a girl farting.
This reminds me of when Moe died.
You are so fucking retarded holy shit
>ban known ban evader
>pat self on the back
>nothing solved
>ban known ban evader and all the retards who replied to him
>over 80% of those banned are just /pol/tards who recently immigrated and are too fat to think of computers or have ISP that doesn't allow ban evasion
>at most 20% of the posters ban evade
>retards learn not to reply to offtopic threads next time
It's this fucking simple
I always assumed this face was cropped porn
I wasn't banned for years when I started posting and Yea Forums was at it's best back then. Now anything results in a ban and it has no effect, because quality is at an all-time low.
at least he who shaln't be named... (begins with a 'b') is gone now
>All shitposting OPs are known ban evaders
>offsite /pol/tards never start their own shitpost threads
What an absolute retard you are.
A team is only as good as its leader. Blame the retarded faggot nigger jannies.
what's needed is more image hash banning, no more soiboy wojaks, no more twitter screenshots, no more blacked webms, no more spammed reposts
based dipshit
good riddance desu
How do you image hash custom screenshots?
I totally agree. I just wish they were more consistent about it.
fuck off sporefaggot.
it's more about preventing reposting which I think is a much higher percentage of spam than OC spam
no u
how will anyone know if someone's shilling.
Most of the threads I use the archive to find weren't even threads I posted in.
I don't remember the jannies becoming retards until late 2017, as old jannies stopped visiting. The site itself had turned to complete shit in summer 2016, too many oldfags were gone, and too many newfags came in.
wojacks and woi webm reposting I can understand, but anyone can screenshot a tweet
The irony in invading a wordfilter to complain about its target is that it shows the wordfilter was not a solution of the supposed problem at all.
And it could've been fixed if they just did their damn jobs. Almost every thread on Yea Forums right now deserves to be pruned.
but most twitter screencap threads use tweets that hardly anyone's seen anyway
>what's needed is more image hash banning, no more soiboy wojaks, no more twitter screenshots, no more blacked webms, no more spammed reposts
>Almost every thread on Yea Forums right now deserves to be pruned.
This has been the case for the majority of Yea Forums's existence.
If you think Yea Forums only turned to complete shit in the past 5 years you are an utter newfag.
I really do wonder why all of the mods are brain dead retards
>had turned to complete shit in summer 2016
Based newfag
Nobody sane would moderate Yea Forums for free without being a power tripping cunt. Same goes for internet moderators in general.
based dipshit
mods hate the site and don't actually frequent it, they hang out in their own chatroom and only interact via the queue of flagged posts that have been escalated to them by the janitors
and the janitors themselves only pay attention to things that have gotten more than fifty reports triggering an alert
>8ch is bleached from the internet
>4channel is censored to hell
>trannies are getting the upper hand
>mods are control freaks from plebbit
>Yea Forums chaotic culture is dying
>whites becoming minority in their own countries
>every entertainment outlet is turning to garbage dumpster for leftist politics
can't wait for everything to end
You can't stop me i'll just make my own
It's very easy to rehash an image.
Even retards can learn how to do it. You'd see a lot of wojaks with dots on them.
based shizo
>N-n-no don't ban me for replying to obvious bait. I swear I'm a good poster even though I'm so fucking stupid and have such low willpower I can't help myself
I have to disagree with you user. You deserve to be banned and you should continue to get banned. If you have sub 100 IQ, you shouldn't be allowed to browse this site. Your response will be some variation of "n-no u" or another insult which proves me right.
People cared about Yea Forums from 4 years ago? I'd say around 2009-2010 was the last time this place was still decent.
Ask us how we know you're an election newfag from 2016.
Reading these kinds of posts always elicits an emotional reaction from me.
Part of me wishes the whole thing would collapse already. At least if I could no longer post here I'd have one less reason to spend all my time on the internet
>N-n-no don't ban me for posting obvious bait. I swear I'm a good poster even though I'm so fucking stupid and have such low willpower I can't help myself
>Also if you point out I'm retarded that proves me right
Based retard.
