>no Nintendogs on Switch
>no Petz on Steam
what happened to doggo games?
No Nintendogs on Switch
Other urls found in this thread:
you just know
You ju-
So is knotted the new blacked now?
Is this why ANubis and the buried bone is on Steam?
There is a Nintendogs clone on the switch called little friends. It's overpriced but wait a year or two and I'm sure it Wil be $20.
Horse games are still going strong.
There are many dogs and cats waiting in shelters, go for one instead and make it happy.
Dogs have evolved differently from us. Being hugged and constricted like that stresses them out.
>just pick one, bro
Why is the pupper breathing so hard?
what the fuck am I reading again...
Is this one of those animal islands in Japan?
How many of those do they have?
Why doesn't it move away then?
Wtf is going on here? Is that horse ok?
Is that smoke, steam, or condensation?
white girls..
I am a feeeelineee.
they're baking the horse
see the heat lamp?
Not sure but he looks... happy?
I think it's sweating and the sweat is evaporating.
He's just humouring his owner.
maybe it was outside in the snow and stood under the heat lamp to warm up
>when the girl washing you takes her pants and presents herself.
How do I get a caring, blonde haired, blue eyed animal loving cute girlfriend?
Get a cute animal. Make lots of money. Alternatively be attractive.
Where is her other hand
My old dog would love to sit right next to my or anyone's legs and lean on them because its legs were kinda shit. I'd stand over it and lock my legs on its sides so it could be a lazy fuck and pet it from above.
looks like a horse sauna. yes they're a real thing.
Pets Cats 2 wad not what i expected it to be at all, when i saw my sister playing it.
Damn japanese cats
why are white girls like that?
isn’t there a game on the switch that is basically nintendogs.
Girls only like pitbulls bow, and they give you them for free at shelters, so no need to buy a game!
Just like my Japanese animes.
>Girls only like pitbulls bow,
Is this Lara Croft?
if you have a daughter, never let her go to sleepovers if there's a dog in the house
just don't let her go
Aren't foxes venomous?
>looking after someone else's dog
>really pleased with how well our's has taken to them
>but our dog keeps licking his peepee
Is she supposed to do that?
You JUST know...
>american education
Huh? I'm pretty sure I read about it once.
They're not venomous. They are poisonous, though.
If you have a daughter, invest in a chastity belt, and only give the key to her husband on her wedding night
It's normal, dogs just start licking anything pongy
no thats platypuses
Pretty sure no mammals are venomous.
is this british hell?
Yeah I'm sure this would fly really well in our degenerate society when anyone gets a hint of you doing this
>B-but the lügenpresse will call me sexist!
They'll call it child abuse and probably get you arrested.
imagine the smell
I mean it is child abuse. Much like genital mutilation.
And you'll never see your little daughterfu again
just start posting beast shit already
You are right, I should just prep her up for the basketball bulls, then watch it from the closet like American dads do
Much better than being called a bad word!
>I mean it is child abuse. Much like genital mutilation.
Reported for antisemitism, enjoy jail fucker
its on gear sekando
>"""genital mutilation"""
You primadonnas will exaggerate everything. Do you call it a sensory holocaust too whenever you stub your toe?
is that a poop cake
remember to give your dogs lots of love and care
I prefer phalangial blitzkrieg but yes.
>eheheh poop
underated post
it looks like shit idk if horses eat shit
yeah they eat people like you lol
i'm not sure if bats are cute or terrifying.
ver sad cato surrounded by thottish feetsies and no pizzo
sexual excitement
Poor cat, never got the Cheezeburger...
shut up fungus fukcer
Slow roast style horse, yummy.
They're pretty adaptable. My parents' collie doesn't like if you mess with her face, hates being hugged, and never shows her belly. My sister's dog will just flop down on people and let them wrestle him in whatever way they want. He's used to it since he was a puppy, her boyfriend only ever had cats and used to carry and turn him over and such when he was little.
It doesn't come natural to them, but it's not some sort of torture.
