

Attached: 1525785381488.jpg (3840x2160, 3.56M)

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Black isle. Based

It truly is amazing how much bigger the map feels in game.

Because of all the walls and obstacles. Density increases travel time and hides the scale.It's why San Andreas feels huge and GTA V feels small despite the map being bigger. It's why flying ruined WoW and should be removed.

Also the lack of fast travel made it take more time to get everywhere. I actually preferred the system that you had to fix transports from settlements instead of just teleporting everywhere

Where the hell is the town you go to early on with the river running through it? I can't see it on there.

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Comfiest town coming through.

Attached: Ald Velothi.jpg (1920x1200, 329K)

For me, it's Suran.

Attached: velena-martynova-suran.jpg (1920x1079, 778K)

oh yeah? where is the town you start at?

>That feeling that one gets due to the absence of a big green orc mommy waifu in ones life

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Seyda Neen? If you look to the left of Vivec on one of the peninsulas you can see a spot of brown amongst all the green.

Attached: seyda.jpg (3840x2160, 2.67M)

>that nest of depravation
I feel disgusted everytime I have to run an errand that takes me to Suran, I don't even sleep in there.

You mean depravity buddy

Yes, thanks for that one

That'll be three units of moon sugar, n'wah

GTA V was bigger? Really? Always had the felling it was like two times smaller....

How the fuck is Skooma worth 500 fucking gold. You could buy a full suit of steel armor for that. Who the fuck can afford to be a drug addict in this game?

Suran and Gnisis are easily the most comfy towns. On Vvardenfell at least, Solstheim is comfy too.

Didn't really much care for Solstheim gotta admit, respanwing encounters every 10 feet made traveling anywhere (without levitate) feel like a chore. The main quest was kind of boring too.

Go to bed Caius

For me its Ald'Ruhn. Something about a sandstorm hitting the town and having to take cover in the inn is maximum comfy.

Ok ok. Where did my aunt touch me when I was eight?

Easy, she never touched you but you wished she had because you're an incel virgin freak.

Skooma is highly concentrated and normally taken in small doses. The player character, the madman that he is, of course downs the entire bottle.
Considering the price comparison, armor accumulates over time as it doesn't really get destroyed so the value decreases dramatically over time. With that in mind it makes sense for common armor to be quite cheap.

They probably don't buy full fucking 2 liter bottles of it like your character does.

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Oh yeaaah? Where is my god-waifu Almalexia?
Jk, she's right here with me

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Oh shit, that's cool as fuck. I never thought of making such an amazing trophy.

Really lookin' forward to OpenMW getting object LOD so I can see all this at playable framerates desu.

soul trapping sadly isn't as fun as you think it is in your head
when you eventually make boots out of her, only her animus will stay in the boots, her soul will go to soulcairn or whatever realm the gem was bound to

I shoved the star up my ass. Her soul will forever stay with me.

>or whatever realm the gem was bound to
>Almalexia and Vivec spend an eternity in Moonshadow being Azura's bitches
Fine by me honestly, Sotha Sil is the only member of the tribunal who deserves a happy ending.

Least it was before Dagoth fucked everythang up

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>all of the outlanders in this image

Absolutely scum-time.

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God damn, that Orc mother could feed the whole village with those things.

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These. But also no Minimap and quest markers. You familiarised yourself with the surroundings gradually. There was stilstriders between cities to begin with, then you start taking the roads between major settlements by following the sign posts, and finally when you have to go in to the wastes you basically have to do some orienteering and navigate using actual landmarks, which makes sense considering that the Ashlanders are nomads.

>greyskin getting uppity
Don't make me go and post the map now.

Where can I find lewd art of Almalexia

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>But also no Minimap
It had a minimap, it was just very small so of limited use. However you could pin the big map to the screen and put it wherever you wanted though to basically make your own minimap. I usually had it open when exploring and put notes next to dungeon entrances to remind myself which ones I'd already explored and looted and make note of anything that might be important later.

I used to hate the shit out of Vivec because EVERY FUCKING TIME I go to that city for a quest or whatever dumb shit I spend at least an hour there finding my way around. Even now that I know the city better I still spend at least an hour because there is just so much shit.

Now I realize how cool it is to just have a city in a game that is so fucking massive, with so much lore behind it.
Layout could still be better though.