>image hash banning
>change a some pixels or run it thru a harsh changer
Great going smarty, don't forget that "new" frog and feel edits are constantly shitted out by Yea Forums and /r9k/ and the twitter niggers always have some other retarded shit to talk about. If you truly want to put an end to their faggotry you'd need to set up a yandex tier AI that detects them, or at the very least get confident moderators
This. In case of Yea Forums I look for threads about more obscure games that rarely get their own threads.
>Yea Forums will be shut down by the end of 2020 at the latest
Have the fireden staff said anything on that?
You should ban both the OP and anyone who posts in the thread. It's not one or the other you mongoloid, you can ban both and the site would improve as a result. It should be a permaban tbqh.
And yet you're still here.
>It's not one or the other you mongoloid,
That's not what the argument was, shit for brains.
Fuck of retard. If you're one of the muh 4chin was never good niggers then you're the newfag. I bet you weren't even around before tortanic.
meta threads are allowed mods ban them for some reason
>don't forget that "new" frog and feel edits are constantly shitted out by Yea Forums and /r9k/
90% of the wojak shitposting is the same 2 images
Not funny. I have nowhere else to go
I'm more worried about the archives than the actual sites these days.
Not soon enough.
>That's not what the argument was
You're right, you just misread because you're stupid. What he actually said was banning the people who post in the thread is much more productive than banning just the OP.
Yeah but I'm talking about obvious bait threads. Like the random gibberish brainlet wojak thread that was up a few minutes ago.
they need to completely ban phoneposting, it's the easiest ban to evade (you can do it in 5 seconds)
99.999999% of posts on Yea Forums aren't worth archiving. I don't see the need except to counter the media's "Yea Forums was secret Hitler 2 all along" meme.
Different archives. Pretty sure chanarchive is long gone.
7chan still exists, 8ch was taken down by federal meddling.
Since all the memes that plebbit uses come from here, what will they do if this site is shut down? Surely redditors won't be able to create original content?
>Gay tranny weebshit must be archived
>But not videogames
Same, I hadn't posted here in a few weeks because I was just autistically scrolling through fireden.
most reddit memes these days are either twitter screencaps or subreddit meta
rent free
>twitter screencaps
Well we already have plenty of those here.
Reddit isn't conducive to image posting. Who gives a shit when you have to make an OP or make imgur links everytime.
Yea Forums X is smart as fuck. Redirected me to a different Yea Forums archive.
>some kid who came here in 2012 trying to dictate what "ruined" the site
Kid, you realize that the site was already "ruined" dozens of times over before you had even heard of this place, right?
knock off the self-deprecation here, because who would have had the last laugh if you happened to be saving every thread you liked?
the stigma against personal archives is the reason why this shit is an issue nowadays
nice :)
Have they said anything about why they removed them? Seems kinda abrupt.
1 down
7 to go
They are not allowed, that's why mods delete them. Hiro revoked the "one meta thread" stipulation as of the neogaf fiasco where he had to step in. All meta threads are to be relegated to /qa/, which is why it is no longer a hidden board.
I'm sure the mods are celebrating as we speak now that people can't hold them accountable for being faggots
/vg/ and Yea Forums were also deleted. though Yea Forums is already well archived on multiple sites.
The rest of the internet is that much worse.
Different people and you are undoubtedly a low IQ newfag who only knows this current shit.
i wish the real Yea Forums got deleted already
fireden has no meta board so it's hard to tell, but it's very likely that the owner couldn't handle the sheer size of these 3 boards anymore.
Yea Forums is in a weird position.
it's got barely any shitposting but it's also got barely anything at all.
>only one response
>n-no u low IQ
Extremely pathetic.
I only come here to save hilarious images and shitpost. I don't give a fuck about this shithole. And don't bother banning me please, I'll just come back.
As much as I would like to discuss some of my favorite anime, I feel like I can't. It's mostly just waifufagging, even moreso than Yea Forums.
99% of Yea Forums needs to be moved to /c/ and /e/ and the actual anime threads are strange because they're so scared that any anime might be for "normalfags" that they'd rather not discuss any.
>No see, you actually misread because you are stupid and what he actually said is completely different from the argument and banning replies is more productive than banning shitposters
Wow you're stupid.
Fuck off newfag.