He's overheating.
those sheep look very jewish, look at that massive snozzle
>not washing your daughter yourself by hand
Birds are cool
Yeah, most animals don't like being hugged, it's an overbearing dominant act to them.
>DLC mount
how did he get there in the first place?
>Melee finals
What kind of fishing is this?
>when your warlock hits level 20
Cryptid-looking lad
Their cute until it bite youre face of stupid fucking WHITE people
you just KNOW
You. Just. Know
How can white men even compete?
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
This must be so painful.
fucking finally
Literally me
Thus ends the age of Man.
Literally me
learn english pajeet
just crush the fucking crab
why the fuck did i click that
holy fuck fingers are unfair, when are they going to nerf tactile feedback?
You are supposed to put them on the top you stupid fucking dog
They thought the >this kills the crab image was just a meme
I haven't got a webm. But here's a fox from when I went to Japan.
You just know.
your fault for picking a cuck class like dogs
You just know
Now you know
The pound dog she tells you not to worry about
>women would literally fug a dog than me
Horses would've been cool if they were not so dumb.
Shut the fuck up he's trying his best.
Imagine being a budding preteen girl and growing up with THAT in the house.
You just know.
>getting cucked by a dog
Imagine if interspecies crossbreeding was real...
I wish.
Humanity de serve to die
shut up Sindoll
Yeah. THAT's the problem with that image. The fuck is wrong with you people.
Disgusting WHITE people dead to all them
Die WHITE pig
what fucking fishhole was that
wtf I'm welsch/zealand/a muslim now
I hef video but don't know how to post it.
you should probably return to whichever shit hole you crawled out from
Damn. Now I unironically think that dog dick looks more beautiful than human's.
>dog looks better
>probally smells better
>bigger dick
>t. street shitter
there is literally nothing worng about it
Bestiality is fuck up no matter what site i'm on.
To be fair I get why
animal abuse
But it is, just google up hapas
in male dog to female human intercourse there is no argument for animal abuse
>dog initiates
>lasts only 10 seconds
I doubt it could be considered it when they get the dog fuck them and not the other way around?
not having shitty videogames like nintendogs and ubishit petz is animal abuse? are you nuts?
>knotted for 10+ minutes while dog non-stop pumps cum into her
yet you're posting pedo reaction images, freak
Digital dogs have rights too
just like me!
>thread start out cute
burn it down. Just burn it.
every time, every dogowner
that's a pretty dangerous job when you think about it
look at that fucking hindlegs on that horse, one kick would probably shatter the fuck out of your leg
Need a diaper, reddit nigger?
It's the same reason why a person having sex with a down syndrome is fucked up. It's abuse.
if a 10 year old kid fucks his teacher it's still the teacher raping the kid
it doesn't matter if the dog is "enjoying" it, dogs still can't consent
that guy is absolutely soaked in dog piss
fuck digital dogs
what if the teacher consents, though?
>Pedo images
You sound very stupid right now
>that quiet girl in class
The only videogame post in this thread goes completely ignored
does that mean anyone having sex with you is also abuse?
>"Hello fellow humans"
Doesn't happen with humans
I've seen it lol.
One time I found bestiality porn (male dog on girl) on my cousin's PSP that she had completely forgotten about.
In your 2d anime comics maybe
depends how much anal gape you have, knotting a girl that can put a 2L soda bottle on her ass probably wont work
where do i go for easy beast shit now that 8gag is dead forever
I can legit never tell if the dogs are penetrating or not.
... Yes? Retard.
They're not migrating server hosts again? Throwing in the towel for good?
nobody wants to touch it
There's plenty of former soviet satellites that would welcome the injection of cash for their burgeoning internet economy.
There's no fucking way those things can fly. Wtf is this?
And also much like genital mutilation, people cry when it happens to women and laugh when it happens to men.
know you just
Except platypus, but that's not the only weird thing about them.
Cameramen aren't supposed to get involved with nature. Gotta leave it as is.
