When will the Yakuza 3,4, and 5 remasters be released in the west?

When will the Yakuza 3,4, and 5 remasters be released in the west?

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yakuza 3 is literally being announced on the 21st

>yakuza 5 digital only again
I swear to fucking god they better not pull this shit again.

they're most likely taking their sweet time with a simultaneous PC release.

I believe Zero, Kiwami 1&2 did fairly well on Steam. It just makes sense to bring the rest of the series to the west as well.

I really hope you're right.

Find out in few hours or so.

21st of what?

PC fan base literally ruined discussions on Yea Forums

the month

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Fuck off, Zerofag.

It's true though

The only fact is that Zerofags ruined the discussion forever and now they put the blame on PCfags since they're the first new ones for them and they're mostly retarded Sony consolewarriors.

Those games could be emulated since many years ago.

Already have it

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>imported a physical copy of 5 instead of just settling for a digital copy like everyone else

>imports 5
>buys local version of censored ass 3
half based

Lmao no, lots of people emulated the first two anyway.

I just hope they don't use fucking QLOC again to port the games.

Why can't you retards understand that the games are simply demanding? If my 7 years old toaster can run it better than PS4 at native 1080p, the so should yours.
The only reason Y0 and Kiwami run that well on both PC and PS4 is because they were PS3 games, and they run like shit on PS3.

What are the specs of your 7 year old toaster?

PS4 release threads had waaaaay more shitposting than pcf@ts release.

>all yakuza game
>Black hand

Extremely based

HD7950 and i5 3470.
Just before Y0 PC release tech illiterate retards here genuinely thought it wouldn't be enough to even run Y0 decently.

For Y0 that should've been fine. That game actually ran on toasters. Though I'm surprised you can play K2 better than PS4 with that.

>PC fan base
>Not Western fan base in general
EOPs ruined discussion. It was comfy to talk about Yakuza until 0 became popular in the West. We still have Ishin but that just turns into people begging for an English release.

>Imported 5
>Didn't import 0 when it came out in Japan
>No Ishin or Kenzan

There's not a single game that runs worse on my PC than on PS4. Reminder than AMD later rebranded 7950 as R9 280.
This entire gen games in general are well optimized.
inb4 marginal examples

Are you playing at 30 or 60 though?
If you say 60, what the fuck is wrong with my PC

I'm playing in the 40s. Not choosing 30 fps lock, because it just feels so much better with uncapped framerate, especially compared to PS4.

yakuza 3 is the worst yakuza
(I didn't play y6)

3 has the best villian.

All Yakuza games have always been Sony

who gives a shit?

More the reason for unreasonable shitting on PCfags.


Proof this isn't just the PS3 version?

If you've grown a bit tired with how they reuse the same areas, same quests, same items, same combat, etc., is Judgment still worth it?


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No. Cigarette was removed on 3 remaster in Japan due to its looked down upon now.

Barley even qualifies as a villian

>due to its looked down upon now.
No, it became illegal.

pleb opinion discarded

What, did they also remove the heat action where you spit the cigarette in to an enemy's eye? That's some dumb shit.

look at the post you're replying to and then your own. which post is actually shitting up the thread? their post is about yakuza, yours is consolewar shit.

Who else thinks Yakuza 3 is shit but absolutely cannot wait to buy a full priced remaster to sink 100 hours into something you already know is bad? I know I'm not alone.

>look mom and Phillip i posted it again

absolutely not

I hated Yakuza 3 but I'm looking forward to playing it with a better framerate

another important question would be the price, the remasters are like $40 each in japan, would this fly over in the west?
god I wish this argument worked when people talk about Ace Combat 7

It had its moments, like the stuff involving the combat, Hamazaki and the final battle, but otherwise it's pretty shit yeah.

buying the remaster?

I'd pay $40 for a physical PS4 release of 5 at least.

Ryuji “I keep getting my ass kicked by Kiryu and don’t really do much in my game” Goda

Nah, I've been playing through the series in Japanese for the first time on the PS3, so not really feeling like going back to it now.
Also not a fan of remasters if they change so much from the original game. I'd rather have the original (intended?) experience, and then check out what they changed later on.

Na but they removed the tranny rape scene.
There really is no way to get a fully uncut version of Yakuza 3 unless you speak Japanese.
PS3 english removed a ton of side quests and changed some scenes.
PS4 English is likely gonna put those back but will remove Kiryu being raped by a troon

it was actually 0 getting mainstream praise that did it. You might argue that 5 getting localised was the flashpoint, but I don't believe that

Yeah I don't get the hype for him, he's fun in his scenes but he's far from the series best villain, plus Kiwami 2 fucked up his boss fight, he's far easier than the knife shoe welding sub-boss you fight just before him.

5 is near the series peak but was mostly only played by hardcore fans due to being a late 2015 release of a 2012 game on the PS3, only buyable via PSN.

why would anyone buy a remaster of a game they don't think is good?

Yakuza 3's entire soundtrack was just fucking amazing and why I don't want it to be remade so it gets shitty replacements or bad decisions put into the game like in Kiwami 2

Fuck that shoe wielding asshole. Had to pull out the Kiwami Machine Gun for him.