Yea Forums stopped being a fun board to browse around the time moot left.
The board is now at the whims of the tranny mods that run the place with an iron grip and redditors that came after all the funposters got sick of being banned on a daily basis.
>Be a critic
>Cant trust yourself
Kys brainlet.
Don't give the newfag any more (you)'s.
That is correct, what he said is completely different than the argument you're trying to make. Glad you understand.
Seriously though, I get the Yea Forums way of handling your wrong is to dig in your heels and refuse to admit fault, but you misread a post.
I wish Yea Forums had mods like this
I agree my fellow Reseter- ehm 4channer, we definitely need more mods like this.
Yea Forums is already mostly waifu threads anyway so you're pretty close to the Yea Forums experience
just some crazy retard, ignore it
>n-no u again
>replying to yourself a minute apart.
>deleting pedo shit
>Seriously though, I get the Yea Forums way of handling your wrong is to dig in your heels and refuse to admit fault, but you misread a post.
>That is correct, what he said is completely different than the argument you're trying to make.
Oh the irony.
He never said you should only ban the thread posters. You're wrong, deal with it.
Any response to this post that isn't a direct quote of him saying the mods should only ban the people posting in the thread is an automatic concession from you and I won't reply to it.
>muh board culture
t. salty barneyfag
Twitter is comfy though
>mfw I sync my posts with posts of other anons + 1 minute, adopt their writing style and type the same shit as them so that it looks like we're a samefag
/jp/ is 5x worse. Wasn't like that even just 2 and a half years ago.
Really? I can't stand twitter. Besides the obligatory tumblr, twitter is the most smug and insufferable place on the internet. It makes reddit seem like a viable alternative in comparison.
Congrats it only took you 3 minutes to use inspect element and post one cropped out of two screenshots from your phone
Someone's butthurt.
Fireden is shit anyway, desuarchive + b4k is where it's at. And then a few smaller archives if I ever feel the need to look at other boards.
This is what the archive is for
Anyone going "good riddance xDDD Yea Forums bad" are probably the same chucklefucks who go "I only go to Yea Forums to le shitpost" with computers full of pepes and wojaks saved within the last three months
The other guy's a typical butthurt newfag. You seem decent though user.
Just a long list of new issues with this site.
Don't forget Hiro abandoned Captcha v2 4 months early and had virus ads up and crypto-mining javascript in the background.
>The other guy
>no u again
Nah, if you're a stealthy nazi, then yes.
>Not samefagging so you can argue with yourself
How would you even inspect element on your phone? Extremely delusonal newfag.
why was iris heart so posted in /biz/?
U can fuck right off and kys reddit fagshill tard
it has no json so it cant be used in 4chanX
that is my only real problem with it
You'll find more hilarious shitposts on /r9k/ and /pol/ while you're cropping for /r/Yea Forums fellow redditor
>How would you samefag using phone IP?
>no u again
>inspect element
Tell us about your time on Yea Forums user.
>smug and insufferable
Sounds like Yea Forums
Literally the new Yea Forums
Downvoted and scoffed at.
It sucked and I hate you all. At least when Yea Forums had cp every night there were a lot less of you retards.
I'm you and I disagree
Just drop it, the newfag is low IQ and delusional, no further point in responding.
Give me one good reason, just one, why you willingly want your posts archived.
You can’t.
It's so common that many boards got IDs just to kill it.
Pretending you're someone else to be accused of samefag is subtle deceit kino.
>can’t handle racial slurs
Leave right now u faggot kike niggnoggin double niggur
>archive only went back a few years
I agree the newfag is extremely low IQ and delusional, which is why he keeps responding without fully linking to my posts despite saying there's no point in doing so.
>The site itself had turned to complete shit in summer 2016
>I bet you weren't even around before tortanic I'm such an oldfag u guise.
I want other people's posts archived, so that when butthurt mods delete good threads or ban posters for bullshit and take all their posts away, I can go back and fetch the nuggets of wisdom history would have left in oblivion.
>he doesn’t use it to see deleted posts and threads
Retarded faggot
all these threads will be lost in time like... tears in rain
time to die
Bravo low IQ retard, you can't even get the times correct.