Yespornplease has a semihidden zoo section (no new content tho). Also full length porn. Surprised it is semi-mainstream.
white piggu*
I'm too fucked up to have a dog.
That Ostrich vid will always be in my mind
Chinks always do this fake shit. Camera guy just happened to be filming
Wow animals sure are cute and friendly
>that massive neck on a lever like that
always wanted to see it in action, nice
You can't say something vague like that and not sauce it.
How did he not tear his gums to shreds opening the bottle like that?
The women in the car were probably like "aww he so cutely wuggly he just needs some love pls dont stab him :'((((((
I knew I had this thread open for a reason
download webm for retards and make it under 3mb
It's lost in cripple.
do you have to sign up to see it
white culture
At least you can admit you have a problem.
By being a man
average day in spain
Lolno, women start screaming irrationally as soon as shit hits the fan
No? Just search zoo. It is a porn tube like xvideos or pornhub.
cute butt
>that boomer who played Nintendogs on his Windows 3.1
>No it means The Cat The
pornsocket has some stuff too
bee yourself
Be a big dog
at least describe it, friend
Austrian guy owns a female ostrich.
penis in cloaca.
Three videos exist
holy shit someone else played that as a kid
what a nice video game thread
GOAT coming thru
>not birb on woman
It's one of the few egg laying mammals. Another is someone who doesn't chuckle :D
>Birds are cool
cats are cute
Now they just have to introduce it to anime
just go on pornsocket if you want to see 100s if not 1000s of girls getting knotted and fucking other animals. as well as men penetrating various kinds of animals and being penetrated by various animals
give me tendies human
Lost it at the happy dance.
I didn't know I wanted it until you told me it exists
girls fuck dogs
guys fuck cats
It's physically impossible to get knotted in the vag.
An April fools
check and see for yourself. i gave you the website
>putting a penis in a vagina
kyoani finds a way
Dude you're that same fuck from /an/ saying that, there are thousands of videos of that exact thing. I've seen it. I've personally had it. This is the weirdest trolling I've seen
I like the idea of being fucked by an animal but actual animals are scary to try.
Pussy's pussy is too tiny to be penetrated. Unless the guy has some kind of spaguetto dick.
Move to Norway/Finnland. Before 50 years.
big cats are cats too
>tfw can't go on Yea Forums's fireden to see what was deleted.
Fake as fuck, even the campiest of fags wouldn't behave like that and you sure as fuck wouldn't wait for someone to come and rescue you.
you JUST know
Just like the good old days.
I mean back before it also sometimes don't show what was deleted for some reason.
Aren't the suicide rates pretty high up there? I'd rather not run that risk. Also Finnish people are pretty tall aren't they? I don't think I can compete with their height
There's nothing worth seeing.
technically it was nothing illegal
Turns out we just knew all along.
>I don't think I can compete with their height
When will you learn?
How can a dog dick stay stuck in a human vagina when they arent designed to work like as a female dog vagina?
Somehow this reminds me of Yea Forums.
At that point it will turn into snuff seeing how the big birds are really violent
>the human vagina can expend to squeeze out a small human but it couldn't possibly expand to take the knot
come on, use that big boy brain
What kind of mutt is that?
you just know
>At that point it will turn into snuff
Oh baby
Why is always white women?
user, he is saying that vaginas aren't tight enough to keep the knot in, not that they can't take it.
funny as this might be I can't help but feel like being under a partially aroused male elephant is one of the least safest places to be
Boredom leads to degeneracy.
It looks more like a purebred Samoyed than a mutt.
he's smiling :)
God I wish that were me
Fuck the chancelor
and fuck hypno mods
What are you supposed to do instead to show affection?
I can confirm
cats just get used as props by women
what a majestic creature
Not true. Being squeezed does, but being embraced like that is a sign of affection for them. Most dogs like it.