>go into the big shell building expecting it to be the "castle" or whatever of the city
>it's actually a whole district with more shops and half a dozen manors inside

I like how Nerevar is in the scene watching all of this.
It must be an odd feeling, knowing that you are a hero to a whole region, and at the same time that you hold such power that you could LITERALLY erase everyone present around you in an instant.

Which one is Nerevar? Given that there is no set look for him how can you be sure?

The image is from Nerevar's perspective.

Probably the one wearing wraithguard

That doesn't make sense though, given that Nerevar is a proud orc womyn

looks like divinity dragon commander

the one wearing the wraithguard

no, nerevar is a nord

Good catch, I didn't see it, I just though that it was part of the rest of the Redoran armor.

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What's the atoll in the southwest? I don't remember it being in the game.

Firemoth Island. It was a plug-in for the game only on PC.

Same, I even went to the edge of those islands a few times.

It's the location of Fort Firemoth, which was added by an official free plug-in called "Siege at Firemoth".

So it's not technically part of the vanilla game but because it's made by Bethesda and available to everyone free of charge people consider it a canonical part of the game, like Solstheim and Mournhold.

le nerevarine is a khajit in canon lore haha because that's what I play reddit xD

nah fuck that city. its layout is awful.
>doing the murder in vivec quest
>hear rumor in foreign quarter
>travel all the way to to the temple canton
>head to hlaalu compound, then arena,then foreign quarter
>head to sewers
>head all the way back to temple

city sucks

looks like vomit

It's Vivec's fault it exploded though.


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Huh, first I've heard of it. Is it any good?

Seriously, I know it's magic, but it seems like you'd really have to go out of your way to freeze a falling moon, and maintain it's previous velocity at the same time. Then it takes a special kind of asshole to then just fuck off and leave other poor sods to deal with it.

Not really, it's just a side quest. Island full of spooky skeletons you fight through with some AI dudes, then you fight a wizard at the end who is oddly like 40 levels higher than everything else on the island.

Anyone has this google-earth type of map of skyrim?

Is that why my mattress was so cheap? Think for a moment about actual economics for a second, please.

It's kind of cool how they give you a party of NPCs to fight with you, and it's basically the only place you get to make use of those 20ft are nuke spells you made for something other than massacring a city. It's nothing especially long or substantial though, just a small bit of extra content. Basically Morrowind's version of those little Oblivion DLCs that weren't KotN/SI.

Vivec is closer to Seyda Neen than fucking Balmora? Jesus.

just travel by boat.
or get it out of the way when you get the levitation blessing

>takes a special kind of asshole to then just fuck off and leave other poor sods to deal with it.
getting fucked over constantly and rising above their misery is kinda the dunmer's whole thing.
but the dunmer needed to move on from worshiping the tribunal and rebuild their society, and that was kickstarted by vivec fucking off and baar dau collapsing which caused red mountain to erupt. of course they in turn got raped by the argonians but they thrive on that. if you want to blame someone, blame that whore azura

Yeah, they packed so much into the bottom left corner of the world. The starter town, Ebonheart, and the two largest cities. Practically half the game. Guess that's what you do when most of your island is unsettled ashlands.

wow... earth is actually... small? how does it all fit into this one little picture? wtf

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Absolutely butt-fucking retarded post.

It is though.

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Play Stalker

This. Also running errands back and forth from there to the Legion fort was fun.

>taking in game prices as a real thing

What are you talking about? He's not presenting some random schizo theory. It's documented history. That's what happened IRL.

Thot who betrayed her husband.

What is Ken Rolston up to now?

that's still pretty big

He made Kingdoms of Amalur and then retired in 2014.


Why? sotha Sil killed the Neravarine as well. Does he deserve a happy ending just because Almalexia killed him? Let vultures eat vultures


He and he alone was concerned with doing what good he could with his powers. Both Almalexia and Vivec became indolent and selfish, falling into vanity and playing the part of gods but doing little with their powers. Seht wanted to free nirn from influence of the daedra, and elevate mortals into something greater than mere gods.

>blue sky
>on Vvardenfell

Mainland morrowind...