Those years are more valuable than Yea Forums's current output. Though I agree the lost years were better.
I am still mad that they banned sakurafish
I want to look back in 10 years and see my posts that brought joy and laughter.
>replying to a dead post that has since been corrected out of desperation after being outed as a samefag AND a newfag.
why would they do that?
Somehow the low IQ avatarposter newfag thinks these two are the same posters.
>Seriously though, I get the Yea Forums way of handling your wrong is to dig in your heels and refuse to admit fault
>You're wrong, deal with it. Any response to this post is an automatic concession from you and I won't reply to it.
Keep digging that hole, chief.
Because it was off topic spam
>Bedford Rascal
Holy shit that got me good
>being a nigger
get a room
>"wtf!??? i can't post (animal) porn on non porn boards!!!?? FUCKING MOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAH FUUUUCKKKK!!!!"
Because board culture is a thing of the past
Actual fucking tards. It's like the 4th result
Looking through the archives literally everything gets deleted on a whim, even when completely on-topic. Why would anyone bother posting there?
so is waifufagging but Yea Forums doesn't ban that
It bumped Naruto threads off the frontpage.
nooooo how am i supposed to see porn deleted by cuck jannies
>tfw too low IQ to get the times right with a single post
/r9k/ is incelcore, no thanks.
>being this desperate
Extremely pathetic.
How am I supposed to fill my Pepe and Wojak folders now?
So why aren't they archiving Yea Forums and /vg/ then?
rest in peace. I haven't browsed Yea Forums proper in a long time, because archives were great for lurkers
make your own wojaks and add to the breed.
This but filtering them
With your obvious newfaggotry and blatant samefaggotry? Oh how will I ever cope with such high IQ one word responses like "Cope"
Stop being a nigger then.
Just use literally any other archive for fast boards like /pol/ and Yea Forums. Yea Forums doesn't put out OC anymore anyway.
money, Yea Forums and /vg/ are large boards and would increase strain on archive
Ahem fuck jannie trannies
By kys
>used to just post images on Yea Forums and get them in the archives when I needed them instead of saving them
>now I'll have to keep them on my PC like some kind of primitive hoarder because the other archives are shit with images
I don't like this
oof, reduced to one word responses. I broke you that hard?
what are you talking about
i can still say nigger
>replying to yourself
Any response to this post that isn't a direct quote of him saying you're right and I'm wrong is a concession from you and I won't reply to it.
How old is this image? Is that really barneyfag's post count?
>I want even more insane tranny mods who censor and ban anything they don’t like
No way fag ur free to leave or neck urself any choice is fine Yea Forums mods are annoying strict no fun fags already imagine wanting it to be worse
Actually kys tranny
>literally the same one word post again
Keep proving me right, kid.
Who gives a shit? This board is literally for teenagers and children, if you're posting on Yea Forums over the age of 19 you should literally kill yourself for making such bad life decisions
All boards ban for racism outside Yea Forums
welp it was nice knowing you all.. now we can't actually be anonymous.
Yea Forums has great mods tho, they shitcan frogs and wojacks on sight
I don't understand that rule. How does /pol/ exist? Even outside of /pol,/ I see plenty of "racism" all the time.
>same autistic image and response
This that has no reason to be a rule lmao
just kiss already and get it over with
You can always gb2Resetera for fellow minded cultists
no they have fast mods, i literally got banned once for responding at an angry retard and adding a :^) at the end. Literally got banned cause of the :^). Fuck Yea Forums and it's nigger mods
Meanwhile has been archiving Yea Forums since 2015 with full images... Yea Forums is worth archiving more than Yea Forums now lmoa
Imagine being scared of a cartoon frog.
They banned you for an emoticon? how the fuck does that even work. what did they say to you.
>tries to turn it around
>when he's already been reduced to repeating the same two buzzwords on repeat
What is it with you newfag retards that you can't stop kicking yourself in the nuts? Not that I mind, please give me more reasons to laugh at your endless stupidity.
>you lived long enough to see the internet be corporatized and killed
How do you feel?
God bless Yea Forums mods.
What does an archive dropping one of the worst Yea Forums boards have to do with corporation?