I know they have at least one bunny island, one natural park with foxes, one temple where there is plenty of deers (which bow back if you bow to them), one dogs park (some of them are dressed and they do shows), and several islands with cats (basically any fishing island is bound to have plenty of cats)
ive never seen a man do this or take a picture near an animal's vagina
white, brown, yellow, black of skin or otherwise
its disheartening to see the typical white woman out in the wild..
I say this as a white male.
you can have them I guess, animals/niggers.
Who let a shit reeking brown subhuman on the internet?
they're called furries
For some reason, I though elephant penises were smaller. Like at least a 5th of that size
>he doesn't own the russian domestic fox
I'd let her violently rip off my face if you know what I mean
>ive never seen a man do this or take a picture near an animal's vagina
oh the inocence on this one.
don't dig too deep on the web
Foxes are ugly cunts, why do furries love them so much?
Give them another 100 years they're not done yet.
What was it
Imagine if a man had his Tindr profile pic be him posing next to a horse pussy lol.
aren't foxes venomous?
the knotting occurs because of the way dog vaginas are made, not because of the way the dog penis is designed
a dog can insert and pull out the knot whenever he wants when it's a human vagina
how fucking strong is that cat? it must've killed the croc/gator with just that bite.
Maybe the same person who let you in.
How can my knuckles stay in a rock crack if the cliff didn't evolve for that?
I can not unsee the bathtub one.
Ugh! We've been over this already!
You just know
dog dong on girl.
just a pic and not inserted
>bred to be stabbed by a smelly Spaniard
>stab his car
Jaguars have one of, if not the strongest bite force in the world.
You sound cranky, is it time to hit the shitting street?
Shouldn't you be committing suicide?
Huh? I'm pretty sure I read about it once.
im sure its happened by why so commonly is it a white woman?
they put this shit on their facebook/ig/whatever like it is nothing. just a funny goof (haha)
never do I see men do this but yes I am positive there are men that fuck animals too
no but your knuckles did, primates and climbing go hand in hand
>the weak should fear the strong
you just know
what about tigers?
>primates and climbing go hand in hand
Like dog dicks and women.
No? I don't live in a country with a perpetual smell of shit, where drinking water makes you bleed out of your ass, that's reserved for you """people"""
Imagine if it locked it's jaws around your neck as it forced itself on you
Know what?
>why so commonly is it a white woman?
>never do I see men do this
because its significantly easier to find a animal dick that fits her vag/ass than a animal vag/ass that fits a man's dick
is she drinking horse cum?
Not really an impressive bite force, but they make it up in pure strength and agility.
I don't really know what I'm talking about. I just know Jaguars have an insane bite force.
You'd probably die, man.
>being able to open a bottle with your teeth is manly
Stop being in high school.
Bend over
My lord, he's a bigun.
that is the weirdest answer I could never have assumed to get
Not really, it's milkshake. But don't tell your dick, it's better that way.
the story I've read is that those 4 photos were part of the same set and that she didn't consider the implications preuploading
doesn't help the horse has a visible erection
one can hope so
but no its some protein shake she's sponsoring yes the protein joke is not lost on me.
t. cat
He isn't entirely wrong
2000 psi is no joke
Me neither.
how is it wierd? a man "can" fuck a dog but will harm the animal
a girl can gape her asshole to fit a champagne bottle so a dog's knot is nothing to her
For her
it's a fucking bestiality website isn't it?
the virgin fager
Jump in front of traffic anyway.
>incest thread deleted
>zoo thread still going strong
Mods are gods
they're all horses, I guess an elephant, and medium sized dogs.
all of those apply as candidates for having proper sized vagina for men to take selfies near (or fuck because haha)
>t. basic understanding of animal biology
Is this a male or a female, asking for a friend.
>a girl can gape her asshole to fit a champagne bottle so a dog's knot is nothing to her
If a girl is happy with wearing nappies then sure
the chad tigroo
The whole video is pretty neat. The alpha male basically claims her and basically wants belly rubs and freaks out when the other wolves come.
Eat another deep fried butter bagel burger and die of a heart attack.