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Ken Rolston was against Morrowind and wanted Oblivion
Michael Kirkbride and Kurt Kuhlmann are the main guys behind vision of Morrowind

Has brilliant ideas howto improve the world
Acquired the tools to make it a reality
Never finishes any of his projects
Has an oversized ego and sense of importance on the world.

I just realized Sotha is a mod maker.

wtf bros a cliff racer swooped down on me and ate all my ash yams

>hmm, what should we call this place?
>How about Wardenfell?
>nah, too generic, too usual, too humdrum. we need something unique. we need something special.
>I've got the perfect idea

Still better than fucking Elseweyr

I call it "Elswhere".

Sotha is INTP

Sotha is SHiT

Vivec a shit

>Nerevar with ponytail instead of the canon spiky hair
>no black wraithguard
>house redoran instead of telvanni

>Ken Rolston was against Morrowind and wanted Oblivion
That's odd, he basically said the opposite in his interviews.

>What do you think of your work on Oblivion compared to your work on Morrowind? How did your design task change from Morrowind to Oblivion?
>Rolston: On Morrowind, I had a much larger role in every aspect of design -- mostly because there were so few of us designers, and I was the only one with decades of experience. On Oblivion, we had many more experienced, talented designers, and they had much more control and responsibility for their parts of the design. My personal contributions to Oblivion's design are relatively modest compared with my contributions to Morrowind, and because I am a huge egomaniac, I will therefore always love Morrowind more than I love Oblivion.

There's not any one person that it can be fully attributed to. Kirkbride set the tone with his artwork and wrote the history of the world along with Kuhlmann and apparently even Todd, and then Rolston and the designers that worked under him turned it all into an actual game world with quests and a story to interact with. And then there's Ted Peterson who set the initial foundations in Arena and Daggerfall and still wrote a lot of great books for Morrowind to flesh it all out. I think if you took a single one of those people out of the equation the game wouldn't have turned out nearly as great.

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>muh canon
Look at this fucking nerd. I bet he believes in CHIM.

Kirkbride was a mistake.

lorelets cope

go jerk off to your Vivec transfiction, or something


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lol cringe

Cuckbride is fine with adult supervision. It is when he is off the leash he starts to suck.

earth sure is a weird fucking anomaly

is Elder Scrolls a perfect example of diversity done right in fantasy? I mean look at all those races happily co-existing, except for the Argonian and Khajiit slave

True, true.
lol, and most people of certain live in their own province anyway.

And the Nords and Imperials. And the Nords and Dunmer. And the Nords and Bretons. And the Nords and Orcs. And the Nords and Khajit. And the Nords and Altimer.

And the Orcs and Nords.

*of certain race

Dunmer are alright sometimes.

Pretty much. As an employee he was the best thing to happen to TES. As an ex-employee, his horde of fans passing off all the extra shit he writes as canon is the worst thing to happen to lore discussions.
After wrapping up The Walking Dead, now he's the 'narrative designer' at a new studio that was just founded by the director of Dead Space. I wonder what will come of that.

when ever I see this I wonder how the hell they are going to fill it all with additional quests and lore friendly content. seems to be the most daunting thing in this mod

TES is a perfect example of what happens if you embrace diversity for its own sake.
Cyrdil is the poster child for what a diverse populace will bring you.

that's the joke

Butt sex lots and lots of butt sex.

Redoran are fine. The rest are useless.

>Because of all the walls and obstacles. Density increases travel time and hides the scale.
>It's why flying ruined WoW and should be removed.

wod, legion, and bfa have extremely dense maps filled with tons of shit. i fucking hate it. i wish everything was nice and open like the old zones are. you can stand just about anywhere in a mop zone and you can see the entire zone. anything past mop and your view is blocked by giant fucking rocks and trees and hills. it fucking sucks

And the Nords and the Nords. Damned Nords they ruined Skyrim!

For me it's Sadrith Mora.

Also fuck Tel Vos

Attached: Sadrith Mora.jpg (1600x1200, 436K)

How do you put notes on the map?

>Cyrdil is the poster child for what a diverse populace will bring you.
The seat of the most powerful dynasty in history?

Double click anywhere when it's in local mode.

What did he mean by this?
I get that Shor is Lorkan but the Nords following him already knew that. What more was there?

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If that is the take away you got from the game sure.
