>implying gaben haven't made hundreds of millions from selling hats
my cock made more money than overshit
>More specifically, profit is the amount of income that remains after all expenses, costs and taxes are accounted for. Whereas sales revenue only considers the amount of income a business generates through the sale of its goods or services, profit considers both income and expenses when it is calculated.
Can confirm. user's cock is amazing desu.
>>More specifically, profit is the amount of income that remains after all expenses, costs and taxes are accounted for. Whereas sales revenue only considers the amount of income a business generates through the sale of its goods or services, profit considers both income and expenses when it is calculated.
your point being? 82 billion is an insane amount
Activision pay like 1% tax
Yeah and they spent obscene amounts of money trying to promote said league, give me the profit numbers instead
But but it fail.. some random user at Yea Forumsalve say so
It was 82 million, not billion
I'm not sure what 82 billion has anything to do with this thread.
They made 82 million before expenses. They could have had a net negative profit (ie left over money after expenses are paid) is what I'm getting at...
>taxes are the only costs involved when running a business
What about Titanfall?
>it was millions
>tries to talk about billions
Literal brainlet.
>trying to compare a game propped up by a muti million dollar company and constantly shilled with esports to a ten year old game with a potted plant as it's only dev
and somehow TF2 is more enjoyable to the average player than OW
>and somehow TF2 is more enjoyable to the average player than OW
only if you live in the past
tf2 is dead and overwatch is a blast most of the time
especially with new patches coming in weekly
>OW is a blast most of the time
boy I sure do love being restricted in what i could play for the sake of "balance" and that's if my team or the other team doesn't throw
it's like MYM TF2 you either win or get stomped, it's a gamble with my enjoyment and why would I want that?
the only reason anyone would care about OW is for the Esports meme and porn
That explains the dead chat and thousands of viewers on offline underwatch channels.
I thought it was some fuckery with battle net launcher.
I'm here to vouch for this cock
First we got cocky with Artifact now this, why bliz keep winning
don't care
Overwatch is a fucking crappy game, I wish I could get my 40 bucks back
wasn't it 82 trillion?
Overwatch has overinflated views because Blizzard has forced its way into showing on anything they can, whether people are actually watching it or not. The game is dying, and actual viewership has been falling for years.
>Paying taxes
nice cope
overwat h is as successful as ever thanks to blizzard
How much of that revenue was the teams buying the slots?
>spend 300 million
>make 82 million
Nice work fellas
Nate Nanzer and Kim Phan both left the Overwatch League. It's sinking