Anything you want it to be.
most likely female though as most cheetah ranches have them as females
When will we get around to easily domesticating the cool animals like Tigers and Bears?
Yeah but dog vaginas look kind of weird. And so do a lot of vaginas the only really normal or attractive vaginas I can think of are those in the horse type vagina class or dolphin vaginas no really look up dolphin pussy right now.
its not weird for the reason of potential injury
its weird because they are fucking an animal.
fucking an animal is equally disgusting as degenerate and probably one of the most thorough ways to out oneself as sub-human
Furries fuck dogs to death all the time, it's not a new thing.
>trash panda
mirin those gains
when we take them off the endangered list
>>trash panda
Fuck you
is anyone putting a list together?
this guy seems a likely candidate for a containment camp
believe it or not people can get off to disgusting shit
like scat fags
Nothing wrong with trash panda.
Not even close compared to crocs breh. Like, less than half.
Yes it does, chinese woman got knotted and knot got stuck inside her so she panicked and cut the dogs dick off, the doctors reported her to the police after they extracted the knot
>these faggots prove jizzbrain spammer right
Goddamnit, can't you furfaggot niggers behave for even one night?
Why do you know all those furfag words? Something you want to share with us user?
>10 neat tricks to teach your
I don't fuck animals. I'm just saying.
Sheep, goats and cows also have human-like vaginas. Also fortune cookies are aesthetic, fait me.
is the "they're" in this context white women?
Not very based
all of these answers are in pseudo-defense of fucking animals
i just want you to remember you said this once upon a time, when/if you ever grow at least one more braincell.
gonna need evidence of the former
Or incest
>being this triggered over a fucking meme
She fucks it
good thing thanks to the power of DEGENERACY and SCIENCE you don't have to. probably
i'll eat my shoe if there aren't animal fleshlights out there.
you have a passing interest
im only talking to you as i would a semi-sentient ape
pure interest into the state of mind of the sub-human genome
Depends on the type of croc, but yeah, crocodiles are fucking strong.
Shut the fuck up, you dogfucking jebrony. Before I rearrange your teeth into your stomach. I thought we'd cured this blight a decade ago.
>all of these answers are in pseudo-defense of fucking animals
like? i just stated that people fuck animals and the logic they employ to so so, why do you think i'm defending them?
Dogs give hugs all the time, though. That's basically what they're doing when they jump on you as you get home.
those words are already cringey but they're 1000x cringer when the sentence where they're being used is otherwise perfectly gramatically correct and has proper punctuation, like that post. it's obvious then that the person is just a smartass scumbag who wants to appear cute
I can't look at a doberman and not think of that bitch that spat on her dog.
Because bats are demonized and they mostly show the ones that sucks on blood, not the tamer ones that eats fruits and insects.
Why are you pretending to be tough?
Are you gonna send a man in a wheelchair with glocks to assassinate a nobody like me?
real talk
anyone here has fuck his dog/cat? ive been thinking that it must feel good why not but will the vagina/asshole recover so your mother doesnt notice the stretched out asshole??
Why are you proving me right? Why were you pretending you weren't a dogfucking weirdo and it was "just a pran- meme, bro."
I'll literally fucking kill you.
there's nothing wrong with wanting to fuck that 10/10 girl that just happened to be your second degree cousin
you know that bad dragon has been a joke on this website for like 10 years right
Smart Boy would get free food from me every time and I'd be fucking fired.
>I'll literally fucking kill you.
Wonder what he meant by that.
Based and woofpilled
i honestly don't know if they have animal fleshlights
Hownu.ru zoomer?
reminder that bestiality is a top tier fantasy but sucks in real life
Easy to say those words behind a screen,neckbeard.
Have sex
That I'll rip the snakes our of your stomach and show them to you. What'd you think?
Stop being a dogfucking incel, dude.
Weird dicks make mine hard.
I don't even own any pets.