I didn’t have nearly enough moves to deal with him during the first encounter and you can get stun locked and lose all your heat too easily.

All of Goda’s encounters are too easy too, and even if you didn’t level Kiryu up enough, you can just run around the arena and spam the heavy charge attack.

The great mystery of Yakuza 3 HD threads

I’ve only played Zero and the remakes. What makes 3 so bad?
Can it be improved like how 1 and 2 were improved?

Sotenbori < Kamurocho

fuck off nigger

Don't you have some port petitions to sign?

BYUTAFURR ICE is legit the funniest thing in the entire series, try to prove me wrong

Lame Yea Forums option.
3 is one of the best and a huge jump from 2.
4 is where the series first has a slump, it's still good it a lot of ways but it was the first to ditch building a new city and mostly just reused assets from 3, it also introduced a ton of grind-heavy mini-games which would go on to be a series staple.
Oh and it was really really easy.
5 is a far better 4.

>yakuza thread
Kiryu would despise you as a person. Grow up and stop being an edge lord.

>I’ve only played Zero and the remakes. What makes 3 so bad?
Mostly because they cut lots of minigames, hostess were just the date parts, they cut down a big (or two) series of quests and the slowest, boring fest prologue that new players would get bored and hate the game because it doesn't represent the actual parts of the game.
Also some parts of the story were fuckin DUMB and their amazing idea to kill off lots of people only for shocking value

3 doesn't count. It's basically half a game because of all the content they cut. The remaster should keep it all intact, otherwise there's no point.

I like 3 a ton and think it's near the top but 3 is where the series goofy side quests start to really become part of the main game, if you only played the remakes it's worth noting they change a ton and have more in common with the later games.
3 has a far slower pace and a ton of it is spent on content which would likely side content in other titles.

Is Yakuza 3 really that bad or is Yea Forums again with bad taste? I wonder if Yakuza 3 localisation wasn't botched what opinion people would have of that game.

The cutting of a ton of the side content sucks but I really don't care about the hostess stuff, I've still not fought amon in 0 because I can't be assed to do all the hostess club stuff.
I'm glad most of the newer games don't make you finish them all.

Yakuza 3 is still a ps2 game when it's about completition and some minigames are really fucking hard, i think even harder than the ps2 ones but I didn't even tried that, I hope someone prove me wrong.
The game itself is not bad at all, it's just that we got a shorter end of the stick, also because the cover is pure hot garbage.

It's a taste which spread because of a few people heavily pushing it, like hyperbit.
It was cut when first released in english and now the Japanese remaster is getting new cuts.
It's still a really good title and a huge jump in various areas from 1/2 and unlike 6 it didn't need to drop a ton of features to do it.

>Sony fan base literally ruined discussions on Yea Forums

I still can't get used to Kiwami 2's combat, is the entire thing going to be based around charge attacks or it's just me being very underpowered at the beginning?

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>Spin and knock everyone down
>Kick the shit out of them

shame about the English one.

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I had the same feeling. Kiwami 2 felt pretty frustrating to start with but it really is a case of just unlocking move moves/strengthening up Kiryu to a point where you find a satisfying game loop. Just gotta stick with it unfortunately

>Went googling if Europe got the same cover as the USA one
>It did
What the fuck, Europe usually gets the original japanese covers

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Kiwami 2 combat isn't very good, in fact, it's worse than 6, it's a game mostly built around fan requests, so while you have a ton of requested heat moves being added back and playable Majima none of it's all that well thought out.

Is the majima storyline any good in kiwami 2?

Im finishing up main story and not sure if I have energy to play it. Have Judgment waiting to be played too.

Definitely an afterthought. It's just an actual farewell between makoto and majima and some nonsense inbetween loosely tied to the main story.
Also explains how majima actually acquired purgatory but not in a very good way.

It's ok but feels like a random extra, like the thing could have been £4 DLC, nothing wrong with that, in fact, I'm glad it wasn't, it does tie-up some stuff from 0 but unlike K1 extra nishiki which greatly improved the plot of that game, K2 Majima content mostly just feels like an extra put in to make fans happy rather than a way to improve on the core game.
You might as well play it as there's nothing wrong with it but don't expect something like Majima's side in 0 or even one of 4/5/0 anthology-style pieces.
You can explore both cities and fight extra boss's but their's still very little to it.

I want to pick up Yakuza 2 Kiwami at some point but I'm wondering if it's best to get it on disc or digital. Does the physical version have everything on disc or is the complete version digital only?

Attached: Yakuza 0 - Haruka Disco Queen.webm (1280x720, 1.06M)

youtube.com/watch?v=hkzi4T9L7MU it's fun, like how Kanzan let you play as the various boss's but don't expect too much.

Yakuza mods are a miracle

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i am not sure if this nigger is extremely desperate for replies or if its some of these facebook/redditors that have saved this image and now keep posting it all the time

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Propably annouced at Gamescom?

>Only 3
They better not be thinking of releasing the PS4 remasters one-by-one because that's such an incredibly dumb decision. There's no room unless they release them like every two months before Shin comes out, and that's such an incredibly easy way to burn anyone out.

>all these fags that can't speak/read japanese

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shut up nip


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No, literally gatekeepers fans ruining discussion with zoomer meme spam