Stop projecting,real incel.
youre attempting to make softer any insult to these animal-fuckers - as if any single one of them employed human logic.
disclosure: there is a possibility that ive looked too far into what you were saying. if so, my apologies. i just want to articulate my thoughts in a stronk enuff way to preserve whatever hope i have left for humanity.
>I don't even own any pets
God I hope that's true. Do you own any "lovers", you disgusting freak?
>What'd you think?
Maybe something sexually aggressive?
not even remotely sexual/suggestive
nice find there, Brittany. how about you douche the rest of that animal cum out of your stinking hole, eh?
based Rikoze poster
>way to preserve whatever hope i have left for humanity.
buddy you made a wrong turn if you think there's humanity worth saving here.
They have a high chance of carrying rabies.
man the theater projector is sure blazing right now.
Have sex incel
The projector is on, indeed. Stay far away from innocent animals, you fucking freak. I'd flay you for looking at one.
>Yea Forums - Video Games
if they wont be saved, ill continue to berate them and attempt to crumble their weak-shit cognizance because i don't like them, and want them to hate themselves/cry when they realize they'll never get back their honor/dignity.
Why are madbois getting fannyflustered over petnames, jokes, and fun?
Dogs fucking love licking dick for some reason. Pussy too.
These look stiff and uncomfortable.
an adult speaking in baby-talk is sickening
Bet you will scream them being cute and innocent once a Bear wipes your face off with a single claw swipe or a rabid dog bites you and you die from rabies.
What the fuck is a yeen
Maybe they don't like cute and funny stuff
I unironically came into this thread looking for modern nintendogs games and got whatever the fuck this thread is. Can anyone actually fucking recommend some games?
How fast you suddenly shift the goalposts. Please post your face so I can kill you if I ever encounter you.
>thread discussing armor in relation to video games gets moved to fucking Yea Forums
>this stays completely untouched except for removing a single image to protect the advertisers
we really, really need completely new mods
That's actually how they masturbate, no joke.
Is that a bear or a dog
sweet jesus
I don't know how you can look at this thread for 1 minute and not decide to move it. The mods fucking suck, literally worse than most subreddits. Yes, I fucking said that, because it's true.
How little we know
in all fairness it's about as shitty a meme as "cute and funny" but I can't imagine someone being that upset over it.
yeah congrats you figured it out
there are tiers to humanity and your lot starts the bar in negative format
Niche subreddits are okay, it's reddit at large including the "front page of the internet" that can be summed up with "BLOMPFTGT!"
The place was actually pretty bearable circa 2013, much like it used to be here.
>nothin personnel, kid
I'll be waiting wh*Te male
Our mods are literally the worst I have ever seen anywhere on the internet, ever, in 25 years of using it
Even a 10 year old donator admin on a Minecraft server would be a better mod than our merry band of cock smoking faggots at this point. They really need to fucking go but Hiro doesn't care about this site beyond cashing the checks.
So is being a no-fun faggot that wants to be super serious all the time.
They gave her horizontal pupils. That's kind of cool.
im pretty sure its been around longer than that meme
don't have to be super serious just a touch above sub-human
there is "fun" worth ruining to protect integrity
>n-nani?! kansei dorifto?!
I'd honestly think much more of you if you fucked a hard working homo like this. Stop fucking dogs, animals can't consent, you fucking leaf.
There's no consent in the animal kingdom you bigot
Jealous of my SUPERIOR BLACK appearence? I understand,white boys can't compete.
Neanderthals will rise again, fascist
If you're on Yea Forums you don't have any right calling anyone else sub-human.
I just said I'd be proud of you, boy. You def or dumb?
Quit fucking dogs or I'll kill ya.
>people on Yea Forums think they're better than other people on Yea Forums
Please, please go back.
You can't kill me white boy.
You're fat,a virgin and never went outside his basement while my nigga BBC fucked lots of white women and I shot lots of crips in the hood.
Chu gonna do cracker?
dumb homo sapien
You are part of the problem, retard. Stop posting and please, for the love of god, lurk more.
i said a touch above sub-human
im on Yea Forums, yeah that's inexcusable but you are a tourist baby-talking man-child from Reddit that is here on Yea Forums defending acting like a disgusting jackass
>saying this when moralfags in this thread clearly act like what you described with their ego up their ass thinking they are pure and aryan
who did you think I was talking about
They're not furries retard
>goin' full "muh Hitler"
Brah, shiggy. Save it.
Definetely not to everyone in this thread including both sides of the coin
>uses the word subhuman
Hmm I wonder who else used that in their campaigns during the 1940s.
I never said "subhuman" once. I said "DOGFUCKER" and "FURFAGGOT". Get it right.
>this thread
better question is why are 100 year old germans posting on Yea Forums
Right all the posts that contained sub-human never existed or were from a different person.
You could have said it like that,that you arent the same poster But I was talking about the guy who keeps posting subhuman as if he is one of the übermensch.
That guys almost as retarded as you are, fair enough.
Haven't seen that in forever. How is the game even doing? I stopped caring a while ago but surely it's out.
i like how personally you took my comments
helps me believe that i can call to whats left of the dignity that you keep locked in the dankest recesses of your peanut-brain
Whats the evolutionary conclusion to having a breed of dog like that? How could that breed even begin to survive in the wild?
It's out. From what I hear it's short but mod support is probably keeping it alive.
bump limit, here we go!
>begone THOT
God I wish that was me
literally me
Finally a chance to post this.
What did I just watch? Was expecting the alien roach head and got something far more horrifying.
this was a good thread, thanks mods
fuck, i missed it
Watching girls fuck dogs is not illegal so why was it deleted?
>Ejects casings
because m-m-muh animal abuse!!!
>blue board
>off topic
duh-huh duh uh.. why dey b doin dat Xd
Is not illegal to watch faggot.
>this didn't get deleted
and i thought i was late to the party
you are fucking stupid.
This thred is still up kek
>you are fucking stupid.
Says the retard that doesn't know the law.
Bite strength doesn't vary that much with size, it's more about what they're built to do. Big cats go for the throat, they don't have exceptionally strong bites. Jaguars bite through the cranium and have a much stronger bite than any other cat. Hyenas and bearded vultures crush bones, so their bite strength is also ridiculous.
Those dire wolves, extinct now, that were twice the weight as normal wolves just by being swole as shit didn't have a significantly stronger bite than normal wolves do. They hunt the same way, so there wasn't any need to waste resources on a greater jaw muscles.
do NOT open
>twice the mass of the jaw
>same bite strength
yeah this babyspeak bullshit wasn't ever funny, and now it's tired, too
no kidding
Need more girls getting KNOTTED itt pls
this, fuck fireden
you got called out, you can fuck off now.
You know, if you're trying to refute something, it helps a great deal if anyone knows what the fuck you're talking about. Or trying to say. Are you talking about dire wolves? Where'd you get "mass of the jaw" from, and why the fuck would anyone care how heavy the jaw is, and not how big the muscles attached to it?
What the fuck is your problem? Congenital, or hard-won?
god I wish that were me
it's okay, user, I know I proved him wrong
it's almost cute. he thought he had me, but then when I proved him wrong, he just doubled down
pathetic really
it was 40 before the game went to shit, retard
from your post
>Those dire wolves, extinct now, that were twice the weight as normal wolve
assuming the weight gain is more or less equally disributed through the whole body, it makes the jas mass twice as big, which makes the applied force also twice as big
unless you're gonna say that they were twice the weight in the whole body besides the jaw, you're a brainlet who can't into 3rd grade's physics
not anymore, faggot
The thread's nearing its death and you retards are still arguing
yeah, not anymore
it used to be, now it's not, now muster all your brains and you might see why he was calling you a kid, you dumbass
>false-flagging as a PoC while being a zoophile
Pls bumping this for justice
uhh, no
Bruh im too busy at work didnt even realize it reached post limit fug, someone make a new thread pls